Exemple #1
 private function updateAvgRating($content_id)
     $chk = GenFun::error_chk(array($this->setRating_tbl, $this->avgRating_tbl));
     if (!$chk['bool']) {
         return $chk;
     $queryString = "UPDATE " . $this->avgRating_tbl . " SET " . $this->avgRating_tbl . ".avg_rating = (SELECT AVG(" . $this->setRating_tbl . ".rating) FROM " . $this->setRating_tbl . " WHERE content_id = '{$content_id}') WHERE " . $this->avgRating_tbl . ".id = '{$content_id}'";
     $chk = Result::go($queryString, array('resetQueries' => true));
     return $chk;
Exemple #2
 private function getAccountRow($hash)
     //init var
     $chk = array("bool" => true, 'traceID' => "getAccountRow");
     $queryString = "SELECT forgotPwRequest.* FROM forgotPwRequest, accounts, confirmLinks WHERE confirmLinks.hash= '{$hash}' AND confirmLinks.disabled= '0' AND forgotPwRequest.accounts_id = accounts.id And confirmLinks.confirming_id = forgotPwRequest.id";
     if (Constants::$debug) {
         $chk["queryString"] = $queryString;
     $chk = Result::go($queryString);
     return $chk;
Exemple #3
 private function _getTopComments($content_id = NULL, $returnQuery = NULL)
     //init var
     $queryString = AddToQuery::go($this->commentMngr->_getComments($content_id, NULL, NULL, true, false), array("{last}AND" => " topComments.comments_id = comments.id AND ", "FROM" => " topComments, "));
     $resultObj = array_merge(array('returnQuery' => $returnQuery), $this->resultObj);
     $chk = Result::go($queryString, $this->resultObj);
     $chk['result'] = $this->commentMngr->getReplies($chk['result']);
     return $chk;
Exemple #4
 public function searchCampaigns($search)
     //init var
     $getTotalRows = NULL;
     $chk = array("bool" => true, 'result' => array(), "func" => "searchCampaigns");
     $mysqli = new mysqli("");
     $resultObj = array_merge(array("mysqli" => $mysqli, 'returnQuery' => $returnQuery), $this->resultObj);
     if (isset($resultObj['getTotalRows'])) {
         $getTotalRows = true;
     $queryString = "\r\n\t\t\tselect * \r\n\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\tprojects,\r\n\t\t\tcampaigns,\r\n\t\t\tcomments\r\n\t\t\tWHERE \r\n\t\t\tMATCH('" . $search . "*') \r\n\t\t";
     $resultObj['addToQuery'] = array("{end}" => " \r\n\t\t\tOPTION \r\n\t\t\tranker=bm25, \r\n\t\t\tmax_matches=15,\r\n\t    \tfield_weights=(name=1, comment=10)\r\n\t    ");
     $chk = Result::go($queryString, $resultObj);
     if (!is_null($getTotalRows)) {
         $total = Result::go(str_replace("select *", "select COUNT(*)", $queryString), array("mysqli" => $mysqli));
         $chk['totalRows'] = $total['result'][0]['count(*)'];
     return $chk;
Exemple #5
 public function _getComments($content_id = NULL, $comment_id = NULL, $reply_comments_id = NULL, $returnQuery = NULL, $withReplies = true, $setResultObj = true)
     //init var
     $resultObj = array("chkForQuery" => true, 'returnQuery' => $returnQuery);
     $resultObj = $setResultObj ? array_merge($resultObj, $this->resultObj) : $resultObj;
     $chk = array("bool" => true, "traceID" => "getComments");
     //Select comments.*, agreeWith.accounts_id as shit FROM comments LEFT JOIN agreeWith ON agreeWith.accounts_id = 125 AND agreeWith.comments_id = comments.id
     $queryString = "Select ";
     $queryString .= "CONCAT(accounts.first,' ',accounts.last) as name, ";
     $queryString .= "comments.reply_comments_id, ";
     $queryString .= "comments.content_id, ";
     $queryString .= "comments.id,";
     //$queryString .= "Count(*) as num_agree from (Select agreeWith.* From agreeWith where agreeWith.comments_id = 150) as t
     $queryString .= "comments.accounts_id, ";
     $queryString .= "CONCAT('" . $this->thumbPath . "',files.hash,'/', files.name) as img_url, ";
     $queryString .= "comments.comment, ";
