public function it_can_srem()
     $this->redis->srem('test', 'test')->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->sRem('test', ['test']);
     $this->redis->srem('test', 'test')->willThrow(new \RedisException());
     $this->shouldThrow(DriverException::class)->during('sRem', ['test', ['test']]);
Exemple #2
 public function removeSurvey($surveyID)
     if (!$this->exists()) {
     Redis::srem("User:{$this->id}:surveys", $surveyID);
  * Disable a dark launch feature
  * @param $feature string - The name of the feature
 public function disable_feature($feature_name)
     $multi = $this->redis->multi();
     $this->redis->srem("{$this->feature_namespace()}:features", $feature_name);
  * Disable a dark launch feature
  * @param $feature string - The name of the feature
 public function disable_feature($feature_name)
     $feature_name = str_replace('_', '-', $feature_name);
     $multi = $this->redis->multi();
     $this->redis->hdel("{$this->_feature_namespace()}:feature", $feature_name);
     $this->redis->srem("{$this->_feature_namespace()}:features", $feature_name);
  * Mark a worker as paused/active
  * @since 0.0.1
  * @param string    $workerName Name of the paused worker
  * @param bool      $paused     Whether to mark the worker as paused or active
 public function setPausedWorker($workerName, $paused = true)
     if ($paused) {
         $this->redis->sadd(self::$pausedWorkerKey, $workerName);
     } else {
         $this->redis->srem(self::$pausedWorkerKey, $workerName);
Exemple #6

//$file = 'lock.lock';
//$fp = fopen($file,'r+');
//$flag1 = flock($fp,LOCK_EX);
//$fp2 = fopen($file,'r+');
////$flag2 = flock($fp2,LOCK_EX);
 * redis锁
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->conncec('', 6379);
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->conncec('', 6379);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
    if ($redis->isMember(1)) {
    } else {
        $redis->sadd('lock_stock', 1);
$redis->srem('stock_lock', 1);
Exemple #7
echo $redis->lsize("list");
echo $redis->lget("list", 0);
echo $redis->lset("list", 1, "new_value");
$data = $redis->lRange("list", 0, -1);
echo "<pre>";
$bool = $redis->ltrim("list", 0, 5);
echo $redis->lrem("list", "5");
$bool = $redis->rpoplpush("srcKey", "dstKey");
// SET
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $redis->sadd("myset", $i + rand(10, 99));
$bool = $redis->srem("myset", 16);
echo (int) $bool;
$bool = $redis->sMove("myset", "myset1", 35);
echo $bool;
$data = $redis->smembers("myset");
$bool = $redis->sismember("myset", 555);
echo (int) $bool;
echo $redis->scard("myset");
$redis->sinterstore("output", "myset", "myset1");
$data = $redis->smembers("output");
echo "<pre>";
// sort
$data = $redis->sort("myset", array("sort" => "desc"));
echo "<pre>";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
Exemple #8
 private function checkSerializer($mode)
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->getOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER) === Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE);
     // default
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, $mode) === TRUE);
     // set ok
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->getOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER) === $mode);
     // get ok
     // lPush, rPush
     $a = array('hello world', 42, TRUE, array('<tag>' => 1729));
     $this->redis->lPush('key', $a[0]);
     $this->redis->rPush('key', $a[1]);
     $this->redis->rPush('key', $a[2]);
     $this->redis->rPush('key', $a[3]);
     // lrange
     $this->assertTrue($a === $this->redis->lrange('key', 0, -1));
     // lGet
     $this->assertTrue($a[0] === $this->redis->lGet('key', 0));
     $this->assertTrue($a[1] === $this->redis->lGet('key', 1));
     $this->assertTrue($a[2] === $this->redis->lGet('key', 2));
     $this->assertTrue($a[3] === $this->redis->lGet('key', 3));
     // lrem
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->lrem('key', $a[3]) === 1);
     $this->assertTrue(array_slice($a, 0, 3) === $this->redis->lrange('key', 0, -1));
     // lSet
     $a[0] = array('k' => 'v');
     // update
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->lSet('key', 0, $a[0]));
     $this->assertTrue($a[0] === $this->redis->lGet('key', 0));
     // lInsert
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->lInsert('key', Redis::BEFORE, $a[0], array(1, 2, 3)) === 4);
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->lInsert('key', Redis::AFTER, $a[0], array(4, 5, 6)) === 5);
     $a = array(array(1, 2, 3), $a[0], array(4, 5, 6), $a[1], $a[2]);
     $this->assertTrue($a === $this->redis->lrange('key', 0, -1));
     // sAdd
     $s = array(1, 'a', array(1, 2, 3), array('k' => 'v'));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->sAdd('{set}key', $s[0]));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->sAdd('{set}key', $s[1]));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->sAdd('{set}key', $s[2]));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->sAdd('{set}key', $s[3]));
     // variadic sAdd
     $this->assertTrue(3 === $this->redis->sAdd('k', 'a', 'b', 'c'));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->sAdd('k', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'));
     // srem
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->srem('{set}key', $s[3]));
     $this->assertTrue(0 === $this->redis->srem('{set}key', $s[3]));
     // variadic
     $this->redis->sAdd('k', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
     $this->assertTrue(2 === $this->redis->sRem('k', 'a', 'd'));
     $this->assertTrue(2 === $this->redis->sRem('k', 'b', 'c', 'e'));
