  * @param \ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod
  * @return string
 private function getCodeBody(\ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod)
     $reflectionClass = $reflectionMethod->getDeclaringClass();
     $length = $reflectionMethod->getEndLine() - $reflectionMethod->getStartLine();
     $lines = file($reflectionClass->getFileName());
     $code = join(PHP_EOL, array_slice($lines, $reflectionMethod->getStartLine() - 1, $length + 1));
     return preg_replace('/.*function[^{]+{/s', '', $code);
 private function parseMethod($class, $method)
     $refl = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
     //        var_dump($refl->getFileName());
     //        var_dump($refl->getStartLine());
     //        var_dump($refl->getEndLine());
     $body = trim(implode(array_slice(file($refl->getFileName()), $refl->getStartLine(), $refl->getEndLine() - $refl->getStartLine() - 1)));
     $spec = $this->createSpecification($body, $refl->getFileName(), $refl->getStartLine(), $refl->getEndLine());
     return $spec;
  * @param ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod
  * @return string
 private function getCodeBody(\ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod)
     $reflectionClass = $reflectionMethod->getDeclaringClass();
     $length = $reflectionMethod->getEndLine() - $reflectionMethod->getStartLine();
     $lines = file($reflectionClass->getFileName());
     if ($length == 0) {
         return preg_replace('/.*function.*{/', '', $lines[$reflectionMethod->getStartLine() - 1]);
     return join("\n", array_slice($lines, $reflectionMethod->getStartLine(), $length));
 public function provideControllerCallables()
     // make sure we always match the line number
     $r1 = new \ReflectionMethod($this, 'testControllerInspection');
     $r2 = new \ReflectionMethod($this, 'staticControllerMethod');
     $r3 = new \ReflectionClass($this);
     // test name, callable, expected
     return array(array('"Regular" callable', array($this, 'testControllerInspection'), array('class' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'testControllerInspection', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => $r1->getStartLine())), array('Closure', function () {
         return 'foo';
     }, array('class' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\\{closure}', 'method' => null, 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__ - 5)), array('Static callback as string', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\RequestDataCollectorTest::staticControllerMethod', array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'staticControllerMethod', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => $r2->getStartLine())), array('Static callable with instance', array($this, 'staticControllerMethod'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'staticControllerMethod', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => $r2->getStartLine())), array('Static callable with class name', array('Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'staticControllerMethod'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'staticControllerMethod', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => $r2->getStartLine())), array('Callable with instance depending on __call()', array($this, 'magicMethod'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'magicMethod', 'file' => 'n/a', 'line' => 'n/a')), array('Callable with class name depending on __callStatic()', array('Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'magicMethod'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'magicMethod', 'file' => 'n/a', 'line' => 'n/a')), array('Invokable controller', $this, array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => null, 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => $r3->getStartLine())));
Exemple #5
 public function testImplementationsAreSynchronized()
     $adapterReflector = new ReflectionMethod('ehough_finder_adapter_PhpAdapter', 'searchInDirectory');
     $finderReflector = new ReflectionMethod('ehough_finder_Finder', 'searchInDirectory');
     $adapterSource = array_slice(file($adapterReflector->getFileName()), $adapterReflector->getStartLine() + 1, $adapterReflector->getEndLine() - $adapterReflector->getStartLine() - 1);
     $adapterSource = implode('', $adapterSource);
     $adapterSource = str_replace(array('$this->minDepth', '$this->maxDepth'), array('$minDepth', '$maxDepth'), $adapterSource);
     $finderSource = array_slice(file($finderReflector->getFileName()), $finderReflector->getStartLine() + 1, $finderReflector->getEndLine() - $finderReflector->getStartLine() - 1);
     $finderSource = implode('', $finderSource);
     $this->assertStringEndsWith($adapterSource, $finderSource);
