public static function getUserExternalSystemIds()
     $columnName = ExternalSystemIdUtil::EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME;
     RedBeanColumnTypeOptimizer::externalIdColumn(User::getTableName('User'), $columnName);
     $sql = 'select ' . $columnName . ' from ' . User::getTableName('User');
     return R::getCol($sql);
 protected static function generateCampaignItems($campaign, $pageSize)
     if ($pageSize == null) {
     $contacts = array();
     $quote = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::getQuote();
     $marketingListMemberTableName = RedBeanModel::getTableName('MarketingListMember');
     $campaignItemTableName = RedBeanModel::getTableName('CampaignItem');
     $sql = "select {$quote}{$marketingListMemberTableName}{$quote}.{$quote}contact_id{$quote} from {$quote}{$marketingListMemberTableName}{$quote}";
     // Not Coding Standard
     $sql .= "left join {$quote}{$campaignItemTableName}{$quote} on ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$campaignItemTableName}{$quote}.{$quote}contact_id{$quote} ";
     $sql .= "= {$quote}{$marketingListMemberTableName}{$quote}.{$quote}contact_id{$quote}";
     $sql .= "AND {$quote}{$campaignItemTableName}{$quote}.{$quote}campaign_id{$quote} = " . $campaign->id . " ";
     $sql .= "where {$quote}{$marketingListMemberTableName}{$quote}.{$quote}marketinglist_id{$quote} = " . $campaign->marketingList->id;
     $sql .= " and {$quote}{$campaignItemTableName}{$quote}.{$quote}id{$quote} is null limit " . $pageSize;
     $ids = R::getCol($sql);
     foreach ($ids as $contactId) {
         $contacts[] = Contact::getById((int) $contactId);
     if (!empty($contacts)) {
         //todo: if the return value is false, then we might need to catch that since it didn't go well.
         CampaignItem::registerCampaignItemsByCampaign($campaign, $contacts);
         if (count($ids) < $pageSize) {
             return true;
     } else {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #3
 function index()
     $view = new G2_TwigView('pages/index');
     $test_a = R::findOne('audit');
     $args = [];
     if (!empty($_GET)) {
         $wheres = [];
         foreach ($_GET as $field => $value) {
             if (isset($test_a->{$field}) && trim($value)) {
                 $wheres[] = "{$field} LIKE :{$field}";
                 $args[$field] = $value;
         $where = implode(' AND ', $wheres);
     } else {
         $where = '';
     $audits = Audit::deserialize(Mvc_Db::paginate_findAll('audit', 10, "{$where} ORDER BY id DESC", $args));
     // Sort into entities
     $sorted = [];
     foreach ($audits as $audit) {
         // Limit to 10 entries per entity
         if (count($sorted[$audit->entity]) <= 10) {
             $sorted[$audit->entity][] = $audit;
     $view->set('sorted', $sorted);
     $view->entities = R::getCol('SELECT DISTINCT entity FROM audit');
     $view->set_entity = $_GET['entity'];
     $view->page_count = Mvc_Db::get_last_total_pages();
     $view->current = Mvc_Db::get_current_page();
     $view->current_url = PACKAGE_URL . '?' . http_build_query($_GET);
 public static function getKeys(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $typeName)
     $fieldName = self::getLinkField($typeName);
     $id = (int) $bean->{$fieldName};
     $ids = R::getCol("select id from {$typeName} where " . $bean->getMeta("type") . "_id" . " = {$bean->id}");
     return $ids;
  * Tests the various ways to fetch (select queries)
  * data using adapter methods in the facade.
  * Also tests the new R::getAssocRow() method, 
  * as requested in issue #324.
