Exemple #1
 * utility function to pass individual item links to a caller
 * @param $args['itemids'] array of item ids to get
 * @return array Array containing the itemlink(s) for the item(s).
function publications_userapi_getitemlinks($args)
    $itemlinks = array();
    $xartable = xarDB::getTables();
    $q = new Query('SELECT', $xartable['publications']);
    $q->in('state', array(3, 4));
    if (!empty($args['itemids'])) {
        $itemids = explode(',', $args['itemids']);
        $q->in('id', $itemids);
    $result = $q->output();
    if (empty($result)) {
        return $itemlinks;
    foreach ($result as $item) {
        if (empty($item['title'])) {
            $item['title'] = xarML('Display Publication');
        $itemlinks[$item['id']] = array('url' => xarModURL('publications', 'user', 'display', array('id' => $item['id'])), 'title' => $item['title'], 'label' => $item['description']);
    return $itemlinks;
Exemple #2
 * Publications Module
 * @package modules
 * @subpackage publications module
 * @category Third Party Xaraya Module
 * @version 2.0.0
 * @copyright (C) 2011 Netspan AG
 * @license GPL {@link http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html}
 * @author Marc Lutolf <*****@*****.**>
function publications_adminapi_delete($args)
    // Get arguments from argument array
    // Argument check
    if (!isset($itemid)) {
        $msg = xarML('Invalid #(1) for #(2) function #(3)() in module #(4)', 'publication ID', 'admin', 'delete', 'Publications');
        throw new BadParameterException(null, $msg);
    $ids = !is_array($itemid) ? explode(',', $itemid) : $itemid;
    if (!isset($deletetype)) {
        $deletetype = 0;
    $table = xarDB::getTables();
    switch ($deletetype) {
        case 0:
            $q = new Query('UPDATE', $table['publications']);
            $q->addfield('state', 0);
        case 10:
            $q = new Query('DELETE', $table['publications']);
    $q->in('id', $ids);
    if (!$q->run()) {
        return false;
    return true;
Exemple #3
 * get the number of publications per publication type
 * @param $args['state'] array of requested status(es) for the publications
 * @return array array(id => count), or false on failure
function publications_userapi_getpubcount($args)
    if (!empty($args['state'])) {
        $statestring = 'all';
    } else {
        if (is_array($args['state'])) {
            $statestring = join('+', $args['state']);
        } else {
            $statestring = $args['state'];
    if (xarVarIsCached('Publications.PubCount', $statestring)) {
        return xarVarGetCached('Publications.PubCount', $statestring);
    $pubcount = array();
    $dbconn = xarDB::getConn();
    $tables = xarDB::getTables();
    $q = new Query('SELECT', $tables['publications']);
    $q->addfield('COUNT(state) AS count');
    if (!empty($args['state'])) {
    } else {
        if (is_array($args['state'])) {
            $q->in('state', $args['state']);
        } else {
            $q->eq('state', $args['state']);
    //    $q->qecho();
    if (!$q->run()) {
    $pubcount = array();
    foreach ($q->output() as $key => $value) {
        $pubcount[$value['pubtype_id']] = $value['count'];
    xarVarSetCached('Publications.PubCount', $statestring, $pubcount);
    return $pubcount;
 * Get pages relative to a given page
 * Filters:
 * Add an arg of the type $args['filter_foo'] = bar
 * will add a condition to the SELECT as
 * WHERE foo = bar
function publications_userapi_get_sitemap_pages($args)
    if (empty($args['itemid'])) {
        $args['itemid'] = 0;
    if (empty($args['scope'])) {
        $args['scope'] = 'descendants';
    if ($args['itemid'] == 0 && $args['scope'] == 'descendants') {
        $args['scope'] = 'all';
    if (empty($args['sort'])) {
        $args['sort'] = 0;
    // Make sure we have the base translation id
    if (!empty($args['itemid'])) {
        $args['itemid'] = xarMod::apiFunc('publications', 'user', 'gettranslationid', array('id' => $args['itemid'], 'locale' => xarModVars::get('publications', 'defaultlanguage')));
    // Identify any filters
    $filters = array();
    foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
        if (strpos($k, 'filter_') === 0) {
            $argname = substr($k, 7);
            $filters[$argname] = $v;
    $xartable = xarDB::getTables();
    $q = new Query();
    $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'p');
    switch ($args['scope']) {
        case 'all':
            $q->gt('p.leftpage_id', 0);
        case 'descendants':
            $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'root');
            $q->eq('root.id', $args['itemid']);
            $q->le('root.leftpage_id', 'expr:p.leftpage_id');
            $q->ge('root.rightpage_id', 'expr:p.rightpage_id');
        case 'children':