    public static function isValid()
        if (!assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE)) {
            return true;
        $bt = self::debugBacktrace(null, 1);
        //to $file, $line, $function, $class, $object, $type, $args
        if (!$args) {
            return true;
        #speed improve
        $r = new ReflectionMethod($class, $function);
        $doc = $r->getDocComment();
        $cache_id = $class . $type . $function;
        preg_match_all('~	[\\r\\n]++ [\\x20\\t]++ \\* [\\x20\\t]++
							\\K #memory reduce
							( [_a-z]++[_a-z\\d]*+
							) #1 types
							&?+\\$([_a-z]++[_a-z\\d]*+) #2 name
						~sixSX', $doc, $params, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        $parameters = $r->getParameters();
        //d($args, $params, $parameters);
        if (count($parameters) > count($params)) {
            $message = 'phpDoc %d piece(s) @param description expected in %s%s%s(), %s given, ' . PHP_EOL . 'called in %s on line %d ' . PHP_EOL . 'and defined in %s on line %d';
            $message = sprintf($message, count($parameters), $class, $type, $function, count($params), $file, $line, $r->getFileName(), $r->getStartLine());
            trigger_error($message, E_USER_NOTICE);
        foreach ($args as $i => $value) {
            if (!isset($params[$i])) {
                return true;
            if ($parameters[$i]->name !== $params[$i][2]) {
                $param_num = $i + 1;
                $message = 'phpDoc @param %d in %s%s%s() must be named as $%s, $%s given, ' . PHP_EOL . 'called in %s on line %d ' . PHP_EOL . 'and defined in %s on line %d';
                $message = sprintf($message, $param_num, $class, $type, $function, $parameters[$i]->name, $params[$i][2], $file, $line, $r->getFileName(), $r->getStartLine());
                trigger_error($message, E_USER_NOTICE);
            $hints = preg_split('~[|/,]~sSX', $params[$i][1]);
            if (!self::checkValueTypes($hints, $value)) {
                $param_num = $i + 1;
                $message = 'Argument %d passed to %s%s%s() must be an %s, %s given, ' . PHP_EOL . 'called in %s on line %d ' . PHP_EOL . 'and defined in %s on line %d';
                $message = sprintf($message, $param_num, $class, $type, $function, implode('|', $hints), (is_object($value) ? get_class($value) . ' ' : '') . gettype($value), $file, $line, $r->getFileName(), $r->getStartLine());
                trigger_error($message, E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;
        return true;
 protected function getOriginalBody(\ReflectionMethod $originalMethod)
     $lines = array_slice(file($originalMethod->getDeclaringClass()->getFileName(), FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES), $originalMethod->getStartLine(), $originalMethod->getEndLine() - $originalMethod->getStartLine(), true);
     $firstLine = array_shift($lines);
     if (trim($firstLine) !== '{') {
         array_unshift($lines, $firstLine);
     $lastLine = array_pop($lines);
     if (trim($lastLine) !== '}') {
         array_push($lines, $lastLine);
     $body = rtrim(ltrim(implode("\n", $lines), '{'), '}');
     return $body;
  * Gets Observers for specified Event.
  * @return $this|array
 public function AjaxobserversAction()
     $eventName = $this->getRequest()->getPost('event', false);
     // If no event name provided,
     if (!$eventName) {
         return array();
     // Ensure Event Name is all lowercase
     $eventName = strtolower($eventName);
     // Set up $areas array and $observers array
     $areas = array('global', 'adminhtml', 'frontend');
     $observers = array();
     // Cycle Through Areas and get config information
     foreach ($areas as $area) {
         $eventConfig = Mage::app()->getConfig()->getEventConfig($area, $eventName);
         if (!$eventConfig) {
             $this->_events[$area][$eventName] = false;
         try {
             foreach ($eventConfig->observers->children() as $obsName => $obsConfig) {
                 $methodReflection = new ReflectionMethod($obsConfig->getClassName(), $obsConfig->method);
                 $observers[$obsName] = array('area' => $area, 'type' => (string) $obsConfig->type, 'model' => $obsConfig->class ? (string) $obsConfig->class : $obsConfig->getClassName(), 'class' => $obsConfig->getClassName(), 'method' => (string) $obsConfig->method, 'line' => $methodReflection->getStartLine(), 'path' => $this->getClassPath($obsConfig->getClassName()));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
     // Create Block to Display Results
     $block = Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('bronto_verify/adminhtml_system_config_advanced_observersearch');
     // Set Response Body
     return $this;
  * Test various types of controller callables.