     $this->assertTrue(FALSE === $this->redis->exists('k'));
     // sismember
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->sismember('{set}key', $s[0]));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->sismember('{set}key', $s[1]));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->sismember('{set}key', $s[2]));
     $this->assertTrue(FALSE === $this->redis->sismember('{set}key', $s[3]));
     // sMove
     $this->redis->sMove('{set}key', '{set}tmp', $s[0]);
     $this->assertTrue(FALSE === $this->redis->sismember('{set}key', $s[0]));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->sismember('{set}tmp', $s[0]));
     // sorted sets
     $z = array('z0', array('k' => 'v'), FALSE, NULL);
     // zAdd
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->zAdd('key', 0, $z[0]));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->zAdd('key', 1, $z[1]));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->zAdd('key', 2, $z[2]));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->zAdd('key', 3, $z[3]));
     // zRem
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->zRem('key', $z[3]));
     $this->assertTrue(0 === $this->redis->zRem('key', $z[3]));
     // check that zRem doesn't crash with a missing parameter (GitHub issue #102):
     $this->assertTrue(FALSE === @$this->redis->zRem('key'));
     // variadic
     $this->redis->zAdd('k', 0, 'a');
     $this->redis->zAdd('k', 1, 'b');
     $this->redis->zAdd('k', 2, 'c');
     $this->assertTrue(2 === $this->redis->zRem('k', 'a', 'c'));
     $this->assertTrue(1.0 === $this->redis->zScore('k', 'b'));
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->zRange('k', 0, -1, true) == array('b' => 1.0));
     // zRange
     $this->assertTrue($z === $this->redis->zRange('key', 0, -1));
     // zScore
     $this->assertTrue(0.0 === $this->redis->zScore('key', $z[0]));
     $this->assertTrue(1.0 === $this->redis->zScore('key', $z[1]));
     $this->assertTrue(2.0 === $this->redis->zScore('key', $z[2]));
     // zRank
     $this->assertTrue(0 === $this->redis->zRank('key', $z[0]));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->zRank('key', $z[1]));
     $this->assertTrue(2 === $this->redis->zRank('key', $z[2]));
     // zRevRank
     $this->assertTrue(2 === $this->redis->zRevRank('key', $z[0]));
     $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->zRevRank('key', $z[1]));
     $this->assertTrue(0 === $this->redis->zRevRank('key', $z[2]));
     // zIncrBy
     $this->assertTrue(3.0 === $this->redis->zIncrBy('key', 1.0, $z[2]));
     $this->assertTrue(3.0 === $this->redis->zScore('key', $z[2]));
     $this->assertTrue(5.0 === $this->redis->zIncrBy('key', 2.0, $z[2]));
     $this->assertTrue(5.0 === $this->redis->zScore('key', $z[2]));
     $this->assertTrue(2.0 === $this->redis->zIncrBy('key', -3.0, $z[2]));
     $this->assertTrue(2.0 === $this->redis->zScore('key', $z[2]));
     // mset
     $a = array('k0' => 1, 'k1' => 42, 'k2' => NULL, 'k3' => FALSE, 'k4' => array('a' => 'b'));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->mset($a));
     foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
         $this->assertTrue($this->redis->get($k) === $v);
     $a = array('k0' => 1, 'k1' => 42, 'k2' => NULL, 'k3' => FALSE, 'k4' => array('a' => 'b'));
     // hSet
     foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
         $this->assertTrue(1 === $this->redis->hSet('key', $k, $v));
     // hGet
     foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
         $this->assertTrue($v === $this->redis->hGet('key', $k));
     // hGetAll
     $this->assertTrue($a === $this->redis->hGetAll('key'));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->hExists('key', 'k0'));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->hExists('key', 'k1'));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->hExists('key', 'k2'));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->hExists('key', 'k3'));
     $this->assertTrue(TRUE === $this->redis->hExists('key', 'k4'));
     // hMSet
     $this->redis->hMSet('key', $a);
     foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
         $this->assertTrue($v === $this->redis->hGet('key', $k));
     // hMget
     $hmget = $this->redis->hMget('key', array_keys($a));
     foreach ($hmget as $k => $v) {
         $this->assertTrue($v === $a[$k]);
     // getMultiple
     $this->redis->set('a', NULL);
     $this->redis->set('b', FALSE);
     $this->redis->set('c', 42);
     $this->redis->set('d', array('x' => 'y'));
     $this->assertTrue(array(NULL, FALSE, 42, array('x' => 'y')) === $this->redis->mGet(array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')));
     // pipeline
     if ($this->havePipeline()) {
     // multi-exec
     // keys
     // issue #62, hgetall
     $this->redis->hSet('hash1', 'data', 'test 1');
     $this->redis->hSet('hash1', 'session_id', 'test 2');
     $data = $this->redis->hGetAll('hash1');
     $this->assertTrue($data['data'] === 'test 1');
     $this->assertTrue($data['session_id'] === 'test 2');
     // issue #145, serializer with objects.
     $this->redis->set('x', array(new stdClass(), new stdClass()));
     $x = $this->redis->get('x');
     $this->assertTrue(is_object($x[0]) && get_class($x[0]) === 'stdClass');
     $this->assertTrue(is_object($x[1]) && get_class($x[1]) === 'stdClass');
     // revert
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE) === TRUE);
     // set ok
     $this->assertTrue($this->redis->getOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER) === Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE);
     // get ok