/** * Adds a reservation * * @param - $item_id,$auto_accept,$max_users,$start_at,$end_at,$subscribe_until,$notes * @return - FALSE if there is something wrong with the dates, a mysql_insert_id() if everything went perfectly */ function add_reservation($item_id, $auto_accept, $max_users, $start_at, $end_at, $subscribe_from, $subscribe_until, $notes, $timepicker, $min, $max, $subid) { $stamp_start = Rsys::mysql_datetime_to_timestamp($start_at); $stamp_end = Rsys::mysql_datetime_to_timestamp($end_at); $stamp_start_date = date('Y-m-d', $stamp_start); $stamp_end_date = date('Y-m-d', $stamp_end); if (Rsys::check_date($item_id, $stamp_start, $stamp_end, $start_at, $end_at) != 0) { return 1; } if ($subscribe_until != 0) { $stamp_until = Rsys::mysql_datetime_to_timestamp($subscribe_until); if ($stamp_until > $stamp_start) { return 2; } } if ($start_at < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())) { return 3; } if ($stamp_start_date != $stamp_end_date && $timepicker == '1') { return 4; } if ($timepicker == '0') { if ($min != '0' || $max != '0') { //kan niet verschillen van 0! return 5; } } else { if (!($max == 0 && $min == 0)) { if ($max < $min) { return 6; //maximum kan niet kleiner zijn dan minimum } else { $stamp = ($stamp_end - $stamp_start) / 60; if ($stamp / $max < 1) { return 7; // er past geen blok van het tijdverschil } } } } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Rsys::getTable("reservation") . " (item_id,auto_accept,max_users,start_at,end_at,subscribe_from,subscribe_until,notes,timepicker,timepicker_min,timepicker_max,subid) VALUES ('" . Database::escape_string($item_id) . "','" . Database::escape_string($auto_accept) . "','" . (intval($max_users) > 1 ? $max_users : 1) . "','" . Database::escape_string($start_at) . "','" . Database::escape_string($end_at) . "','" . Database::escape_string($subscribe_from) . "','" . Database::escape_string($subscribe_until) . "','" . Database::escape_string($notes) . "','" . $timepicker . "','" . $min . "','" . $max . "','" . ($subid == 0 ? 0 : $subid) . "')"; Database::query($sql); return 0; }