  * Register our queue handlers
  * @param QueueManager $qm Current queue manager
  * @return boolean hook value
 function onEndInitializeQueueManager($qm)
     $qm->connect('siterem', 'SiteConfirmReminderHandler');
     $qm->connect('uregrem', 'UserConfirmRegReminderHandler');
     $qm->connect('uinvrem', 'UserInviteReminderHandler');
     return true;
Exemple #2
  * @param $queue
  * @param int $timeout
  * @return void
 public function consume($queue, $timeout = 0)
     while (TRUE) {
         $message = $this->qm->getMessage($queue, $timeout);
         if ($message !== NULL) {
             if ($message->isRequeued()) {
                 $this->qm->publishMessage($queue, $message);
  * Handler for POST content updates from the hub
 function handlePost()
     $feedid = $this->arg('feed');
     common_log(LOG_INFO, "POST for feed id {$feedid}");
     if (!$feedid) {
         // TRANS: Server exception thrown when referring to a non-existing or empty feed.
         throw new ServerException(_m('Empty or invalid feed id.'), 400);
     $feedsub = FeedSub::getKV('id', $feedid);
     if (!$feedsub instanceof FeedSub) {
         // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a feed ID.
         throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Unknown PuSH feed id %s'), $feedid), 400);
     $hmac = '';
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE'])) {
         $hmac = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE'];
     $post = file_get_contents('php://input');
     // Queue this to a background process; we should return
     // as quickly as possible from a distribution POST.
     // If queues are disabled this'll process immediately.
     $data = array('feedsub_id' => $feedsub->id, 'post' => $post, 'hmac' => $hmac);
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     $qm->enqueue($data, 'pushin');
 function queueBackup()
     $cur = common_current_user();
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     $qm->enqueue($cur->id, 'backoff');
Exemple #5
 static function get()
     if (empty(self::$qm)) {
         if (Event::handle('StartNewQueueManager', array(&self::$qm))) {
             $enabled = common_config('queue', 'enabled');
             $type = common_config('queue', 'subsystem');
             if (!$enabled) {
                 // does everything immediately
                 self::$qm = new UnQueueManager();
             } else {
                 switch ($type) {
                     case 'db':
                         self::$qm = new DBQueueManager();
                     case 'stomp':
                         self::$qm = new StompQueueManager();
                         throw new ServerException("No queue manager class for type '{$type}'");
     return self::$qm;
  * Initialize IoManagers for the currently configured site
  * which are appropriate to this instance.
 function initManagers()
     if (common_config('xmpp', 'enabled')) {
         $qm = QueueManager::get();
Exemple #7
function doSendControl($message, $event, $param = '')
    print $message;
    $qm = QueueManager::get();
    if ($qm->sendControlSignal($event, $param)) {
        print " sent.\n";
    } else {
        print " FAILED.\n";
Exemple #8
  * Initialize IoManagers for the currently configured site
  * which are appropriate to this instance.
 function initManagers()
     $classes = array();
     if (Event::handle('StartImDaemonIoManagers', array(&$classes))) {
         $qm = QueueManager::get();
         $classes[] = $qm;
         $classes[] = $this->processManager;
     Event::handle('EndImDaemonIoManagers', array(&$classes));
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
  * Set up queue handlers for outgoing hub pushes
  * @param QueueManager $qm
  * @return boolean hook return
 function onEndInitializeQueueManager(QueueManager $qm)
     // Prepare outgoing distributions after notice save.
     $qm->connect('ostatus', 'OStatusQueueHandler');
     // Outgoing from our internal PuSH hub
     $qm->connect('hubconf', 'HubConfQueueHandler');
     $qm->connect('hubprep', 'HubPrepQueueHandler');
     $qm->connect('hubout', 'HubOutQueueHandler');
     // Outgoing Salmon replies (when we don't need a return value)
     $qm->connect('salmon', 'SalmonQueueHandler');
     // Incoming from a foreign PuSH hub
     $qm->connect('pushin', 'PushInQueueHandler');
     return true;
 public function handle($user)
     if (!$user instanceof User) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, "Got a bogus user, not deleting");
         return true;
     $user = User::getKV('id', $user->id);
     if (!$user) {
         common_log(LOG_INFO, "User {$user->nickname} was deleted before we got here.");
         return true;
     try {
         if (!$user->hasRole(Profile_role::DELETED)) {
             common_log(LOG_INFO, "User {$user->nickname} is not pending deletion; aborting.");
             return true;
     } catch (UserNoProfileException $unp) {
         common_log(LOG_INFO, "Deleting user {$user->nickname} with no profile... probably a good idea!");
     $notice = $this->getNextBatch($user);
     if ($notice->N) {
         common_log(LOG_INFO, "Deleting next {$notice->N} notices by {$user->nickname}");
         while ($notice->fetch()) {
             $del = clone $notice;
         // @todo improve reliability in case we died during the above deletions
         // with a fatal error. If the job is lost, we should perform some kind
         // of garbage collection later.
