public function join() { $data = Input::only(['name', 'room_id']); print_r($data); $room = Room::find($data['room_id']); if (!$room) { return Redirect::action('PrepareController@room'); } if ($room->state !== 'open') { throw new BadRequestHttpException('既にゲームは開始しています。'); } if ($room->mates->count() >= $room->member_number) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('全ユーザーが揃っています'); } if (!isset($data['name']) || $data['name'] == '') { //名前指定していない場合 return Redirect::action('PrepareController@rooms'); } $i = 0; do { $hash = sha1(date("Y/m/d H:i:s.u") . 'zCeZu12X' . $data['name'] . $data['room_id']); $hashed_mate = Mate::where('hash', $hash)->select('hash')->first(); $i++; if ($i > 50) { throw new InternalErrorException('ユーザー作成に失敗しました hash衝突しまくり'); } } while ($hashed_mate && $i < 100); $mate = Mate::create(['name' => $data['name'], 'last_state' => 'open', 'hash' => $hash, 'cast_id' => 0, 'room_id' => $data['room_id'], 'select_user_id' => '', 'is_alive' => 1]); if (!$mate) { throw new InternalErrorException('ユーザー作成に失敗しました'); } $room->touch(); return Redirect::action('PlayController@index', ['hash' => $hash]); }
public function getDelete($id) { $room = Room::find($id); $room->delete(); Session::flash('message', 'The records are deleted successfully'); return Redirect::to('rooms'); }
public function deleteRoom($buildingid, $id) { // $room = Room::find($id); $room->delete(); return Redirect::to('/building/' . $buildingid); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified room. * * @param int $id * @param int $channelId * @return Response */ public function getMap($id, $channelId) { $room = Room::find($id); $channelSettings = PropertiesChannel::getSettings($channelId, Property::getLoggedId()); $channel = ChannelFactory::create($channelSettings); $result = $channel->getInventoryList(); //todo temp // file_put_contents('1.txt', serialize($result)); // $result = unserialize(file_get_contents('1.txt')); //add Inventories and Plans to DB//TODO move to another place //delete exist maps Inventory::where(['channel_id' => $channelId, 'property_id' => $channelSettings->property_id])->delete(); //delete exist plan maps InventoryPlan::where(['channel_id' => $channelId, 'property_id' => $channelSettings->property_id])->delete(); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $inventory) { Inventory::create(['code' => $inventory['code'], 'name' => $inventory['name'], 'channel_id' => $channelId, 'property_id' => $channelSettings->property_id]); if ($inventory['plans']) { foreach ($inventory['plans'] as $plan) { InventoryPlan::create(['code' => $plan['code'], 'name' => $plan['name'], 'channel_id' => $channelId, 'inventory_code' => $inventory['code'], 'property_id' => $channelSettings->property_id]); } } } } $existMapping = []; // $mapCollection = InventoryMap::where( // [ // 'channel_id' => $channelId, // 'property_id' => $channelSettings->property_id // ] // ) //// ->where('room_id', '<>', $id) // ->lists('inventory_code', 'room_id'); // if ($mapCollection) { // foreach ($mapCollection as $map) { // $existMapping[] = $map; // } // }>F $inventories = Channel::find($channelId)->inventory()->where('property_id', Property::getLoggedId()); $inventoryList = []; $inventoryPlans = []; foreach ($inventories->get() as $inventory) { // if (in_array($inventory->code, $existMapping)) { // continue; // } $inventoryList[$inventory->code] = $inventory->name; $plans = $inventory->plans()->get(['name', 'code']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($plans); $i++) { //TODO rewrite to ONE query $plans[$i]->selected = InventoryMap::getByKeys($channelId, $channelSettings->property_id, $id, $plans[$i]['code'])->first() ? true : false; } $inventoryPlans[$inventory->code] = $plans; } $inventoryPlans = json_encode($inventoryPlans); $mapping = InventoryMap::getByKeys($channelId, $channelSettings->property_id, $id)->first(); return View::make('', compact('room', 'channel', 'inventoryList', 'inventoryPlans', 'channelId', 'mapping')); }
public function ajax_loadRoom() { $query = $this->__getQuery(); $returnCode = new AjaxReturn(); if (!$this->__initInfoFromQuery()) { return $returnCode->error('room is missing'); } if (!$this->__joinsThisRoom()) { return $returnCode->error('not joined the room'); } $callTime = 0; while ($callTime < 30) { // masterのみの追加処理 if ($this->myInfo->ismaster()) { if ($this->__checkState() === 'open' && $this->room->sitDownAllMate()) { $this->__advanceState('open'); break; } //状態が変化した場合に、情報を知らせる if ($this->__hasChangedState()) { if (isset($this->room->last_dead_user_id)) { $returnCode->add('dead', $this->room->last_dead_user_id); break; } } else { if ($this->room->state == 'end') { $returnCode->add('result', $this->__checkTriumph()); break; } } //最後に全員が選択済みであれば自動的に進める $result = $this->__allSelectStateFlow(); $result |= $this->__timedStateFlow(); if ($result) { break; } // master is clear if ($this->__checkstate() === 'open' && $this->room->sitdownallmate()) { $this->__advancestate('open'); break; } } // 初回のみLongPollingなし if (!isset($query['state']) || $query['state'] === '') { break; } $newRoom = Room::find($this->room->id); if ($newRoom->updated_at > $this->room->updated_at) { $this->room = $newRoom; $this->room->mates = Mate::where('room_id', $newRoom->id)->get(); break; } $callTime += 3; usleep(3000 * 1000); } //$returnCode->add('jsstate', $this->getJSState()); $returnCode->add('state', $this->__getState()); $returnCode->add('room', $this->room); $returnCode->add('mates', $this->room->mates); $returnCode->add('myInfo', $this->myInfo); $returnCode->add('myCast', $this->myInfo->cast); //print_r($this->myInfo->cast()); return $returnCode->success(); }
