/** * PDF Text Box renderer * * @param ReportTcpdf $renderer * * @return bool|int */ public function render($renderer) { $newelements = array(); $lastelement = ""; $footnote_element = array(); // Element counter $cE = count($this->elements); //-- collapse duplicate elements for ($i = 0; $i < $cE; $i++) { $element = $this->elements[$i]; if (is_object($element)) { if ($element instanceof ReportBaseText) { if (!empty($footnote_element)) { ksort($footnote_element); foreach ($footnote_element as $links) { $newelements[] = $links; } $footnote_element = array(); } if (empty($lastelement)) { $lastelement = $element; } else { // Checking if the Text has the same style if ($element->getStyleName() == $lastelement->getStyleName()) { $lastelement->addText(str_replace("\n", "<br>", $element->getValue())); } elseif (!empty($lastelement)) { $newelements[] = $lastelement; $lastelement = $element; } } } elseif ($element instanceof ReportBaseFootnote) { // Check if the Footnote has been set with it’s link number $renderer->checkFootnote($element); // Save first the last element if any if (!empty($lastelement)) { $newelements[] = $lastelement; $lastelement = array(); } // Save the Footnote with it’s link number as key for sorting later $footnote_element[$element->num] = $element; } elseif (!$element instanceof ReportBaseFootnote || trim($element->getValue()) != "") { if (!empty($footnote_element)) { ksort($footnote_element); foreach ($footnote_element as $links) { $newelements[] = $links; } $footnote_element = array(); } if (!empty($lastelement)) { $newelements[] = $lastelement; $lastelement = array(); } $newelements[] = $element; } } else { if (!empty($lastelement)) { $newelements[] = $lastelement; $lastelement = array(); } if (!empty($footnote_element)) { ksort($footnote_element); foreach ($footnote_element as $links) { $newelements[] = $links; } $footnote_element = array(); } $newelements[] = $element; } } if (!empty($lastelement)) { $newelements[] = $lastelement; } if (!empty($footnote_element)) { ksort($footnote_element); foreach ($footnote_element as $links) { $newelements[] = $links; } } $this->elements = $newelements; unset($footnote_element, $lastelement, $links, $newelements); // Used with line breaks and cell height calculation within this box $renderer->largestFontHeight = 0; // If current position (left) if ($this->left == ".") { $cX = $renderer->GetX(); } else { // For static position add margin (returns and updates X) $cX = $renderer->addMarginX($this->left); } // If current position (top) if ($this->top == ".") { $cY = $renderer->GetY(); } else { $cY = $this->top; $renderer->SetY($cY); } // Check the width if set to page wide OR set by xml to larger then page width (margin) if ($this->width == 0 || $this->width > $renderer->getRemainingWidthPDF()) { $cW = $renderer->getRemainingWidthPDF(); } else { $cW = $this->width; } // Save the original margins $cM = $renderer->getMargins(); // Use cell padding to wrap the width // Temp Width with cell padding if (is_array($cM['cell'])) { $cWT = $cW - ($cM['padding_left'] + $cM['padding_right']); } else { $cWT = $cW - $cM['cell'] * 2; } // Element height (exept text) $eH = 0; $w = 0; // Temp Height $cHT = 0; //-- $lw is an array // 0 => last line width // 1 => 1 if text was wrapped, 0 if text did not wrap // 2 => number of LF $lw = array(); // Element counter $cE = count($this->elements); //-- calculate the text box height + width for ($i = 0; $i < $cE; $i++) { if (is_object($this->elements[$i])) { $ew = $this->elements[$i]->setWrapWidth($cWT - $w, $cWT); if ($ew == $cWT) { $w = 0; } $lw = $this->elements[$i]->getWidth($renderer); // Text is already gets the # LF $cHT += $lw[2]; if ($lw[1] == 1) { $w = $lw[0]; } elseif ($lw[1] == 2) { $w = 0; } else { $w += $lw[0]; } if ($w > $cWT) { $w = $lw[0]; } // Footnote is at the bottom of the page. No need to calculate it’s height or wrap the text! // We are changing the margins anyway! // For anything else but text (images), get the height $eH += $this->elements[$i]->getHeight($renderer); } } // Add up what’s the final height $cH = $this->height; // If any element exist if ($cE > 0) { // Check if this is text or some other element, like images if ($eH == 0) { // This is text elements. Number of LF but at least one line $cHT = ($cHT + 1) * $renderer->getCellHeightRatio(); // Calculate the cell hight with the largest font size used within this Box $cHT = $cHT * $renderer->largestFontHeight; // Add cell padding if ($this->padding) { if (is_array($cM['cell'])) { $cHT += $cM['padding_bottom'] + $cM['padding_top']; } else { $cHT += $cM['cell'] * 2; } } if ($cH < $cHT) { $cH = $cHT; } } elseif ($cH < $eH) { $cH = $eH; } } // Finaly, check the last cells height if ($cH < $renderer->lastCellHeight) { $cH = $renderer->lastCellHeight; } // Add a new page if needed if ($this->pagecheck) { // Reset last cell height or Header/Footer will inherit it, in case of pagebreak $renderer->lastCellHeight = 0; if ($renderer->checkPageBreakPDF($cH)) { $cY = $renderer->GetY(); } } // Setup the border and background color $cS = ""; // Class Style if ($this->border) { $cS = "D"; } // D or empty string: Draw (default) $match = array(); // Fill the background if ($this->fill) { if (!empty($this->bgcolor)) { if (preg_match("/#?