         // Queue up the next batch.
         $qm = QueueManager::get();
         $qm->enqueue($user, 'deluser');
     } else {
         // Out of notices? Let's finish deleting this profile!
         try {
         } catch (UserNoProfileException $e) {
             // in case a profile didn't exist for some reason, just delete the User directly
         common_log(LOG_INFO, "User {$user->id} {$user->nickname} deleted.");
         return true;
     return true;
  * Handle the site
  * @param array $remitem type of reminder to send and any special options
  * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
 function handle($remitem)
     list($type, $opts) = $remitem;
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     try {
         switch ($type) {
             case UserConfirmRegReminderHandler::REGISTER_REMINDER:
                 $confirm = new Confirm_address();
                 $confirm->address_type = $type;
                 while ($confirm->fetch()) {
                     try {
                         $qm->enqueue(array($confirm, $opts), 'uregrem');
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         common_log(LOG_WARNING, $e->getMessage());
             case UserInviteReminderHandler::INVITE_REMINDER:
                 $invitation = new Invitation();
                 // Only send one reminder (the latest one), regardless of how many invitations a user has
                 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM invitation WHERE registered_user_id IS NULL ORDER BY created DESC) invitees GROUP BY invitees.address';
                 while ($invitation->fetch()) {
                     try {
                         $qm->enqueue(array($invitation, $opts), 'uinvrem');
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         common_log(LOG_WARNING, $e->getMessage());
                 // WTF?
                 common_log(LOG_ERR, "Received unknown confirmation address type", __FILE__);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());
         return false;
     return true;
  * Handle the site
  * @param mixed $object
  * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
 function handle($object)
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     try {
         // Enqueue a summary for all users
         $user = new User();
         while ($user->fetch()) {
             try {
                 $qm->enqueue($user->id, 'usersum');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 common_log(LOG_WARNING, $e->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, $e->getMessage());
     return true;
Exemple #13
 function handle($data)
     list($user, $xml, $trusted) = $data;
     try {
         $doc = DOMDocument::loadXML($xml);
         $feed = $doc->documentElement;
         if ($feed->namespaceURI != Activity::ATOM || $feed->localName != 'feed') {
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when an imported feed is not an Atom feed.
             throw new ClientException(_("Not an Atom feed."));
         $author = ActivityUtils::getFeedAuthor($feed);
         if (empty($author)) {
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when an imported feed does not have an author.
             throw new ClientException(_("No author in the feed."));
         if (empty($user)) {
             if ($trusted) {
                 $user = $this->userFromAuthor($author);
             } else {
                 // TRANS: Client exception thrown when an imported feed does not have an author that
                 // TRANS: can be associated with a user.
                 throw new ClientException(_("Cannot import without a user."));
         $activities = $this->getActivities($feed);
         $qm = QueueManager::get();
         foreach ($activities as $activity) {
             $qm->enqueue(array($user, $author, $activity, $trusted), 'actimp');
     } catch (ClientException $ce) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, $ce->getMessage());
         return true;
     } catch (ServerException $se) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, $ce->getMessage());
         return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, $ce->getMessage());
         return false;
Exemple #14
 public static function enqueueNewFeeds(array $args = array())
     if (!isset($args['interval']) || !is_int($args['interval']) || $args['interval'] <= 0) {
         $args['interval'] = self::DEFAULT_INTERVAL;
     $args['interval'] *= 60;
     // minutes to seconds
     $feedsub = new FeedSub();
     $feedsub->sub_state = 'nohub';
     // Find feeds that haven't been polled within the desired interval,
     // though perhaps we're abusing the "last_update" field here?
