public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->gpr_id = initVar('gpr_id'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelGlobalPlainGauge'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->ge_id = (int) initVar('ge_id'); $this->gs_id = (int) initVar('gs_id'); $this->gc_id = initVar('gc_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', initVar('parent_act', 'mod')); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act', 'mod'); $this->kind = strToUpper(initVar('kind')); $this->new_udm_divider = initVar('udm_divider'); $this->merge_municipality_data = PageVar('merge_municipality_data', 'T') == 'T' ? true : false; $this->toggle_subcategory = initVar('toggle_subcategory'); $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->bpu_id = PageVar('bpu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('toggleSubcategory'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('updateLastOpenCloseStatus'); }
/** * Get the php date format * @return string The php date format */ public static function getPhpDateTimeFormat() { global $phpDateTimeFormat; if (isset($phpDateTimeFormat[R3Locale::getLanguageCode()])) { return $phpDateTimeFormat[R3Locale::getLanguageCode()]; } return null; }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $this->act = initVar('act', 'mod'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->sl_id = PageVar('sl_id'); $this->last_id = initVar('consumption_last_id'); $this->parent_act = PageVar('parent_act'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '6A', $init, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->kind = initVar('kind'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'add'); $this->mu_id = initVar('mu_id'); $this->mu_name = initVar('mu_name'); if ($this->mu_name != '') { // Convert municipality text into id $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $this->mu_id = (int) $db->query("SELECT mu_id FROM municipality WHERE mu_name_{$lang} ILIKE " . $db->quote($request['mu_name']))->fetchColumn(); } setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->kind = PageVar('kind'); $this->em_id = PageVar('em_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->tabMode = PageVar('tab_mode', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirm_delete_device'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->gc_id_filter = PageVar('gc_id_filter', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gp_name = PageVar('gp_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('countGaugeAndMonitor'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->kind = PageVar('kind'); $this->em_id = PageVar('em_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->sl_id = PageVar('sl_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->tabMode = PageVar('tab_mode', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $data = R3EcoGisHelper::getMeterData($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->em_id); $this->fields = $this->defFields($data['em_is_production'] == 'T'); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirm_delete_consumption'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->kind = initVar('kind'); $this->bu_id = initVar('bu_id'); $this->tabMode = initVar('tab_mode'); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetchUDM'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergySourceList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getUtilityProductList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteMeter'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->kind = initVar('kind'); $this->ge_id = (int) initVar('ge_id'); $this->gc_id = (int) initVar('gc_id'); $this->limit = 0; $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], false, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetchUDM'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('performEnergySourceRowCalc'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteGlobalConsumptionRow'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergySource'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergyUDM'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('performActionCatalogCalc'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = array(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = 'list'; $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list' || $reset || $init; if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->us_name_email = PageVar('us_name_email', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->us_status = PageVar('us_status', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askEnablePublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelPublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('enablePublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('delPublicUser'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = array(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list' || $reset || $init; // if true store the filter variables if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->do_id_filter = (int) PageVar('do_id_filter', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name_collection = PageVar('mu_name_collection', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteMunicipalityCollection'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getAvailableMunicipalityForCollection'); }
function R3NumberFormat($value, $decimals = null, $useThousandsSep = false, $maxDec = 10) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $key => $val) { $value[$key] = R3NumberFormat($val, $decimals, $useThousandsSep, $maxDec); } return $value; } else { if (strlen($value) == '') { return ''; } if (!defined("__R3_LOCALE__")) { require_once 'r3locale.php'; } $oldLocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, getLocaleInfo(R3Locale::getLanguageCode())); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $localeInfo = getLocaleInfo(getLangLocaleByCode(R3Locale::getLanguageCode())); if ($decimals === null) { $diff = round($value - (int) $value, $maxDec); if ($diff == 0) { $decimals = 0; } else { $decimals = strlen($diff) - 2; // -2 is 0. of the number } } $thousands_sep = $useThousandsSep === true ? $localeInfo['thousands_sep'] : ''; $result = number_format($value, $decimals, $localeInfo['decimal_point'], $thousands_sep); setlocale(LC_ALL, $oldLocale); return $result; } }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = (int) initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gst_name = PageVar('gst_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('loadGE_GS'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('exportPAES'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('exportPAESDlg'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getExportPAESStatus'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelGlobalStrategy'); }
