* scholarship_sourceAcct [STRING]  The account number from where the scholarship originates.
  * scholarship_sourceDesc [STRING]  The description of the source account.
 $ScholarshipAssignment = new RowManager_ScholarshipAssignmentManager();
  * Status Table
  * Used to describe what state a particular registration is in (unassigned, registered, cancelled, etc.)
  * status_id [INTEGER]  Unique identifier of a particular registration status description
  * status_desc [STRING]  Description of some registration status
 $Status = new RowManager_StatusManager();
 * Receipt Table
 * A record of an official Moneris operation associated with a particular transaction record.
 * ccreceipt_sequencenum [STRING]  The unique identifier of a receipt returned by Moneris.
 * ccreceipt_authcode [STRING]  According to Moneris:
 Authorization code returned from the issuing institution.
 * ccreceipt_responsecode [STRING]  According to Moneris:
 Transaction Response Code
 < 50: Transaction approved
 >= 50: Transaction declined
 NULL: Transaction was not sent for authorization
 * If you would like further details on the response codes that are returned please see