public function manageGuests($conditionArray = null) { try { $cache = new Rdine_Helper_CacheManager(); $resdata = array(); if (!($resdata = $cache->Fetch('ddrestaurantdata'))) { $db = $this->getDbTable(); $select = $db->select()->from(array('cus' => 'rd.customer'), array('cusid', 'cusfirst_name', 'cuslast_name', 'cusmobile', 'cus_status'))->joinLeft(array('usr' => 'rd.user'), "usr.usrid = cus.cusfk_user", array("useremail" => "usr.usremail"))->order("cus.cusfirst_name")->setIntegrityCheck(false); if (sizeof($conditionArray) > 0) { foreach ($conditionArray as $key => $value) { if (strlen($value) > 0) { if ($key == "resname") { $select->where("{$key} ILIKE ?", "%" . $value . "%"); } else { $select->where("{$key} = ?", $value); } } } } $records = $db->fetchAll($select); $cache->Save($resdata, 'ddrestaurantdata'); return $records; } } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new Exception($ex->getMessage()); } }
/** * Fetches all the enquiry status basedata rows and saves in cache */ public function fetchAll() { $cache = new Rdine_Helper_CacheManager(); $enquirystatus = array(); if (!($enquirystatus = $cache->Fetch('enquirystatus'))) { $where = array('status = ?' => true); $records = $this->getDbTable()->fetchAll($where); foreach ($records as $record) { $enquirystatus[] = new Application_Model_EnquiryStatus($record->toArray()); } $cache->Save($enquirystatus, 'enquirystatus'); } else { $enquirystatus = $cache->Fetch('enquirystatus'); } $cache = null; return $enquirystatus; }
public function fetchAll() { try { $cache = new Rdine_Helper_CacheManager(); $timezonedata = array(); if (!($timezonedata = $cache->Fetch('ddtimezonedata'))) { $where = array('status = ?' => true); $records = $this->getDbTable()->fetchAll($where); foreach ($records as $record) { $timezonedata[] = new Application_Model_Timezomebd($record->toArray()); } $cache->Save($timezonedata, 'ddtimezonedata'); } else { $timezonedata = $cache->Fetch('ddtimezonedata'); } $cache = null; return $timezonedata; } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new Exception($ex->getMessage()); } }
public function fetchAll() { try { $cache = new Rdine_Helper_CacheManager(); $sources = array(); if (!($sources = $cache->Fetch('sources'))) { $where = array('status = ?' => true); $records = $this->getDbTable()->fetchAll($where); foreach ($records as $record) { $sources[] = new Application_Model_SourceofRestaurant($record->toArray()); } $cache->Save($sources, 'sources'); } else { $sources = $cache->Fetch('sources'); } $cache = null; return $sources; } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new Exception($ex->getMessage()); } }