     $feedsub->whereAdd(sprintf('last_update < "%s"', common_sql_date(time() - $args['interval'])));
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     while ($feedsub->fetch()) {
         $orig = clone $feedsub;
         $item = array('id' => $feedsub->id);
         $qm->enqueue($item, self::QUEUE_CHECK);
         $feedsub->last_update = common_sql_now();
Exemple #15
  * Handler for POST content updates from the hub
 function handlePost()
     $feedid = $this->arg('feed');
     common_log(LOG_INFO, "POST for feed id {$feedid}");
     if (!$feedid) {
         throw new ServerException('Empty or invalid feed id', 400);
     $feedsub = FeedSub::staticGet('id', $feedid);
     if (!$feedsub) {
         throw new ServerException('Unknown PuSH feed id ' . $feedid, 400);
     $hmac = '';
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE'])) {
         $hmac = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE'];
     $post = file_get_contents('php://input');
     // Queue this to a background process; we should return
     // as quickly as possible from a distribution POST.
     // If queues are disabled this'll process immediately.
     $data = array('feedsub_id' => $feedsub->id, 'post' => $post, 'hmac' => $hmac);
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     $qm->enqueue($data, 'pushin');
 function handle($object)
     list($user, $remote, $password) = $object;
     $remote = Discovery::normalize($remote);
     $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureProfileURI($remote);
     if (empty($oprofile)) {
         // TRANS: Exception thrown when an account could not be located when it should be moved.
         // TRANS: %s is the remote site.
         throw new Exception(sprintf(_("Cannot locate account %s."), $remote));
     list($svcDocUrl, $username) = self::getServiceDocument($remote);
     $sink = new ActivitySink($svcDocUrl, $username, $password);
     $this->log(LOG_INFO, "Moving user {$user->nickname} " . "to {$remote}.");
     $stream = new UserActivityStream($user);
     // Reverse activities to run in correct chron order
     $acts = array_reverse($stream->activities);
     $this->log(LOG_INFO, "Got " . count($acts) . " activities " . "for {$user->nickname}.");
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     foreach ($acts as $act) {
         $qm->enqueue(array($act, $sink, $user->uri, $remote), 'actmove');
     $this->log(LOG_INFO, "Finished moving user {$user->nickname} " . "to {$remote}.");
  * dequeueTorrent
  * @param $torrent name of the torrent
 function dequeueTorrent($torrent)
     $torrent = urldecode($torrent);
     $alias_file = getRequestVar('alias_file');
     // Is the Qinfo file still there?
     if (file_exists($this->cfg["torrent_file_path"] . "queue/" . $alias_file . ".Qinfo")) {
         // flag the torrent as stopped (in db)
         // update the stat file.
         parent::updateStatFile($torrent, $alias_file);
         // Remove Qinfo file.
         @unlink($this->cfg["torrent_file_path"] . "queue/" . $alias_file . ".Qinfo");
         // log
         AuditAction($this->cfg["constants"]["unqueued_torrent"], $torrent);
     } else {
         // torrent has been started... try and kill it.
         AuditAction($this->cfg["constants"]["unqueued_torrent"], $torrent . "has been started -- TRY TO KILL IT");
         header("location: index.php?alias_file=" . $alias_file . "&kill=true&kill_torrent=" . urlencode($torrent));
  * Queue a Salmon notification for later. If queues are disabled we'll
  * send immediately but won't get the return value.
  * @param mixed $entry XML string, Notice, or Activity
  * @return boolean success
 public function notifyDeferred($entry, $actor)
     if ($this->salmonuri) {
         common_debug("OSTATUS: user {$actor->getNickname()} ({$actor->getID()}) wants to ping {$this->localProfile()->getNickname()} on {$this->salmonuri}");
         $data = array('salmonuri' => $this->salmonuri, 'entry' => $this->notifyPrepXml($entry), 'actor' => $actor->getID(), 'target' => $this->localProfile()->getID());
         $qm = QueueManager::get();
         return $qm->enqueue($data, 'salmon');
     return false;
Exemple #19
  * Actually delete a user.
  * @return void
 function handlePost()
     if (Event::handle('StartDeleteUser', array($this, $this->user))) {
         // Mark the account as deleted and shove low-level deletion tasks
         // to background queues. Removing a lot of posts can take a while...
         if (!$this->user->hasRole(Profile_role::DELETED)) {
         $qm = QueueManager::get();
         $qm->enqueue($this->user, 'deluser');
         Event::handle('EndDeleteUser', array($this, $this->user));
    if (!file_exists($filename)) {
        // TRANS: Exception thrown when a file upload cannot be found.
