public function doPOST($sandbox, &$bashcode, &$database) { $name = $_POST['name']; if (empty($name)) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Missing required parameter "name"'); } file_put_contents($sandbox . 'name.txt', $name); $bashcode = <<<EOS \${APPDIR}greeter \$(< "\${INDIR}name.txt" ) EOS; }
SELECT DISTINCT `handle` FROM `handles` WHERE `type` = ? AND `data` {$p_mode} ? EOS ); $statement->bind_param('ss', $key, $value); foreach ($parampairs as $parampair) { list($key, $value) = $parampair; if ($p_mode == 'LIKE') { preg_match_all('/([^~]|~.|~)/s', $value, $matches); $value = implode(preg_replace(array('/%/', '/_/', '/^\\*/', '/^~(.+)/s'), array('\\%', '\\_', '%', '$1'), $matches[0])); } if (!$statement->execute()) { switch (CP_MySQL::mysql()->errno) { case 1139: REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, CP_MySQL::mysql()->error); break; default: throw new CP_MySQL_Exception(CP_MySQL::mysql()->error, CP_MySQL::mysql()->errno); } } $r_handle = null; $statement->bind_result($r_handle); $r_handles = array(); while ($statement->fetch()) { $r_handles[$r_handle] = 1; } if ($handles === null) { $handles = $r_handles; } else { $handles = array_intersect_key($handles, $r_handles);
require_once 'include/global.php'; $userdnmd5 = md5(Portal::user_dn()); $proxy = Portal::PROXY_DIR . $userdnmd5 . '.pem'; $escproxy = str_replace("'", "\\'", $proxy); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') { $input = REST::inputhandle(); $output = fopen($proxy, 'w'); while (!feof($input)) { if (($block = fread($input, 8192)) === false) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Error while reading PUT data'); } fwrite($output, $block); } fclose($output); fclose($input); REST::header(array('status' => REST::HTTP_NO_CONTENT)); exit; } REST::require_method('GET', 'HEAD'); if (file_exists($proxy)) { REST::header(array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8')); system("openssl x509 -text -in '{$escproxy}'"); exit; } REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, <<<EOS <p>Couldn't find a proxy. You could try to delegate credentials here:</p> <ul> <li><a href="myproxy">./myproxy</a></li> </ul> EOS );
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ require_once 'include/global.php'; $escPool = Topos::escape_string($TOPOS_POOL); //Deprecated: if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'DELETE') { Topos::real_query(<<<EOS DELETE `Pools`, `Tokens` FROM `Pools` NATURAL LEFT JOIN `Tokens` WHERE `Pools`.`poolName` = {$escPool}; EOS ); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_OK, 'Pool destroyed successfully.'); } REST::require_method('HEAD', 'GET'); // Fetch number of tokens $query = <<<EOS SELECT COUNT(`tokenId`), SUM(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() < `tokenLockTimeout`) FROM `Pools` NATURAL JOIN `Tokens` WHERE `poolName` = {$escPool}; EOS; list($ntokens, $nlocks) = Topos::query($query)->fetch_row(); $form = <<<EOS <h2>Forms</h2> <h3>Getting the next token</h3> <form action="nextToken" method="get"> <input type="text" name="name"/> Token name search string<br/> <input type="text" name="timeout"/> Timeout in seconds (leave empty for shared tokens)<br/>
if (!Topos::mysqli()->affected_rows) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } } $result = Topos::query(<<<EOS SELECT `tokenId`, `tokenName`, `tokenLockTimeout` - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `tokenLockDescription` FROM `Tokens` WHERE `tokenLockUUID` = {$escLockUUID} AND `tokenLockTimeout` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); EOS ); if (!($row = $result->fetch_row())) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } $tokenURL = Topos::urlbase() . 'pools/' . REST::urlencode($TOPOS_POOL) . '/tokens/' . $row[0]; $xhtmltype = REST::best_xhtml_type(); $bct = REST::best_content_type(array($xhtmltype => 1, 'text/plain' => 1), $xhtmltype); if ($bct === 'text/plain') { REST::header(array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache')); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD') { exit; } echo <<<EOS TokenId: {$row[0]} TokenName: {$row[1]} TokenURL: {$tokenURL} Timeout: {$row[2]} Description: {$row[3]}
