public function query(RODSGenQueSelFlds $select, RODSGenQueConds $condition, $start = 0, $limit = -1) { //parent::query($select, $condition, $start, $limit); stubRODSConn::$params = array($select, $condition, $start, $limit); $name_array = array("/myZone"); $owner_array = array("me"); $zone_array = array("myZone"); $create_array = array("01298479459"); $modify_array = array("01298479459"); $comment_array = array("foo"); $names = $select->getNames(); if (array_search("COL_D_DATA_ID", $names)) { //this is a file stats request - 2 files $id_array = array("2"); $dname_array = array("first_file.txt"); $dtype_array = array("generic"); $dresc_array = array("testResc"); $dsize_array = array("1020157"); $result_array = array("COL_DATA_NAME" => $dname_array, "COL_COLL_NAME" => $name_array, "COL_D_DATA_ID" => $id_array, "COL_DATA_TYPE_NAME" => $dtype_array, "COL_D_RESC_NAME" => $dresc_array, "COL_DATA_SIZE" => $dsize_array, "COL_D_OWNER_NAME" => $owner_array, "COL_D_OWNER_ZONE" => $zone_array, "COL_D_CREATE_TIME" => $create_array, "COL_D_MODIFY_TIME" => $modify_array, "COL_D_COMMENTS" => $comment_array); } else { // this is a dirs stats request - 1 directory $name_array = array("/myZone"); $id_array = array("1"); $owner_array = array("me"); $zone_array = array("myZone"); $create_array = array("01298479459"); $modify_array = array("01298479459"); $comment_array = array("foo"); $result_array = array("COL_COLL_NAME" => $name_array, "COL_COLL_ID" => $id_array, "COL_COLL_OWNER_NAME", $owner_array, "COL_COLL_OWNER_ZONE" => $zone_array, "COL_COLL_CREATE_TIME" => $create_array, "COL_COLL_MODIFY_TIME" => $modify_array, "COL_COLL_COMMENTS" => $comment_array); } if ($limit == -1) { $total = 1; } else { $total = $limit; } $results = new RODSGenQueResults($total, $result_array); return $results; }
/** * update a single select field's attr/value. Note that if the value already exists, * it will OR the bits. This is used when you want more than one type of operation * for a select field, such as select_max and sort. */ public function update($name, $attr) { require_once ""; //load magic numbers if (!isset($GLOBALS['PRODS_GENQUE_NUMS']["{$name}"])) { throw new RODSException("General Query select field name '{$name}' is not valid", 'PERR_USER_INPUT_ERROR'); } $newattr = RODSGenQueSelFlds::attr2GenQueNumber($attr); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->names); $i++) { if ($this->names[$i] == $name) { if ($this->attrs[$i] == 1) { $this->attrs[$i] = $newattr; } else { $this->attrs[$i] = $newattr | $this->attrs[$i]; } return; } } $this->add($name, $attr); }
/** * Makes a general query to RODS server. Think it as an SQL. "select foo from sometab where bar = '3'". In this example, foo is specified by "$select", bar and "= '3'" are speficed by condition. * @param RODSGenQueSelFlds $select the fields (names) to be returned/interested. There can not be more than 50 input fields. For example:"COL_COLL_NAME" means collection-name. * @param RODSGenQueConds $condition All fields are defined in and * @param integer $start result start from which row. * @param integer $limit up to how many rows should the result contain. If -1 is passed, all available rows will be returned * @return RODSGenQueResults * Note: This function is very low level. It's not recommended for beginners. */ public function query(RODSGenQueSelFlds $select, RODSGenQueConds $condition, $start = 0, $limit = -1) { if ($select->getCount() < 1 || $select->getCount() > 50) { throw new RODSException("Only 1-50 fields are supported", 'PERR_USER_INPUT_ERROR'); } // contruct select packet (RP_InxIvalPair $selectInp), and condition packets $select_pk = $select->packetize(); $cond_pk = $condition->packetize(); $condkw_pk = $condition->packetizeKW(); // determin max number of results