 public function testFetchTypes()
     $page = R::dispense('page');
     $page->a = 'a';
     $page->b = 'b';
     $page = R::dispense('page');
     $page->a = 'c';
     $page->b = 'd';
     $expect = '[{"id":"1","a":"a","b":"b"},{"id":"2","a":"c","b":"d"}]';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getAll('SELECT * FROM page')), $expect);
     $expect = '{"1":"a","2":"c"}';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getAssoc('SELECT id, a FROM page')), $expect);
     asrt(json_encode(R::getAssoc('SELECT id, a, b FROM page')), $expect);
     $expect = '[{"id":"1","a":"a"},{"id":"2","a":"c"}]';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getAssocRow('SELECT id, a FROM page')), $expect);
     $expect = '[{"id":"1","a":"a","b":"b"},{"id":"2","a":"c","b":"d"}]';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getAssocRow('SELECT id, a, b FROM page')), $expect);
     $expect = '{"id":"1","a":"a","b":"b"}';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getRow('SELECT * FROM page WHERE id = 1')), $expect);
     $expect = '"a"';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getCell('SELECT a FROM page WHERE id = 1')), $expect);
     $expect = '"b"';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getCell('SELECT b FROM page WHERE id = 1')), $expect);
     $expect = '"c"';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getCell('SELECT a FROM page WHERE id = 2')), $expect);
     $expect = '["a","c"]';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getCol('SELECT a FROM page')), $expect);
     $expect = '["b","d"]';
     asrt(json_encode(R::getCol('SELECT b FROM page')), $expect);
 public static function getKeys(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $typeName, $name = null)
     $fieldName = self::getLinkField($typeName, $name);
     $id = (int) $bean->{$fieldName};
     $columnPrefix = self::resolveColumnPrefix($name);
     $columnName = $columnPrefix . $bean->getMeta("type") . '_id';
     $ids = R::getCol("select id from {$typeName} where " . $columnName . " = {$bean->id}");
     return $ids;
Exemple #7
 public static function getTailDistinctEventsByEventName($eventName, User $user, $count)
     $sql = "select id\n                    from ( select id, modelclassname, modelid, datetime from auditevent where _user_id = {$user->id}\n                    AND eventname = '{$eventName}' order by id desc ) auditevent\n                    group by concat(modelclassname, modelid) order by datetime desc limit {$count}";
     $ids = R::getCol($sql);
     $beans = R::batch('auditevent', $ids);
     return self::makeModels($beans, __CLASS__);
  * Returns an array of table names from the database.
 public static function getAllTableNames()
     if (RedBeanDatabase::getDatabaseType() == 'sqlite') {
         return R::getCol('select name from sqlite_master where type = \'table\' order by name;');
     } elseif (RedBeanDatabase::getDatabaseType() == 'pgsql') {
         return R::getCol("\n                    select relname from pg_catalog.pg_class\n                         left join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = pg_catalog.pg_class.relnamespace\n                    where pg_catalog.pg_class.relkind in ('r', '') and\n                          n.nspname <> 'pg_catalog'               and\n                          n.nspname <> 'information_schema'       and\n                          n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast'                and\n                          pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(pg_catalog.pg_class.oid)\n                    order by lower(relname);\n                ");
     } else {
         return R::getCol('show tables;');
Exemple #9
 public static function getByLayoutIdAndUser($layoutId, $user)
     assert('is_integer($layoutId) && $layoutId >= 1');
     assert('$user instanceof User && $user->id > 0');
     $sql = 'select id ' . 'from dashboard, ownedsecurableitem ' . 'where ownedsecurableitem.owner__user_id = ' . $user->id . ' and dashboard.ownedsecurableitem_id = ' . ' and layoutid = ' . $layoutId . ' order by layoutId;';
     $ids = R::getCol($sql);
     assert('count($ids) <= 1');
     if (count($ids) == 0) {
         if ($layoutId == Dashboard::DEFAULT_USER_LAYOUT_ID) {
             return Dashboard::setDefaultDashboardForUser($user);
         throw new NotFoundException();
     $bean = R::load(RedBeanModel::getTableName('Dashboard'), $ids[0]);
     assert('$bean === false || $bean instanceof RedBean_OODBBean');
     if ($bean === false) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
     return self::makeModel($bean);
 protected static function generateCampaignItems($campaign, $pageSize)
     if ($pageSize == null) {
     $contacts = array();
     $quote = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::getQuote();
     $sql = "select {$quote}marketinglistmember{$quote}.{$quote}contact_id{$quote} from {$quote}marketinglistmember{$quote}\n                    left join {$quote}campaignitem{$quote} on {$quote}campaignitem{$quote}.{$quote}contact_id{$quote} " . "= {$quote}marketinglistmember{$quote}.{$quote}contact_id{$quote} " . "AND {$quote}campaignitem{$quote}.{$quote}campaign_id{$quote} = " . $campaign->id . " where {$quote}marketinglistmember{$quote}.{$quote}marketinglist_id{$quote} = " . $campaign->marketingList->id . " and {$quote}campaignitem{$quote}.{$quote}id{$quote} IS NULL limit " . $pageSize;
     $ids = R::getCol($sql);
     foreach ($ids as $contactId) {
         $contacts[] = Contact::getById((int) $contactId);
     if (!empty($contacts)) {
         //todo: if the return value is false, then we might need to catch that since it didn't go well.
