Exemple #1
 function view_entries($weblog_id = '', $message = '', $extra_sql = '', $search_url = '', $form_url = '', $action = '', $extra_fields_search = '', $extra_fields_entries = '')
     global $IN, $LANG, $DSP, $FNS, $LOC, $DB, $SESS, $REGX, $PREFS, $EXT;
     // Security check
     if (!$DSP->allowed_group('can_access_edit')) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message();
     /** --------------------------------------------
         /**  Fetch weblog ID numbers assigned to the current user
         /** --------------------------------------------*/
     $allowed_blogs = $FNS->fetch_assigned_weblogs();
     if (empty($allowed_blogs)) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message($LANG->line('no_weblogs'));
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'edit_entries_start' hook.
     //  - Allows complete rewrite of Edit Entries page.
     $edata = $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_start', $weblog_id, $message);
     if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
     // -------------------------------------------
     /** ------------------------------
         /**  Fetch Color Library
         /** ------------------------------*/
     // We use this to assist with our status colors
     if (file_exists(PATH . 'lib/colors' . EXT)) {
         include PATH . 'lib/colors' . EXT;
     } else {
         $colors = '';
     // We need to determine which weblog to show entries from.
     // if the weblog_id global doesn't exist we'll show all weblogs
     // combined
     if ($weblog_id == '') {
         $weblog_id = $IN->GBL('weblog_id', 'GP');
     if ($weblog_id == 'null' or $weblog_id === FALSE or !is_numeric($weblog_id)) {
         $weblog_id = '';
     $cat_group = '';
     $cat_id = $IN->GBL('cat_id', 'GP');
     $status = $IN->GBL('status', 'GP');
     $order = $IN->GBL('order', 'GP');
     $date_range = $IN->GBL('date_range', 'GP');
     $total_blogs = count($allowed_blogs);
     // Begin building the page output
     $r = $DSP->qdiv('tableHeading', $LANG->line('edit_weblog_entries'));
     // Do we have a message to show?
     // Note: a message is displayed on this page after editing or submitting a new entry
     if ($IN->GBL("U") == 'mu') {
         $message = $DSP->qdiv('success', $LANG->line('multi_entries_updated'));
     if ($message != '') {
         $r .= $message;
     // Declare the "filtering" form
     $s = $DSP->form_open(array('action' => $search_url != '' ? $search_url : 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=view_entries', 'name' => 'filterform', 'id' => 'filterform'));
     $s .= $extra_fields_search;
     // If we have more than one weblog we'll write the JavaScript menu switching code
     if ($total_blogs > 1) {
         $s .= Publish::filtering_menus();
     // Table start
     $s .= $DSP->div('box');
     $s .= $DSP->table('', '0', '', '100%') . $DSP->tr() . $DSP->td('itemWrapper', '', '7') . NL;
     // If we have more than one blog we'll add the "onchange" method to
     // the form so that it'll automatically switch categories and statuses
     if ($total_blogs > 1) {
         $s .= "<select name='weblog_id' class='select' onchange='changemenu(this.selectedIndex);'>\n";
     } else {
         $s .= "<select name='weblog_id' class='select'>\n";
     // Design note:  Becuase the JavaScript code dynamically switches the information inside the
     // pull-down menus we can't show any particular menu in a "selected" state unless there is only
     // one weblog.  Remember that each weblog is fully independent, so it can have its own
     // categories, statuses, etc.