/** * Return the help data (ajax) * @param array $request the request * @return text the help text (usually html) */ public function getHelp($request) { require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'eco_help.php'; $body = R3Help::getHelpPartFromSection($request['section'], $request['id'], R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); return array('data' => $body !== null ? $body : ''); }
/** * Build the js if necessary * */ function R3BuildJS($force = false) { global $auth, $jsPacker; $appCode = strtolower(APPLICATION_CODE); $jsDestPath = R3_UPLOAD_DATA_DIR . strtolower(R3EcoGisHelper::getCurrentDomainName()) . "/js/"; $masterFileName = "{$jsDestPath}{$appCode}_all.js"; if (!$force) { $rebuild = !file_exists($masterFileName); if (!$rebuild) { $compiledAge = filemtime($masterFileName); $files = $jsPacker['JS_files']; if (isset($jsPacker['files'])) { foreach ($jsPacker['files'] as $name => $fileGroup) { $name = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $name); if (!file_exists("{$jsDestPath}{$name}")) { $rebuild = true; ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript file \"{$jsDestPath}{$name}\" not found. Rebuild necessary", ezcLog::DEBUG); break; } foreach ($fileGroup as $file) { $files[] = $file; } } } foreach ($files as $file) { $file = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $file); if (filemtime(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file) > $compiledAge) { // Complie needed $rebuild = true; break; } } } } if ($force || $rebuild) { checkPath(dirname($masterFileName), true, true); // Non packed files if (isset($jsPacker['files'])) { foreach ($jsPacker['files'] as $name => $fileGroup) { $script = ''; foreach ($fileGroup as $file) { $file = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $file); $script .= "/*** " . basename($file) . " ***/\n\n\n" . file_get_contents(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file) . "\n\n\n"; } $name = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), dirname($masterFileName) . '/' . $name); ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$name}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($name, $script); } } require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'class.JavaScriptPacker.php'; $script = ''; $funcList = array(); foreach ($jsPacker['JS_files'] as $file) { $data = file_get_contents(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file); $script .= "{$data}\n\n\n"; // Check function averride! foreach (explode("\n", $data) as $lineNo => $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 9) == 'function ' && ($p = strpos($line, '(')) !== false) { $name = trim(substr($line, 9, $p - 9)); if (isset($funcList[$name])) { echo "<b>Warning</b>: JavaScript function \"{$name}\" in file {$file}:{$lineNo} already declared in file {$funcList[$name]['file']}:{$funcList[$name]['line']}.<br />\n"; } $funcList[$name] = array('file' => $file, 'line' => $lineNo); } } } if (!isset($jsPacker['minify_output'])) { ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$masterFileName}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($masterFileName, $script); } else { $packer = new JavaScriptPacker($script, $jsPacker['minify_output'] ? 'Normal' : 'None', true, false); $packed = $packer->pack(); ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$masterFileName}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($masterFileName, $packed); } } }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->bu_id = initVar('bu_id'); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->ac_name = PageVar('ac_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gc_id = PageVar('gc_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gpa_name = PageVar('gpa_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gpa_name = PageVar('ac_alternative_simulation', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->tableURL = array('bu_id' => $this->bu_id); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getGlobalCategory'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getGlobalSubCategory'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getRelatedActionsList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergySource'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergyUDM'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('performActionCatalogCalc'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelActionCatalog'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('updateActionName'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('checkSubActionMapLink'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('validateDomain'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getSRIDDesc'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getMunicipality'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteCustomer'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('vacuum'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('create_grid'); }
/** * Return the help data (ajax) * @param array $request the request * @return text the help text (usually html) */ public function getHelp($request) { global $smarty; require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'eco_help.php'; $smarty->assign('ELECTRICITY_KWH_FACTOR', R3Locale::convert2PHP($this->auth->getConfigValue('GENERAL', 'ELECTRICITY_KWH_FACTOR', 1))); $body = R3Help::getHelpPartFromSection($request['section'], $request['id'], R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); return array('data' => $body !== null ? $body : ''); }
/** * Return the help data (ajax) * @param array $request the request * @return text the help text (usually html) */ public function getHelp($request) { require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'eco_help.php'; $body = R3Help::getHelpPartFromSection($request['section'], $request['id'], R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); // Help can be cacheable $ttl = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60; header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $ttl) . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $ttl); header("Pragma: public", true); return array('data' => $body !== null ? $body : ''); }