  * @dataProvider provider
 public function testControllerInspection(Request $request, Response $response)
     // make sure we always match the line number
     $r1 = new \ReflectionMethod($this, 'testControllerInspection');
     $r2 = new \ReflectionMethod($this, 'staticControllerMethod');
     // test name, callable, expected
     $controllerTests = array(array('"Regular" callable', array($this, 'testControllerInspection'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'testControllerInspection', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => $r1->getStartLine())), array('Closure', function () {
         return 'foo';
     }, array('class' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\\{closure}', 'method' => null, 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__ - 5)), array('Static callback as string', 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest::staticControllerMethod', 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest::staticControllerMethod'), array('Static callable with instance', array($this, 'staticControllerMethod'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'staticControllerMethod', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => $r2->getStartLine())), array('Static callable with class name', array('Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'staticControllerMethod'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'staticControllerMethod', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => $r2->getStartLine())), array('Callable with instance depending on __call()', array($this, 'magicMethod'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'magicMethod', 'file' => 'n/a', 'line' => 'n/a')), array('Callable with class name depending on __callStatic()', array('Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'magicMethod'), array('class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Tests\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollectorTest', 'method' => 'magicMethod', 'file' => 'n/a', 'line' => 'n/a')));
     $c = new RequestDataCollector();
     foreach ($controllerTests as $controllerTest) {
         $this->injectController($c, $controllerTest[1], $request);
         $c->collect($request, $response);
         $this->assertEquals($controllerTest[2], $c->getController(), sprintf('Testing: %s', $controllerTest[0]));
Exemple #10
 public function getMethod($filePath, $ext = '')
     $fileName = dirname($filePath);
     $className = basename(dirname(dirname($filePath)));
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
     $methodName = basename($filePath);
     $method = new ReflectionMethod($className . $ext, $methodName);
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->startLine = $method->getStartLine();
     $data->endLine = $method->getEndLine();
     $data->comment = $method->getDocComment();
     $data->parameters = $method->getParameters();
     $data->className = $className;
     $data->methodName = $methodName;
     $data->fileName = $fileName;
     $data->post = false;
     $file = file($fileName);
     for ($i = $data->startLine - 1; $i <= $data->endLine; $i++) {
         if (strpos($file[$i], '$this->post') or strpos($file[$i], 'fixer::input') or strpos($file[$i], '$_POST')) {
             $data->post = true;
     return $data;
Exemple #11
  * Process the exception. Calls the Exception::getTrace() method to
  * get the backtrace. Gets the relevant lines of code for each step
  * in the backtrace.