        // TRANS: %s is the file that could not be found.
        throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('No such file "%s".'), $filename));
    if (!is_file($filename)) {
        // TRANS: Exception thrown when a file upload is incorrect.
        // TRANS: %s is the irregular file.
        throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Not a regular file: "%s".'), $filename));
    if (!is_readable($filename)) {
        // TRANS: Exception thrown when a file upload is not readable.
        // TRANS: %s is the file that could not be read.
        throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('File "%s" not readable.'), $filename));
    // TRANS: %s is the filename that contains a backup for a user.
    printfv(_m('Getting backup from file "%s".') . "\n", $filename);
    $html = file_get_contents($filename);
    return $html;
try {
    $user = getUser();
    $html = getBookmarksFile();
    $qm = QueueManager::get();
    $qm->enqueue(array($user, $html), 'dlcsback');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
  * Import a single bookmark
  * Takes a <dt>/<dd> pair. The <dt> has a single
  * <a> in it with some non-standard attributes.
  * A <dt><dt><dd> sequence will appear as a <dt> with
  * anothe <dt> as a child. We handle this case recursively.
  * @param User       $user User to import data as
  * @param DOMElement $dt   <dt> element
  * @param DOMElement $dd   <dd> element
  * @return Notice imported notice
 function importBookmark($user, $dt, $dd = null)
     $as = $dt->getElementsByTagName('a');
     if ($as->length == 0) {
         // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a bookmark in an import file is incorrectly formatted.
         throw new ClientException(_m("No <A> tag in a <DT>."));
     $a = $as->item(0);
     $private = $a->getAttribute('private');
     if ($private != 0) {
         // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a bookmark in an import file is private.
         throw new ClientException(_m('Skipping private bookmark.'));
     if (!empty($dd)) {
         $description = $dd->nodeValue;
     } else {
         $description = null;
     $addDate = $a->getAttribute('add_date');
     $data = array('profile_id' => $user->id, 'title' => $a->nodeValue, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $a->getAttribute('href'), 'tags' => $a->getAttribute('tags'), 'created' => common_sql_date(intval($addDate)));
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     $qm->enqueue($data, 'dlcsbkmk');
  * Queue a file for restoration
  * Uses the UserActivityStream class; may take a long time!
  * @return void
 function restoreAccount()
     if (!isset($_FILES['restorefile']['error'])) {
         // TRANS: Client exception displayed trying to restore an account while something went wrong uploading a file.
         throw new ClientException(_('No uploaded file.'));
     switch ($_FILES['restorefile']['error']) {
         case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
             // success, jump out
         case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when an uploaded file is larger than set in php.ini.
             throw new ClientException(_('The uploaded file exceeds the ' . 'upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.'));
         case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
             throw new ClientException(_('The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive' . ' that was specified in the HTML form.'));
         case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
             // TRANS: Client exception.
             throw new ClientException(_('The uploaded file was only' . ' partially uploaded.'));
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
             // TRANS: Client exception. No file; probably just a non-AJAX submission.
             throw new ClientException(_('No uploaded file.'));
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a temporary folder is not present to store a file upload.
             throw new ClientException(_('Missing a temporary folder.'));
         case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE:
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when writing to disk is not possible during a file upload operation.
             throw new ClientException(_('Failed to write file to disk.'));
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation has been stopped by an extension.
             throw new ClientException(_('File upload stopped by extension.'));
             common_log(LOG_ERR, __METHOD__ . ": Unknown upload error " . $_FILES['restorefile']['error']);
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation has failed with an unknown reason.
             throw new ClientException(_('System error uploading file.'));
     $filename = $_FILES['restorefile']['tmp_name'];
     try {
         if (!file_exists($filename)) {
             // TRANS: Server exception thrown when an expected file upload could not be found.
             throw new ServerException(_("No such file '{$filename}'."));
         if (!is_file($filename)) {
             // TRANS: Server exception thrown when an expected file upload is not an actual file.
             throw new ServerException(_("Not a regular file: '{$filename}'."));
         if (!is_readable($filename)) {
             // TRANS: Server exception thrown when an expected file upload could not be read.
             throw new ServerException(_("File '{$filename}' not readable."));
         common_debug(sprintf("Getting backup from file '%s'.", $filename));
         $xml = file_get_contents($filename);
         // This check is costly but we should probably give
         // the user some info ahead of time.
