$res = mysql_query($sql); if (date('D') == 'Sat' or date('D') == 'Sun') { // dont run Saturday or Sunday die; } $sql = 'select * from tb_municipality where name="' . $city . '"'; $res = mysql_query($sql); $cityrow = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC); $cid = $cityrow['id']; $sql = 'update tb_municipality set feed_dated=now() where id=' . $cid; $res = mysql_query($sql); $dsid = $cityrow['default_subdivision']; $fields_needed = array('zz', 'housenum', 'propcode', 'bedrooms_up', 'bedrooms_down', 'fullbaths', 'halfbaths', 'sqftg', 'age', 'publicoverview', 'lprice', 'taxes', 'taxyr', 'la1_a_userid', 'la2_a_userid', 'mlsnumber', 'lotsize_acres', 'garage', 'daysonmarket', 'matrix_unique_id', 'photocount', 'sdistrict', 'city', 'street', 'strtyp', 'status', 'major_area', 'dl1_range', 'dl1_section', 'dl1_township', 'dl1_westofmeridian', 'dl1_location'); $data_field = array('zz', 'building_no', 'postalcode', 'beds_up', 'beds_down', 'full_baths', 'half_baths', 'square_footage', 'building_age', 'public_overview', 'listing_price', 'tax_amount', 'tax_year', 'realtor1id', 'realtor2id', 'listing_no', 'acres', 'garage_typeid', 'days_on_market', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $found = array(); $rets = new RETS(); //Login to NAR CRT Test Server $results = $rets->login($Host = 'http://matrix.gpreb.com/rets/login.ashx', $Account = 'Division1', $Password = '******', $User_Agent = 'RETS_class/1.0', $User_Agent_Pwd = null, $User_Agent_Auth = false, $Rets_Version = 'RETS/1.5', $Standard_Names = false, $Post_Requests = true, $Format = 'COMPACT-DECODED', $HTTP_Logging = true); if (!$results) { exit; } $clss = array('RESI', 'FARM', 'MULTI', 'COMM'); for ($mm = 0; $mm <= 3; $mm++) { echo $clss[$mm] . '<br>'; $response = $rets->Search($Resource = 'Property', $Class = $clss[$mm], $Count = 1, $Format, $Limit = 2500, $QueryType = 'DMQL2', $Standard_Names, $Select = '*', $Query = '((City=*))'); usleep(50000); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($response); echo $doc->getElementsByTagName("COLUMNS")->item(0)->nodeValue; $col = strtolower($doc->getElementsByTagName("COLUMNS")->item(0)->nodeValue); $columns = explode("\t", $col);
* Created by PhpStorm. * User: mbitson * Date: 9/29/2014 * Time: 11:38 AM * This scrip assumes a property post type with * custom fields already configured. * You can configure the fields * that are mapped to in: RETS::formatForNexes * Please note that your RETS server may use different fields labels. */ // Include RETS config require_once 'rets-config.php'; require_once 'rets.php'; require_once 'wp-manager.php'; // Init a rets class $rets = new RETS(); // Init a wordpress manager class $wp = new WPManager(); // Set params required to run on our server $rets->__set('host', RETS_HOST); // Specify full path to cookie file. $rets->__set('username', RETS_USERNAME); // Specify full path to cookie file. $rets->__set('password', RETS_PASSWORD); // Specify full path to cookie file. $rets->__set('Login', RETS_LOGIN); // Specify full path to cookie file. $rets->__set('cookie_file', COOKIE_FILE); // Specify full path to cookie file. $rets->__set('disable_follow_location', DISABLE_FOLLOW_LOCATION); // Disable follow location as open_basedir restirction is in effect.