 public function getTrace($e)
     $trace = $e->getTrace();
     foreach ($trace as $i => &$entry) {
         if (isset($entry['class'])) {
             try {
                 $refl = new ReflectionMethod($entry['class'], $entry['function']);
                 if (isset($trace[$i - 1]) && isset($trace[$i - 1]['line'])) {
                     $entry['caller'] = (int) $trace[$i - 1]['line'] - 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($i === 0) {
                         $entry['caller'] = (int) $e->getLine() - 1;
                 $start = $entry['caller'] - self::BACKTRACE_CONTEXT;
                 if ($start < $refl->getStartLine()) {
                     $start = $refl->getStartLine() - 1;
                 $end = $entry['caller'] + self::BACKTRACE_CONTEXT;
                 if ($end > $refl->getEndLine()) {
                     $end = $refl->getEndLine();
                 $entry['source'] = $this->getSourceFromFile($refl->getFileName(), $start, $end);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $entry['caller'] = null;
                 $entry['source'] = '';
         if (isset($entry['args'])) {
             // Duplicate so we don't overwrite by-reference variables
             $args = array();
             foreach ($entry['args'] as $i => $arg) {
                 $args[$i] = gettype($arg);
             $entry['args'] = $args;
     $exceptionParams = array();
     if (method_exists($e, 'getParams')) {
         $exceptionParams = $e->getParams();
     $d = array('backtrace' => $trace, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'code' => $e->getCode(), 'file' => $e->getFile(), 'line' => $e->getLine(), 'name' => api_helpers_class::getBaseName($e), 'params' => $exceptionParams);
     if (!empty($e->userInfo)) {
         $d['userInfo'] = $e->userInfo;
     return $d;
Exemple #12
  * Returns the line this method's declaration starts at
  * @return integer Line this methods's declaration starts at
 public function getStartLine()
     if ($this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionMethod) {
         return $this->reflectionSource->getStartLine();
     } else {
         return parent::getStartLine();
Exemple #13
 public static function getMethodBodyAndDocComment($cls, $mtd)
     $func = new \ReflectionMethod($cls, $mtd);
     $start_line = $func->getStartLine() + 1;
     $length = $func->getEndLine() - $start_line - 1;
     $lines = array_slice(file($func->getFileName()), $start_line, $length);
     return array(implode('', $lines), $func->getDocComment());
Exemple #14
 public function getRawBody()
     $method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->testClassInstance, $this->testMethod);
     $start_line = $method->getStartLine() - 1; // it's actually - 1, otherwise you wont get the function() block
     $end_line = $method->getEndLine();
     $source = file($method->getFileName());
     return implode("", array_slice($source, $start_line, $end_line - $start_line));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function collect(Request $request, Response $response, \Exception $exception = null)
     $responseHeaders = $response->headers->all();
     $cookies = array();
     foreach ($response->headers->getCookies() as $cookie) {
         $cookies[] = $this->getCookieHeader($cookie->getName(), $cookie->getValue(), $cookie->getExpiresTime(), $cookie->getPath(), $cookie->getDomain(), $cookie->isSecure(), $cookie->isHttpOnly());
     if (count($cookies) > 0) {
         $responseHeaders['Set-Cookie'] = $cookies;
     $attributes = array();
     foreach ($request->attributes->all() as $key => $value) {
         if ('_route' == $key && is_object($value)) {
             $value = $value->getPattern();
         $attributes[$key] = $this->varToString($value);
     $content = null;
     try {
         $content = $request->getContent();
     } catch (\LogicException $e) {
         // the user already got the request content as a resource
         $content = false;
     $sessionMetadata = array();
     $sessionAttributes = array();
     $flashes = array();
     if ($request->hasSession()) {
         $session = $request->getSession();
         if ($session->isStarted()) {
             $sessionMetadata['Created'] = date(DATE_RFC822, $session->getMetadataBag()->getCreated());
             $sessionMetadata['Last used'] = date(DATE_RFC822, $session->getMetadataBag()->getLastUsed());
             $sessionMetadata['Lifetime'] = $session->getMetadataBag()->getLifetime();
             $sessionAttributes = $session->all();
             $flashes = $session->getFlashBag()->peekAll();