} // if ( !$stmt2->execute() ) } // if (isset($t_upload_map[$paramname][$key])) } // foreach ( $file['name'] as $key => $filename ) } // foreach ($_FILES as $paramname => $file) } catch (Topos_MySQL $e) { Topos::mysqli()->rollback(); throw $e; } if (!Topos::mysqli()->commit()) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'Transaction failed: ' . htmlentities(Topos::mysqli()->error)); } REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_ACCEPTED); } REST::require_method('HEAD', 'GET'); $query = <<<EOS SELECT `tokenId`, `tokenLength`, `tokenType`, `tokenName`, `tokenLockUUID`, `tokenLockTimeout` - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `tokenLockDescription`, `tokenLeases`, `tokenCreated` FROM `Tokens` WHERE `poolId` = {$poolId} ORDER BY 1;
DELETE FROM `Token` WHERE `token_id`={$escjobid} AND `user_id`={$escuserid}; EOS ); if (!Portal_MySQL::mysql()->affected_rows) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } REST::header(array('status' => REST::HTTP_NO_CONTENT)); exit; } // The user tries to get information about eir jobs if (file_exists($fullfilename = Portal::JOBRESULTS_DIR . $jobid)) { REST::redirect(REST::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, Portal::portalURL() . "jobresults/{$jobid}"); } $result = Portal_MySQL::query(<<<EOS SELECT `token_error` FROM `Token` WHERE `token_id`={$escjobid} AND `user_id`={$escuserid}; EOS ); if (!($row = $result->fetch_row())) { // Can't find what the user is looking for REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_GONE); } if (empty($row[0])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "<p>Your job hasn't been executed yet. Try again later.</p>"); } REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_OK, '<p>Your job finished with the following error:</p><pre>' . REST::htmlspecialchars($row[0]) . '</pre>');
/** * @param bool $required * @return Portal_User */ public static function current() { if (self::$current === null) { switch ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) { case Portal::PORT_PLAIN: self::unauthorized(); break; // strictly unnecessary, but syntactically nicer. // strictly unnecessary, but syntactically nicer. case Portal::PORT_SSL: if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { self::unauthorized(); } $user_email = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']); $user_password = md5($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']); $result = Portal_MySQL::query(<<<EOS SELECT `user_id`, `user_name`, `user_dn` FROM `User` WHERE `user_email` = {$user_email} AND `user_password`= '{$user_password}'; EOS ); if (!($row = $result->fetch_row())) { self::unauthorized(); } self::$current = new Portal_User((int) $row[0], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $row[1], $row[2]); break; case Portal::PORT_SSL_CSA: $user_dn = self::csa_dn(); if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && (int) $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] > 0 && preg_match('@^/O=dutchgrid/O=users/O=sara/CN=(?:Evert Lammerts|Pieter van Beek)@', $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN'])) { $esc_user_id = (int) $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $result = Portal_MySQL::query(<<<EOS SELECT `user_email`, `user_name`, `user_dn` FROM `User` WHERE `user_id` = {$esc_user_id}; EOS ); if (!($row = $result->fetch_row())) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "No such user id: {$esc_user_id}"); } self::$current = new Portal_User($esc_user_id, $row[1], $row[0], $row[2], true); } else { $esc_user_dn = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($user_dn); $result = Portal_MySQL::query(<<<EOS SELECT `user_id`, `user_email`, `user_name` FROM `User` WHERE `user_dn` = {$esc_user_dn}; EOS ); if (!($row = $result->fetch_row())) { self::unauthorized(); } self::$current = new Portal_User($row[0], $row[2], $row[1], $user_dn); } break; default: REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } return self::$current; }