         $doc = new DOMDocument();
         // Disable PHP warnings so we don't spew low-level XML errors to output...
         // would be nice if we can just get exceptions instead.
         $old_err = error_reporting();
         error_reporting($old_err & ~E_WARNING);
         $feed = $doc->documentElement;
         if (!$feed || $feed->namespaceURI != Activity::ATOM || $feed->localName != 'feed') {
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a feed is not an Atom feed.
             throw new ClientException(_("Not an Atom feed."));
         // Enqueue for processing.
         $qm = QueueManager::get();
         $qm->enqueue(array(common_current_user(), $xml, false), 'feedimp');
         if ($qm instanceof UnQueueManager) {
             // No active queuing means we've actually just completed the job!
             $this->success = true;
         } else {
             // We've fed data into background queues, and it's probably still running.
             $this->inprogress = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Delete the file and re-throw
         throw $e;
  * Set up queue handlers for outgoing hub pushes
  * @param QueueManager $qm
  * @return boolean hook return
 function onEndInitializeQueueManager(QueueManager $qm)
     // After each notice save, check if there's any repeat mirrors.
     $qm->connect('mirror', 'MirrorQueueHandler');
     return true;
 * builds page
function buildPage($action)
    global $cfg, $statusImage, $statusMessage, $htmlTitle, $htmlTop, $htmlMain;
    // navi
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?t=0">Torrents</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?b=0">Backup</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?m=0">Maintenance</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?q=0">tfqmgr</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?a=1">Help</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?a=0">Version</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?a=5">News</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?a=2">Changelog</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?a=3" target="_blank">Issues</a>';
    $htmlTop .= ' | ';
    $htmlTop .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?a=4">Update</a>';
    // body
    switch ($action) {
        case "b":
            // backup passthru
            $statusImage = "yellow.gif";
        case "-b":
            // backup-error passthru
            $statusImage = "red.gif";
        case "-u":
            // update-error passthru
            $statusImage = "red.gif";
            $htmlTitle = "Update";
            $htmlMain = '<br><font color="red"><strong>Update from your Version not possible.</strong></font>';
            $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
            $htmlMain .= 'Please use the most recent tarball and perform a manual update.';
            $htmlMain .= '<br>';
            //$htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
            //$htmlMain .= getReleaseList();
        case "q":
            // queue passthru
            $statusImage = "black.gif";
            $htmlMain .= '<table width="100%" bgcolor="' . $cfg["table_data_bg"] . '" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="100%">';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?q=1">log</a>';
            $htmlMain .= ' | ';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?q=2">ps</a>';
            include_once "QueueManager.php";
            $queueManager = QueueManager::getQueueManagerInstance($cfg);
            if ($queueManager->isQueueManagerRunning() && $queueManager->managerName == "tfqmgr") {
                $htmlMain .= ' | ';
                $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?q=3">status</a>';
            $htmlMain .= '</td><td align="right"><strong>tfqmgr</td>';
            $htmlMain .= '</td></tr></table>';
        case "m":
            // maintenance passthru
            $statusImage = "black.gif";
            $htmlMain .= '<table width="100%" bgcolor="' . $cfg["table_data_bg"] . '" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="100%">';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?m=1">clean</a>';
            $htmlMain .= ' | ';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?m=2">kill</a>';
            $htmlMain .= ' | ';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?m=3">repair</a>';
            $htmlMain .= '</td><td align="right"><strong>Maintenance</td>';
            $htmlMain .= '</td></tr></table>';
        case "t":
            // torrent passthru
            $statusImage = "black.gif";
            $htmlMain .= '<table width="100%" bgcolor="' . $cfg["table_data_bg"] . '" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="100%">';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?t=1">Stop All Torrents</a>';
            $htmlMain .= ' | ';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?t=2">Start All Torrents</a>';
            $htmlMain .= ' | ';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _FILE_THIS . '?t=3">Resume All Torrents</a>';
            $htmlMain .= '</td><td align="right"><strong>Torrents</td>';
            $htmlMain .= '</td></tr></table>';
        case "0":
            // version
            $htmlTitle = "Version";
            // version-check
            $versionAvailable = trim(getDataFromUrl(_SUPERADMIN_URLBASE . _VERSION_REMOTE));
            if (isset($versionAvailable) && $versionAvailable != "") {
                // set image
                if ($versionAvailable == _VERSION_THIS || substr(_VERSION_THIS, 0, 3) == "svn") {
                    $statusImage = "green.gif";
                } else {