public function post_delete($city, $id, $delkey) { $rules = array('id' => 'required', 'delkey' => 'required|max:60', 'email' => 'required|email'); $values = array('id' => $id, 'delkey' => $delkey, 'email' => Input::get('email')); $v = Validator::make($values, $rules); $room = Room::find($id); if ($v->fails()) { return View::make('')->with('del', '<div id="delModal" class="modal hide" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-header"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button><h3 id="myModalLabel">Kamer verwijderen</h3></div><div class="modal-body"><p>Vul ter verificatie je e-mailadres in om de kamer te verwijderen.</p><form action="' . $delkey . '" method="post" class="form-horizontal"><div class="control-group"><label class="control-label" for="email">Email:</label><div class="controls"><input type="email" name="email" class="span8" placeholder="Je e-mail" data-validations="required|email"><p class="error-bottom">Vul a.u.b een emailadres in</p></div></div><div class="control-group"><label class="control-label" for="reason">Reden:</label><div class="controls"><label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="Verhuurd"> <strong>Huisgenoot gevonden, bedankt!</strong></label><label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="Andere kamerwebsite"> Verhuurd via andere kamerwebsite</label><label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="Geen reacties"> Geen reacties gekregen</label><label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="Ontevreden"> Ontevreden over kamergenood</label></div></div></div><div class="modal-footer"><button class="btn btn-danger" type="submit">Verwijder kamer</button></form></div></div>')->with('room', $room); } else { if ($room->delkey == $delkey && $room->email == Input::get('email')) { $room->delete(); $path_kamer_folder = 'public_html/img/room/' . $id; File::rmdir($path_kamer_folder); return Redirect::to('kamer-verhuren'); } else { return View::make('')->with('del', '<div id="delModal" class="modal hide" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-header"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button><h3 id="myModalLabel">Kamer verwijderen</h3></div><div class="modal-body"><div class="alert alert-error"><strong>Onjuist emailadres!</strong> Dit emailadres is niet bekend bij ons </div><form action="' . $delkey . '" method="post" class="form-horizontal"><div class="control-group"><label class="control-label" for="email">Email:</label><div class="controls"><input type="email" name="email" class="span8" placeholder="Je e-mail" data-validations="required|email"></div></div><div class="control-group"><label class="control-label" for="reason">Reden:</label><div class="controls"><label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="Verhuurd"> <strong>Huisgenoot gevonden, bedankt!</strong></label><label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="Andere kamerwebsite"> Verhuurd via andere kamerwebsite</label><label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="Geen reacties"> Geen reacties gekregen</label><label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="reason" value="Ontevreden"> Ontevreden over kamergenood</label></div></div></div><div class="modal-footer"><button class="btn btn-danger" type="submit">Verwijder kamer</button></form></div></div>')->with('room', $room); } } }
public function getPrice($id) { $data = Room::find($id); $array[] = array('number' => $data->number, 'price' => $data->type->price); echo json_encode($array); }
protected function __checkTriumph() { $remainNumbers = ['jinroh' => 0, 'people' => 0]; $latestRoomData = Room::find($this->room->id); foreach ($latestRoomData->mates->all() as $mate) { if ($mate->is_alive == 0) { continue; } if ($latestRoomData->last_dead_user_id === $mate->id) { continue; } if ($mate->cast->jinroh_team == 1) { $remainNumbers['jinroh']++; } else { $remainNumbers['people']++; } } if ($remainNumbers['jinroh'] <= 0) { return 'people'; //市民の勝利 } else { if ($remainNumbers['people'] <= $remainNumbers['jinroh']) { return 'jinroh'; //人狼の勝利 } } return null; // 勝負がついていない }
public function get_edit($id) { $room = Room::find($id); return View::make('admin.rooms.edit')->with('room', $room); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { // delete $room = Room::find($id); $room->delete(); // redirect Session::flash('message', 'Successfully deleted the room!'); return Redirect::to('rooms'); }