if (!$mailresult) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, <<<EOS Your registration was successful, but the email containing your password could not be sent. The site administrator has been informed and will contact you as soon as possible. EOS ); } $message = <<<EOS <p>Registration successful.</p> <p>An e-mail with password has been sent to <a href="mailto:{$_GET['email']}">{$_GET['email']}</a>.</p> EOS; if ($referrer) { $message .= <<<EOS <p>Click here to continue:<br/> <a href="{$referrer}">{$referrer}</a></p> EOS; } REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_ACCEPTED, $message); } REST::header(REST::best_xhtml_type() . '; charset="UTF-8"'); echo REST::html_start('Register') . <<<EOS <p>Fill in your e-mail address and display name below, and you'll recieve a password.</p> <form action="register.php" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{$referrer}"/> <input type="text" name="email" value=""/> E-mail address (invisible to other users)<br/> <input type="text" name="name" value=""/> Display name (visible to other users if you share your databases)<br/> <input type="submit" value="Request password"/> </form> EOS . REST::html_end();
#!/bin/bash DATABASE={$escdatabase} APPLICATION='{$applicationURL}' USER_ID={$user_id} function runJob() ( {$bashcode} ) EOS ); exec("cd '{$sandbox}'; find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 tar zcf {$TEMPNAM}.tgz", $output, $return_var); if ($return_var) { $output = implode("\n", $output); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $output); } $tokenhandle = fopen("{$TEMPNAM}.tgz", 'r'); try { $token_url = Topos::putTokenFile($tokenhandle, 'application/x-compressed-tar'); } catch (Exception $e) { fclose($tokenhandle); throw $e; } fclose($tokenhandle); $token_id = basename($token_url); Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS INSERT INTO `Token` ( `token_id`, `user_id` ) VALUES ( {$token_id}, {$user_id} ); EOS
if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['server'])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Missing required parameter.'); } //$output = array(); $userdnmd5 = md5(Portal::user_dn()); $username = escapeshellarg(trim($_POST['username'])); $password = escapeshellarg(trim($_POST['password'])); $server = escapeshellarg(trim($_POST['server'])); $filename = escapeshellarg(Portal::PROXY_DIR . $userdnmd5 . '.pem'); exec("echo {$password} | myproxy-logon -v -l {$username} -s {$server} -S -o {$filename} 2>&1", $output, $returnval); $output = implode("\n", $output); if (preg_match('/^(?:invalid pass phrase|No credentials exist for username .*)$/m', $output)) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'Invalid username and/or pass phrase'); } if ($returnval) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, '<pre>' . htmlentities($output) . '</pre>'); } $escserver = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_POST['server']); $escusername = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_POST['username']); $escpassword = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_POST['password']); Portal_MySQL::real_query("UPDATE `User` SET `proxy_server` = {$escserver}, `proxy_username` = {$escusername}, `proxy_password` = {$escpassword} WHERE `user_dn_md5` = '{$userdnmd5}'"); $best_xhtml_type = REST::best_xhtml_type(); $type = REST::best_content_type(array($best_xhtml_type => 1.0, 'text/plain' => 1.0), $best_xhtml_type); $relurl = REST::urlencode(dirname($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) . '/proxy'; REST::header(array('status' => REST::HTTP_CREATED, 'Location' => REST::urlbase() . $relurl, 'Content-Type' => "{$type}; charset=UTF-8")); if ($type == 'text/plain') { echo REST::urlbase() . $relurl; } else { echo Portal::html_start('Proxy created') . "<p><a href=\"proxy\">proxy</a></p>" . Portal::html_end(); } exit;
