  * function render_image
  * Create the image and place it in the proper place
  * @param string $texcode The LaTeX code to render
  * @param integer $post_id The post id
  * @param integer $commend_id The commend id if a comment
  * @return string The image filename
 private function render_image($texcode, $post_id, $comment_id = null)
     $this->error_texcode = rtrim($texcode, '/') . '/';
     $tmp = Options::get('jLaTeX__tmp');
     //Make sure the tmp directory exists
     if (!is_dir($tmp)) {
         mkdir($tmp, 0755, true);
     $filename = md5($texcode);
     //Put the formula in the latex document template
     $latex_document = sprintf(Options::get('jLaTeX__template'), $texcode);
     //Set the textwidth of the document
     $textwidth = round(Options::get('jLaTeX__imagewidth') / Options::get('jLaTeX__imagedpi'), 2);
     $latex_document = preg_replace('/\\\\begin{document}/si', "\\\\setlength{\\\\textwidth}{" . $textwidth . "in}\n\\\\begin{document}", $latex_document);
     //Create the temproary TEX file
     file_put_contents($tmp . $filename . '.tex', $latex_document);
     //Create the temprorary DVI file
     $command = Options::get('jLaTeX__latex') . ' --interaction=nonstopmode ' . $filename . '.tex';
     if ($this->do_command($command, $tmp) === false) {
         return false;
     //Convert dvi file to png using dvipng
     $command = Options::get('jLaTeX__dvipng') . ' ' . $filename . '.dvi -pp 1 -D ' . Options::get('jLaTeX__imagedpi') . ' -T tight -o ' . $filename . '.png';
     if ($this->do_command($command, $tmp) === false) {
         return false;
     //Store the file in cache
     $file = $tmp . $filename . '.png';
     $group = 'jLaTeX';
     $name = $post_id . '-' . $comment_id . '-' . md5($texcode);
     RenderCache::put(array($group, $name), $file, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, true);