/** * Get string to display this dataset value * @param \Runalyze\Dataset\Context $context * @return string */ public function stringFor(Context $context) { if ($context->hasData(parent::CONCAT_EQUIPMENT_KEY) && $context->data(parent::CONCAT_EQUIPMENT_KEY) != '') { $ids = explode(',', $context->data(parent::CONCAT_EQUIPMENT_KEY)); $Factory = new \Runalyze\Model\Factory(\SessionAccountHandler::getId()); $names = array(); foreach (array_unique($ids) as $id) { $names[] = $Factory->equipment($id)->name(); } $Icon = new \Runalyze\View\Icon('fa-cubes'); $Icon->setTooltip(implode(', ', $names)); return $Icon->code(); } return ''; }
/** * Display results */ protected function displayResults() { if (!$this->WithResults) { return; } $Table = new \Runalyze\View\Dataset\Table($this->DatasetConfig); $Icon = new \Runalyze\View\Icon(Runalyze\View\Icon::INFO); echo '<p class="c">'; $this->displayHeader(); echo '</p>'; echo '<table class="fullwidth zebra-style">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr style="font-size:.5em;line-height:1;"><td></td>' . $Table->codeForColumnLabels($Icon->code()) . '</tr>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; $this->displayTrainingRows($Table); echo '</tbody>'; echo '</table>'; }
/** * @param string $keyid * @param int $pos * @param bool $isNew flag to indicate that a key is new * @return string */ protected function getCodeForKey($keyid, $pos, $isNew = false) { $KeyObject = Dataset\Keys::get($keyid); if ($KeyObject->description() != '') { $DescriptionIcon = new Runalyze\View\Icon(Runalyze\View\Icon::INFO . ' ' . Runalyze\View\Tooltip::POSITION_RIGHT); $DescriptionIcon->setTooltip($KeyObject->description()); $Icon = $DescriptionIcon->code(); } else { $Icon = ''; } if ($isNew) { $newIndicator = '<sup class="colored-green">' . __('new') . '</sup>'; } else { $newIndicator = ''; } return '<tr class="r" id="' . $keyid . '_tr"> <td class="c">' . $Icon . '</td> <td class="l b">' . $KeyObject->label() . $newIndicator . '</td> <td class="c"> <input type="checkbox" name="' . $keyid . '_active"' . (!$isNew && $this->Configuration->isActive($keyid) ? ' checked' : '') . ($KeyObject->mustBeShown() ? ' disabled' : '') . '> </td> <td class="c"> <input class="dataset-position" type="text" name="' . $keyid . '_position" value="' . $pos . '" size="2"> <span class="link" onclick="datasetMove(' . $keyid . ', \'up\')">' . Icon::$UP . '</span> <span class="link" onclick="datasetMove(' . $keyid . ', \'down\')">' . Icon::$DOWN . '</span> </td> <td class="c"><input type="text" name="' . $keyid . '_style" value="' . ($isNew ? '' : $this->Configuration->getStyle($keyid)) . '" size="15"></td> <td class="' . $KeyObject->cssClass() . '" style="' . ($isNew ? '' : $this->Configuration->getStyle($keyid)) . '">' . $KeyObject->stringFor($this->ExampleContext) . '</td> </tr>'; }