Exemple #1
  * Fetches a collection of OODB Bean objects based on the SQL
  * criteria provided. For instance;
  * - Finder::where("page", " name LIKE '%more%' ");
  * Will return all pages that have the word 'more' in their name.
  * The second argument is actually just plain SQL; the function expects
  * this SQL to be compatible with a SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE X query,
  * where X is ths search string you provide in the second parameter.
  * Another example, using slots:
  * - Finder::where("page", " name LIKE :str ",array(":str"=>'%more%'));
  * Also, note that the default search is always 1. So if you do not
  * specify a search parameter this function will just return every
  * bean of the given type:
  * - Finder::where("page"); //returns all pages
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $SQL
  * @param array $values
  * @return array $beans
 public static function where($type, $SQL = " 1 ", $values = array())
     //Sorry, quite draconic filtering
     $type = preg_replace("/\\W/", "", $type);
     //First get hold of the toolbox
     $tools = RedBean_Setup::getToolBox();
     RedBean_CompatManager::scanDirect($tools, array(RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_MYSQL => "5"));
     //Now get the two tools we need; RedBean and the Adapter
     $redbean = $tools->getRedBean();
     $adapter = $tools->getDatabaseAdapter();
     //Make a standard ANSI SQL query from the SQL provided
     try {
         $SQL = "SELECT * FROM {$type} WHERE " . $SQL;
         //Fetch the values using the SQL and value pairs provided
         $rows = $adapter->get($SQL, $values);
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         if ($e->getSQLState() == "42S02" || $e->getSQLState() == "42S22") {
             //no such table? no problem. may happen.
             return array();
         } else {
             throw $e;
     //Give the rows to RedBean OODB to convert them
     //into beans.
     return $redbean->convertToBeans($type, $rows);
Exemple #2
  * Ensures that given an association between
  * $bean1 and $bean2,
  * if one of them gets trashed the association will be
  * automatically removed.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean1
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean2
  * @return boolean $addedFKS
 public static function addConstraint(RedBean_OODBBean $bean1, RedBean_OODBBean $bean2, $dontCache = false)
     //Fetch the toolbox
     $toolbox = RedBean_Setup::getToolBox();
     RedBean_CompatManager::scanDirect($toolbox, array(RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_MYSQL => "5"));
     //Create an association manager
     $association = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
     $writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $oodb = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     //Frozen? Then we may not alter the schema!
     if ($oodb->isFrozen()) {
         return false;
     $table1 = $bean1->getMeta("type");
     $table2 = $bean2->getMeta("type");
     $table = $association->getTable(array($table1, $table2));
     $idfield1 = $writer->getIDField($bean1->getMeta("type"));
     $idfield2 = $writer->getIDField($bean2->getMeta("type"));
     $bean = $oodb->dispense($table);
     $property1 = $bean1->getMeta("type") . "_id";
     $property2 = $bean2->getMeta("type") . "_id";
     if ($property1 == $property2) {
         $property2 = $bean2->getMeta("type") . "2_id";
     $table = $adapter->escape($table);
     $table1 = $adapter->escape($table1);
     $table2 = $adapter->escape($table2);
     $property1 = $adapter->escape($property1);
     $property2 = $adapter->escape($property2);
     //In Cache? Then we dont need to bother
     if (isset(self::$fkcache[$table])) {
         return false;
     $db = $adapter->getCell("select database()");
     $fks = $adapter->getCell("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(*)\n\t\t\tFROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE\n\t\t\tWHERE TABLE_SCHEMA ='{$db}' AND TABLE_NAME ='{$table}' AND\n\t\t\tCONSTRAINT_NAME <>'PRIMARY' AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME is not null\n\t\t");
     //already foreign keys added in this association table
     if ($fks > 0) {
         return false;
     //add the table to the cache, so we dont have to fire the fk query all the time.
     if (!$dontCache) {
         self::$fkcache[$table] = true;
     $columns = $writer->getColumns($table);
     if ($writer->code($columns[$property1]) !== RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32) {
         $writer->widenColumn($table, $property1, RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32);
     if ($writer->code($columns[$property2]) !== RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32) {
         $writer->widenColumn($table, $property2, RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32);
     $sql = "\n\t\t\tALTER TABLE " . $writer->noKW($table) . "\n\t\t\tADD FOREIGN KEY({$property1}) references {$table1}(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;\n\n\t\t";
     $sql = "\n\t\t\tALTER TABLE " . $writer->noKW($table) . "\n\t\t\tADD FOREIGN KEY({$property2}) references {$table2}(id) ON DELETE CASCADE\n\t\t";
     return true;
  * Static Variant
  * Scans the toolbox to determine whether the database adapter
  * is compatible with the current class, plugin or module.
