  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the Class ...
  * </pre>
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] the field name to sort list by
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($sortBy = '')
     $searchManager = new RowManager_AccountGroupManager();
     // NOTE: if you need to narrow the field of the search then uncommnet
     // the following and set the proper search criteria.
     //$searchManager->setValueByFieldName('module_isCommonLook', '1' );
     $this->resultSet = $searchManager->find();
  * function __construct
  * <pre>
  * Initialize the object.
  * </pre>
  * @param $pathModuleRoot [STRING] The path to this module's root directory
  * @param $viewer [OBJECT] The viewer object.
  * @param $formAction [STRING] The action on a form submit
  * @param $sortBy [STRING] Field data to sort listManager by.
  * @param $accountgroup_id [STRING] The init data for the dataManager obj
  * @return [void]
 function __construct($pathModuleRoot, $viewer, $formAction, $sortBy, $accountgroup_id)
     // NOTE: be sure to call the parent constructor before trying to
     //       use the ->formXXX arrays...
     parent::__construct($formAction, form_AccountGroup::FORM_FIELDS, form_AccountGroup::FORM_FIELD_TYPES);
     $this->pathModuleRoot = $pathModuleRoot;
     $this->viewer = $viewer;
     $this->formAction = $formAction;
     $this->sortBy = $sortBy;
     $this->linkValues = array();
     $this->linkLabels = array();
     $this->linkColumns = array();
     $this->accountgroup_id = $accountgroup_id;
     $this->opType = '';
     // see what operation type (if any) is requested...
     if (isset($_REQUEST['admOpType'])) {
         $this->opType = $_REQUEST['admOpType'];
     $this->shouldDelete = false;
     // figure out the important fields for the dataManager
     $fieldsOfInterest = implode(',', $this->formFields);
     //       $this->dataManager = new RowManager_AccountGroupManager( $accountgroup_id );
     $accountGroup = new RowManager_AccountGroupManager($accountgroup_id);
     $seriesKey = moduleAccountAdmin::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = $accountGroup->getXMLNodeName();
     $this->bridgeMultiLingualManager = new MultilingualManager($viewer->getLanguageID(), $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     $this->dataManager = new RowLabelBridge($accountGroup, $this->bridgeMultiLingualManager);
     $this->formValues = $this->dataManager->getArrayOfValues();
     // now initialize the labels for this page
     // start by loading the default field labels for this Module
     $languageID = $viewer->getLanguageID();
     $seriesKey = moduleAccountAdmin::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = moduleAccountAdmin::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_FIELDS;
     $this->labels = new MultilingualManager($languageID, $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     // then load the page specific labels for this page
     $pageKey = form_AccountGroup::MULTILINGUAL_PAGE_KEY;
     // load the site default form link labels
  * function getHTML
  * <pre>
  * This method returns the HTML data generated by this object.
  * </pre>
  * @return [STRING] HTML Display data.
 function getHTML()
     // Uncomment the following line if you want to create a template
     // tailored for this page:
     //$path = $this->pathModuleRoot.'templates/';
     // Otherwise use the standard Templates for the site:
     $this->template = new Template($path);
     // store any additional values to template
     $this->template->set('formAction', $this->formAction);
     // store the page labels in XML format...
     // NOTE: use this location to update any label tags ...
     // $name = $user->getName();
     // $this->labels->setLabelTag( '[Title]', '[userName]', $name);
     $this->template->setXML('pageLabels', $this->labels->getLabelXML());
     // store all the fields to the template
      * Form related Template variables:
     // save the list of form fields
     $this->template->set('formFieldList', $this->formFields);
     // store the field types being displayed
     $fieldTypes = explode(',', FormProcessor_EditViewer::FORM_FIELD_TYPES);
     $this->template->set('formFieldType', $fieldTypes);
     // store the button label
     $this->template->set('buttonText', $this->labels->getLabel('[Update]'));
      * Add any additional data required by the template here
     $languageManager = new RowManager_LanguageManager();
     $seriesKey = moduleAccountAdmin::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = RowManager_LanguageManager::XML_NODE_NAME;
     $bridgeMultiLingualManager = new MultilingualManager($this->viewer->getLanguageID(), $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     $bridgeManager = new LanguageLabelBridge($languageManager, $bridgeMultiLingualManager);
     $languageList = $bridgeManager->getListIterator();
     $languageArray = $languageList->getDropListArray();
     $this->template->set('list_language_id', $languageArray);
     // Account Group Drop List
     //        $accountGroupList = new AccountGroupList( 'accountgroup_key');
     $groupMgr = new RowManager_AccountGroupManager();
     $seriesKey = moduleAccountAdmin::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = $groupMgr->getXMLNodeName();
     $groupMultiLingualManager = new MultilingualManager($this->viewer->getLanguageID(), $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     $bridgeManager = new RowLabelBridge($groupMgr, $groupMultiLingualManager);
     $groupList = $bridgeManager->getListIterator();
     $accountGroupArray = $groupList->getDropListArray();
     $this->template->set('list_accountgroup_id', $accountGroupArray);
     // uncomment this line if you are creating a template for this page
     //$templateName = 'page_EditViewer.php';
     // otherwise use the generic admin box template
     $templateName = 'siteFormSingle.php';
     return $this->template->fetch($templateName);
  * function getHTML
  * <pre>
  * This method returns the HTML data generated by this object.