         CampaignItem::registerCampaignItemsByCampaign($campaign, $contacts);
         if (count($ids) < $pageSize) {
             return true;
     } else {
         return true;
  * Given a table name, count, and offset get an array of beans.
  * @param string $tableName
  * @param integer $count
  * @param integer $offset
  * @return array of RedBean_OODBBean beans.
 public static function getSubset($tableName, $where = null, $count = null, $offset = null)
     assert('$offset  === null || is_integer($offset)  && $offset  >= 0');
     assert('$offset  === null || is_integer($count)   && $count   >= 1');
     $sql = 'select id from ' . $tableName;
     if ($where != null) {
         $sql .= ' where ' . $where;
     if ($count !== null) {
         $sql .= " limit {$count}";
     if ($offset !== null) {
         $sql .= " offset {$offset}";
     $ids = R::getCol($sql);
     return R::batch($tableName, $ids);
Exemple #12
 * Returns an array containing the index names of all
 * indexes on the specified table name.
 * @param $tableNoQ table name without quotes or backticks
 * @return array
function getIndexes($tableNoQ)
    $writer = R::getWriter();
    if ($writer instanceof \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\MySQL || $writer instanceof \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\CUBRID) {
        $indexes = array();
        $list = R::getAll("SHOW INDEX FROM `{$tableNoQ}`");
        foreach ($list as $listItem) {
            $indexes[] = $listItem['Key_name'];
        return $indexes;
    if ($writer instanceof \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\SQLiteT) {
        $indexes = array();
        $list = R::getAll(" pragma index_list(`{$tableNoQ}`) ");
        foreach ($list as $listItem) {
            $indexes[] = $listItem['name'];
        return $indexes;
    if ($writer instanceof \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\PostgreSQL) {
        return R::getCol(" SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = '{$tableNoQ}' AND schemaname = 'public' ");
    return array();
Exemple #13
  * Conta as linhas totais do SELECT
  * @return int
 private function countLines()
     $sqlCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS QNT FROM ({$this->sql}) AS TABLE";
     return (int) \R::getCol($sqlCount);
// broadcast_action.php
include "config.php";
$target_usertype = null;
$message = null;
if (isset($_POST["target_usertype"])) {
    $target_usertype = $_POST["target_usertype"];
if (isset($_POST["message"])) {
    $message = $_POST["message"];
if ($message == null || $message == "") {
    store_in_session("message", "You can't send an empty message");
    header("Location: ./broadcast.php");
} else {
    $data = R::getCol("select max(thread_id)+1 as new_thread_id from messages");
    $thread_id = $data[0];
    if (is_null($thread_id)) {
        $thread_id = 1;
    $sql = "insert into messages (from_id, to_id, message_sent_datetime, message_text, thread_id) values(0, ?,?,?,?)";
    $param = 1;
    $sql1 = "select id from users where 1=?";
    if ($target_usertype != -1) {
        $sql1 = "select id from users where usertype=?";
        $param = $target_usertype;
    $data = R::getAll($sql1, array($param));
    foreach ($data as $value) {
        R::exec($sql, array($value["id"], date("Y-m-d h:i:s"), $message, $thread_id++));
Exemple #15
  * Gets a range of model ids from the database of the named model type.
  * @param $modelClassName
  * @param $joinTablesAdapter null or instance of joinTablesAdapter.
  * @param $offset The zero based index of the first model to be returned.
  * @param $count The number of models to be returned.
  * @param $where
  * @param $orderBy - sql string. Example 'a desc' or 'a.b desc'.  Currently only supports non-related attributes
  * @param $modelClassName Pass only when getting it at runtime gets the wrong name.