                    $statusImage = "red.gif";
                // version-text
                $htmlMain .= '<br>';
                if (substr(_VERSION_THIS, 0, 3) == "svn") {
                    $htmlMain .= '<strong>This Version : </strong>' . _VERSION_THIS;
                    $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                    $htmlMain .= '<strong>Available Version : </strong>';
                    $htmlMain .= $versionAvailable;
                    $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                    $htmlMain .= '<font color="blue">This Version is a svn-Version.</font>';
                } else {
                    if ($versionAvailable != _VERSION_THIS) {
                        $htmlMain .= '<strong>This Version : </strong>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<font color="red">' . _VERSION_THIS . '</font>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<strong>Available Version : </strong>';
                        $htmlMain .= $versionAvailable;
                        $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<strong><font color="red">There is a new Version available !</font></strong>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<strong>Homepage : </strong>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<br>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _URL_HOME . '" target="_blank">' . _URL_HOME . '</a>';
                        //$htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                        //$htmlMain .= getReleaseList();
                    } else {
                        $htmlMain .= '<strong>This Version : </strong>' . _VERSION_THIS;
                        $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<strong>Available Version : </strong>';
                        $htmlMain .= $versionAvailable;
                        $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                        $htmlMain .= '<font color="green">This Version looks good.</font>';
                $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
            } else {
                // could not get the version
                $statusImage = "black.gif";
                $htmlTop = '<strong><font color="red">Error.</font></strong>';
                $htmlMain = '<br>';
                $htmlMain .= '<font color="red">Error getting available version.</font>';
                $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
                $htmlMain .= '<strong>Homepage : </strong>';
                $htmlMain .= '<br>';
                $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _URL_HOME . '" target="_blank">' . _URL_HOME . '</a>';
                $htmlMain .= '<br>';
        case "1":
            // help
            $htmlTitle = "Help";
            $htmlMain .= '<br><p>';
            $htmlMain .= '<strong>For Help with this Version check Homepage on berliOS :</strong>';
            $htmlMain .= '<p>';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _URL_HOME . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/arrow.gif" width="9" height="9" title="Homepage on berliOS" border="0"> ' . _URL_HOME . '</a>';
            $htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
        case "2":
            // changelog
            $htmlTitle = "Changelog";
            $htmlMain .= '<br>';
            $htmlMain .= '<h4>Changelog<h4>';
            $htmlMain .= '<hr>';
            $htmlMain .= '<pre>';
            $htmlMain .= gzinflate(getDataFromUrl(_SUPERADMIN_URLBASE . _SUPERADMIN_PROXY . "?a=1"));
            $htmlMain .= '</pre>';
        case "3":
            // issues
            $htmlTitle = "Issues";
            $issueText = "Error getting issues";
            $issueText = gzinflate(getDataFromUrl(_SUPERADMIN_URLBASE . _SUPERADMIN_PROXY . "?a=2"));
            header("Content-Type: text/plain");
            echo $issueText;
        case "4":
            // update
            $htmlTitle = "Update";
            // version-check
            $versionAvailable = trim(getDataFromUrl(_SUPERADMIN_URLBASE . _VERSION_REMOTE));
            if (isset($versionAvailable) && $versionAvailable != "") {
                // set image
                if ($versionAvailable == _VERSION_THIS) {
                    $statusImage = "green.gif";
                } else {
                    $statusImage = "red.gif";
                // version-text
                $htmlMain .= '<br>';
                if ($versionAvailable != _VERSION_THIS) {
                    $htmlMain .= '<form name="update" action="' . _FILE_THIS . '" method="post">';
                    $htmlMain .= '<input type="Hidden" name="u" value="0">';
                    $htmlMain .= '<input type="submit" value="Update to Version ' . $versionAvailable . '">';
                    $htmlMain .= '</form><p>';
            $htmlMain .= '<strong>Homepage : </strong>';
            $htmlMain .= '<br>';
            $htmlMain .= '<a href="' . _URL_HOME . '" target="_blank"><img src="images/arrow.gif" width="9" height="9" title="Homepage on berliOS" border="0"> ' . _URL_HOME . '</a>';
            //$htmlMain .= '<br><br>';
            //$htmlMain .= getReleaseList();
        case "5":
            // news
            $htmlTitle = "News";
            $htmlMain .= '<br>';
            $htmlMain .= '<h4>News<h4>';
            $htmlMain .= '<hr>';
            $htmlMain .= gzinflate(getDataFromUrl(_SUPERADMIN_URLBASE . _SUPERADMIN_PROXY . "?a=0"));
            $htmlTitle = "SuperAdmin";
            $statusImage = "black.gif";
            $htmlMain = '<br>';
Exemple #25
 * Broadcast profile updates to OMB and other remote subscribers.