     // Weblog selection pull-down menu
     // Fetch the names of all weblogs and write each one in an <option> field
     $sql = "SELECT blog_title, weblog_id, cat_group FROM exp_weblogs";
     // If the user is restricted to specific blogs, add that to the query
     if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] == 1) {
         $sql .= " WHERE is_user_blog = 'n'";
     } else {
         $sql .= " WHERE weblog_id IN (";
         foreach ($allowed_blogs as $val) {
             $sql .= "'" . $val . "',";
         $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ')';
     $sql .= " AND site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "' order by blog_title";
     $query = $DB->query($sql);
     if ($query->num_rows == 1) {
         $weblog_id = $query->row['weblog_id'];
         $cat_group = $query->row['cat_group'];
     } elseif ($weblog_id != '') {
         foreach ($query->result as $row) {
             if ($row['weblog_id'] == $weblog_id) {
                 $weblog_id = $row['weblog_id'];
                 $cat_group = $row['cat_group'];
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_option('null', $LANG->line('filter_by_weblog'));
     if ($query->num_rows > 1) {
         $s .= $DSP->input_select_option('null', $LANG->line('all'));
     $selected = '';
     foreach ($query->result as $row) {
         if ($weblog_id != '') {
             $selected = $weblog_id == $row['weblog_id'] ? 'y' : '';
         $s .= $DSP->input_select_option($row['weblog_id'], $row['blog_title'], $selected);
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_footer() . $DSP->nbs(2);
     // Category pull-down menu
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_header('cat_id') . $DSP->input_select_option('', $LANG->line('filter_by_category'));
     if ($total_blogs > 1) {
         $s .= $DSP->input_select_option('all', $LANG->line('all'), $cat_id == 'all' ? 'y' : '');
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_option('none', $LANG->line('none'), $cat_id == 'none' ? 'y' : '');
     if ($cat_group != '') {
         if (TRUE) {
             $corder = $this->nest_categories == 'y' ? 'group_id, parent_id, cat_name' : 'cat_name';
             $query = $DB->query("SELECT cat_id, cat_name, group_id, parent_id FROM exp_categories WHERE site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "' ORDER BY " . $corder);
             $categories = array();
             if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
                 foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                     $categories[] = array($row['group_id'], $row['cat_id'], $REGX->entities_to_ascii($row['cat_name']), $row['parent_id']);
                 if ($this->nest_categories == 'y') {
                     $this->cat_array = array();
                     foreach ($categories as $key => $val) {
                         if (0 == $val['3']) {
                             $this->cat_array[] = array($val['0'], $val['1'], $val['2']);
                             $this->category_edit_subtree($val['1'], $categories, $depth = 1);
                 } else {
                     $this->cat_array = $categories;
             foreach ($this->cat_array as $key => $val) {
                 if (!in_array($val['0'], explode('|', $cat_group))) {
         foreach ($this->cat_array as $ckey => $cat) {
             if ($ckey - 1 < 0 or !isset($this->cat_array[$ckey - 1])) {
                 $s .= $DSP->input_select_option('', '-------');
             $s .= $DSP->input_select_option($cat['1'], str_replace('!-!', '&nbsp;', $cat['2']), $cat_id == $cat['1'] ? 'y' : '');
             if (isset($this->cat_array[$ckey + 1]) && $this->cat_array[$ckey + 1]['0'] != $cat['0']) {
                 $s .= $DSP->input_select_option('', '-------');
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_footer() . $DSP->nbs(2);
     // Status pull-down menu
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_header('status') . $DSP->input_select_option('', $LANG->line('filter_by_status')) . $DSP->input_select_option('all', $LANG->line('all'), $status == 'all' ? 1 : '');
     if ($weblog_id != '') {
         $rez = $DB->query("SELECT status_group FROM exp_weblogs WHERE weblog_id = '{$weblog_id}'");
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT status FROM exp_statuses WHERE group_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($rez->row['status_group']) . "' ORDER BY status_order");
         if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
             foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                 $selected = $status == $row['status'] ? 1 : '';
                 $status_name = ($row['status'] == 'closed' or $row['status'] == 'open') ? $LANG->line($row['status']) : $row['status'];
                 $s .= $DSP->input_select_option($row['status'], $status_name, $selected);