  * @return An array of models ids
 public static function getSubsetIds(RedBeanModelJoinTablesQueryAdapter $joinTablesAdapter = null, $offset = null, $count = null, $where = null, $orderBy = null, $modelClassName = null, $selectDistinct = false)
     assert('$offset  === null || is_integer($offset)  && $offset  >= 0');
     assert('$count   === null || is_integer($count)   && $count   >= 1');
     assert('$where   === null || is_string ($where)   && $where   != ""');
     assert('$orderBy === null || is_string ($orderBy) && $orderBy != ""');
     assert('$modelClassName === null || is_string($modelClassName) && $modelClassName != ""');
     if ($modelClassName === null) {
         $modelClassName = get_called_class();
     if ($joinTablesAdapter == null) {
         $joinTablesAdapter = new RedBeanModelJoinTablesQueryAdapter($modelClassName);
     $tableName = self::getTableName($modelClassName);
     $sql = static::makeSubsetOrCountSqlQuery($tableName, $joinTablesAdapter, $offset, $count, $where, $orderBy, false, $selectDistinct);
     $ids = R::getCol($sql);
     return $ids;

Suggests matches between domains and accounts
TODO: fix f.eks. domæner. Vi antager at alt efter sidste . er tld. 
$config = (require 'config.php');
require 'includes/redbean/rb.php';
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $config->dbHost . ';dbname=' . $config->dbName;
R::setup($dsn, $config->dbUsername, $config->dbPassword);
$domains = R::getCol('select name from domain');
require 'includes/classes/class.sugarCrmConnector.php';
try {
    $sugar = sugarCrmConnector::getInstance();
    $sugar->connect($config->sugarLogin, $config->sugarPassword);
    $accounts = array();
    $results = $sugar->getEntryList('Accounts', "accounts.account_type = 'Customer'", 'name', 0, array('name'));
    foreach ($results->entry_list as $result) {
        #$accounts[] = (object) array( 'id' => $result->id, 'label' => $result->name_value_list[0]->value, 'value' => $result->name_value_list[0]->value );
        $accounts[] = array('id' => $result->id, 'value' => $result->name_value_list[0]->value);
} catch (Exception $e) {
find_suggestions($domains, $accounts);
function domainToAccount($domainname, $account, $account_id)
    $owner = R::findOne('owner', 'account_id=?', array($account_id));
    if ($owner === false) {
        $owner = R::dispense("owner");
        $owner->name = $account;
Exemple #17
  * @depends testSetAttributesWithPostForCustomField
 public function testUpdateValueOnCustomFieldRows()
     $values = array('A', 'B', 'C');
     $customFieldData = CustomFieldData::getByName('updateItems');
     $customFieldData->serializedData = serialize($values);
     $id = $customFieldData->id;
     $customField = new CustomField();
     $customField->value = 'A';
     $customField->data = $customFieldData;
     $customField = new CustomField();
     $customField->value = 'B';
     $customField->data = $customFieldData;
     $customField = new CustomField();
     $customField->value = 'C';
     $customField->data = $customFieldData;
     $customField = new CustomField();
     $customField->value = 'C';
     $customField->data = $customFieldData;
     $quote = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::getQuote();
     $customFieldTableName = RedBeanModel::getTableName('CustomField');
     $baseCustomFieldTableName = RedBeanModel::getTableName('BaseCustomField');
     $valueAttributeColumnName = 'value';
     $dataAttributeColumnName = RedBeanModel::getForeignKeyName('CustomField', 'data');
     $sql = "select {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.id from {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote} ";
     $sql .= "left join {$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote} on ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote}.id = ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.basecustomfield_id ";
     $sql .= "where {$quote}{$dataAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = {$id}";
     $ids = R::getCol($sql);
     $beans = R::batch($customFieldTableName, $ids);
     $customFields = RedBeanModel::makeModels($beans, 'CustomField');
     $this->assertEquals(4, count($customFields));
     $sql = "select {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.id from {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote} ";