 * Since this may be slow with a lot of subscribers or bad remote sites,
 * this is run through the background queues if possible.
function common_broadcast_profile(Profile $profile)
    $qm = QueueManager::get();
    $qm->enqueue($profile, "profile");
    return true;
 public function onEndInitializeQueueManager(QueueManager $qm)
     $qm->connect(FeedPoll::QUEUE_CHECK, 'FeedPollQueueHandler');
     return true;
Exemple #27
  * Register notice queue handler
  * @param QueueManager $manager
  * @return boolean hook return
 function onEndInitializeQueueManager($manager)
     // If we don't require CLI mode, or if we do and GNUSOCIAL_CLI _is_ set, then connect the transports
     // This check is made mostly because some IM plugins can't deliver to transports unless they
     // have continously running daemons (such as XMPP) and we can't have that over HTTP requests.
     if (!$this->requires_cli || defined('GNUSOCIAL_CLI')) {
         $manager->connect($this->transport . '-in', new ImReceiverQueueHandler($this), 'im');
         $manager->connect($this->transport, new ImQueueHandler($this));
         $manager->connect($this->transport . '-out', new ImSenderQueueHandler($this), 'im');
     return true;
Exemple #28
function common_enqueue_notice($notice)
    static $localTransports = array('ping');
    $transports = array();
    if (common_config('sms', 'enabled')) {
        $transports[] = 'sms';
    if (Event::hasHandler('HandleQueuedNotice')) {
        $transports[] = 'plugin';
    // We can skip these for gatewayed notices.
    if ($notice->isLocal()) {
        $transports = array_merge($transports, $localTransports);
    if (Event::handle('StartEnqueueNotice', array($notice, &$transports))) {
        $qm = QueueManager::get();
        foreach ($transports as $transport) {
            $qm->enqueue($notice, $transport);
        Event::handle('EndEnqueueNotice', array($notice, $transports));
    return true;
  * dequeueTorrent
  * @param $torrent name of the torrent
 function dequeueTorrent($torrent)
     $torrent = urldecode($torrent);
     $alias_file = getRequestVar('alias_file');
     if (isTorrentRunning($torrent)) {
         // torrent has been started... try and kill it.
         AuditAction($this->cfg["constants"]["unqueued_torrent"], $torrent . "has been started -- TRY TO KILL IT");
         header("location: index.php?alias_file=" . $alias_file . "&kill=true&kill_torrent=" . urlencode($torrent));
     } else {
         if ($this->isQueueManagerRunning()) {
             // send command to daemon
             $this->sendQueueCommand('remove ' . substr($torrent, 0, -8));
             // flag the torrent as stopped (in db)
             // update the stat file.
             parent::updateStatFile($torrent, $alias_file);
             // log
             AuditAction($this->cfg["constants"]["unqueued_torrent"], $torrent);
         } else {
             header("location: admin.php?op=queueSettings");
Exemple #30
  * Queue up a large batch of pushes to multiple subscribers
  * for this same topic update.
  * If queues are disabled, this will run immediately.
  * @param string $atom well-formed Atom feed
  * @param array $pushCallbacks list of callback URLs
 function bulkDistribute($atom, $pushCallbacks)
     $data = array('atom' => $atom, 'topic' => $this->topic, 'pushCallbacks' => $pushCallbacks);
     common_log(LOG_INFO, "Queuing PuSH batch: {$this->topic} to " . count($pushCallbacks) . " sites");
     $qm = QueueManager::get();
     $qm->enqueue($data, 'hubprep');