public function database() { // auth Util\Auth::isAdminAuthorized($this->signedUser, '', true, '/'); // check $db = new \Rebond\Util\Data(); $backup = Util\Converter::string('backup', 'post'); $restore = Util\Converter::string('restore', 'get'); // action if (isset($backup)) { try { $db->backup(); Util\Session::set('adminSuccess', Util\Lang::lang('backupCreated')); } catch (Exception $ex) { Util\Session::set('adminError', $ex->getMessage()); } } if (isset($restore)) { $path = FULL_PATH . 'files/backup/' . $restore; if (!file_exists($path)) { Util\Session::set('adminError', Util\Lang::lang('itemNotFound', [$path])); } else { $result = $db->restore($restore); if ($result['status']) { Util\Session::set('adminSuccess', Util\Lang::lang('backupRestored')); } else { Util\Session::set('adminError', $result['message']); } } } // list backups $files = \Rebond\Util\File::getFiles('files/backup'); $files = array_reverse($files); // view $this->setTpl(); // filter $tplFilter = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['admin', 'dev']); $tplFilter->set('count', count($files)); // main $tplMain = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['admin', 'dev']); $tplMain->set('files', $files); $tplMain->set('path', \Rebond\Config::getPath('backup')); // layout $this->tplLayout->set('column1', $tplFilter->render('db-filter')); $this->tplLayout->set('column2', $tplMain->render('db')); // master $this->tplMaster->set('layout', $this->tplLayout->render('layout-2-row')); $this->tplMaster->set('jsLauncher', 'dev'); return $this->tplMaster->render('tpl-default'); }
public function index() { // check $this->db = new \Rebond\Util\Data(); $this->authFile = \Rebond\Config::getPath('config') . 'authentication.txt'; $this->queryTables = 'SELECT COUNT(TABLE_NAME) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'' . \Rebond\Config::getDb('name') . '\''; $this->queryCheckUser = '******'; $this->info = []; $isAuth = Session::int('auth'); $action = Converter::string('action'); // action if ($isAuth == 0) { $this->step = 'auth'; // check auth if (!file_exists($this->authFile)) { $auth = \Rebond\Util\Security::encrypt(time()); File::save($this->authFile, 'w', $auth); } else { $auth = File::read($this->authFile, 'r'); } if (isset($_POST['submitAuth'])) { if ($auth == $_POST['auth']) { Session::set('auth', 1); $isAuth = 1; unlink($this->authFile); $this->step = 'db'; $this->info[] = '<p class="bg-success">You have been authenticated!</p>'; } else { $this->info[] = '<p class="bg-error">The identification number you entered is incorrect. Please try again.</p>'; } } } if ($isAuth == 1) { // check db $tableCount = $this->db->count($this->queryTables); $userTable = $this->db->selectOne($this->queryCheckUser); if ($tableCount != 0 && $tableCount !== self::TABLECOUNT) { $this->info[] = '<p class="bg-error">Your database contains ' . $tableCount . ' table(s). A fresh install of Rebond should contain ' . self::TABLECOUNT . ' tables. Please check your database name to make sure that you want to install Rebond in this database.</p>'; } if (count($userTable) == 0) { $this->step = 'db'; if ($action == 'db') { $scripts = \Rebond\Util\File::getFiles('files/install'); sort($scripts); foreach ($scripts as $script) { $result = $this->db->runScript('files/install', $script); if ($result['status'] == \Rebond\Core\ResultType::SUCCESS) { $this->info[] = '<p>' . $script . '... success.</p>'; } else { $this->info[] = '<p>' . $script . '... failed: <span class="error">' . $result['message'] . '</span></p>'; break; } } $tableCount = $this->db->count($this->queryTables); $userTable = $this->db->selectOne($this->queryCheckUser); if (count($userTable) == 0) { $this->info[] = '<p class="bg-error">The database has NOT been installed correctly. Please try to reinstall the database.</p>'; } else { $this->info[] = '<p class="bg-success">The database has been installed successfully.</p>'; $this->step = 'db-ok'; } } // check user } else { if (\Rebond\Core\User\Data::count() == 0) { $this->step = 'user'; $user = new \Rebond\Core\User\Model(); $userForm = new \Rebond\Core\User\Form($user); if (isset($_POST['submitUser'])) { if ($userForm->setFromPost()->validate()->isValid()) { $user->setPassword(Security::encryptPassword($user->getPassword())); $user->setIsAdmin(true); $user->setIsDev(true); $user->save(); $this->step = 'ready'; } else { Session::set('adminError', $userForm->getValidation()->getMessage()); } } // ready } else { $this->step = 'ready'; if ($action == 'launch') { $adminPath = \Rebond\Config::getPath('admin'); $sitePath = \Rebond\Config::getPath('site'); rename($adminPath . 'index.php', $adminPath . 'index_install.php'); rename($adminPath . 'index_admin.php', $adminPath . 'index.php'); rename($sitePath . 'index.php', $sitePath . 'index_install.php'); rename($sitePath . 'index_cms.php', $sitePath . 'index.php'); $db = new \Rebond\Util\Data(); $db->backup('launch'); Session::kill('auth'); Session::setAndRedirect('signedUser', 1, '/configuration/site'); } } } } // menu $tplMenu = new Template(Template::SITE, ['admin', 'install']); $tplMenu->set('menuAuth', $this->step == 'auth' ? ' class="active"' : ''); $tplMenu->set('menuDb', in_array($this->step, ['db', 'db-ok']) ? ' class="active"' : ''); $tplMenu->set('menuUser', $this->step == 'user' ? ' class="active"' : ''); $tplMenu->set('menuReady', $this->step == 'ready' ? ' class="active"' : ''); // main $tplMain = new Template(Template::SITE, ['admin', 'install']); // layout $this->tplLayout->set('column1', $tplMenu->render('menu')); $this->tplLayout->add('column1', implode($this->info)); if ($this->step == 'user') { if (!isset($user)) { $userForm = new \Rebond\Core\User\Form(); $userForm->setFromPost(); } $tplMain->set('form', $userForm); } $this->tplLayout->add('column1', $tplMain->render($this->step)); // master $this->tplMaster->set('layout', $this->tplLayout->render('layout-1-col')); $this->tplMaster->set('jsLauncher', 'install'); $this->tplMaster->addCss('/css/normalize.css'); $this->tplMaster->addCss('/css/rebond.css'); $this->tplMaster->addCss('/css/custom.css'); $this->tplMaster->addJs('//'); $this->tplMaster->addJs('/js/rebond.js'); $this->tplMaster->addJs('/js/custom.js'); return $this->tplMaster->render('tpl-install'); }