public function doPOST($sandbox, &$bashcode, &$database) { $bashstring = <<<EOS DBDIR=\${DBFILE}.d/ rm -rf \${DBDIR} || true mkdir \${DBDIR} cd \${DBDIR} tar xf \${DBFILE} if [ \$( ls -1d *.pal 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]; then DB=\$( basename *.pal .pal ) elif [ \$( ls -1d *.pin 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]; then DB=\$( basename *.pin .pin ) else echo "No valid database found" exit 2 fi cd \${OUTDIR} \${APPDIR}omssa-2.1.4/omssacl -d \${DBDIR}\${DB} EOS; // Check -d parameter if (empty($_POST[$this->db_url])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "You need to specify a database URL"); } $database = $_POST[$this->db_url]; // File uploads $filecounter = 0; foreach ($this->files as $input => $required) { if (Portal::isUploaded($input)) { if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$input]['tmp_name'], $sandbox . $filecounter)) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Couldn't store uploaded file."); } $bashstring .= " -{$input} \"\${INDIR}{$filecounter}\""; $filecounter++; } else { if ($required) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing required file {$input}"); } } } // Check flags foreach ($this->flags as $flag) { if (!empty($_POST[$flag])) { $bashstring .= " -{$flag}"; } } // Check params foreach ($this->params as $paramname => $defaultvalue) { if (isset($_POST[$paramname]) && strlen($_POST[$paramname]) && $_POST[$paramname] != $defaultvalue) { $bashstring .= " -{$paramname} " . escapeshellarg($_POST[$paramname]); } } $bashcode = $bashstring . " || exit 2"; }
* limitations under the License. * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ require_once 'include/global.php'; $poolId = Topos::poolId($TOPOS_POOL); // TODO: the DELETE handler was written by Evert, using a subquery. I'm used // to doing this with a single JOIN query... if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'DELETE') { Topos::real_query(<<<EOS UPDATE `Tokens` SET `tokenLockTimeout` = 0, `tokenLockUUID` = null WHERE `poolId` = {$poolId}; EOS ); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_OK, 'Locks destroyed successfully'); } REST::require_method('HEAD', 'GET'); $result = Topos::query(<<<EOS SELECT `tokenId`, `tokenName`, `tokenLockUUID`, `tokenLockTimeout` - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `tokenLockDescription` FROM `Tokens` WHERE `poolId` = {$poolId} AND `tokenLockTimeout` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY 1; EOS ); $directory = RESTDir::factory(); while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $directory->line($row[2], array('Token name' => $row[1], 'Timeout' => $row[3] > 0 ? sprintf('%d:%02d:%02d', $row[3] / 3600, $row[3] / 60 % 60, $row[3] % 60) : '', 'LockDescription' => $row[3] > 0 ? $row[4] : '')); }
Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS INSERT INTO `Database` ( `name`, `version`, `user_id`, `is_shared`, `checksum`, `type` ) VALUES ( {$dbname}, {$dbversion}, {$user_id}, {$is_shared}, '{$checksum}', {$typeId} ); EOS ); } catch (Portal_MySQL_Exception $e) { unlink($tmpfilename); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_CONFLICT, "Can't overwrite existing file: name={$dbname}, version={$dbversion}, type={$_POST['type']}"); } $insert_id = Portal_MySQL::mysql()->insert_id; if (!rename($tmpfilename, Portal_DB::DATABASE_DIR . $insert_id)) { unlink($tmpfilename); Portal_MySQL::real_query("DELETE FROM `Database` WHERE `database_id` = {$insert_id}"); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Couldn't store uploaded file."); } chmod(Portal_DB::DATABASE_DIR . $insert_id, 0660); } $extension = Portal_DB::databaseTypeExtension($typeId); $htmlurl = "{$insert_id}.{$extension}"; $fullurl = REST::urlbase() . $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] . $htmlurl; $content_type = REST::best_content_type(array(REST::best_xhtml_type() => 1.0, 'text/plain' => 0.5), 'text/plain'); if ($content_type == 'text/plain') { REST::header(array('status' => REST::HTTP_CREATED, 'Location' => $fullurl, 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII')); echo $fullurl; exit; } REST::header(array('status' => REST::HTTP_CREATED, 'Location' => $fullurl, 'Content-Type' => REST::best_xhtml_type() . '; charset=US-ASCII')); echo Portal::html_start('New database created') . "<a href=\"{$htmlurl}\" rel=\"child\" rev=\"index\">{$htmlurl}</a>" . Portal::html_end(); exit;