per query if ($limit > 0 && $limit < 500) { $max_result_per_query = $limit; } else { $max_result_per_query = 500; } $num_fetched_rows = 0; $continueInx = 0; $results = new RODSGenQueResults(); do { // construct RP_GenQueryInp packet $options = 1 | $GLOBALS['PRODS_GENQUE_NUMS']['RETURN_TOTAL_ROW_COUNT']; $genque_input_pk = new RP_GenQueryInp($max_result_per_query, $continueInx, $condkw_pk, $select_pk, $cond_pk, $options, $start); // contruce a new API request message, with type GEN_QUERY_AN $msg = new RODSMessage("RODS_API_REQ_T", $genque_input_pk, $GLOBALS['PRODS_API_NUMS']['GEN_QUERY_AN']); fwrite($this->conn, $msg->pack()); // send it // get value back $msg_resv = new RODSMessage(); $intInfo = $msg_resv->unpack($this->conn); if ($intInfo < 0) { if (RODSException::rodsErrCodeToAbbr($intInfo) == 'CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND') { break; } throw new RODSException("RODSConn::query has got an error from the server", $GLOBALS['PRODS_ERR_CODES_REV']["{$intInfo}"]); } $genque_result_pk = $msg_resv->getBody(); $num_row_added = $results->addResults($genque_result_pk); $continueInx = $genque_result_pk->continueInx; $start = $start + $results->getNumRow(); } while ($continueInx > 0 && ($results->getNumRow() < $limit || $limit < 0)); // Make sure and close the query if there are any results left. if ($continueInx > 0) { $msg->getBody()->continueInx = $continueInx; $msg->getBody()->maxRows = -1; // tells the server to close the query fwrite($this->conn, $msg->pack()); $msg_resv = new RODSMessage(); $intInfo = $msg_resv->unpack($this->conn); if ($intInfo < 0) { throw new RODSException("RODSConn::query has got an error from the server", $GLOBALS['PRODS_ERR_CODES_REV']["{$intInfo}"]); } } return $results; }
public function findFiles(array $terms, &$total_count, $start = 0, $limit = -1, array $sort_flds = array(), $get_cb = array('RODSConnManager', 'getConn'), $rel_cb = array('RODSConnManager', 'releaseConn')) { $flds = array("COL_DATA_NAME" => NULL, "COL_D_DATA_ID" => NULL, "COL_DATA_TYPE_NAME" => NULL, "COL_D_RESC_NAME" => NULL, "COL_DATA_SIZE" => NULL, "COL_D_OWNER_NAME" => NULL, "COL_D_OWNER_ZONE" => NULL, "COL_D_CREATE_TIME" => NULL, "COL_D_MODIFY_TIME" => NULL, "COL_COLL_NAME" => NULL, "COL_D_COMMENTS" => NULL); foreach ($sort_flds as $sort_fld_key => $sort_fld_val) { switch ($sort_fld_key) { case 'name': if ($sort_fld_val === false) { $flds['COL_DATA_NAME'] = 'order_by_desc'; } else { $flds['COL_DATA_NAME'] = 'order_by_asc'; } break; case 'size': if ($sort_fld_val === false) { $flds['COL_DATA_SIZE'] = 'order_by_desc'; } else { $flds['COL_DATA_SIZE'] = 'order_by_asc'; } break; case 'mtime': if ($sort_fld_val === false) { $flds['COL_D_MODIFY_TIME'] = 'order_by_desc'; } else { $flds['COL_D_MODIFY_TIME'] = 'order_by_asc'; } break; case 'ctime': if ($sort_fld_val === false) { $flds['COL_D_CREATE_TIME'] = 'order_by_desc'; } else { $flds['COL_D_CREATE_TIME'] = 'order_by_asc'; } break; case 'typename': if ($sort_fld_val === false) { $flds['COL_DATA_TYPE_NAME'] = 'order_by_desc'; } else { $flds['COL_DATA_TYPE_NAME'] = 'order_by_asc'; } break; case 'owner': if ($sort_fld_val === false) { $flds['COL_D_OWNER_NAME'] = 'order_by_desc'; } else { $flds['COL_D_OWNER_NAME'] = 'order_by_asc'; } break; case 'dirname': if ($sort_fld_val === false) { $flds['COL_COLL_NAME'] = 'order_by_desc'; } else { $flds['COL_COLL_NAME'] = 'order_by_asc'; } break; default: /* throw new RODSException("Sort field name '$sort_fld_key' is not valid", 'PERR_USER_INPUT_ERROR'); break; */ } } $select = new RODSGenQueSelFlds(array_keys($flds), array_values($flds)); $descendantOnly = false; $recursive = false; $logicalFile = false; $condition = new RODSGenQueConds(); foreach ($terms as $term_key => $term_val) { switch ($term_key) { case 'name': //$condition->add('COL_DATA_NAME', 'like', '%'.