if (strpos($strResponse, "250") === false || strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0) {
                throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on MAIL FROM: %s', $strResponse));
        // Send: QUIT
        fwrite($objResource, "QUIT\r\n");
        if (!feof($objResource)) {
            $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
        // Close the Resource
// PHP does not allow Static Class Variables to be set to non-constants.
// So we set QEmailServer's OriginatingServerIp to QApplication's ServerAddress here.
QEmailServer::$OriginatingServerIp = QApplication::$ServerAddress;
class QEmailException extends QCallerException
class QEmailAttachment extends QBaseClass
    protected $strFilePath;
    protected $strMimeType;
    protected $strFileName;
    protected $strEncodedFileData;
    public function __construct($strFilePath, $strSpecifiedMimeType = null, $strSpecifiedFileName = null)
        // Set File Path
        if (!is_file(realpath($strFilePath))) {
            throw new QCallerException('File Not Found: ' . $strFilePath);

QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
QEmailServer::$OriginatingServerIp = SMTP_EHLO;
QEmailServer::$TestMode = SMTP_TEST_MODE;
$objEmailQueue = EmailQueue::QueryArray(QQ::IsNull(QQN::EmailQueue()->ErrorFlag), QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::EmailQueue()->HighPriorityFlag, false), QQ::LimitInfo(50)));
foreach ($objEmailQueue as $objEmail) {