Exemple #1
  * Return the help data (ajax)
  * @param array $request    the request
  * @return text             the help text (usually html)
 public function getHelp($request)
     require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'eco_help.php';
     $body = R3Help::getHelpPartFromSection($request['section'], $request['id'], R3Locale::getLanguageCode());
     return array('data' => $body !== null ? $body : '');
Exemple #2
  * Return the help data (ajax)
  * @param array $request    the request
  * @return text             the help text (usually html)
 public function getHelp($request)
     global $smarty;
     require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'eco_help.php';
     $smarty->assign('ELECTRICITY_KWH_FACTOR', R3Locale::convert2PHP($this->auth->getConfigValue('GENERAL', 'ELECTRICITY_KWH_FACTOR', 1)));
     $body = R3Help::getHelpPartFromSection($request['section'], $request['id'], R3Locale::getLanguageCode());
     return array('data' => $body !== null ? $body : '');
Exemple #3
  * Return the help data (ajax)
  * @param array $request    the request
  * @return text             the help text (usually html)
 public function getHelp($request)
     require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'eco_help.php';
     $body = R3Help::getHelpPartFromSection($request['section'], $request['id'], R3Locale::getLanguageCode());
     // Help can be cacheable
     $ttl = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60;
     header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $ttl) . ' GMT');
     header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $ttl);
     header("Pragma: public", true);
     return array('data' => $body !== null ? $body : '');