function Ulangan_Full() { $id = addslashes($_GET['id']); if ($id == "") { die('no id'); } $ul = new QuizUlangan(); $ul->getByID($id); //pr($ul); $lv = new QuizLevel(); $lv->getByID($ul->ulangan_level_id); ?> <style> .quest{ padding: 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #dedede; } .answer{ padding: 20px; padding-left: 30px; } .choice{ padding: 10px; } </style> <h1><?php echo $ul->ulangan_name; ?> </h1> <p><?php echo $lv->level_name; ?> </p> <hr> <?php $q = new QuizQuestion(); $arrQ = $q->getWhere("q_ulangan_id = '{$ul->ulangan_id}'"); $cnt = 1; foreach ($arrQ as $q) { ?> <div id="newform_<?php echo $cnt; ?> "> <div class="quest"> <form class="form-inline" id="form_q_<?php echo $cnt; ?> " > <div class="form-group"> <label for="question_<?php echo $q->qid; ?> _title"><?php echo $cnt; $cnt++; ?> .</label> <input style="min-width: 500px;" id="question_<?php echo $cnt; ?> _title" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $q->q_title; ?> "> </div> <div class="form-group"> Active : <input id="question_<?php echo $cnt; ?> _aktif" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $q->q_aktif; ?> "> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php $if = new Leap\View\InputFoto("question_" . $cnt . "_file", "question_" . $cnt . "_file", $q->q_image); $if->p(); ?> <?php /*<input id="question_<?=$q->qid;?>_file" class="form-control" type="file" value="<?=$q->q_image;?>">*/ ?> </div> <div class="answer"> <?php $ans = new QuizAnswer(); $arrAns = $ans->getWhere("answer_qid = '{$q->qid}'"); $arrAns = array_reverse($arrAns); for ($x = 0; $x < 4; $x++) { $ans = array_pop($arrAns); if (!isset($ans)) { $ans = new QuizAnswer(); } $checked = ""; if ($ans->answer_id == $q->q_correct_answer_id) { $checked = "checked"; } ?> <div class="choice"> <div class="form-group"> <input <?php echo $checked; ?> type="radio" name="radio_<?php echo $cnt; ?> " value="<?php echo $x; ?> "> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input id="answer_title_<?php echo $cnt; ?> _<?php echo $x; ?> " type="text" style="min-width: 300px;" value="<?php echo $ans->answer_text; ?> " class="form-control"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php $if = new Leap\View\InputFoto("answer_file_{$cnt}_{$x}", "answer_file_{$cnt}_{$x}", $ans->answer_image); $if->p(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <button class="btn btn-default" id="formbutton_q_<?php echo $cnt; ?> " onclick="doSave('<?php echo $cnt; ?> ','<?php echo $q->qid; ?> ',event);">Save Q and A</button> </form> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <script> function doSave(cnt,qid,event){ event.preventDefault(); var answer_0 = $('#answer_title_'+cnt+'_0').val(); var answer_0_img = $('#answer_file_'+cnt+'_0').val(); //alert(answer_1+' '+answer_1_img); var answer_1 = $('#answer_title_'+cnt+'_1').val(); var answer_1_img = $('#answer_file_'+cnt+'_1').val(); //alert(answer_2+' '+answer_2_img); var answer_2 = $('#answer_title_'+cnt+'_2').val(); var answer_2_img = $('#answer_file_'+cnt+'_2').val(); //alert(answer_3+' '+answer_3_img); var answer_3 = $('#answer_title_'+cnt+'_3').val(); var answer_3_img = $('#answer_file_'+cnt+'_3').val(); //alert(answer_4+' '+answer_4_img); //var qid = <?php echo $q->qid; ?> ; var q_title = $('#question_'+cnt+'_title').val(); var q_img = $('#question_'+cnt+'_file').val(); var radio = $('input[name=radio_'+cnt+']:checked').val(); var q_aktif = $('#question_'+cnt+'_aktif').val(); //alert(radio+' '+qid+' '+q_title+' '+q_img+' '+answer_0+' '+answer_0_img+' '+answer_1+' '+answer_1_img+' '+answer_2+' '+answer_2_img+' '+answer_3+' '+answer_3_img); $.post('<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> UlWeb/saveQ', { radio:radio, qid : qid, q_title : q_title, q_img : q_img, q_aktif: q_aktif, answer_0 : answer_0, answer_0_img : answer_0_img, answer_1 : answer_1, answer_1_img : answer_1_img, answer_2 : answer_2, answer_2_img : answer_2_img, answer_3 : answer_3, answer_3_img : answer_3_img, ul_id : '<?php echo $id; ?> ', } ,function(data){ alert(data); location.reload(); }); } </script> <div id="tambahanform"></div> <div style="padding: 30px; text-align: center;"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" onclick="addform();">Add more Questions</button> </div> <script> var jumlahform = <?php echo $cnt; ?> ; function addform(){ $('#tambahanform').append('<div id="newform_'+jumlahform+'"></div>'); $('#newform_'+jumlahform).load('<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> UlWeb/newform?jml='+jumlahform); jumlahform++; } </script> <?php }