     $this->data = array('format' => $request->getRequestFormat(), 'content' => $content, 'content_type' => $response->headers->get('Content-Type') ? $response->headers->get('Content-Type') : 'text/html', 'status_code' => $response->getStatusCode(), 'request_query' => $request->query->all(), 'request_request' => $request->request->all(), 'request_headers' => $request->headers->all(), 'request_server' => $request->server->all(), 'request_cookies' => $request->cookies->all(), 'request_attributes' => $attributes, 'response_headers' => $responseHeaders, 'session_metadata' => $sessionMetadata, 'session_attributes' => $sessionAttributes, 'flashes' => $flashes, 'path_info' => $request->getPathInfo(), 'controller' => 'n/a', 'locale' => $request->getLocale());
     if (isset($this->controllers[$request])) {
         $controller = $this->controllers[$request];
         if (is_array($controller)) {
             try {
                 $r = new \ReflectionMethod($controller[0], $controller[1]);
                 $this->data['controller'] = array('class' => is_object($controller[0]) ? get_class($controller[0]) : $controller[0], 'method' => $controller[1], 'file' => $r->getFilename(), 'line' => $r->getStartLine());
             } catch (\ReflectionException $re) {
                 if (is_callable($controller)) {
                     // using __call or  __callStatic
                     $this->data['controller'] = array('class' => is_object($controller[0]) ? get_class($controller[0]) : $controller[0], 'method' => $controller[1], 'file' => 'n/a', 'line' => 'n/a');
         } elseif ($controller instanceof \Closure) {
             $this->data['controller'] = 'Closure';
         } else {
             $this->data['controller'] = (string) $controller ?: 'n/a';
Exemple #16
  * Get the source code for the method
  * @param \ReflectionMethod $method
  * @return string
 protected function _getCode(\ReflectionMethod $method)
     $filename = $method->getFileName();
     $start_line = $method->getStartLine() + 1;
     $end_line = $method->getEndLine() - 1;
     $length = $end_line - $start_line;
     $source = file($filename);
     return preg_replace('/^\\s{4}/m', '', implode("", array_slice($source, $start_line, $length)));
  * Get start line (position) of method
  * @param  bool $includeDocComment
  * @return int
 public function getStartLine($includeDocComment = false)
     if ($includeDocComment) {
         if ($this->getDocComment() != '') {
             return $this->getDocblock()->getStartLine();
     return parent::getStartLine();
Exemple #18
 static function getMethodSource(ReflectionMethod $method)
     $path = $method->getFileName();
     $lines = @file($path);
     $from = $method->getStartLine();
     $to = $method->getEndLine();
     $len = $to - $from + 1;
     return implode(array_slice($lines, $from - 1, $len));
Exemple #19
  * @param \ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod
  * @return string
 private function getCodeBody(\ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod)
     $endLine = $reflectionMethod->getEndLine();
     $startLine = $reflectionMethod->getStartLine();
     $reflectionClass = $this->getMethodOwner($reflectionMethod, $startLine, $endLine);
     $length = $endLine - $startLine;
     $lines = file(StreamWrapper::wrapPath($reflectionClass->getFileName()));
     $code = join(PHP_EOL, array_slice($lines, $startLine - 1, $length + 1));
     return preg_replace('/.*function[^{]+{/s', '', $code);
 public function test_populate_callback_static_method_string()
     $function = 'QM_Test_Object::hello';
     $callback = self::get_callback($function);
     $ref = new ReflectionMethod('QM_Test_Object', 'hello');
     $actual = QM_Util::populate_callback($callback);
     $this->assertEquals(array('QM_Test_Object', 'hello'), $actual['function']);
     $this->assertEquals('QM_Test_Object::hello()', $actual['name']);
     $this->assertEquals($ref->getFileName(), $actual['file']);
     $this->assertEquals($ref->getStartLine(), $actual['line']);
 function sourceMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method)
     $filename = $method->getFileName();
     $start_line = $method->getStartLine() - 1;
     // it's actually - 1, otherwise you wont get the function() block
     $end_line = $method->getEndLine();
     $length = $end_line - $start_line;
     $source = file($filename);
     $body = implode("", array_slice($source, $start_line, $length));
     return $method->getDocComment() . PHP_EOL . $body;
  * Test the complete Drupal migration.
 public function testDrupal()
     $dumps = $this->getDumps();
     $classes = $this->getTestClassesList();
     $extension_install_storage = new ExtensionInstallStorage(\Drupal::service('config.storage'), InstallStorage::CONFIG_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORY, StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION, TRUE);
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         if (is_subclass_of($class, '\\Drupal\\migrate\\Tests\\MigrateDumpAlterInterface')) {
     // Run every migration in the order specified by the storage controller.