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id: myproxy_renew.php 2378 2009-07-14 14:00:34Z pieterb $ **************************************************************************/ /** * File documentation. * @package Portal */ require_once 'include/global.php'; if (Portal::user_dn() != @$_SERVER['SSL_SERVER_S_DN']) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } REST::require_method('GET'); foreach (glob(Portal::PROXY_DIR . '*.pem') as $fullfilename) { $escfullfilename = escapeshellarg($fullfilename); exec("grid-proxy-info -f {$escfullfilename} -exists -valid 1:00", $output, $returnval); if (!$returnval) { continue; } // The proxy is valid for at least another hour $user_dn_md5 = Portal_MySQL::escape_string(basename($fullfilename, '.pem')); $result = Portal_MySQL::query(<<<EOS SELECT `proxy_server`, `proxy_username`, `proxy_password` FROM `User` WHERE `user_dn_md5` = {$user_dn_md5}; EOS );
<?php /*·************************************************************************ * Copyright ©2009 SARA Computing and Networking Services * Amsterdam, the Netherlands * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at <> * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ require_once 'include/global.php'; REST::require_method('HEAD', 'GET'); if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED); } $directory = RESTDir::factory()->setHeaders('Description'); $directory->line('pools/', array('Description' => 'A list of all pools. Forbidden for most users, for security reasons.')); $directory->line('newPool', array('Description' => 'Redirects to a new, empty pool.')); $directory->line('reference_manual', array('Description' => 'The official reference manual for this version of ToPoS.')); $directory->end();
public static function exception_handler($e) { self::debug($e->getMessage() . "\n\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $e->getMessage()); }
function sara_exception_handler(Exception $e) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, '<pre id="message">' . $e->getMessage() . "</pre>\n<pre>" . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>'); }
// The client MAY specify an index=n query parameter, to select a specific // URL: $index = isset($_GET['index']) ? (int) $_GET['index'] : null; // If the client didn't specify an index, find the URL with the lowest index: if ($index === null) { foreach ($handle->type as $idx => $type) { if ($type == 'URL' && ($index === null || $idx < $index)) { $index = $idx; } } // If there's no URL, return a 404 Not Found: if ($index === null) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'No URL for this handle'); } } elseif (!isset($handle->type[$index]) || $handle->type[$index] != 'URL') { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'No URL with that index'); } // Finally, get the URL: $url = $handle->data[$index]; // Append the URL with the current query string. // We leave out the "index" and "redirect" fields, though. unset($_GET['index']); unset($_GET['redirect']); if (!empty($_GET)) { $url .= '?' . http_build_query($_GET); } // Finally, perform the actual redirect: REST::redirect(REST::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, $url); } $xhtml_type = REST::best_xhtml_type() . '; charset=UTF-8'; $content_type = REST::best_content_type(array($xhtml_type => 1.0, 'application/json' => 1.0, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' => 1.0, 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII' => 0.5), $xhtml_type);
{$nameClause} LIMIT 100; EOS ); if ($result->num_rows) { break; } $result = Topos::query(<<<EOS SELECT MIN(`tokenLeases`) FROM `Tokens` WHERE `poolId` = {$poolId} AND `tokenLockTimeout` <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); EOS ); $row = $result->fetch_row(); if ($row[0] === null) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'No token available'); } Topos::real_query(<<<EOS UPDATE `Pools` SET `minLeases` = {$row[0]} WHERE `poolId` = {$poolId}; EOS ); } // while while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { Topos::real_query(<<<EOS UPDATE `Tokens` SET `tokenLeases` = {$row[1]} + 1 {$timeout} WHERE `tokenId` = {$row[0]} AND `tokenLeases` = {$row[1]}; EOS );