     $sql .= "left join {$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote} on ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote}.id = ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.basecustomfield_id ";
     $sql .= "where {$quote}{$dataAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = {$id} ";
     $sql .= "and {$quote}{$valueAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = 'B'";
     $this->assertEquals(1, count(R::getCol($sql)));
     $sql = "select {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.id from {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote} ";
     $sql .= "left join {$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote} on ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote}.id = ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.basecustomfield_id ";
     $sql .= "where {$quote}{$dataAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = {$id} ";
     $sql .= "and {$quote}{$valueAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = 'C'";
     $this->assertEquals(2, count(R::getCol($sql)));
     $sql = "select {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.id from {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote} ";
     $sql .= "left join {$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote} on ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote}.id = ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.basecustomfield_id ";
     $sql .= "where {$quote}{$dataAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = {$id} ";
     $sql .= "and {$quote}{$valueAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = 'E'";
     $this->assertEquals(0, count(R::getCol($sql)));
     CustomField::updateValueByDataIdAndOldValueAndNewValue($id, 'C', 'E');
     $sql = "select {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.id from {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote} ";
     $sql .= "left join {$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote} on ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote}.id = ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.basecustomfield_id ";
     $sql .= "where {$quote}{$dataAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = {$id} ";
     $sql .= "and {$quote}{$valueAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = 'B'";
     $this->assertEquals(1, count(R::getCol($sql)));
     $sql = "select {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.id from {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote} ";
     $sql .= "left join {$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote} on ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote}.id = ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.basecustomfield_id ";
     $sql .= "where {$quote}{$dataAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = {$id} ";
     $sql .= "and {$quote}{$valueAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = 'C'";
     $this->assertEquals(0, count(R::getCol($sql)));
     $sql = "select {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.id from {$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote} ";
     $sql .= "left join {$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote} on ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$baseCustomFieldTableName}{$quote}.id = ";
     $sql .= "{$quote}{$customFieldTableName}{$quote}.basecustomfield_id ";
     $sql .= "where {$quote}{$dataAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = {$id} ";
     $sql .= "and {$quote}{$valueAttributeColumnName}{$quote} = 'E'";
     $this->assertEquals(2, count(R::getCol($sql)));
Exemple #18

// all_messages.php
include_once "config.php";
$current_user = get_from_session("current_user");
if (is_null($current_user)) {
    store_in_session("message", "You must login to access this page");
    header("Location: index.php");
$sql = "select count(*) from messages where to_id=? and is_read=0";
$count = R::getCol($sql, array($current_user["id"]));
$count = $count[0];
include_once "header.php";
<style type="text/css">
	@import "css/experiment.css";

include_once "menu.php";

<div id="all_messages_container">
	<div id="all_messages_header">
		<h1>All messages</h1>

if ($count == 0) {
  * Basic tests through Facade.
  * @return void
 public function testBasicThroughFacade()
     $toolbox = R::$toolbox;
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase();
     $a = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