     } else {
         $s .= $DSP->input_select_option('open', $LANG->line('open'), $status == 'open' ? 1 : '');
         $s .= $DSP->input_select_option('closed', $LANG->line('closed'), $status == 'closed' ? 1 : '');
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_footer() . $DSP->nbs(2);
     // Date range pull-down menu
     $sel_1 = $date_range == '1' ? 1 : '';
     $sel_2 = $date_range == '7' ? 1 : '';
     $sel_3 = $date_range == '31' ? 1 : '';
     $sel_4 = $date_range == '182' ? 1 : '';
     $sel_5 = $date_range == '365' ? 1 : '';
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_header('date_range') . $DSP->input_select_option('', $LANG->line('date_range')) . $DSP->input_select_option('1', $LANG->line('today'), $sel_1) . $DSP->input_select_option('7', $LANG->line('past_week'), $sel_2) . $DSP->input_select_option('31', $LANG->line('past_month'), $sel_3) . $DSP->input_select_option('182', $LANG->line('past_six_months'), $sel_4) . $DSP->input_select_option('365', $LANG->line('past_year'), $sel_5) . $DSP->input_select_option('', $LANG->line('any_date')) . $DSP->input_select_footer() . $DSP->nbs(2);
     // Display order pull-down menu
     $sel_1 = $order == 'desc' ? 1 : '';
     $sel_2 = $order == 'asc' ? 1 : '';
     $sel_3 = $order == 'alpha' ? 1 : '';
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_header('order') . $DSP->input_select_option('desc', $LANG->line('order'), $sel_1) . $DSP->input_select_option('asc', $LANG->line('ascending'), $sel_2) . $DSP->input_select_option('desc', $LANG->line('descending'), $sel_1) . $DSP->input_select_option('alpha', $LANG->line('alpha'), $sel_3) . $DSP->input_select_footer() . $DSP->nbs(2);
     // Results per page pull-down menu
     if (!($perpage = $IN->GBL('perpage', 'GP'))) {
         $perpage = $IN->GBL('perpage', 'COOKIE');
     if ($perpage == '') {
         $perpage = 50;
     $FNS->set_cookie('perpage', $perpage, 60 * 60 * 24 * 182);
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_header('perpage') . $DSP->input_select_option('25', '25 ' . $LANG->line('results'), $perpage == 25 ? 1 : '') . $DSP->input_select_option('50', '50 ' . $LANG->line('results'), $perpage == 50 ? 1 : '') . $DSP->input_select_option('75', '75 ' . $LANG->line('results'), $perpage == 75 ? 1 : '') . $DSP->input_select_option('100', '100 ' . $LANG->line('results'), $perpage == 100 ? 1 : '') . $DSP->input_select_option('150', '150 ' . $LANG->line('results'), $perpage == 150 ? 1 : '') . $DSP->input_select_footer() . $DSP->nbs(2);
     $s .= $DSP->td_c() . $DSP->tr_c() . $DSP->tr() . $DSP->td('itemWrapper', '', '7') . NL;
     if (isset($_POST['keywords'])) {
         $keywords = $REGX->keyword_clean($_POST['keywords']);
     } elseif (isset($_GET['keywords'])) {
         $keywords = $REGX->keyword_clean(base64_decode($_GET['keywords']));
     } else {
         $keywords = '';
     if (substr(strtolower($keywords), 0, 3) == 'ip:') {
         $keywords = str_replace('_', '.', $keywords);
     // Because of the auto convert we prepare a specific variable
     // with the converted ascii characters while leaving the $keywords
     // variable intact for display and URL purposes
     $search_keywords = $PREFS->ini('auto_convert_high_ascii') == 'y' ? $REGX->ascii_to_entities($keywords) : $keywords;
     $exact_match = $IN->GBL('exact_match', 'GP') != '' ? $IN->GBL('exact_match', 'GP') : '';
     $s .= $DSP->div('default') . $LANG->line('keywords', 'keywords') . NBS . NBS;
     $s .= $DSP->input_text('keywords', stripslashes($keywords), '40', '200', 'input', '200px') . NBS . NBS;
     $s .= $DSP->input_checkbox('exact_match', 'yes', $exact_match) . NBS . $LANG->line('exact_match') . NBS . NBS;
     $search_in = $IN->GBL('search_in', 'GP') != '' ? $IN->GBL('search_in', 'GP') : 'title';
     $s .= $DSP->input_select_header('search_in') . $DSP->input_select_option('title', $LANG->line('title_only'), $search_in == 'title' ? 1 : '') . $DSP->input_select_option('body', $LANG->line('title_and_body'), $search_in == 'body' ? 1 : '') . $DSP->input_select_option('everywhere', $LANG->line('title_body_comments'), $search_in == 'everywhere' ? 1 : '') . (!isset($this->installed_modules['comment']) ? '' : $DSP->input_select_option('comments', $LANG->line('comments'), $search_in == 'comments' ? 1 : '')) . (!isset($this->installed_modules['trackback']) ? '' : $DSP->input_select_option('trackbacks', $LANG->line('trackbacks'), $search_in == 'trackbacks' ? 1 : '')) . $DSP->input_select_footer() . $DSP->nbs(2);
     // Submit button and form close
     $s .= $DSP->input_submit($LANG->line('search'), 'submit');
     $s .= $DSP->div_c();
     $s .= $DSP->td_c() . $DSP->tr_c() . $DSP->table_c();
     $s .= $DSP->div_c();
     $s .= $DSP->form_close();
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'edit_entries_search_form' hook.