<input type="text" name="total"/> Total number of tokens<br/> <input type="submit" value="Show progress bar"/> </form> EOS ); } $total = (int) $_GET['total']; if ($total === 0) { $total = 1; } $percentage = 100 * $tokens / $total; if ($percentage > 100) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, <<<EOS <p>The total number of tokens cannot be smaller than the number of tokens in this pool.</p> <form action="progress" method="get"> <input type="text" name="total"/> Total number of tokens<br/> <input type="submit" value="Show progress bar"/> </form> EOS ); } $bct = REST::best_content_type(array('text/html' => 1, 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1, 'text/plain' => 1), 'text/html'); if ($bct === 'text/plain') { REST::header(array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII', 'Refresh' => '60; ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache')); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD') { exit; } echo $tokens / $total; exit; } REST::header(array('Content-Type' => REST::best_xhtml_type() . '; charset=UTF-8', 'Refresh' => '60; ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache')); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD') {
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ require_once 'include/global.php'; REST::require_method('HEAD', 'GET'); if (!preg_match('/^(?:145\\.100\\.(?:6|7|15)\\.|82\\.93\\.61\\.215)/', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, <<<EOS <p>Sorry, for security reasons you're not allowed to get a directory listing for this URL.</p> <p>However, you <em>do</em> have access to any subdirectory, such as <a href="example/">this</a>.</p> EOS ); } $result = Topos::query(<<<EOS SELECT `poolName`, COUNT(*) FROM `Pools` NATURAL JOIN `Tokens` GROUP BY `poolId` ORDER BY 1; EOS ); $directory = RESTDir::factory(); while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $directory->line(urlencode($row[0]) . '/', array('Size' => $row[1] . ' tokens')); }
public function doPOST($sandbox, &$bashcode, &$database) { // Normaliseren van boolean options: // foreach (self::$FLAGS as $value) // if (!isset($_POST[$value])) // $_POST[$value] = 'F'; $options = array(); foreach (self::$DEFAULT_OPTIONS as $option => $default) { if (array_key_exists($option, $_POST) and $_POST[$option] !== $default) { $options[$option] = $_POST[$option]; } } foreach (self::$REQUIRED_OPTIONS as $req_opt) { if (empty($options[$req_opt])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing required option {$req_opt}"); } } // Optie 'd' wordt apart afgehandeld: $database = $options['d']; unset($options['d']); // Parse the C option // In the blastall command, the value of option '-C' may optionally be // appended by a 'U' character. See the blastall manual for more info. if (isset($options['Cu'])) { if ($options['Cu'] and isset($options['C']) and (int) $options['C'] > 0) { $options['C'] .= 'U'; } unset($options['Cu']); } // The O options is interfaced as a flag, // but its value is not a boolean (either null or 'SeqAlign') if (!empty($options['O'])) { $options['O'] = 'SeqAlign'; } // Check flags // foreach (self::$FLAGS as $flag) { // $bashstring .= " -{$flag} " . (!empty($_POST[$flag]) ? 'T' : 'F'); // } // Handle incoming files: foreach (self::$INPUT_FILES as $infile => $required) { if (isset($_FILES[$infile]) && $_FILES[$infile]['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { if ($_FILES[$infile]['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "File upload failed: {$_FILES[$infile]['error']}"); } move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$infile]['tmp_name'], $sandbox . "in_{$infile}"); $options[$infile] = "\"\${INDIR}in_{$infile}\""; } elseif ($required) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing required option -{$infile}"); } } // Escape shell arguments to prevent code insertion: foreach (self::$DEFAULT_OPTIONS as $key => $value) { if (isset($options[$key])) { $options[$key] = escapeshellarg($options[$key]); } } $bashcode = <<<EOS if [ ! -e "\${DBFILE}.d" ]; then mkdir -p "\${DBFILE}.d" tar -z -x -C "\${DBFILE}.d" -f "\${DBFILE}" || exit 1 fi pushd "\${DBFILE}.d" if [ \\( \$( echo *.nal | wc -w ) -eq 1 \\) -a \\( -f *.nal \\) ]; then DBNAME=\$( basename *.nal .nal ) elif [ \\( \$( echo *.pal | wc -w ) -eq 1 \\) -a \\( -f *.pal \\) ]; then DBNAME=\$( basename *.pal .pal ) elif [ \\( \$( echo *.nin | wc -w ) -eq 1 \\) -a \\( -f *.nin \\) ]; then DBNAME=\$( basename *.nin .nin ) elif [ \\( \$( echo *.pin | wc -w ) -eq 1 \\) -a \\( -f *.pin \\) ]; then DBNAME=\$( basename *.pin .pin ) else exit 2 fi popd \${APPDIR}blastall -d \${DBFILE}.d/\${DBNAME} EOS; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $bashcode .= " -{$key} {$value}"; } $bashcode .= ' >"blast.out" || exit 2'; }