     asrt(R::$redbean instanceof RedBean_OODB, TRUE);
     asrt(R::$toolbox instanceof RedBean_Toolbox, TRUE);
     asrt(R::$adapter instanceof RedBean_Adapter, TRUE);
     asrt(R::$writer instanceof RedBean_QueryWriter, TRUE);
     $book = R::dispense("book");
     asrt($book instanceof RedBean_OODBBean, TRUE);
     $book->title = "a nice book";
     $id = R::store($book);
     asrt($id > 0, TRUE);
     $book = R::load("book", (int) $id);
     asrt($book->title, "a nice book");
     $author = R::dispense("author");
     $author->name = "me";
     $book9 = R::dispense("book");
     $author9 = R::dispense("author");
     $author9->name = "mr Nine";
     $a9 = R::store($author9);
     $book9->author_id = $a9;
     $bk9 = R::store($book9);
     $book9 = R::load("book", $bk9);
     $author = R::load("author", $book9->author_id);
     asrt($author->name, "mr Nine");
     $book2 = R::dispense("book");
     $book2->title = "second";
     R::associate($book, $book2);
     asrt(count(R::related($book, "book")), 1);
     $book3 = R::dispense("book");
     $book3->title = "third";
     R::associate($book, $book3);
     asrt(count(R::related($book, "book")), 2);
     asrt(count(R::find("book")), 3);
     asrt(count(R::findAll("book")), 3);
     asrt(count(R::findAll("book", " WHERE ROWNUM <= 2")), 2);
     asrt(count(R::find("book", " id=id ")), 3);
     asrt(count(R::find("book", " title LIKE ?", array("third"))), 1);
     asrt(count(R::find("book", " title LIKE ?", array("%d%"))), 2);
     // Now with new SQL Helper argument
     asrt(count(R::find("book", R::$f->begin()->addSQL('title LIKE ? ')->put('third'))), 1);
     asrt(count(R::find("book", R::$f->begin()->addSQL('title LIKE ? ')->put('%d%'))), 2);
     asrt(count(R::find("book", R::$f->begin()->addSQL('title')->like(' ? ')->addSQL(' ORDER BY id ')->desc()->put('%d%'))), 2);
     //Find without where clause
     asrt(count(R::findAll('book', ' order by id')), 3);
     R::unassociate($book, $book2);
     asrt(count(R::related($book, "book")), 1);
     asrt(count(R::related($book, "book")), 0);
     asrt(count(R::getAll("SELECT * FROM book ")), 1);
     asrt(count(R::getCol("SELECT title FROM book ")), 1);
     asrt((int) R::getCell("SELECT 123 FROM DUAL "), 123);
     $book = R::dispense("book");
     $book->title = "not so original title";
     $author = R::dispense("author");
     $author->name = "Bobby";
     $aid = R::store($author);
     R::associate($book, $author);
     $author = R::findOne("author", " name = ? ", array("Bobby"));
     $books = R::related($author, "book");
     $book = reset($books);
     testpack("Test Swap function in R-facade");
     $book = R::dispense("book");
     $book->title = "firstbook";
     $book->rating = 2;
     $id1 = R::store($book);
     $book = R::dispense("book");
     $book->title = "secondbook";
     $book->rating = 3;
     $id2 = R::store($book);
     $book1 = R::load("book", $id1);
     $book2 = R::load("book", $id2);
     asrt($book1->rating, '2');
     asrt($book2->rating, '3');
     $books = R::batch("book", array($id1, $id2));
     R::swap($books, "rating");
     $book1 = R::load("book", $id1);
     $book2 = R::load("book", $id2);
     asrt($book1->rating, '3');
     asrt($book2->rating, '2');
     testpack("Test R::convertToBeans");
     $SQL = "SELECT '1' as id, AS name, b.title AS title, '123' as rating FROM author a LEFT JOIN book b ON = ?  WHERE = ? ";
     $rows = R::$adapter->get($SQL, array($id2, $aid));
     $beans = R::convertToBeans("something", $rows);
     $bean = reset($beans);
     asrt($bean->getMeta("type"), "something");
     asrt($bean->name, "Bobby");
     asrt($bean->title, "secondbook");
     asrt($bean->rating, "123");
     testpack("Ext Assoc with facade and findRelated");
     $cd = R::dispense("cd");
     $cd->title = "Midnight Jazzfest";
     $track = R::dispense("track");
     $track->title = "Night in Tunesia";
     $track2 = R::dispense("track");
     $track2->title = "Stompin at one o clock";
     $track3 = R::dispense("track");
     $track3->title = "Nightlife";
     // Assoc ext with json
     R::associate($track, $cd, '{"order":1}');
     // Width array
     R::associate($track2, $cd, array("order" => 2));
     R::associate($track3, $cd, '{"order":3}');
     $tracks = R::related($cd, "track", " title LIKE ? ", array("Night%"));
     asrt(count($tracks), 2);