     foreach (entity_load_multiple('migration', static::$migrations) as $migration) {
         (new MigrateExecutable($migration, $this))->import();
         // Ensure that the default migration has the correct dependencies.
         list($base_name, ) = explode(':', $migration->id(), 2);
         $default_configuration = $extension_install_storage->read('migrate.migration.' . $base_name);
         $default_dependencies = isset($default_configuration['dependencies']) ? $default_configuration['dependencies'] : [];
         $this->assertEqual($default_dependencies, $migration->getDependencies(), SafeMarkup::format('Dependencies in @id match after installing. Default configuration @first is equal to active configuration @second.', array('@id' => $migration->id(), '@first' => var_export($default_dependencies, TRUE), '@second' => var_export($migration->getDependencies(), TRUE))));
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $test_object = new $class($this->testId);
         $test_object->databasePrefix = $this->databasePrefix;
         $test_object->container = $this->container;
         // run() does a lot of setup and tear down work which we don't need:
         // it would setup a new database connection and wouldn't find the
         // Drupal dump. Also by skipping the setUp() methods there are no id
         // mappings or entities prepared. The tests run against solely migrated
         // data.
         foreach (get_class_methods($test_object) as $method) {
             if (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 4)) == 'test') {
                 // Insert a fail record. This will be deleted on completion to ensure
                 // that testing completed.
                 $method_info = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
                 $caller = array('file' => $method_info->getFileName(), 'line' => $method_info->getStartLine(), 'function' => $class . '->' . $method . '()');
                 $completion_check_id = TestBase::insertAssert($this->testId, $class, FALSE, 'The test did not complete due to a fatal error.', 'Completion check', $caller);
                 // Run the test method.
                 try {
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // Remove the completion check record.
         // Add the pass/fail/exception/debug results.
         foreach ($this->results as $key => &$value) {
             $value += $test_object->results[$key];
function reflectMethod($class, $method)
    $methodInfo = new ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
    echo "**********************************\n";
    echo "Reflecting on method {$class}::{$method}()\n\n";
    echo "\ngetFileName():\n";
    echo "\ngetStartLine():\n";
    echo "\ngetEndLine():\n";
    echo "\n**********************************\n";
  * Called by the DebugBar when data needs to be collected
  * @return array Collected data
 function collect()
     $dispatcher = $this->di['dispatcher'];
     $router = $this->di['router'];
     $route = $router->getMatchedRoute();
     if (!$route) {
         return array();
     $uri = $route->getPattern();
     $paths = $route->getPaths();
     $result['uri'] = $uri ?: '-';
     $result['paths'] = $this->formatVar($paths);
     if ($params = $router->getParams()) {
         $result['params'] = $this->formatVar($params);
     $result['HttpMethods'] = $route->getHttpMethods();
     $result['RouteName'] = $route->getName();
     $result['hostname'] = $route->getHostname();
     if ($this->di->has('app') && ($app = $this->di['app']) instanceof Micro) {
         if (($handler = $app->getActiveHandler()) instanceof \Closure || is_string($handler)) {
             $reflector = new \ReflectionFunction($handler);
         } elseif (is_array($handler)) {
             $reflector = new \ReflectionMethod($handler[0], $handler[1]);
     } else {
         $result['Moudle'] = $router->getModuleName();
         $result['Controller'] = get_class($controller_instance = $dispatcher->getActiveController());
         $result['Action'] = $dispatcher->getActiveMethod();
         $reflector = new \ReflectionMethod($controller_instance, $result['Action']);
     if (isset($reflector)) {
         $start = $reflector->getStartLine() - 1;
         $stop = $reflector->getEndLine();
         $filename = substr($reflector->getFileName(), mb_strlen(realpath(dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']))));
         $code = array_slice(file($reflector->getFileName()), $start, $stop - $start);
         $result['file'] = $filename . ':' . $reflector->getStartLine() . '-' . $reflector->getEndLine() . "  [CODE]: \n" . implode("", $code);
     return array_filter($result);
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method
  * @return string
 function generateMethodArguments(ReflectionMethod $method)
     if ($method->isInternal()) {
         // This code can`t handle constants, it replaces its with value
         return implode(', ', array_map(array($this, 'generateMethodArgument'), $method->getParameters()));
     } else {
         $lines = $this->getFileLines($method->getFileName());
         $start_line = $method->getStartLine() - 1;
         $function_lines = array_slice($lines, $start_line, $method->getEndLine() - $start_line);
         // todo: use code beautifier?