<?php require_once 'dbconnect/dbconnect.php'; require_once 'utilities/utilities.php'; require_once 'RETS.php'; if (mysql_select_db("home365_ios", $useradmin)) { } else { echo "Error selecting database, exited."; exit; } $rets = new RETS(); $rets->url = 'http://brc.retsca.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login'; $rets->user = '******'; $rets->password = '******'; $rets->useragent = 'RETSAllisonJiang/1.0'; $rets->useragent_password = '******'; $current_GMT_time = get_GMT(time()); $current_GMT_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_GMT_time); $current_YVR_time = getTimeByCity($current_GMT_time, 'YVR'); $current_YVR_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_YVR_time); //The following code is to test if the cron job is executed. $file = "file.txt"; $current = file_get_contents($file); $current .= "{$current_YVR_time_string}\n"; file_put_contents($file, $current); //login and receive server response. $response = $rets->Login(); var_dump($response); //$response=$rets->GetCount('Property','11','(363=|A)'); //print $response.'<br/>'; $sysid_array = $rets->GetDataArray('Property', '11', '(363=|A)', 'sysid', null);
<?php require_once 'dbconnect/dbconnect.php'; require_once 'utilities/utilities.php'; require_once 'RETS.php'; if (mysql_select_db("home365_ios", $useradmin)) { } else { echo "Error selecting database, exited."; exit; } $rets = new RETS(); $rets->url = 'http://brc.rebretstest.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login'; $rets->user = '******'; $rets->password = '******'; $rets->useragent = 'RETSAllisonJiang/1.0'; $rets->useragent_password = '******'; $response = $rets->Login(); var_dump($response); $listings_array = $rets->GetDataArray('Property', '11', '(363=|A)', null, null); foreach ($listings_array as $key => $value) { $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM listings WHERE sysid=" . $value['sysid']; $get_listing = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin); if ($row_get_listing = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_listing)) { echo "Record found in database\n"; $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE listings SET property_type=%s, address=%s, postal_code=%s, unit_number=%s, city=%s, province=%s, built_year=%s, house_number=%s, list_price=%s, list_date=%s, mls_number=%s, bedrooms=%s, bathrooms=%s, public_remarks=%s, public_remarks_2=%s, lot_size_sqt=%s, lot_size_sqm=%s, floor_area_total=%s, site_influences=%s, type_of_dwelling=%s,publish_on_internet=%s, status=%s WHERE sysid=" . $value['sysid'], GetSQLValueString($value['1'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['14'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['11'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['2971'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($value['3794'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['88'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['16'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($value['181'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($value['226'], "double"), GetSQLValueString($value['224'], "date"), GetSQLValueString($value['248'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['378'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($value['3928'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($value['411'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['3985'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['2457'], "double"), GetSQLValueString($value['2460'], "double"), GetSQLValueString($value['3922'], "double"), GetSQLValueString($value['3926'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['2733'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['3'] == 'Yes' ? 'Y' : 'N', "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['363'] == 'Active' ? 'A' : 'D', "text"), GetSQLValueString($value['sysid'], "int")); $result = mysql_query_or_die($updateSQL, $useradmin); $album_id = get_album_id($value['sysid']); if (!$album_id) { $album_id = create_album($value['sysid']); } } else {
<?php require_once 'dbconnect/dbconnect.php'; require_once 'utilities/utilities.php'; require_once 'RETS.php'; if (mysql_select_db("home365_ios", $useradmin)) { } else { echo "Error selecting database, exited."; exit; } $current_GMT_time = get_GMT(time()); $current_GMT_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_GMT_time); $current_YVR_time = getTimeByCity($current_GMT_time, 'YVR'); $current_YVR_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_YVR_time); $rets = new RETS(); $rets->url = 'http://brc.retsca.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login'; $rets->user = '******'; $rets->password = '******'; $rets->useragent = 'RETSAllisonJiang/1.0'; $rets->useragent_password = '******'; //The following code is to test if the cron job is executed. $file = "file.txt"; $current = file_get_contents($file); $current .= "{$current_YVR_time_string} from import_sysid.php\n"; file_put_contents($file, $current); $selectSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS table_size FROM sysid_raw_new"; $get_table_size = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin); $number_of_new_sysid = 0; if ($row_get_table_size = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_table_size)) { $number_of_new_sysid = $row_get_table_size['table_size']; }