$term_val.'%'); $condition->add('COL_DATA_NAME', 'like', $term_val); break; case 'smtime': $condition->add('COL_D_MODIFY_TIME', '>=', $term_val); break; case 'emtime': $condition->add('COL_D_MODIFY_TIME', '<', $term_val); break; case 'owner': $condition->add('COL_D_OWNER_NAME', '=', $term_val); break; case 'ownerzone': $condition->add('COL_D_OWNER_ZONE', '=', $term_val); break; case 'rescname': $condition->add('COL_D_RESC_NAME', '=', $term_val); break; case 'metadata': $meta_array = $term_val; foreach ($meta_array as $meta) { if (isset($meta->name)) { if ($meta->nameop === 'like') { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_NAME', 'like', '%' . $meta->name . '%'); } else { if (isset($meta->nameop)) { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_NAME', $meta->nameop, $meta->name); } else { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_NAME', '=', $meta->name); } } } if (isset($meta->value)) { if ($meta->op === 'like') { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_VALUE', 'like', '%' . $meta->value . '%'); } else { if (isset($meta->op)) { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_VALUE', $meta->op, $meta->value); } else { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_VALUE', '=', $meta->value); } } } if (isset($meta->unit)) { if ($meta->unitop === 'like') { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_UNIT', 'like', '%' . $meta->unit . '%'); } else { if (isset($meta->unitop)) { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_UNIT', $meta->unitop, $meta->unit); } else { $condition->add('COL_META_DATA_ATTR_UNIT', '=', $meta->unit); } } } } break; case 'descendantOnly': if (true === $term_val) { $descendantOnly = true; } break; case 'recursive': if (true === $term_val) { $recursive = true; } break; case 'logicalFile': if (true === $term_val) { $logicalFile = true; } break; default: throw new RODSException("Term field name '{$term_key}' is not valid", 'PERR_USER_INPUT_ERROR'); break; } } if ($descendantOnly === true) { if ($recursive === true) { $condition->add('COL_COLL_NAME', 'like', $this->path_str . '/%', array(array('op' => '=', 'val' => $this->path_str))); } else { $condition->add('COL_COLL_NAME', '=', $this->path_str); } } if ($logicalFile === true) { $select->update('COL_D_RESC_NAME', 'count'); $select->update('COL_DATA_SIZE', 'max'); $select->update('COL_D_CREATE_TIME', 'min'); $select->update('COL_D_MODIFY_TIME', 'max'); } //$conn = RODSConnManager::getConn($this->account); $conn = call_user_func_array($get_cb, array(&$this->account)); $results = $conn->query($select, $condition, $start, $limit); //RODSConnManager::releaseConn($conn); call_user_func($rel_cb, $conn); $total_count = $results->getTotalCount(); $result_values = $results->getValues(); $found = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $results->getNumRow(); $i++) { $resc_name = $logicalFile === true ? NULL : $result_values['COL_D_RESC_NAME'][$i]; $num_replica = $logicalFile === true ? intval($result_values['COL_D_RESC_NAME'][$i]) : NULL; $stats = new RODSFileStats($result_values['COL_DATA_NAME'][$i], $result_values['COL_DATA_SIZE'][$i], $result_values['COL_D_OWNER_NAME'][$i], $result_values['COL_D_OWNER_ZONE'][$i], $result_values['COL_D_MODIFY_TIME'][$i], $result_values['COL_D_CREATE_TIME'][$i], $result_values['COL_D_DATA_ID'][$i], $result_values['COL_DATA_TYPE_NAME'][$i], $resc_name, $result_values['COL_D_COMMENTS'][$i], $num_replica); if ($result_values['COL_COLL_NAME'][$i] == '/') { $full_path = '/' . $result_values['COL_DATA_NAME'][$i]; } else { $full_path = $result_values['COL_COLL_NAME'][$i] . '/' . $result_values['COL_DATA_NAME'][$i]; } $found[] = new ProdsFile($this->account, $full_path, false, $stats); } return $found; }