  * </pre>
  * @return [STRING] HTML Display data.
 function getHTML()
     // Uncomment the following line if you want to create a template
     // tailored for this page:
     //$path = $this->pathModuleRoot.'templates/';
     // Otherwise use the standard Templates for the site:
      * store the link values
     // example:
     // $this->linkValues[ 'view' ] = 'add/new/href/data/here';
     // store the link labels
     $this->linkLabels['edit'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Edit]');
     $this->linkLabels['del'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Delete]');
     $this->linkLabels['cont'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Continue]');
     // $this->linkLabels[ 'view' ] = 'new link label here';
      * store any additional link Columns
     // example:
     //$title = $this->labels->getLabel( '[title_groups]');
     //$columnLabel = $this->labels->getLabel( '[groups]');
     //$link = $this->linkValues[ 'groups' ];
     //$fieldName = 'accessgroup_id';
     //$this->addLinkColumn( $title, $columnLabel, $link, $fieldName);
      * Update any label tags ...
     // example:
     $linkManager = new RowManager_NavBarLinksManager($this->navbarlink_id);
     $seriesKey = moduleNavBar::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = $linkManager->getXMLNodeName();
     $groupMultiLingual = new MultilingualManager($this->viewer->getLanguageID(), $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     $bridgeManager = $linkManager->getRowLabelBridge($groupMultiLingual);
     $name = $bridgeManager->getLabel();
     $this->labels->setLabelTag('[Title]', '[linkName]', $name);
     // NOTE:  this parent method prepares the $this->template with the
     // common AdminBox data.
     // store the statevar id to edit
     $this->template->set('editEntryID', $this->navlinkviewer_id);
     // store all the fields to the template
      * Form related Template variables:
      * Insert the date start/end values for the following date fields:
     // example:
     //$this->template->set( 'startYear_[fieldName]', 2000);
     //$this->template->set( 'endYear_[fieldName]', 2010);
      * List related Template variables :
     // Store the XML Node name for the Data Access Field List
     $xmlNodeName = RowManager_NavLinkViewerManager::XML_NODE_NAME;
     $this->template->set('rowManagerXMLNodeName', $xmlNodeName);
     // store the primary key field name for the data being displayed
     $this->template->set('primaryKeyFieldName', 'navlinkviewer_id');
     // store data list to the template
     // NOTE: we initialize it here to make sure we capture any new data
     // from a recent processData() call.
     //        $this->dataList = new NavLinkViewerList( $this->navbarlink_id, $this->sortBy );
     $viewerGroup = new RowManager_NavLinkViewerManager();
     $this->dataList = $viewerGroup->getListIterator();
     $this->template->setXML('dataList', $this->dataList->getXML());
      * Add any additional data required by the template here
     $accountGroup = new RowManager_AccountGroupManager();
     $multiLingual = new MultilingualManager($this->viewer->getLanguageID());
     $rowLabelBridge = $accountGroup->getRowLabelBridge($multiLingual);
     $viewerMgr = new RowManager_ViewerManager();
     $joinPair = new JoinPair($viewerMgr->getJoinOnAccountGroupID(), $accountGroup->getJoinOnAccountGroupID());
     $rowLabelBridge->addRowManager($viewerMgr, $joinPair);
     $rowLabelBridge->setLabelTemplate('viewer_userID,label_label', '[label_label]-[viewer_userID]');
     $viewerList = $rowLabelBridge->getListIterator();
     $this->template->set('list_viewer_id', $viewerList->getDropListArray());
     $templateName = 'siteAdminBox.php';
     // if you are creating a custom template for this page then
     // replace $templateName with the following:
     //$templateName = 'page_LinkViewer.php';
     return $this->template->fetch($templateName);
  * function getHTML
  * <pre>
  * This method returns the HTML data generated by this object.