/** * Handles a POST request. * The returned bash-code can use the following environment variables: * - INDIR * - OUTDIR * - DBFILE * The bashcode must return one of the following exit statuses: * - 0: OK * - 1: Transient error, try again. * - 2: Fatal error, this job will always fail. * @param string $sandbox name of the input sandbox directory, * including trailing slash * @param string $bashcode (by reference) some bash code to execute. * @param string $database (by reference) URL of the database to use * @return void */ public function doPOST($sandbox, &$bashcode, &$database) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Portal_App::doPOST()'); }
REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Missing (one of) required parameters "email" and "password"'); } $dn = Portal_User::csa_dn(); if (empty($dn)) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } $escemail = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_GET['email']); $md5password = md5($_GET['password']); $escdn = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($dn); Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS DELETE FROM `User` WHERE `user_dn` = {$escdn} AND `user_email` <> {$escemail}; EOS ); Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS UPDATE `User` SET `user_dn` = {$escdn} WHERE `user_email` = {$escemail} AND `user_password` = '{$md5password}'; EOS ); if (!Portal_MySQL::mysql()->affected_rows) { Portal_User::unauthorized(); } $url = REST::htmlspecialchars(Portal::portalURL()); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_OK, <<<EOS <p>Registration complete.</p> <p>You can now start <a href="{$url}">using the GridApps web service</a>.</p> EOS );
public function doPOST($sandbox, &$bashcode, &$database) { $options = array(); foreach (self::$INTEGERS as $option => $default) { if (!isset($_POST[$option])) { continue; } if (!preg_match('/^\\s*\\d+\\s*$/', $_POST[$option])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "<p>Bad value for option '-{$option}'</p>"); } if ($_POST[$option] !== $default) { $options[$option] = $_POST[$option]; } } foreach (self::$FLOATS as $option => $default) { if (!isset($_POST[$option])) { continue; } if (!preg_match('/^\\s*(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][+\\-]?\\d+)?\\s*$/', $_POST[$option])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "<p>Bad value for option '-{$option}'</p>"); } if ($_POST[$option] !== $default) { $options[$option] = $_POST[$option]; } } foreach (self::$OUTPUT_FILES as $option => $filename) { if (!empty($_POST[$option])) { $options[$option] = $filename; } } foreach (self::$FLAGS as $option) { if (!empty($_POST[$option])) { $options[$option] = null; } } if (!empty($_POST['M'])) { if (!in_array(strtolower($_POST['M']), array('c', 'g'))) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "<p>Bad value for option '-M'</p>"); } $options['M'] = strtolower($_POST['M']); } if (!isset($_POST['chr'])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "<p>Missing required option 'chr'</p>"); } $database = $_POST['chr']; // Handle incoming files: $input_files = '"${DBFILE}"'; foreach (self::$INPUT_FILES as $infile => $required) { if (isset($_FILES[$infile]) && $_FILES[$infile]['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { if ($_FILES[$infile]['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "File upload failed: {$_FILES[$infile]['error']}"); } move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$infile]['tmp_name'], $sandbox . "in_{$infile}"); $input_files .= " \"\${INDIR}in_{$infile}\""; } elseif ($required) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing required option input file '{$infile}'"); } } $bashcode = <<<EOS #if [ ! -e "\${DBFILE}.bfa" ]; then # "\${APPDIR}maq" fasta2bfa "\${DBFILE}" "\${DBFILE}.bfa" || exit 1 #fi { "\${APPDIR}maq" map EOS; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $bashcode .= " -{$key} {$value}"; } $bashcode .= " {$input_files} || exit 2; } || exit 1"; }