     $track = array_pop($tracks);
     asrt(strpos($track->title, "Night") === 0, TRUE);
     $track = array_pop($tracks);
     asrt(strpos($track->title, "Night") === 0, TRUE);
     $track = R::dispense("track");
     $track->title = "test";
     R::associate($track, $cd, "this column should be named extra");
     asrt(R::getCell("SELECT count(*) FROM cd_track WHERE extra = 'this column should be named extra' "), "1");
     $composer = R::dispense("performer");
     $composer->name = "Miles Davis";
Exemple #20
        case 'all':
            $last_run_time = '1970101.000000';
            exit('Invalid delete mode [' . $mode . ']\\n');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    exit('DB alarm get run time transation failed \\n' . $e->getMessage());
try {
    if ($target == 'dc-view') {
        $data_removed = R::getCol(' SELECT DISTINCT create_time AS last_rm_time ' . '   FROM dcom_dcview ' . '  WHERE create_time >= :create_time ', [':create_time' => $last_run_time]);
    } else {
        $data_removed = R::getCol(' SELECT DISTINCT create_time AS last_rm_time ' . '   FROM dcom_yidong ' . '  WHERE yidong_code LIKE "' . $target . '%" ' . '    AND create_time >= :create_time ', [':create_time' => $last_run_time]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    exit('DB alarm get run time transation failed \\n' . $e->getMessage());
try {
    if ($target == 'dc-view') {
        $data_yidong = R::exec('  DELETE FROM dcom_dcview ' . '        WHERE create_time >= :create_time ', [':create_time' => $last_run_time]);
    } else {
        $data_yidong = R::exec('  DELETE FROM dcom_yidong ' . '        WHERE yidong_code LIKE "' . $target . '%" ' . '          AND create_time >= :create_time ', [':create_time' => $last_run_time]);
        $data_guanlian = R::exec('  DELETE FROM dcom_yidongguanlian ' . '        WHERE yidong_code LIKE "' . $target . '%" ' . '          AND guanlianzhi >= :guanlianzhi ', [':guanlianzhi' => $last_run_time]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
Exemple #21
$book3 = R::dispense("book");
$book3->title = "third";
R::associate($book, $book3);
asrt(count(R::related($book, "book")), 2);
asrt(count(R::find("book")), 3);
asrt(count(R::find("book", "1")), 3);
asrt(count(R::find("book", " title LIKE ?", array("third"))), 1);
asrt(count(R::find("book", " title LIKE ?", array("%d%"))), 2);
R::unassociate($book, $book2);
asrt(count(R::related($book, "book")), 1);
asrt(count(R::related($book, "book")), 0);
asrt(count(R::getAll("SELECT * FROM book ")), 1);
asrt(count(R::getCol("SELECT title FROM book ")), 1);
asrt((int) R::getCell("SELECT 123 "), 123);
testpack("test FUSE for association removal");
$marker = false;
class Model_Book_Page extends RedBean_SimpleModel
    public function update()
    public function delete()
        global $marker;
        $marker = true;
Exemple #22
 public static function getBean_ids($table, $parentBean, $withParent = true)
     $where = $withParent ? 'left_id >= ? AND right_id <= ?' : 'left_id > ? AND right_id < ?';
     return R::getCol('SELECT id FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE ' . $where, array((int) $parentBean->left_id, (int) $parentBean->right_id));
Exemple #23
 public static function shortuuid()
     $uuid = R::getCol('select UUID_SHORT()');
     return $uuid[0];
Exemple #24
    case 'saveteam':
        $team = R::load('team', get_param('id'))->import($_POST, 'name,description');
//---------------------------------- VIEWS (GET) ----------------------------------
$template = StampTE::load('template.html');
switch ($cmd) {
    case 'main':
        $toolbar = $template->getToolbar();
        $years = R::getCol('SELECT DISTINCT strftime("%Y",start) FROM period ORDER BY start ASC');
        if (count($years) > 0) {
            $yearSelector = $toolbar->getYearSelector();
            foreach ($years as $year) {
                $yearSelector->add($yearSelector->getYearOption()->setYear($year)->attr('selected', $currentYear == $year));
        $sidebar = $template->getSidebar();
        foreach (R::find('team') as $team) {
            $teamRow = $sidebar->getTeam();
            $availableHrsTeam = 0;
            $teamRow->setTeamDisplayName(cut($team->name, 20))->setLinkToTeamView("?c=selectteam&id={$team->id}")->setSelected($team->id == $currentTeam->id ? 'selected' : '');
  * Tries to find the value in the system. If found, returns true, otherwise false.