  * @throws RedBean_Exception_UnsupportedDatabase $exception
  * @param RedBean_ToolBox $toolbox
  * @param array $listOfSystemsSupported
  * @return bool $compatible
 public static function scanDirect(RedBean_ToolBox $toolbox, $list = array())
     $compat = new RedBean_CompatManager();
     $compat->supportedSystems = $list;
     return $compat->scanToolBox($toolbox);
Exemple #4
  * Ensures that given an association between
  * $bean1 and $bean2,
  * if one of them gets trashed the association will be
  * automatically removed.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean1
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean2
  * @return boolean $addedFKS
 public static function addConstraint(RedBean_OODBBean $bean1, RedBean_OODBBean $bean2, $dontCache = false)
     $toolbox = RedBean_Setup::getToolBox();
     RedBean_CompatManager::scanDirect($toolbox, array(RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_MYSQL => "5", RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_SQLITE => "3", RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_POSTGRESQL => "7"));
     $association = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
     $writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $oodb = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     if ($oodb->isFrozen()) {
         return false;
     $table1 = $bean1->getMeta("type");
     $table2 = $bean2->getMeta("type");
     $table = $association->getTable(array($table1, $table2));
     $idfield1 = $writer->getIDField($bean1->getMeta("type"));
     $idfield2 = $writer->getIDField($bean2->getMeta("type"));
     $bean = $oodb->dispense($table);
     $property1 = $bean1->getMeta("type") . "_id";
     $property2 = $bean2->getMeta("type") . "_id";
     if ($property1 == $property2) {
         $property2 = $bean2->getMeta("type") . "2_id";
     $table = $adapter->escape($table);
     $table1 = $adapter->escape($table1);
     $table2 = $adapter->escape($table2);
     $property1 = $adapter->escape($property1);
     $property2 = $adapter->escape($property2);
     $fkCode = "fk" . md5($table . $property1 . $property2);
     if (isset(self::$fkcache[$fkCode])) {
         return false;
     try {
         if ($writer instanceof RedBean_QueryWriter_PostgreSQL) {
             return self::constraintPostgreSQL($toolbox, $table, $table1, $table2, $property1, $property2, $dontCache);
         if ($writer instanceof RedBean_QueryWriter_SQLite) {
             return self::constraintSQLite($toolbox, $table, $table1, $table2, $property1, $property2, $dontCache);
         if ($writer instanceof RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL) {
             return self::constraintMySQL($toolbox, $table, $table1, $table2, $property1, $property2, $dontCache);
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         if (!$writer->sqlStateIn($e->getSQLState(), array(RedBean_QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_COLUMN, RedBean_QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_TABLE))) {
             throw $e;
     return false;
Exemple #5
  * Fetches a collection of OODB Bean objects based on the SQL
  * criteria provided. For instance;
  * - Finder::where("page", " name LIKE '%more%' ");
  * Will return all pages that have the word 'more' in their name.
  * The second argument is actually just plain SQL; the function expects
  * this SQL to be compatible with a SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE X query,
  * where X is ths search string you provide in the second parameter.
  * Another example, using slots:
  * - Finder::where("page", " name LIKE :str ",array(":str"=>'%more%'));
  * Also, note that the default search is always 1. So if you do not
  * specify a search parameter this function will just return every
  * bean of the given type:
  * - Finder::where("page"); //returns all pages
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $SQL
  * @param array $values
  * @return array $beans
 public static function where($type, $SQL = " 1 ", $values = array(), $tools = false, $ignoreGSQLWarn = false)
     if ($SQL === "") {
         $SQL = " 1 ";
     //Sorry, quite draconic filtering
     $type = preg_replace("/\\W/", "", $type);
     //First get hold of the toolbox
     if (!$tools) {
         $tools = RedBean_Setup::getToolBox();
     RedBean_CompatManager::scanDirect($tools, array(RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_MYSQL => "5", RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_SQLITE => "3", RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_POSTGRESQL => "7"));
     //Now get the two tools we need; RedBean and the Adapter
     $redbean = $tools->getRedBean();
     $adapter = $tools->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $writer = $tools->getWriter();
     //Do we need to parse Gold SQL?
     if (!$redbean->isFrozen()) {
         $SQL = self::parseGoldSQL($SQL, $type, $tools);
     } else {
         if (!$ignoreGSQLWarn && strpos($SQL, "@") !== false) {
             throw new RedBean_Exception_SQL("Gold SQL is\n\t\t\t\t\tonly allowed in FLUID mode,\n\t\t\t\t\tto ignore use extra argument TRUE for Finder::Where");
     //Make a standard ANSI SQL query from the SQL provided
     try {
         $SQL = "SELECT * FROM {$type} WHERE " . $SQL;
         //Fetch the values using the SQL and value pairs provided
         $rows = $adapter->get($SQL, $values);
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         if ($writer->sqlStateIn($e->getSQLState(), array(RedBean_QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_COLUMN, RedBean_QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_TABLE))) {
             return array();
         } else {
             throw $e;
     //Give the rows to RedBean OODB to convert them
     //into beans.
     return $redbean->convertToBeans($type, $rows);
Exemple #6
try {
    RedBean_CompatManager::scanDirect($toolbox, array(RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_FOXPRO => "1"));
} catch (RedBean_Exception_UnsupportedDatabase $e) {
try {
    RedBean_CompatManager::scanDirect($toolbox, array(RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_MYSQL => "9999"));
} catch (RedBean_Exception_UnsupportedDatabase $e) {
try {
    RedBean_CompatManager::scanDirect($toolbox, array(RedBean_CompatManager::C_SYSTEM_FOXPRO => "1"));
} catch (RedBean_Exception_UnsupportedDatabase $e) {
testpack("UNIT TEST RedBean OODB: Dispense");
//Can we dispense a bean?
$page = $redbean->dispense("page");
//Does it have a meta type?
asrt((bool) $page->getMeta("type"), true);
//Does it have an ID?
asrt(isset($page->id), true);
//Type should be 'page'
asrt($page->getMeta("type"), "page");
//ID should be 0 because bean does not exist in database yet.
asrt($page->id, 0);