//$path_to_private_key_and_certificate = '/path/doesnt/exist.pem'; 		// This should trigger an error
//$path_to_private_key_and_certificate = null;							// If you're using the DESKTOP model
// This is your login ID that Intuit assignes you during the application
//	registration process.
$application_login = '******';
// This is the connection ticket assigned to you during the application
//	registration process. To conform to Intuit security practices, you are
//	*required* to store this key *encrypted* and not in plain-text.
//	The ticket below is provided as an example, you should *not* store your
//	connection ticket in plain text as shown below. You should store it in your
//	database or in a separate file, outside of the web server document root,
//	encrypted with a crypto library such as {@link http://www.php.net/mcrypt}.
$connection_ticket = 'TGT-152-LWGj1YQUufTAlSW8DK1c6A';
// Create an instance of the MerchantService object
$MS = new QuickBooks_MerchantService($dsn, $path_to_private_key_and_certificate, $application_login, $connection_ticket);
// If you're using a Intuit QBMS development account, you must set this to true!
// If you want to see the full XML input/output, you can turn on debug mode
There are several methods available in the QuickBooks_MerchantService class. 
The most common methods are described below: 
 - authorize() 
    This authorizes a given amount against the a credit card. It is important 
    to note that this *does not* actually charge the credit card, it just 
    "reserves" the amount on the credit card and guarentees that if you do a 
    capture() on the same credit card within X days, the funds will be 
    Authorizations are used in situations where you want to ensure the money 

 * @package QuickBooks
 * @subpackage Documentation
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/Users/kpalmer/Projects/QuickBooks/');
require_once 'QuickBooks.php';
require_once 'QuickBooks/MerchantService.php';
$MS = new QuickBooks_MerchantService(null, '/Users/kpalmer/Projects/QuickBooks/QuickBooks/dev/test_qbms.pem', 'test.www.academickeys.com', 'TGT-152-LWGj1YQUufTAlSW8DK1c6A');
$name = 'Keith Palmer';
$number = '5105105105105100';
$expyear = date('Y');
$expmonth = date('m');
$address = '56 Cowles Road';
$postalcode = '06279';
$cvv = null;
$Card = new QuickBooks_MerchantService_CreditCard($name, $number, $expyear, $expmonth, $address, $postalcode, $cvv);
//if ($Transaction = $MS->authorize($Card, 295))
if ($Transaction = $MS->charge($Card, 295)) {
    print 'Card authorized!';
} else {
    print 'An error occured: ' . $MS->errorNumber() . ': ' . $MS->errorMessage();
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
// I always program in E_STRICT error mode...
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', true);
// Include the QuickBooks files
require_once '../QuickBooks.php';
$dsn = null;
// $dsn = 'mysql://root:@localhost/quickbooks_merchantservice';
$path_to_private_key_and_certificate = null;
//$path_to_private_key_and_certificate = '/Users/keithpalmerjr/Projects/QuickBooks/QuickBooks/dev/test_qbms.pem';
$application_login = '******';
//$application_login = '******';
$connection_ticket = 'TGT-145-niiEL2kCFoOTYHvkwBarmg';
//$connection_ticket = 'TGT-152-LWGj1YQUufTAlSW8DK1c6A';
// Create an instance of the MerchantService object
$MS = new QuickBooks_MerchantService($dsn, $path_to_private_key_and_certificate, $application_login, $connection_ticket);
// If you're using a Intuit QBMS development account, you must set this to true!