function hapus_ul($args) { list($id) = $args; if (!isset($id) || $id < 1) { die('no proper id'); } $ul = new QuizUlangan(); $ul->getByID($id); if ($ul->ulangan_creator_id == Account::getMyID() && !$ul->ulangan_aktif) { $ul->delete($id); //$ul->ulangan_aktif = 0; //$ul->save(); $q = new QuizQuestion(); $arr = $q->getWhere("q_ulangan_id = '{$id}'"); foreach ($arr as $qq) { $q->delete($qq->qid); $a = new QuizAnswer(); $arr2 = $a->getWhere("answer_qid = '{$qq->qid}'"); foreach ($arr2 as $aa) { $a->delete($aa->answer_id); } } } }
public function hitung($args) { //pr($_POST); $jwb = $_POST['jwb']; $qid = $_POST['qid']; if (!isset($qid)) { die("No ID"); } $ul = new QuizUlangan(); $ul->getByID($qid); //update number $ul->ulangan_finished = $ul->ulangan_finished + 1; $ul->ulangan_update_date = leap_mysqldate(); $ul->save(); // user gen $acc = new Account(); $ucreate = 0; if ($ul->ulangan_creator_id != 0) { $ucreate = 1; $acc->getByID($ul->ulangan_creator_id); } $ucreate_text = "Seberapa Indonesiakah Anda"; //campur badge if ($ucreate) { $ul->ulangan_badge_1 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ul->ulangan_badge_2 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ul->ulangan_badge_3 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ul->ulangan_badge_4 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ul->ulangan_badge_5 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ucreate_text_title = $ul->ulangan_name; $ucreate_text = $acc->admin_name . " membuat ujian '" . $ul->ulangan_name . "' untuk INDONESIA. Berani terima tantangan dia?!?"; $ul->ulangan_desc_1 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_desc_2 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_desc_3 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_desc_4 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_desc_5 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_descr = $ucreate_text; } $q = new QuizQuestion(); $arrQ = $q->getWhere("q_ulangan_id = '{$ul->ulangan_id}' AND q_aktif = 1"); //pr($arrQ); $jumlah_question = $ul->ulangan_jumlah_soal; foreach ($arrQ as $q) { $qs[$q->qid] = $q; } $point = 0; foreach ($jwb as $o) { $active = $qs[$o['qid']]; if ($active->q_correct_answer_id == $o['aid']) { $point++; } //echo $o['qid']." jwb ".$o['aid']."<br>"; } //pilah poin ke badge if ($point == 0) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_1; } if ($point > 0 && $point < 6) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_2; } if ($point > 5 && $point < 8) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_3; } if ($point > 7 && $point < 10) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_4; } if ($point == 10) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_5; } $json['points'] = $point; $json['saved'] = 0; $json['naik_level'] = 0; $json['total_point'] = -1; $qp = new QuizPoints(); if (Auth::isLogged()) { $pid = $qid . "_" . Account::getMyID(); $qp->getByID($pid); if ($qp->points_id == "") { $qp->load = 0; } $qp->points_id = $pid; $qp->points_acc_id = Account::getMyID(); $qp->points_ul_id = $qid; $qp->points_update = leap_mysqldate(); if ($qp->points_nilai < $point) { $qp->points_nilai = $point; } $json['saved'] = $qp->save(); $pointLama = QuizPoints::myPoints(); $lvl_lama = floor($pointLama / 36); //update sessions points $qp->getPoints(); $pointBaru = QuizPoints::myPoints(); $lvl_baru = floor($pointBaru / 36); if ($lvl_baru > $lvl_lama && $pointLama > 0) { $json['naik_level'] = 1; } $json['total_point'] = $pointBaru; } else { if (!isset($_SESSION['game']['unsaved'])) { $_SESSION['game']['unsaved'] = array(); } $_SESSION['game']['unsaved'][] = array($qid, $point); } echo json_encode($json); exit; }