public function submit($value) { require_once 'redis/RedisController.php'; // $value='f**k'.time(); $redis = new RedisController(); $redis->setMessageSS($_SESSION['username'], $value); $arr = array('success' => '1', 'name' => 'zuston', 'text' => $value); echo json_encode($arr); }
public function getMessageByTimestamp($username) { $timestamp = (double) $this->redisInstance->get($username . '-timestamp'); // echo $timestamp; // return $this->redisInstance->zrangebyscore($username.'-content',$timestamp,2020202020); $userSorts = RedisController::getLoginHashMapAll(); foreach ($userSorts as $key => $value) { # code... // $timestamp=(double)$this->redisInstance->get($key.'-timestamp'); $userContent = $this->redisInstance->zrangebyscore($key . '-content', $timestamp, 2020202020); if (is_array($userContent)) { foreach ($userContent as $k => $v) { # code... $this->contents[] = $v; // 将时间戳保存在数组,转换为正常时间 $creatTime = $this->redisInstance->zscore($key . '-content', $v); $creatTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $creatTime); $this->contents[] = $creatTime; } } } /*排序数组*/ // ksort($this->contents); return $this->contents; }
<?php function __autoload($classname) { if (file_exists($classname . '.php')) { require_once $classname . '.php'; } else { echo 'can not find the ' . $classname . ' the php file'; } } $redis = new RedisController(); // $redis->setHashMap(); var_dump($redis->getMessageByTimestamp('user1')); // $redis->test();
<?php namespace Mauricext4fs\Redis; // Static require, only testing the current module require_once __DIR__ . "/../src/Mauricext4fs/Redis/RedisController.php"; $objRedis = new RedisController(); printf("Starting new Set Test" . PHP_EOL); // Adding duplicate ascii element to a set $strSetName = uniqid(); $arrSet = array("test1", "test2", "test3", "test3", "test4"); foreach ($arrSet as $strValue) { $objRedis->addValueToSet($strSetName, $strValue); } // getting the set back $arrSetFromRedis = $objRedis->getSet($strSetName); // Check that all value from the orginal value exist in Redis printf("Check value from original set from Redis....... "); $boolFail = false; foreach ($arrSet as $strKey => $strValue) { if (!in_array($strValue, $arrSetFromRedis)) { printf("Fail! %s", PHP_EOL); $boolFail = true; break; } } if ($boolFail === false) { printf("OK!%s", PHP_EOL); } // Check that all value from Redis set exist in the orginal value printf("Check value from Redis set in original set....... ");
<?php require_once 'redis/RedisController.php'; if (empty($_POST['time'])) { exit; } set_time_limit(0); //无限请求超时时间 // 设置用户名称 // $username=$_SESSION['username']; $username = '******'; // 登录时保存全局变量 $redis = new RedisController(); $i = 0; while (true) { # code... usleep(2000000); $i++; $value = $redis->getMessageByTimestamp($username); if (!$value == null) { $timestamp = (double) time(); $redis->setUserTimestamp($username, $timestamp); $arr = array('success' => '1', 'name' => 'zuston', 'text' => $value); echo json_encode($arr); exit; } else { echo 'error'; exit; } if ($i == $_POST['time']) { $arr = array('success' => '0', 'name' => 'zuston', 'text' => 'error');
<?php require_once 'redis/RedisController.php'; $redis = new RedisController(); $num = time(); $v = $redis->getMessageByTimestamp('user1'); var_dump($v);
<?php namespace Mauricext4fs\Redis; // Static require, only testing the current module require_once __DIR__ . "/../src/Mauricext4fs/Redis/RedisController.php"; $objRedis = new RedisController(); printf("Starting standard test" . PHP_EOL); // Adding duplicate ascii element to a set $strKey = uniqid(); // Check that all value from the orginal value exist in Redis printf("Set and Get test....... "); $boolFail = false; $objRedis->set($strKey, "test3"); $strResponse = $objRedis->get($strKey); if ($strResponse !== "test3") { printf("Fail! %s", PHP_EOL); $boolFail = true; } else { printf("OK!%s", PHP_EOL); } // Check that all value from Redis set exist in the orginal value printf("delete test ....... "); $boolFail = false; $objRedis->delete($strKey); $strResponse = $objRedis->get($strKey); if (!empty($strResponse)) { printf("Fail! %s", PHP_EOL); $boolFail = true; break; } else {
/** * Helper function to get number of entries in REDIS * Probably not needed, it's an indirect way of calling a static * method of a controller with a singleton reference to the connection * Anyway, it works.. * * @return int */ public static function getRedisCount() { //$num = Controller::call('\Redis@getNumKeys', array()); $num = \RedisController::getNumKeys(); return $num; }
<?php namespace Mauricext4fs\Redis; // Static require, only testing the current module require_once __DIR__ . "/../src/Mauricext4fs/Redis/RedisController.php"; $objRedis = new RedisController(); printf("Starting new List Test" . PHP_EOL); // Adding duplicate ascii element to a set $strListName = uniqid(); $arrList = array("test1", "test2", "test3", "test3", "test4"); foreach ($arrList as $strValue) { $objRedis->addValueToList($strListName, $strValue); } // getting the List back $arrListFromRedis = $objRedis->getList($strListName); // Check that all value from the orginal value exist in Redis printf("Check value from original List from Redis....... "); $boolFail = false; foreach ($arrList as $strKey => $strValue) { if (!in_array($strValue, $arrListFromRedis)) { printf("Fail! %s", PHP_EOL); $boolFail = true; break; } } if ($boolFail === false) { printf("OK!%s", PHP_EOL); } // Check that all value from Redis List exist in the orginal value printf("Check value from Redis List in original List....... ");