            $q->eq('p.parentpage_id', $args['itemid']);
        case 'siblings':
            $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'p1');
            $q->join('p.parentpage_id', 'p1.parentpage_id');
            $q->eq('p1.id', $args['itemid']);
    if (!empty($args['itemtype'])) {
        $q->eq('p.pubtype_id', $args['itemtype']);
    $q->eq('p.sitemap_flag', 1);
    $q->gt('p.state', 2);
    $q->addfield('p.id AS id');
    $q->addfield('p.name AS name');
    $q->addfield('p.title AS title');
    $q->addfield('p.description AS description');
    $q->addfield('p.sitemap_source_flag AS sitemap_source_flag');
    $q->addfield('p.sitemap_alias AS sitemap_alias');
    $q->addfield('p.pubtype_id AS pubtype_id');
    $q->addfield('p.rightpage_id AS rightpage_id');
    // Add any fiters we found
    foreach ($filters as $k => $v) {
        $q->eq('p.' . $k, $v);
    // We can force alpha sorting, or else sort according to tree position
    if ($args['sort']) {
    } else {
    //    $q->qecho();
    $pages = $q->output();
    $depthstack = array();
    foreach ($pages as $key => $page) {
        // Calculate the relative nesting level.
        // 'depth' is 0-based. Top level (root node) is zero.
        if (!empty($depthstack)) {
            while (!empty($depthstack) && end($depthstack) < $page['rightpage_id']) {
        $depthstack[$page['id']] = $page['rightpage_id'];
        $pages[$key]['depth'] = empty($depthstack) ? 0 : count($depthstack) - 1;
        // This item is the path for each page, based on page IDs.
        // It is effectively a list of ancestor IDs for a page.
        // FIXME: some paths seem to get a '0' root ID. They should only have real page IDs.
        $pages[$key]['idpath'] = array_keys($depthstack);
        $pathstack[$key] = $page['name'];
        // This item is the path for each page, based on names.
        // Imploding it can give a directory-style path, which is handy
        // in admin pages and reports.
        $pages[$key]['namepath'] = $pathstack;
    // If we are looking for translations rather than base documents, then find what translations are available and substitute them
    // CHECKME: is there a better way?
    // If there is no translation the base document remains. Is this desired outcome?
    if (!empty($pages) && xarModVars::get('publications', 'defaultlanguage') != xarUserGetNavigationLocale()) {
        $indexedpages = array();
        foreach ($pages as $v) {
            $indexedpages[$v['id']] = $v;
        $ids = array_keys($indexedpages);
        $q = new Query();
        $q->in('parent_id', $ids);
        $q->eq('locale', xarUserGetNavigationLocale());
        // Add any fiters we found
        foreach ($filters as $k => $v) {
            $q->eq($k, $v);
        foreach ($q->output() as $row) {
            // Copy the name and id paths so we don't have to recalculate them
            $row['depth'] = $indexedpages[$row['parent_id']]['depth'];
            $row['idpath'] = $indexedpages[$row['parent_id']]['idpath'];
            $row['namepath'] = $indexedpages[$row['parent_id']]['namepath'];
            // Add the entire row to the result pages
            $indexedpages[$row['parent_id']] = $row;
        $pages =& $indexedpages;
    return $pages;
Exemple #5
function publications_userapi_getpages($args)
    if (!xarVarValidate('enum:id:index:name:left:right', $key, true)) {
        $key = 'index';
    // Define if we are looking for the number of pages or the pages themselves
    $count = empty($count) ? false : true;
    // Assemble the query
    $xartable = xarDB::getTables();
    $q = new Query();
    $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'tpages');
    $q->addtable($xartable['publications_types'], 'pt');
    $q->join('pt.id', 'tpages.pubtype_id');
    if ($count) {
    } else {
        $q->addfield('tpages.id AS id');
        $q->addfield('tpages.name AS name');
        $q->addfield('tpages.title AS title');
        $q->addfield('tpages.pubtype_id AS ptid');
        $q->addfield('tpages.parent_id AS base_id');
        $q->addfield('tpages.sitemap_flag AS sitemap_flag');
        $q->addfield('tpages.menu_flag AS menu_flag');
        $q->addfield('tpages.locale AS locale');
        $q->addfield('tpages.leftpage_id AS leftpage_id');
        $q->addfield('tpages.rightpage_id AS rightpage_id');
        $q->addfield('tpages.parentpage_id AS parentpage');
        $q->addfield('tpages.access AS access');
        $q->addfield('tpages.state AS status');
        $q->addfield('pt.description AS pubtype_name');
    if (isset($baseonly)) {
        $q->eq('tpages.parent_id', 0);
    if (isset($name)) {
        $q->eq('tpages.name', (string) $name);
    if (isset($status)) {
        // If a list of statuses have been provided, then select for any of them.