     //  - Allows complete rewrite of Edit Entries Search form.
     if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_search_form') === TRUE) {
         $r .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_search_form', $s);
         if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
     } else {
         $r .= $s;
     // -------------------------------------------
     /** ------------------------------
         /**  Build the main query
         /** ------------------------------*/
     if ($search_url != '') {
         $pageurl = BASE . AMP . $search_url;
     } else {
         $pageurl = BASE . AMP . 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=view_entries';
     $sql_a = "SELECT ";
     if ($search_in == 'comments') {
         $sql_b = "DISTINCT(exp_comments.comment_id) ";
     } elseif ($search_in == 'trackbacks') {
         $sql_b = "DISTINCT(exp_trackbacks.trackback_id) ";
     } else {
         $sql_b = $cat_id == 'none' || $cat_id != "" ? "DISTINCT(exp_weblog_titles.entry_id) " : "exp_weblog_titles.entry_id ";
     $sql = "FROM exp_weblog_titles\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN exp_weblogs ON exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id = exp_weblogs.weblog_id ";
     if ($keywords != '') {
         if ($search_in != 'title') {
             $sql .= "LEFT JOIN exp_weblog_data ON exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = exp_weblog_data.entry_id ";
         if ($search_in == 'everywhere' or $search_in == 'comments') {
             $sql .= "LEFT JOIN exp_comments ON exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = exp_comments.entry_id ";
         } elseif ($search_in == 'trackbacks') {
             $sql .= "LEFT JOIN exp_trackbacks ON exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = exp_trackbacks.entry_id ";
     } elseif ($search_in == 'comments') {
         $sql .= "LEFT JOIN exp_comments ON exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = exp_comments.entry_id ";
     } elseif ($search_in == 'trackbacks') {
         $sql .= "LEFT JOIN exp_trackbacks ON exp_weblog_titles.entrY_id = exp_trackbacks.entry_id ";
     $sql .= "LEFT JOIN exp_members ON exp_members.member_id = exp_weblog_titles.author_id ";
     if ($cat_id == 'none' || $cat_id != "") {
         $sql .= "LEFT JOIN exp_category_posts ON exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = exp_category_posts.entry_id\n\t\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN exp_categories ON exp_category_posts.cat_id = exp_categories.cat_id ";
     if (is_array($extra_sql) && isset($extra_sql['tables'])) {
         $sql .= ' ' . $extra_sql['tables'] . ' ';
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'edit_entries_search_tables' hook.
     //  - Add additional parts to the TABLES part of query
     if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_search_tables') === TRUE) {
         $sql .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_search_tables');
     // -------------------------------------------
     // Limit to weblogs assigned to user
     if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') == 0) {
         $sql .= " WHERE is_user_blog = 'n' AND exp_weblogs.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "'";
     } else {
         $sql .= " WHERE exp_weblogs.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "' AND exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id IN (";
         foreach ($allowed_blogs as $val) {
             $sql .= "'" . $val . "',";
         $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ')';
         if (!$DSP->allowed_group('can_edit_other_entries') and !$DSP->allowed_group('can_view_other_entries')) {
             $sql .= " AND exp_weblog_titles.author_id = " . $SESS->userdata('member_id');
     if (is_array($extra_sql) && isset($extra_sql['where'])) {
         $sql .= ' ' . $extra_sql['where'] . ' ';
     if ($keywords != '') {
         $pageurl .= AMP . 'keywords=' . base64_encode($keywords);
         if ($search_in == 'trackbacks' or $search_in == 'comments') {
             // When searching in comments and trackbacks we do not want to
             // search the entry title.  However, by removing this we would
             // have to make the rest of the query creation code below really messy
             // so we simply check for an empty title, which should never happen.