     $queryString .= "comments.avg_rating, ";
     $queryString .= "comments.date ";
     $queryString .= "FROM ";
     $queryString .= "comments, ";
     $queryString .= "accounts, ";
     $queryString .= "files ";
     $queryString .= "WHERE ";
     $queryString .= "accounts.id = comments.accounts_id AND ";
     $queryString .= "files.id = accounts.profile_files_id AND ";
     if (!is_null($content_id)) {
         $queryString .= "comments.content_id = {$content_id} AND ";
     $queryString .= "comments.disabled is NULL ";
     $queryString .= "Group by comments.id ";
     $queryString .= "ORDER BY comments.id DESC";
     //SELECT agreeWith.comments_id FROM agreeWith,comments Where agreeWith.comments_id = 156 AND agreeWith.accounts_id = 125 Group BY comments.id
     //if (!is_null($content_id)) $queryString = AddToQuery::go($queryString, array("{last}AND" => " comments.content_id = $content_id AND  "));
     if (is_null($reply_comments_id)) {
         if (is_null($comment_id)) {
             $queryString = AddToQuery::go($queryString, array("{last}AND" => " comments.reply_comments_id IS NULL AND "));
     } else {
         $queryString = AddToQuery::go($queryString, array("{last}AND" => " comments.reply_comments_id = {$reply_comments_id} AND "));
     if (!is_null($comment_id)) {
         $queryString = AddToQuery::go($queryString, array("{last}AND" => " comments.id = {$comment_id} AND "));
     $chk = Result::go($queryString, $resultObj);
     if (sizeof($chk['result']) == 0) {
         return $chk;
     if ($withReplies) {
         $chk = $this->getReplies($chk);
     return $chk;
Exemple #6
 private function _getLooks($orderBy = "false", $limitFrom = NULL, $limitTo = NULL)
     //init var
     $chk = array("bool" => 1);
     $num = !is_null($limitFrom) ? $limitFrom : 0;
     $queryString = $orderBy == "true" ? "SELECT * FROM (" : "";
     $queryString .= "SELECT * FROM (";
     $queryString .= "SELECT " . Mstyle_031312::TBL_LOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_VOTES . ",";
     $queryString .= Mstyle_031312::TBL_LOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_ID . ",";
     $queryString .= Mstyle_031312::TBL_LOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_NAME . ",";
     $queryString .= Mstyle_031312::TBL_LOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_STYLE . ",";
     $queryString .= "CONCAT('{$this->absolute}', " . Mstyle_031312::TBL_LOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_IMAGE . ") as image,";
     $queryString .= "CONCAT('{$this->absolute}', " . Mstyle_031312::TBL_LOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_THUMBNAIL . ") as thumbnail,";
     $queryString .= "DATE_FORMAT(" . Mstyle_031312::TBL_LOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_DATETIME . ",'%M %e, %Y, %l:%i%p') as dateTimeFormat";
     $queryString .= " FROM " . Mstyle_031312::TBL_LOOKS;
     $queryString .= " ORDER BY " . Mstyle_031312::CLM_DATETIME . " DESC";
     $queryString .= ") table1 ";
     $queryString .= "UNION ALL ";
     $queryString .= "SELECT * FROM (";
     $queryString .= "SELECT " . Mstyle_031312::TBL_MACYSLOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_VOTES . ",";
     $queryString .= Mstyle_031312::TBL_MACYSLOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_ID . ",";
     $queryString .= Mstyle_031312::TBL_MACYSLOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_NAME . ",";
     $queryString .= Mstyle_031312::TBL_MACYSLOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_STYLE . ",";
     $queryString .= "CONCAT('{$this->absolute}', " . Mstyle_031312::TBL_MACYSLOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_IMAGE . ") as image,";
     $queryString .= "CONCAT('{$this->absolute}', " . Mstyle_031312::TBL_MACYSLOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_THUMBNAIL . ") as thubmnail,";