<?php require_once 'dbconnect/dbconnect.php'; require_once 'utilities/utilities.php'; require_once 'RETS.php'; header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if (mysql_select_db("home365_ios", $useradmin)) { } else { echo "Error selecting database, exited."; exit; } $rets = new RETS(); $rets->url = 'http://brc.retsca.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login'; $rets->user = '******'; $rets->password = '******'; $rets->useragent = 'RETSAllisonJiang/1.0'; $rets->useragent_password = '******'; $current_GMT_time = get_GMT(time()); $current_GMT_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_GMT_time); $current_YVR_time = getTimeByCity($current_GMT_time, 'YVR'); $current_YVR_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_YVR_time); $before1hr_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_YVR_time - 3600); $file = "album.txt"; $current = file_get_contents($file); $current .= "{$current_YVR_time_string}\n"; file_put_contents($file, $current); $deleteSQL = "DELETE FROM sysid_raw_recent_image_update WHERE sysid IN (SELECT sysid FROM listings WHERE date_updated_local>='" . $before1hr_time_string . "')"; $result = mysql_query_or_die($deleteSQL, $useradmin); $selectSQL = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT sysid_raw_recent_image_update.sysid, sysid_raw_recent_image_update.num_of_photos FROM sysid_raw_recent_image_update" . " LEFT JOIN listings ON sysid_raw_recent_image_update.sysid=listings.sysid" . " WHERE !ISNULL(listings.sysid)" . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0, 5"; $get_sysid = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin); $row = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", $useradmin));
<?php require_once 'dbconnect/dbconnect.php'; require_once 'utilities/utilities.php'; require_once 'RETS.php'; if (mysql_select_db("home365_ios", $useradmin)) { } else { echo "Error selecting database, exited."; exit; } $rets = new RETS(); $rets->url = 'http://brc.retsca.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login'; $rets->user = '******'; $rets->password = '******'; $rets->useragent = 'RETSAllisonJiang/1.0'; $rets->useragent_password = '******'; $current_GMT_time = get_GMT(time()); $current_GMT_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_GMT_time); $current_YVR_time = getTimeByCity($current_GMT_time, 'YVR'); $current_YVR_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_YVR_time); $before1hr_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_YVR_time - 3600); $selectSQL = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT sysid FROM listings WHERE (ISNULL(listings.album_id) OR num_of_photos<=1) AND status='A' AND property_type!='Land Only' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0, 10"; $get_sysid = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin); $row = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", $useradmin)); //login and receive server response. if (is_array($row) && $row[0] > 0) { echo '<br/>' . $row[0] . 'records needs to be album_patched.<br/>'; $response = $rets->Login(); while ($row_get_sysid = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_sysid)) { echo '<br/><br/>checking:<span style="color:#00ff00;">' . $row_get_sysid['sysid'] . '</span><br/>'; $album_id = check_and_insert($row_get_sysid['sysid']);
<?php require_once 'RETS.php'; # set up RETS # note: all values within <> need to be replaced # note: all the resource, class, lookup, and field identifiers in the examples # are from the BRC system $rets = new RETS(); $rets->url = 'http://brc.retsca.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login'; $rets->user = '******'; $rets->password = '******'; $rets->useragent = 'RETSAllisonJiang/1.0'; $rets->useragent_password = '******'; # login example print "===========Login===========\n"; $response = $rets->Login(); print "===========Login Finish===========\n"; # login example using SafeMLS # $rets->safemls_pin="<SafeMLS Device PIN>"; # $rets->password="******"; # $response=$rets->Login(); # get metadata examples # ### # resource metadata where ID=0 (all resources) #print"===========get metadata:resource===========\n"; #$response=$rets->GetMetadata('METADATA-RESOURCE','0'); #print $response; #print"===========get metadata:resource finish===========\n"; #print "\n\n"; # ### # class metadata where ID=0 (all resources and classes) #print"===========get metadata:class===========\n";
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $document_root = '/home/home365/public_html'; $domain_name = 'http://www.home365.ca/'; require_once $document_root . '/dbconnect/dbconnect.php'; require_once $document_root . '/utilities/utilities.php'; require_once $document_root . '/RETS.php'; if (mysql_select_db("home365_ios", $useradmin)) { } else { echo "Error selecting database, exited."; exit; } $rets = new RETS(); $rets->url = 'http://brc.retsca.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login'; $rets->user = '******'; $rets->password = '******'; $rets->useragent = 'RETSAllisonJiang/1.0'; $rets->useragent_password = '******'; $current_GMT_time = get_GMT(time()); $current_GMT_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_GMT_time); $current_YVR_time = getTimeByCity($current_GMT_time, 'YVR'); $current_YVR_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_YVR_time); $current_YVR_date = date("Y-m-d", $current_YVR_time); $mls = $_POST['mls']; $response = $rets->Login(); $response = $rets->GetDataArray('Property', '11', '(248=' . $mls . ')', 'sysid,248,363,217', 2); $temp_sysid = $response[0]['sysid']; $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM listings WHERE sysid={$temp_sysid}"; $get_listing = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin); if ($listing_detail = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_listing)) {
<?php require_once 'dbconnect/dbconnect.php'; require_once 'utilities/utilities.php'; require_once 'RETS.php'; if (mysql_select_db("home365_ios", $useradmin)) { } else { echo "Error selecting database, exited."; exit; } $rets = new RETS(); $rets->url = 'http://brc.retsca.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login'; $rets->user = '******'; $rets->password = '******'; $rets->useragent = 'RETSAllisonJiang/1.0'; $rets->useragent_password = '******'; $current_GMT_time = get_GMT(time()); $current_GMT_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_GMT_time); $current_YVR_time = getTimeByCity($current_GMT_time, 'YVR'); $current_YVR_time_string = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_YVR_time); //login and receive server response. $response = $rets->Login(); var_dump($response); //The following code is to test if the cron job is executed. $file = "file.txt"; $current = file_get_contents($file); $current .= "{$current_YVR_time_string} from sysid_test.php\n"; file_put_contents($file, $current); $sysid_array = $rets->GetDataArray('Property', '11', '(363=|A)', 'sysid', null); //var_dump($sysid_array); $truncateSQL = "TRUNCATE TABLE sysid_raw_current";