        if (strpos($status, ',') === false) {
            $numeric_status = convert_status($status);
            $q->eq('tpages.state', strtoupper($status));
        } else {
            $statuses = explode(',', strtoupper($status));
            $numeric_statuses = array();
            foreach ($statuses as $stat) {
                $numeric_statuses[] = convert_status($stat);
            $q->in('tpages.state', $numeric_statuses);
    if (isset($id)) {
        $q->eq('tpages.id', (int) $id);
        $where[] = 'tpages.id = ?';
        $bind[] = (int) $id;
    } elseif (!empty($ids)) {
        $addwhere = array();
        foreach ($ids as $myid) {
            if (!empty($myid) && is_numeric($myid)) {
                $addwhere[] = (int) $myid;
        $q->in('tpages.state', $addwhere);
    if (isset($itemtype)) {
        $q->eq('tpages.pubtype_id', (int) $itemtype);
    if (isset($parent)) {
        $q->eq('tpages.parentpage_id', (int) $parent);
    // Used to retrieve descendants.
    if (isset($left_range) && is_array($left_range)) {
        $q->between('tpages.leftpage_id', $left_range);
    // Used to prune a single branch of the tree.
    if (isset($left_exclude) && is_array($left_exclude)) {
        //'tpages.leftpage_id NOT between ? AND ?' - does not work on some databases
        $c[] = $q->plt('tpages.leftpage_id', (int) $left_exclude[0]);
        $c[] = $q->pgt('tpages.leftpage_id', (int) $left_exclude[1]);
    // Used to retrieve ancestors.
    if (isset($wrap_range) && is_numeric($wrap_range)) {
        $c[] = $q->ple('tpages.leftpage_id', (int) $wrap_range[0]);
        $c[] = $q->pge('tpages.leftpage_id', (int) $left_range[1]);
        // can't be right: this is an array
    // If the request is to fetch a tree that *contains* a particular
    // page, then add the extra sub-queries in here.
    if (!empty($tree_contains_id) || !empty($tree_contains_name)) {
        $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'tpages_member');
        if (!empty($tree_contains_id)) {
            $q->eq('tpages_member.id', (int) $tree_contains_id);
        if (!empty($tree_contains_name)) {
            $q->eq('tpages_member.name', (int) $tree_contains_name);
        if (!empty($tree_ancestors)) {
            // We don't want the complete tree for the matching pages - just
            // their ancestors. This is useful for checking paths, without
            // fetching complete trees.
            $q->between('tpages_member.leftpage_id', 'expr:tpages.leftpage_id AND tpages.rightpage_id');
        } else {
            // Join to find the root page of the tree containing the required page.
            // This matches the complete tree for the root under the selected page.