             // That makes this check pointless and allows us some cleaner code. -Paul
             $sql .= " AND (exp_weblog_titles.title = '' ";
         } else {
             if ($exact_match != 'yes') {
                 $sql .= " AND (exp_weblog_titles.title LIKE '%" . $DB->escape_like_str($search_keywords) . "%' ";
             } else {
                 $pageurl .= AMP . 'exact_match=yes';
                 $sql .= " AND (exp_weblog_titles.title = '" . $DB->escape_str($search_keywords) . "' OR exp_weblog_titles.title LIKE '" . $DB->escape_like_str($search_keywords) . " %' OR exp_weblog_titles.title LIKE '% " . $DB->escape_like_str($search_keywords) . " %' ";
         $pageurl .= AMP . 'search_in=' . $search_in;
         if ($search_in == 'body' or $search_in == 'everywhere') {
             /** ---------------------------------------
             				/**  Fetch the searchable field names
             				/** ---------------------------------------*/
             $fields = array();
             $xql = "SELECT DISTINCT(field_group) FROM exp_weblogs WHERE ";
             $xql .= USER_BLOG !== FALSE ? "weblog_id = '" . UB_BLOG_ID . "' " : "is_user_blog = 'n' ";
             if ($weblog_id != '') {
                 $xql .= " AND weblog_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($weblog_id) . "' ";
             $query = $DB->query($xql);
             if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
                 $fql = "SELECT field_id, field_type FROM exp_weblog_fields WHERE group_id IN (";
                 foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                     $fql .= "'" . $row['field_group'] . "',";
                 $fql = substr($fql, 0, -1) . ')';
                 $query = $DB->query($fql);
                 if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
                     foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                         if ($row['field_type'] == 'text' or $row['field_type'] == 'textarea' or $row['field_type'] == 'select') {
                             $fields[] = $row['field_id'];
             foreach ($fields as $val) {
                 if ($exact_match != 'yes') {
                     $sql .= " OR exp_weblog_data.field_id_" . $val . " LIKE '%" . $DB->escape_like_str($search_keywords) . "%' ";
                 } else {
                     $sql .= "  OR (exp_weblog_data.field_id_" . $val . " LIKE '" . $DB->escape_like_str($search_keywords) . " %' OR exp_weblog_data.field_id_" . $val . " LIKE '% " . $DB->escape_like_str($search_keywords) . " %' OR exp_weblog_data.field_id_" . $val . " = '" . $DB->escape_str($search_keywords) . "') ";
         if ($search_in == 'everywhere' or $search_in == 'comments') {
             if ($search_in == 'comments' && (substr(strtolower($search_keywords), 0, 3) == 'ip:' or substr(strtolower($search_keywords), 0, 4) == 'mid:')) {
                 if (substr(strtolower($search_keywords), 0, 3) == 'ip:') {
                     $sql .= " OR (exp_comments.ip_address = '" . $DB->escape_str(str_replace('_', '.', substr($search_keywords, 3))) . "') ";
                 } elseif (substr(strtolower($search_keywords), 0, 4) == 'mid:') {
                     $sql .= " OR (exp_comments.author_id = '" . $DB->escape_str(substr($search_keywords, 4)) . "') ";
             } else {
                 $sql .= " OR (exp_comments.comment LIKE '%" . $DB->escape_like_str($keywords) . "%') ";
                 // No ASCII conversion here!
         } elseif ($search_in == 'trackbacks') {
             if ($search_in == 'trackbacks' && substr(strtolower($search_keywords), 0, 3) == 'ip:') {
                 $sql .= " OR (exp_trackbacks.trackback_ip = '" . $DB->escape_str(str_replace('_', '.', substr($search_keywords, 3))) . "') ";
             } else {
                 $sql .= " OR (CONCAT_WS(' ', exp_trackbacks.content, exp_trackbacks.title, exp_trackbacks.weblog_name) LIKE '%" . $DB->escape_like_str($keywords) . "%') ";
                 // No ASCII conversion here either!
