 public function perform($data = FALSE)
     /* create the object - remember, not all attibutes are supported by every rss version. just hand over an empty string if you don't need a specific attribute */
     if (isset($data['filename'])) {
         $filename = $data['filename'];
     } else {
         $filename = FALSE;
     if (!isset($data['rss']['encoding'])) {
         $data['rss']['encoding'] = 'UTF-8';
     $encoding = (string) $data['rss']['encoding'];
     if (!isset($data['rss']['about'])) {
         $data['rss']['about'] = '';
     $about = (string) $data['rss']['about'];
     if (!isset($data['rss']['title'])) {
         $data['rss']['title'] = '';
     $title = (string) $data['rss']['title'];
     if (!isset($data['rss']['description'])) {
         $data['rss']['description'] = '';
     $description = (string) $data['rss']['description'];
     if (!isset($data['rss']['image_link'])) {
         $data['rss']['image_link'] = '';
     $image_link = (string) $data['rss']['image_link'];
     if (!isset($data['rss']['category'])) {
         $data['rss']['category'] = '';
     $category = (string) $data['rss']['category'];
     // (only rss 2.0)
     if (!isset($data['rss']['cache'])) {
         $data['rss']['cache'] = 0;
     $cache = (string) $data['rss']['cache'];
     // in minutes (only rss 2.0)
     $rssfile = new RSSBuilder($encoding, $about, $title, $description, $image_link, $category, $cache, $filename);
     /* if you want you can add additional Dublic Core data to the basic rss file (if rss version supports it) */
     if (!isset($data['dc']['publisher'])) {
         $data['dc']['publisher'] = '';
     $publisher = (string) $data['dc']['publisher'];
     // person, an organization, or a service
     if (!isset($data['dc']['creator'])) {
         $data['dc']['creator'] = '';
     $creator = (string) $data['dc']['creator'];
     // person, an organization, or a service
     $date = (string) time();
     if (!isset($data['dc']['language'])) {
         $data['dc']['language'] = '';
     $language = (string) $data['dc']['language'];
     if (!isset($data['dc']['rights'])) {
         $data['dc']['rights'] = '';
     $rights = (string) $data['dc']['rights'];
     if (!isset($data['dc']['coverage'])) {
         $data['dc']['coverage'] = '';
     $coverage = (string) $data['dc']['coverage'];
     // spatial location , temporal period or jurisdiction
     if (!isset($data['dc']['contributor'])) {
         $data['dc']['contributor'] = '';
     $contributor = (string) $data['dc']['contributor'];
     // person, an organization, or a service
     $rssfile->addDCdata($publisher, $creator, $date, $language, $rights, $coverage, $contributor);
     /* if you want you can add additional Syndication data to the basic rss file (if rss version supports it) */
     if (!isset($data['sydate']['period'])) {
         $data['sydate']['period'] = '';
     $period = (string) $data['sydate']['period'];
     // hourly / daily / weekly / ...
     if (!isset($data['sydate']['frequency'])) {
         $data['sydate']['frequency'] = 0;
     $frequency = (int) $data['sydate']['frequency'];
     // every X hours/days/...
     if (!isset($data['sydate']['base'])) {
         $data['sydate']['base'] = 10000;
     $base = (string) time() - $data['sydate']['base'];
     $rssfile->addSYdata($period, $frequency, $base);
     return $rssfile;
$rights = '';
# spatial location , temporal period or jurisdiction
$coverage = (string) '';
# person, an organization, or a service
$contributor = (string) '';
$rssfile->addDCdata($publisher, $creator, $date, $language, $rights, $coverage, $contributor);
# hourly / daily / weekly / ...
$period = (string) 'hourly';
# every X hours/days/...
$frequency = (int) 1;
$base = (string) date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO');
# add missing : in the O part of the date.  PHP 5 supports a 'c' format which will output the format
# exactly as we want it.
# // 2002-10-02T10:00:00-0500 -> // 2002-10-02T10:00:00-05:00
$base = utf8_substr($base, 0, 22) . ':' . utf8_substr($base, -2);
$rssfile->addSYdata($period, $frequency, $base);
$t_page_number = 1;
$t_issues_per_page = 25;
$t_page_count = 0;
$t_issues_count = 0;
$t_project_id = $f_project_id;
if ($f_username !== null) {
    $t_user_id = user_get_id_by_name($f_username);
} else {
    $t_user_id = user_get_id_by_name(config_get('anonymous_account'));
$t_show_sticky = null;
if ($f_filter_id == 0) {
    $t_custom_filter = filter_get_default();
    $t_custom_filter['sort'] = $c_sort_field;
} else {
$t_rights = '';
# spatial location , temporal period or jurisdiction
$t_coverage = '';
# person, an organization, or a service
$t_contributor = '';
$t_rssfile->addDCdata($t_publisher, $t_creator, $t_date, $t_language, $t_rights, $t_coverage, $t_contributor);
# hourly / daily / weekly / ...
$t_period = 'hourly';
# every X hours/days/...
$t_frequency = 1;
$t_base = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO');
# add missing : in the O part of the date.  PHP 5 supports a 'c' format which will output the format
# exactly as we want it.
# 2002-10-02T10:00:00-0500 -> 2002-10-02T10:00:00-05:00
$t_base = utf8_substr($t_base, 0, 22) . ':' . utf8_substr($t_base, -2);
$t_rssfile->addSYdata($t_period, $t_frequency, $t_base);
$t_page_number = 1;
$t_issues_per_page = 25;
$t_page_count = 0;
$t_issues_count = 0;
$t_project_id = $f_project_id;
if ($f_username !== null) {
    $t_user_id = user_get_id_by_name($f_username);
} else {
    $t_user_id = user_get_id_by_name(config_get('anonymous_account'));
$t_show_sticky = null;
if ($f_filter_id == 0) {
    $t_custom_filter = filter_get_default();
    $t_custom_filter['sort'] = $c_sort_field;
} else {