  * @param string $value
  * @return boolean
 protected function resolveFoundExternalSystemIdByValue($value)
     assert('is_int($value) || is_string($value) || $value == null');
     if ($value == null) {
         return false;
     $modelClassName = $this->attributeModelClassName;
     $columnName = ExternalSystemIdUtil::EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME;
     $sql = 'select id from ' . $modelClassName::getTableName($modelClassName) . ' where ' . $columnName . ' = \'' . $value . '\' limit 1';
     $ids = R::getCol($sql);
     assert('count($ids) <= 1');
     if (count($ids) == 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
 public static function userBeingRemovedFromRole(User $user, Role $role)
     foreach (self::getMungableModelClassNames() as $modelClassName) {
         $mungeTableName = self::getMungeTableName($modelClassName);
         $userId = $user->id;
         $sql = "select securableitem_id\n                        from   ownedsecurableitem\n                        where  owner__user_id = {$userId}";
         $securableItemIds = R::getCol($sql);
         self::bulkDecrementParentRolesCounts($mungeTableName, $securableItemIds, $role);
         $sql = "select {$mungeTableName}.securableitem_id\n                        from   {$mungeTableName}, _group__user\n                        where  {$mungeTableName}.munge_id = concat('G', _group__user._group_id) and\n                               _group__user._user_id = {$userId}";
         $securableItemIds = R::getCol($sql);
         self::bulkDecrementParentRolesCounts($mungeTableName, $securableItemIds, $role);
          * This additional step I don't think is needed because the sql query above actually traps
          * the upstream explicit securableItems because the lower level groups will already have a point for
          * each of them.
             What groups are the user part of and what groups are those groups children of recursively?
             For any models that have that group explicity for read, subtract 1 point for the user's
             upstream roles from the disconnected role.
  * @param             $id
  * @param  bool       $topLevel    是否只获取下一级
  * @param  bool       $includeSelf 是否包含本身
  * @return array
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getChildrenIds($id = 0, $topLevel = false, $includeSelf = true)
     $id = (int) $id;
     if ($id < 1) {
         $ids = \R::getCol(sprintf('select id from %s', static::$tableName));
         return $ids;
     if ($topLevel) {
         $ids = \R::getCol(sprintf('select id from %s where %s = %d', static::$tableName, static::$parentId, $id));
     } else {
         $ids = \R::getCol(sprintf('select id from %s where path like ?', static::$tableName), ['%/' . $id . '/%']);
     if ($includeSelf) {
         $ids[] = $id;
     return $ids;
Exemple #28
  * Drops all the tables in the databaes.
 public static function dropAllTables()
     $tableNames = R::getCol('show tables');
     foreach ($tableNames as $tableName) {
         R::exec("drop table {$tableName}");
     assert('count(R::getCol("show tables")) == 0');
Exemple #29
 public function testConnectToDatabaseCreateSuperUserBuildDatabaseAndFreeze()
     // This test cannot run as saltdev. It is therefore skipped on the server.
     if ($this->temporaryDatabaseUsername == 'root') {
         $this->assertTrue(DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::createDatabase('mysql', $this->temporaryDatabaseHostname, $this->temporaryDatabaseUsername, $this->temporaryDatabasePassword, $this->temporaryDatabasePort, $this->temporaryDatabaseName));
         $this->assertTrue(DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::createDatabaseUser('mysql', $this->temporaryDatabaseHostname, $this->temporaryDatabaseUsername, $this->temporaryDatabasePassword, $this->temporaryDatabasePort, $this->temporaryDatabaseName, 'wacko', 'wacked'));
         InstallUtil::connectToDatabase('mysql', $this->temporaryDatabaseHostname, 'wacky', $this->temporaryDatabaseUsername, $this->temporaryDatabasePassword, $this->temporaryDatabasePort);
         Yii::app()->user->userModel = InstallUtil::createSuperUser('super', 'super');
         $messageLogger = new MessageLogger();
         $tableNames = R::getCol('show tables');
         $this->assertEquals(array('_group', '_group__user', '_right', '_user', 'account', 'account_read', 'activity', 'activity_item', 'actual_permissions_cache', 'address', 'auditevent', 'contact', 'contact_opportunity', 'contact_read', 'contactstate', 'currency', 'currencyvalue', 'customfield', 'customfielddata', 'dashboard', 'email', 'filecontent', 'filemodel', 'globalmetadata', 'item', 'log', 'mashableactivity', 'meeting', 'meeting_read', 'namedsecurableitem', 'note', 'note_read', 'opportunity', 'opportunity_read', 'ownedcustomfield', 'ownedsecurableitem', 'permission', 'permitable', 'person', 'perusermetadata', 'policy', 'portlet', 'role', 'securableitem', 'task', 'task_read'), $tableNames);