         $sql .= ")";
     if ($weblog_id) {
         $pageurl .= AMP . 'weblog_id=' . $weblog_id;
         $sql .= " AND exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id = {$weblog_id}";
     if ($date_range) {
         $pageurl .= AMP . 'date_range=' . $date_range;
         $date_range = time() - $date_range * 60 * 60 * 24;
         $sql .= " AND exp_weblog_titles.entry_date > {$date_range}";
     if (is_numeric($cat_id)) {
         $pageurl .= AMP . 'cat_id=' . $cat_id;
         $sql .= " AND exp_category_posts.cat_id = '{$cat_id}'     \n                      AND exp_category_posts.entry_id = exp_weblog_titles.entry_id ";
     if ($cat_id == 'none') {
         $pageurl .= AMP . 'cat_id=' . $cat_id;
         $sql .= " AND exp_category_posts.entry_id IS NULL ";
     if ($status && $status != 'all') {
         $pageurl .= AMP . 'status=' . $status;
         $sql .= " AND exp_weblog_titles.status = '{$status}'";
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'edit_entries_search_where' hook.
     //  - Add additional parts to the WHERE clause of search
     if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_search_where') === TRUE) {
         $sql .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_search_where');
     // -------------------------------------------
     $end = " ORDER BY ";
     if ($order) {
         $pageurl .= AMP . 'order=' . $order;
         switch ($order) {
             case 'asc':
                 $end .= "entry_date asc";
             case 'desc':
                 $end .= "entry_date desc";
             case 'alpha':
                 $end .= "title asc";
                 $end .= "entry_date desc";
     } else {
         $end .= "entry_date desc";
     /** ------------------------------
         /**  Are there results?
         /** ------------------------------*/
     $query = $DB->query($sql_a . $sql_b . $sql);
     // No result?  Show the "no results" message
     $total_count = $query->num_rows;
     if ($total_count == 0) {
         $r .= $DSP->qdiv('highlight', BR . $LANG->line('no_entries_matching_that_criteria'));
         return $DSP->set_return_data($LANG->line('edit') . $DSP->crumb_item($LANG->line('edit_weblog_entries')), $r, $LANG->line('edit_weblog_entries'));
     // Get the current row number and add the LIMIT clause to the SQL query
     if (!($rownum = $IN->GBL('rownum', 'GP'))) {
         $rownum = 0;
     /** --------------------------------------------
         /**  Run the query again, fetching ID numbers
         /** --------------------------------------------*/
     $query = $DB->query($sql_a . $sql_b . $sql . $end . " LIMIT " . $rownum . ", " . $perpage);
     $pageurl .= AMP . 'perpage=' . $perpage;
     if ($search_in == 'comments') {
         $comment_array = array();
         foreach ($query->result as $row) {
             $comment_array[] = $row['comment_id'];
         if ($keywords == '') {
             $pageurl .= AMP . 'keywords=' . base64_encode($keywords) . AMP . 'search_in=' . $search_in;
         $pagination_links = $DSP->pager($pageurl, $total_count, $perpage, $rownum, 'rownum');
         return $this->view_comments('', '', '', FALSE, array_unique($comment_array), $pagination_links, $rownum);
     } elseif ($search_in == 'trackbacks') {
         $trackback_array = array();
         foreach ($query->result as $row) {
             $trackback_array[] = $row['trackback_id'];
         if ($keywords == '') {
             $pageurl .= AMP . 'keywords=' . base64_encode($keywords) . AMP . 'search_in=' . $search_in;
         $pagination_links = $DSP->pager($pageurl, $total_count, $perpage, $rownum, 'rownum');
         return $this->view_comments('', '', $message, TRUE, array_unique($trackback_array));
     /** --------------------------------------------
         /**  Fetch the weblog information we need later
         /** --------------------------------------------*/
     $sql = "SELECT weblog_id, blog_name FROM exp_weblogs ";
     if (USER_BLOG !== FALSE) {
         $sql .= " WHERE exp_weblogs.weblog_id = '" . UB_BLOG_ID . "'";
     } else {
         $sql .= " WHERE exp_weblogs.is_user_blog = 'n'";
     $sql .= "AND site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "' ";
     $w_array = array();
     $result = $DB->query($sql);
     if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
         foreach ($result->result as $rez) {
             $w_array[$rez['weblog_id']] = $rez['blog_name'];
     /** --------------------------------------------
         /**  Fetch the status highlight colors
         /** --------------------------------------------*/