(..)(..)(..)/", $this->bgcolor, $match)) { $cS .= "F"; // F: Fill the background $r = hexdec($match[1]); $g = hexdec($match[2]); $b = hexdec($match[3]); $renderer->SetFillColor($r, $g, $b); } } } // Clean up a bit unset($lw, $w, $match, $cE, $eH); // Draw the border if (!empty($cS)) { if (!$renderer->getRTL()) { $cXM = $cX; } else { $cXM = $renderer->getPageWidth() - $cX - $cW; } $renderer->Rect($cXM, $cY, $cW, $cH, $cS); } // Add cell padding if set and if any text (element) exist if ($this->padding) { if ($cHT > 0) { if (is_array($cM['cell'])) { $renderer->SetY($cY + $cM['padding_top']); } else { $renderer->SetY($cY + $cM['cell']); } } } // Change the margins X, Width if (!$renderer->getRTL()) { if ($this->padding) { if (is_array($cM['cell'])) { $renderer->SetLeftMargin($cX + $cM['padding_left']); } else { $renderer->SetLeftMargin($cX + $cM['cell']); } $renderer->SetRightMargin($renderer->getRemainingWidthPDF() - $cW + $cM['right']); } else { $renderer->SetLeftMargin($cX); $renderer->SetRightMargin($renderer->getRemainingWidthPDF() - $cW + $cM['right']); } } else { if ($this->padding) { if (is_array($cM['cell'])) { $renderer->SetRightMargin($cX + $cM['padding_right']); } else { $renderer->SetRightMargin($cX + $cM['cell']); } $renderer->SetLeftMargin($renderer->getRemainingWidthPDF() - $cW + $cM['left']); } else { $renderer->SetRightMargin($cX); $renderer->SetLeftMargin($renderer->getRemainingWidthPDF() - $cW + $cM['left']); } } // Save the current page number $cPN = $renderer->getPage(); // Render the elements (write text, print picture...) foreach ($this->elements as $element) { if (is_object($element)) { $element->render($renderer); } elseif (is_string($element) && $element == 'footnotetexts') { $renderer->footnotes(); } elseif (is_string($element) && $element == 'addpage') { $renderer->newPage(); } } // Restore the margins $renderer->SetLeftMargin($cM['left']); $renderer->SetRightMargin($cM['right']); // This will be mostly used to trick the multiple images last height if ($this->reseth) { $cH = 0; // This can only happen with multiple images and with pagebreak if ($cPN != $renderer->getPage()) { $renderer->setPage($cPN); } } // New line and some clean up if (!$this->newline) { $renderer->SetXY($cX + $cW, $cY); $renderer->lastCellHeight = $cH; } else { // addMarginX() also updates X $renderer->addMarginX(0); $renderer->SetY($cY + $cH); $renderer->lastCellHeight = 0; } return true; }
/** * Splits the text into lines to fit into a giving cell * and returns the last lines width * * @param ReportTcpdf $pdf * * @return array */ public function getWidth($pdf) { // Setup the style name, a font must be selected to calculate the width $pdf->setCurrentStyle("footnotenum"); // Check for the largest font size in the box $fsize = $pdf->getCurrentStyleHeight(); if ($fsize > $pdf->largestFontHeight) { $pdf->largestFontHeight = $fsize; } // Returns the Object if already numbered else false if (empty($this->num)) { $pdf->checkFootnote($this); } // Get the line width $lw = ceil($pdf->GetStringWidth($this->numText)); // Line Feed counter - Number of lines in the text $lfct = substr_count($this->numText, "\n") + 1; // If there is still remaining wrap width... if ($this->wrapWidthRemaining > 0) { // Check with line counter too! // but floor the $wrapWidthRemaining first to keep it bugfree! $wrapWidthRemaining = (int) $this->wrapWidthRemaining; if ($lw >= $wrapWidthRemaining || $lfct > 1) { $newtext = ''; $lines = explode("\n", $this->numText); // Go throught the text line by line foreach ($lines as $line) { // Line width in points $lw = ceil($pdf->GetStringWidth($line)); // If the line has to be wraped if ($lw >= $wrapWidthRemaining) { $words = explode(" ", $line); $addspace = count($words); $lw = 0; foreach ($words as $word) { $addspace--; $lw += ceil($pdf->GetStringWidth($word . " ")); if ($lw < $wrapWidthRemaining) { $newtext .= $word; if ($addspace != 0) { $newtext .= " "; } } else { $lw = $pdf->GetStringWidth($word . " "); $newtext .= "\n{$word}"; if ($addspace != 0) { $newtext .= " "; } // Reset the wrap width to the cell width $wrapWidthRemaining = $this->wrapWidthCell; } } } else { $newtext .= $line; } // Check the Line Feed counter if ($lfct > 1) { // Add a new line feed as long as it’s not the last line $newtext .= "\n"; // Reset the line width $lw = 0; // Reset the wrap width to the cell width $wrapWidthRemaining = $this->wrapWidthCell; } $lfct--; } $this->numText = $newtext; $lfct = substr_count($this->numText, "\n"); return array($lw, 1, $lfct); } } $l = 0; $lfct = substr_count($this->numText, "\n"); if ($lfct > 0) { $l = 2; } return array($lw, $l, $lfct); }