     $queryString .= "DATE_FORMAT(" . Mstyle_031312::TBL_MACYSLOOKS . "." . Mstyle_031312::CLM_DATETIME . ",'%M %e, %Y, %l:%i%p') as dateTimeFormat";
     $queryString .= " FROM " . Mstyle_031312::TBL_MACYSLOOKS;
     $queryString .= " ORDER BY " . Mstyle_031312::CLM_ID . " DESC";
     $queryString .= ") table2";
     $queryString .= $orderBy == "true" ? ")table3 ORDER BY " . Mstyle_031312::CLM_VOTES . " DESC" : "";
     $result = Result::go($queryString);
     if (sizeof($result) > 0) {
         $commentsArr = array();
         foreach ($result['result'] as $row) {
             $chk = $this->_getTotal();
             if ((bool) $chk["bool"]) {
                 $row["index"] = $chk["result"] - $num;
                 $row["image"] = $row["image"];
                 $row["thumbnail"] = $row["thumbnail"];
                 array_push($commentsArr, $row);
             } else {
         $json = json_encode(array("item" => $commentsArr));
         if ((bool) $chk["bool"]) {
             $chk["result"] = $this->json_to_xml($json);
     } else {
         $chk["bool"] = "0";
     $chk["func"] = $this->traceID . ": _getLooks";
     return $chk;
Exemple #7
 private function getAccountRow($hash)
     //init var
     $chk = array("bool" => true, 'traceID' => "getAccountRow");
     $queryString = "\n\t\tSELECT \n\t\taccounts.id, \n\t\t" . $this->confirmLinkTbl . ".disabled \n\t\tFROM \n\t\taccounts, \n\t\t" . $this->confirmLinkTbl . " \n\t\tWHERE " . $this->confirmLinkTbl . ".hash= '{$hash}' \n\t\tAND " . $this->confirmLinkTbl . ".disabled IS NULL \n\t\tAnd " . $this->confirmLinkTbl . ".accounts_id = accounts.id";
     if (Constants::$debug) {
         $chk["queryString"] = $queryString;
     $chk = Result::go($queryString);
     return $chk;
Exemple #8
 private function _insertContents($dirArray, $close = FALSE)
     Trace::output($this->traceID, "_insertContents");
     //init var
     $queryString = "";
     $chk = array("bool" => true, 'function' => "_insertContents");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dirArray); $i++) {
         $queryString .= 'CALL insertVideo("' . $dirArray[$i]['title'] . '","' . $dirArray[$i]['hash'] . '","' . $dirArray[$i]['mp4'] . '","' . $dirArray[$i]['thumbnail_url'] . '"); ';
     $chk = Result::go($queryString);
     return Constants::$mysqli->escape_string($queryString);
Exemple #9
 public function _getComments($content_id = NULL, $comment_id = NULL, $reply_comments_id = NULL, $returnQuery = NULL)
     //init var
     $resultObj = array_merge(array("chkForQuery" => true, 'returnQuery' => $returnQuery), $this->resultObj);
     $chk = array("bool" => true, "traceID" => "getComments");
     $queryString = "Select CONCAT(accounts.first,' ',accounts.last) as name, ";
     $queryString .= $this->contentComments_tbl . ".reply_comments_id, comments.id, ";
     $queryString .= $this->contentComments_tbl . ".content_id, files.name as img_url, comments.comment, comments.avg_rating, comments.date FROM ";
     $queryString .= $this->contentComments_tbl . ", accounts, files, comments WHERE ";
     $queryString .= $this->contentComments_tbl . ".comments_id = comments.id AND files.id = accounts.profile_files_id AND ";
     $queryString .= "comments.accounts_id = accounts.id AND ";
     $queryString .= $this->contentComments_tbl . ".disabled is NULL Group by comments.id ORDER BY comments.id DESC";
     if (!is_null($content_id)) {
         $queryString = AddToQuery::go($queryString, array("{last}AND" => " " . $this->contentComments_tbl . ".content_id = {$content_id} AND  " . $this->contentComments_tbl . ".reply_comments_id IS NULL AND "));
     if (!is_null($reply_comments_id)) {