// If you want to see the full XML input/output, you can turn on debug mode
// Now, let's create a credit card object, and authorize an amount agains the card
$name = 'Keith Palmer';
$number = '5105105105105100';
$expyear = date('Y');
$expmonth = date('m');
$address = '56 Cowles Road';
$postalcode = '06279';
$cvv = '349';
// Create the CreditCard object
$Card = new QuickBooks_MerchantService_CreditCard($name, $number, $expyear, $expmonth, $address, $postalcode, $cvv);
// Our customer #
 function qbmc_process()
     global $event_details;
     $event_id = $event_details['ID'];
     if (is_null($event_id)) {
         return false;
     $regis_id = $this->erm->get_regis_id();
     $post_ID = $this->erm->get_regis_post_id();
     $_totals = $this->erm->calculate_cart_totals();
     $gateway_info = $this->erm->get_gateway_info();
     $dsn = null;
     $path_to_private_key_and_certificate = null;
     $application_login = trim($gateway_info['_epl_user']);
     $connection_ticket = trim($gateway_info['_epl_pwd']);
     $MS = new QuickBooks_MerchantService($dsn, $path_to_private_key_and_certificate, $application_login, $connection_ticket);
     $test = $gateway_info['_epl_sandbox'] == 0 ? false : true;
     foreach ($_POST as $k => &$v) {
     $name = $_POST['_epl_cc_first_name'] . ' ' . $_POST['_epl_cc_last_name'];
     $number = $_POST['_epl_cc_num'];
     $expyear = $_POST['_epl_cc_exp_year'];
     $expmonth = date_i18n("m", strtotime($_POST['_epl_cc_exp_month']));
     $address = $_POST['_epl_cc_address'];
     $postalcode = $_POST['_epl_cc_zip'];
     $cvv = $_POST['_epl_cc_cvv'];
     $Card = new QuickBooks_MerchantService_CreditCard($name, $number, $expyear, $expmonth, $address, $postalcode, $cvv);
     $amount = $_totals['money_totals']['grand_total'];
     if ($Transaction = $MS->authorize($Card, $amount)) {
         $str = $Transaction->serialize();
         // Now convert it back to a transaction object
         $Transaction = QuickBooks_MerchantService_Transaction::unserialize($str);
         $arr = $Transaction->toArray();
         // ... and back again?
         $Transaction = QuickBooks_MerchantService_Transaction::fromArray($arr);
         // ... or an XML document?
         $xml = $Transaction->toXML();
         $Transaction = QuickBooks_MerchantService_Transaction::fromXML($xml);
         if ($Transaction = $MS->capture($Transaction, $amount)) {
             $arr = $Transaction->toArray();
             $transactionId = $arr['CreditCardTransID'];
             $data['post_ID'] = $post_ID;
             $data['_epl_grand_total'] = epl_get_balance_due();
             $data['_epl_payment_amount'] = $_totals['money_totals']['grand_total'];
             $data['_epl_payment_date'] = current_time('mysql');
             $data['_epl_payment_method'] = $this->erm->get_payment_profile_id();
             $data['_epl_transaction_id'] = $transactionId;
             $data['_epl_prediscount_total'] = epl_get_element('pre_discount_total', $_totals['money_totals'], 0);
             $data['_epl_discount_amount'] = epl_get_element('discount_amount', $_totals['money_totals'], 0);
             $data = apply_filters('epl_auth_net_aim_response_data', $data, $Transaction);
             return true;
         } else {
             return '<div class="epl_error">ERROR: ' . $MS->errorNumber() . ': ' . $MS->errorMessage() . '</div>';
             // print('An error occured during capture: ' . $MS->errorNumber() . ': ' . $MS->errorMessage() . "\n" );
     } else {
         return '<div class="epl_error">ERROR: ' . $MS->errorNumber() . ': ' . $MS->errorMessage() . '</div>';
         //print('An error occured during authorization: ' . $MS->errorNumber() . ': ' . $MS->errorMessage() . "\n" );
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
// Show some errors...
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', true);
// Include the QuickBooks files
require_once '../QuickBooks.php';
// $dsn = 'mysql://root:@localhost/quickbooks_merchantservice';
$dsn = null;
//$path_to_private_key_and_certificate = null;							// If you're using the DESKTOP model
$path_to_private_key_and_certificate = null;
//$application_login = '******';
$application_login = '******';
//$connection_ticket = 'TGT-152-LWGj1YQUufTAlSW8DK1c6A';
$connection_ticket = 'TGT-157-p3PyZPoH3DtieLSh4ykp6Q';
// Create an instance of the MerchantService object
$MS = new QuickBooks_MerchantService($dsn, $path_to_private_key_and_certificate, $application_login, $connection_ticket);
// If you're using a Intuit QBMS development account, you must set this to true!
// If you want to see the full XML input/output, you can turn on debug mode
$routing = '211170282';
$account = '414074882';
$info = QuickBooks_MerchantService_CheckingAccount::INFO_PERSONAL;
$type = QuickBooks_MerchantService_CheckingAccount::TYPE_CHECKING;
$first_name = 'Keith';
$last_name = 'Palmer';
$phone = '+1 (860) 634-1602';
$Check = new QuickBooks_MerchantService_CheckingAccount($routing, $account, $info, $type, $first_name, $last_name, $phone);
// We're going to transfer $295 out of their checking account
$amount = 295.0;
if ($Transaction = $MS->debitCheck($Check, $amount, QuickBooks_MerchantService::MODE_INTERNET)) {