         return $this->parseFunctionArgs(implode(PHP_EOL, $function_lines));
  * @param $class
  * @param $method
  * @return array
  * @throws \ReflectionException
 public function getMethodData($class, $method)
     $class = is_object($class) ? get_class($class) : $class;
     $data = [];
     try {
         $reflectedMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
         $data = ['class' => $class, 'method' => $method, 'file' => $reflectedMethod->getFilename(), 'line' => $reflectedMethod->getStartLine()];
     } catch (\ReflectionException $re) {
         // TODO: handle the exception.
     } finally {
         return $data;
 public static final function getService()
     $class = get_called_class();
     if (($rc = new ReflectionClass($class)) && $rc->isAbstract()) {
         throw new Exception('Class "' . $class . '", extending "Clap_ServiceInstance", cannot be called as a "Service" if it is "Abstract"');
     if (!method_exists($class, '__construct')) {
         throw new Exception('Class "' . $class . '" extending "Clap_ServiceInstance", require "' . $class . '" to implement the method  "protected function __construct()"');
     if (($rm = new ReflectionMethod($class, '__construct')) && !$rm->isProtected()) {
         throw new Exception('Access type for method "' . $class . '::__construct()" must be declared as "protected" to be compatible with "Clap_ServiceInstance", in "' . $rm->getFileName() . '" on line "' . $rm->getStartLine() . '"');
     return new self($class);
Exemple #28
 protected function _getMethodSource($fileSource)
     $className = $this->_findDefinedClasses();
     //find method name to copy
     $matches = [];
     preg_match_all('/function(.*?)\\(/', $this->file->current(), $matches);
     $fnName = trim($matches[1][0]);
     $rc = new \ReflectionMethod($className, $fnName);
     //zero-indexed start line of function
     $startLine = $rc->getStartLine() - 1;
     $endLine = $rc->getEndLine();
     $length = $endLine - $startLine;
     return implode("", array_slice($fileSource, $startLine, $length));
 public static function add($className, $methodName, $executionTime, $annotations)
     if (empty(self::$methods[$methodName])) {
         // normalize time
         $executionTime = round($executionTime, self::TEST_EXECUTION_TIME_RESOLUTION);
         $classReflector = new ReflectionClass($className);
         $methodReflector = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
         $lineNumber = $methodReflector->getStartLine();
         $docComment = $methodReflector->getDocComment();
         $filePath = $classReflector->getFileName();
         $alreadyMarkedAsSlow = self::isMarkedAsSlow($annotations);
         self::$methods[$methodName] = ['filePath' => $filePath, 'lineNumber' => $lineNumber, 'docComment' => $docComment, 'alreadyMarkedAsSlow' => $alreadyMarkedAsSlow, 'executionTime' => $executionTime];
Exemple #30
 static function getMethodSource(ReflectionMethod $method)
     // принимаем объект класса ReflectionMethod
     $path = $method->getFileName();
     // получаем путь к файлу
     $lines = @file($path);
     // получаем массив с кодом
     $from = $method->getStartLine();
     // получаем строку где начинается нужный код
     $to = $method->getEndLine();
     //получаем строку где заканчивается нужный код
     $len = $to - $from + 1;
     // получаем длинну
     return implode(array_slice($lines, $from - 1, $len));
     // обрезаем массив, и переводим в строку