         $queryString = AddToQuery::go($queryString, array("{last}AND" => " " . $this->contentComments_tbl . ".reply_comments_id = {$reply_comments_id} AND "));
     if (!is_null($comment_id)) {
         $queryString = AddToQuery::go($queryString, array("{last}AND" => " comments.id = {$comment_id} AND "));
     $chk = Result::go($queryString, $resultObj);
     //$totalRows = $chk['totalRows'];
     if (sizeof($chk['result']) == 0) {
         return $chk;
     $chk['result'] = $this->encodeResult($chk['result']);
     //if ($chk['bool'] && is_null($reply_comments_id)) $chk = $this->getReplies($chk['result']);
     //$chk['totalRows'] = $totalRows;
     return $chk;
Exemple #10
 public function getTeamParticipants($event_id, $limitFrom = NULL, $limitTo = NULL, $returnQuery = NULL)
     $arr = array("from" => "events, rosterPresets,eventParticipants,");
     $arr['condition'] = "rosterPresets.id = eventParticipants.rosterPresets_id AND rosterPresets.teams_id = teams.id AND eventParticipants.events_id = events.id AND";
     $queryString = AddToQuery::getQuery($this->getTeams(NULL, $limitFrom, $limitTo, true), $arr);
     if (is_null($returnQuery)) {
         $chk = Result::go($queryString);
     } else {
         return $queryString;
     return $chk;
Exemple #11
 public function getTagsConcat($id, $returnQuery = false)
     //init var
     $resultObj = array_merge(array("chkForQuery" => true, 'returnQuery' => $returnQuery), $this->resultObj);
     $queryString = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT keywords.word SEPARATOR ' ') AS tags_concat FROM setKeywords, keywords WHERE setKeywords.disabled IS NULL AND setKeywords.keywords_id = keywords.id AND setKeywords.videos_id = {$id} ";
     if ($returnQuery) {
         return $queryString;
     } else {
         $chk = Result::go($queryString, $resultObj);
     return $chk;
Exemple #12
 public function getResult()
     if (is_null($this->mysqli)) {
         $this->mysqli = GlobalMas::$mysqli;
     //init var
     $chk = array("bool" => true, 'traceID' => "getResult");
     $update = false;
     if ($this->returnQuery) {
         return $this->queryString;
     $chk = GenFun::debugChk($chk, array("queryString" => $this->queryString));
     $debug = GlobalMas::$debug;
     if ($this->chkForQuery) {
         $query_chk = Result::go("SELECT queries.result, queries.last_update FROM queries WHERE queries.query = '" . $this->mysqli->escape_string($this->queryString) . "'");
         if (sizeof($query_chk['result']) > 0) {
             if (empty($query_chk['result'][0]['last_update']) || is_null($query_chk['result'][0]['last_update'])) {
                 $update = true;
             if (!$update) {
                 $chk = json_decode($query_chk['result'][0]['result'], true);
                 $chk = self::debug_chk($chk);
                 return $chk;
     $result = $this->multi ? $this->mysqli->multi_query($this->queryString) : $this->mysqli->query($this->queryString);
     if (!$result) {
         $chk['bool'] = false;
         $chk['error'] = false;
         $chk = GenFun::debugCHK($chk, array('message' => $this->mysqli->error));
         if (strpos($chk['message'], "Duplicate") !== false) {
             return $chk['duplicate'] = true;
     if ($this->multi) {
         $result = $this->getMultiQueryResult($result);
     } else {
         $result = $this->getSingleQueryResult($result);
         if ($this->greaterZero) {
             if (sizeof($result) == 0) {
                 $chk['bool'] = false;
     $chk['result'] = $result;
     $this->insert_id = $this->mysqli->insert_id;
     $chk['insert_id'] = $this->insert_id;
     if ($this->chkForQuery) {
         $queryString = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($this->queryString);
         $resultString = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string(json_encode($chk));