  * </pre>
  * @return [STRING] HTML Display data.
 function getHTML()
     // Make a new Template object
     // Replace $path with the following line if you want to create a
     // template tailored for this page:
     //$path = $this->pathModuleRoot.'templates/';
     $this->template = new Template($path);
     // store the Row Manager's XML Node Name
     $this->template->set('rowManagerXMLNodeName', RowManager_ViewerManager::XML_NODE_NAME);
     // store the field names being displayed
     $fieldNames = explode(',', page_AccountList::DISPLAY_FIELDS);
     $this->template->set('dataFieldList', $fieldNames);
     // store the primary key field name for the data being displayed
     $this->template->set('primaryKeyFieldName', 'viewer_id');
     // store the link values
     // $this->linkValues[ 'view' ] = 'add/new/href/data/here';
     $this->template->set('linkValues', $this->linkValues);
     // store the link labels
     $this->linkLabels['add'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Add]');
     $this->linkLabels['edit'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Edit]');
     $this->linkLabels['del'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Delete]');
     $this->linkLabels['cont'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Continue]');
     // $this->linkLabels[ 'view' ] = 'new link label here';
     $this->template->set('linkLabels', $this->linkLabels);
     // store any additional link Columns
     // example:
     $title = $this->labels->getLabel('[title_passWord]');
     $columnLabel = $this->labels->getLabel('[change]');
     $link = $this->linkValues['passWord'];
     $fieldName = 'viewer_id';
     $this->addLinkColumn($title, $columnLabel, $link, $fieldName);
     $title = $this->labels->getLabel('[title_access]');
     $columnLabel = $this->labels->getLabel('[change]');
     $link = $this->linkValues['accessLink'];
     $fieldName = 'viewer_id';
     $this->addLinkColumn($title, $columnLabel, $link, $fieldName);
     $this->template->set('linkColumns', $this->linkColumns);
     // store the page labels
     // NOTE: use this location to update any label tags ...
     // example:
     // $name = $user->getName();
     // $this->labels->setLabelTag( '[Title]', '[userName]', $name);
     $this->template->setXML('pageLabels', $this->labels->getLabelXML());
     // store XML List of Applicants ...
     $this->template->setXML('dataList', $this->listManager->getXML());
      *  Set up any additional data transfer to the Template here...
     // NOTE: Here we tell the templat to NOT display the Title & Instr
     // fields.  So we can display them in our own template later on...
     $this->template->set('disableHeading', true);
     // store language list for display
     //$languageList = new LanguageList();
     $languageManager = new RowManager_LanguageManager();
     $seriesKey = moduleAccountAdmin::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = $languageManager->getXMLNodeName();
     $multiLingualManager = new MultilingualManager($this->viewer->getLanguageID(), $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     $bridgeManager = new LanguageLabelBridge($languageManager, $multiLingualManager);
     $languageList = $bridgeManager->getListIterator();
     $languageArray = $languageList->getDropListArray();
     $this->template->set('list_language_id', $languageArray);
     $isActiveList = array();
     $isActiveList['1'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[yes]');
     $isActiveList['0'] = '&nbsp;';
     //$this->labels->getLabel( '[no]' );
     $this->template->set('list_viewer_isActive', $isActiveList);
     $templateName = 'siteDataList.php';
     // if you are creating a custom template for this page then
     // replace $templateName with the following:
     //$templateName = 'page_AccountList.php';
     $pageAccountList = $this->template->fetch($templateName);
     // Now create an instance of the page_AccountList template
     // and add the account List to it.
     $path = $this->pathModuleRoot . 'templates/';
     $template = new Template($path);
     $template->setXML('pageLabels', $this->labels->getLabelXML());
     $template->set('pageContent', $pageAccountList);
     // now add the data for the Account Group JumpList
     $groupMgr = new RowManager_AccountGroupManager();
     $seriesKey = moduleAccountAdmin::MULTILINGUAL_SERIES_KEY;
     $pageKey = $groupMgr->getXMLNodeName();
     $groupMultiLingualManager = new MultilingualManager($this->viewer->getLanguageID(), $seriesKey, $pageKey);
     $bridgeManager = new RowLabelBridge($groupMgr, $groupMultiLingualManager);
     $groupList = $bridgeManager->getListIterator();
     $jumpLink = $this->linkValues['jumpLink'];
     $list = $groupList->getDropListArray(null, $jumpLink);
     $template->set('jumpList', $list);
     $template->set('accountGroup', $jumpLink . $this->accountgroup_id);
     // return template data.
     $templateName = 'page_AccountList.php';
     return $template->fetch($templateName);
$viewerID = $viewer->getID();
// create a new ViewerManager with the viewerID as the primarykey of the row we
// want to work with.
$newViewer = new RowManager_ViewerManager($viewerID);
echo 'languageID before update = ' . $newViewer->getLanguageID() . '<br>';
// now reload the object to get the value from the DB
$updatedViewer = new RowManager_ViewerManager($viewerID);
echo 'languageID after update = ' . $updatedViewer->getLanguageID() . '<br>';
 * Using a List iterator to step through a selection of rows
// now lookup the MC region Access Group
// first create a list iterator based on that table
$groupManager = new RowManager_AccountGroupManager();
$accountGroups = $groupManager->getListIterator();
$groupID = -1;
while ($group = $accountGroups->getNext()) {
    if ($group->getLabel() == "MC") {
        echo '---> Found MC account group!<br>';
        $groupID = $group->getID();
// After running this script you should see a new entry in the site.accountadmin_viewer table.
 * Uncomment this for deleting the Row manager Entry