            $q->addtable($xartable['publications'], 'tpages_root');
            $q->le('tpages_root.leftpage_id', 'expr:tpages_member.leftpage_id');
            $q->ge('tpages_root.rightpage_id', 'expr:tpages_member.rightpage_id');
            $q->between('tpages.leftpage_id', 'expr:tpages_root.leftpage_id AND tpages_root.rightpage_id');
            $q->eq('tpages_root.parentpage_id', 0);
    // This ordering cannot be changed
    // We want the pages in the order of the hierarchy.
    if (empty($count)) {
        $q->setorder('tpages.leftpage_id', 'ASC');
    //    $q->qecho();
    if ($count) {
        $pages = count($q->output());
    } else {
        $index = 0;
        $id2key = array();
        $pages = array();
        // Get all the page type details.
        $pagetypes = xarMod::apiFunc('publications', 'user', 'get_pubtypes', array('key' => 'id'));
        foreach ($q->output() as $row) {
            $id = (int) $row['id'];
            // At this point check the privileges of the page fetched.
            // To prevent broken trees, if a page is not assessible, prune
            // (ie discard) descendant pages of that page. Descendants will have
            // a left value between the left and right values of the
            // inaccessible page.
            if (!empty($prune_left)) {
                if ($row['leftpage_id'] <= $prune_left) {
                    // The current page is still a descendant of the unprivileged page.
                } else {
                    // We've reached a non-descendant - stop pruning now.
                    $prune_left = 0;
            // JDJ 2008-06-11: now only need ViewPublicationsPage to be able to select the page,
            // but ReadPublicationsPage to actually read it.
            // The lowest privilege will be inherited, so one page with only View privilege
            // will cause all descendent pages to have, at most, view privilege.
            // We still need to fetch full details of these view-only pages, but we must flag
            // then up in some way (status?). Displaying any of these pages would instead just
            // show the 'no privs' page.
            // Define admin access
            $accessproperty = DataPropertyMaster::getProperty(array('name' => 'access'));
            $typename = $pagetypes[$row['ptid']]['name'];
            $args = array('instance' => $row['name'] . ":" . $typename, 'level' => 800);
            $adminaccess = $accessproperty->check($args);
            $info = unserialize($row['access']);
            if (!empty($info['view_access'])) {
                // Decide whether the current user can create blocks of this type
                $args = array('module' => 'publications', 'component' => 'Page', 'instance' => $name . ":" . $typename, 'group' => $info['view_access']['group'], 'level' => $info['view_access']['level']);
                if (!$accessproperty->check($args)) {
                    // Save the right value. We need to skip all subsequent
                    // pages until we get to a page to the right of this one.
                    // The pages will be in 'left' order, so the descendants
                    // will be contiguous and will immediately follow this page.
                    $prune_left = $rightpage_id;
                    // Don't get this unless you are an admin
                    if (!$adminaccess) {
            if (!empty($overview_only_left) && $row['leftpage_id'] <= $overview_only_left) {
                // We have got past the overview-only page, so can reset the flag.
                $overview_only_left = 0;
            if (!empty($info['display_access'])) {
                $args = array('module' => 'publications', 'component' => 'Page', 'instance' => $name . ":" . $typename, 'group' => $info['display_access']['group'], 'level' => $info['display_access']['level']);
                if (!$accessproperty->check($args)) {
                    // We have reached a page that allows only overview access.
                    // Flag all pages with the restricted view until we get past this page.
                    $overview_only_left = $row['rightpage_id'];
                    // Don't get this unless you are an admin
                    if (!$adminaccess) {
            if (!xarSecurityCheck('ReadPublications', 0, 'Page', $row['name'] . ':' . $typename, 'publications')) {
                // We have reached a page that allows only overview access.
                // Flag all pages with the restricted view until we get past this page.
                $overview_only_left = $row['rightpage_id'];
            // Note: ['parent_id'] is the parent page ID,
            // but ['parent'] is the parent item key in the
            // pages array.
            $id2key[(int) $id] = ${$key};
            if ($key == 'id') {
                $parent_key = (int) $row['parentpage'];
            } else {
                if (isset($id2key[$row['parentpage']])) {
                    $parent_key = $id2key[$row['parentpage']];
                } else {
                    $parent_key = 0;
            $row['key'] = ${$key};
            $row['access'] = $info;
            $row['parent_key'] = (int) $parent_key;
            $row['left'] = (int) $row['leftpage_id'];
            $row['right'] = (int) $row['rightpage_id'];
            $pages[${$key}] = $row;
            $index += 1;
    return $pages;