         if (!$update) {
             $query_chk = Result::go("INSERT INTO queries (query, result)\r\n\t\t\t\t SELECT * FROM (SELECT '" . $queryString . "', '" . $resultString . "') AS tmp\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE NOT EXISTS (\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT query FROM queries WHERE query = '" . $queryString . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t) LIMIT 1");
         } else {
             $query_chk = Result::go("UPDATE queries SET queries.query = '" . $queryString . "', queries.result = '" . $resultString . "', queries.last_update = NOW() WHERE queries.query = '" . $queryString . "'");
         GlobalMas::$debug = $debug;
     $chk = self::debug_chk($chk);
     if ($this->resetQueries) {
         $chk['resetQueries'] = Result::resetQueries();
     return $chk;
Exemple #13
 public function getResult()
     //init var
     $chk = array("bool" => true, 'traceID' => "getResult");
     $update = false;
     if ($this->returnQuery) {
         return $this->queryString;
     $chk = GenFun::debugChk($chk, array("queryString" => $this->queryString));
     $debug = Constants::$debug;
     if ($this->chkForQuery) {
         $query_chk = Result::go("SELECT queries.result, queries.last_update FROM queries WHERE queries.query = '" . Constants::$mysqli->escape_string($this->queryString) . "'");
         if (sizeof($query_chk['result']) > 0) {
             if (empty($query_chk['result'][0]['last_update']) || is_null($query_chk['result'][0]['last_update'])) {
                 $update = true;
             if (!$update) {
                 $chk = json_decode($query_chk['result'][0]['result'], true);
                 $chk = self::debug_chk($chk);
                 return $chk;
     $result = $multi ? Constants::$mysqli->multi_query($this->queryString) : Constants::$mysqli->query($this->queryString);
     if ($result) {
         $chk['bool'] = true;
         $arr = array();
         if ($result) {
             if ($multi) {
                 $result = Constants::$mysqli->use_result();
             if ($result && is_object($result)) {
                 while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
                     array_push($arr, $row);
                 if ($this->greaterZero) {
                     if (sizeof($arr) == 0) {
                         $chk['bool'] = false;
                 $chk['result'] = $arr;
         //Constants::$debug = false;
         if ($this->chkForQuery) {
             $queryString = Constants::$mysqli->real_escape_string($this->queryString);
             $resultString = Constants::$mysqli->real_escape_string(json_encode($chk));
             if (!$update) {
                 $query_chk = Result::go("INSERT INTO queries (query, result)\n\t\t\t\t\t SELECT * FROM (SELECT '" . $queryString . "', '" . $resultString . "') AS tmp\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE NOT EXISTS (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT query FROM queries WHERE query = '" . $queryString . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t) LIMIT 1");
             } else {
                 $query_chk = Result::go("UPDATE queries SET queries.query = '" . $queryString . "', queries.result = '" . $resultString . "', queries.last_update = NOW() WHERE queries.query = '" . $queryString . "'");
             Constants::$debug = $debug;
     } else {
         $chk['bool'] = false;
         $chk['error'] = true;
         $chk = GenFun::debugCHK($chk, array('message' => Constants::$mysqli->error));
         if (strpos($chk['message'], "Duplicate") !== false) {
             $chk['duplicate'] = true;
     $chk = self::debug_chk($chk);
     if ($this->resetQueries) {
         $chk['resetQueries'] = $this->resetQueries_CFG();
     return $chk;