     $cql = "SELECT exp_weblogs.weblog_id, exp_weblogs.blog_name, exp_statuses.status, exp_statuses.highlight\n                 FROM  exp_weblogs, exp_statuses, exp_status_groups\n                 WHERE exp_status_groups.group_id = exp_weblogs.status_group\n                 AND   exp_status_groups.group_id = exp_statuses.group_id\n                 AND   exp_statuses.highlight != ''\n                 AND   exp_status_groups.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "' ";
     // Limit to weblogs assigned to user
     if ($SESS->userdata['weblog_id'] != 0) {
         $sql .= " AND exp_weblogs.weblog_id IN (";
         foreach ($allowed_blogs as $val) {
             $sql .= "'" . $val . "',";
         $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ')';
     } else {
         $cql .= " AND is_user_blog = 'n'";
     $result = $DB->query($cql);
     $c_array = array();
     if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
         foreach ($result->result as $rez) {
             $c_array[$rez['weblog_id'] . '_' . $rez['status']] = str_replace('#', '', $rez['highlight']);
     // "select all" checkbox
     $r .= $DSP->toggle();
     $DSP->body_props .= ' onload="magic_check()" ';
     $r .= $DSP->magic_checkboxes();
     // Build the item headings
     // Declare the "multi edit actions" form
     $r .= $DSP->form_open(array('action' => $form_url != '' ? $form_url : 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=multi_edit', 'name' => 'target', 'id' => 'target'));
     $r .= $extra_fields_entries;
     /** --------------------------------------------
         /**  Build the output table
         /** --------------------------------------------*/
     $o = $DSP->table('tableBorder', '0', '', '100%') . $DSP->tr() . $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', '#') . $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $LANG->line('title')) . $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $LANG->line('view')) . (!isset($this->installed_modules['comment']) ? '' : $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $LANG->line('comments'))) . (!isset($this->installed_modules['trackback']) ? '' : $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $LANG->line('trackbacks'))) . $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $LANG->line('author')) . $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $LANG->line('date')) . $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $LANG->line('weblog')) . $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $LANG->line('status'));
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'edit_entries_additional_tableheader' hook.
     //  - Add another cell row to display, title here
     if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_additional_tableheader') === TRUE) {
         $o .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_additional_tableheader', $query->row);
     // -------------------------------------------
     $o .= $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeadingAlt', $DSP->input_checkbox('toggleflag', '', '', "onclick=\"toggle(this);\"")) . $DSP->tr_c();
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'edit_entries_modify_tableheader' hook.
     //  - Allows modifying or rewrite of Edit sections Table Header.
     if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_modify_tableheader') === TRUE) {
         $r .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_modify_tableheader', $o);
         if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
     } else {
         $r .= $o;
     // -------------------------------------------
     /** ----------------------------------------------
         /**  Build and run the full SQL query
         /** ----------------------------------------------*/
     $sql = "SELECT ";
     $sql .= $cat_id == 'none' || $cat_id != "" ? "DISTINCT(exp_weblog_titles.entry_id), " : "exp_weblog_titles.entry_id, ";
     $sql .= "exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id,         \n\t\t\t\texp_weblog_titles.title, \n\t\t\t\texp_weblog_titles.author_id, \n\t\t\t\texp_weblog_titles.status, \n\t\t\t\texp_weblog_titles.entry_date, \n\t\t\t\texp_weblog_titles.dst_enabled,\n\t\t\t\texp_weblog_titles.comment_total, \n\t\t\t\texp_weblog_titles.trackback_total,\n\t\t\t\texp_weblogs.live_look_template,\n\t\t\t\texp_members.username,\n\t\t\t\texp_members.email,\n\t\t\t\texp_members.screen_name";
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'edit_entries_search_fields' hook.
     //  - Add additional parts to the FIELDS part of query
     if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_search_fields') === TRUE) {
         $sql .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_search_fields');
     // -------------------------------------------
     $sql .= " FROM exp_weblog_titles\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN exp_weblogs ON exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id = exp_weblogs.weblog_id\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN exp_members ON exp_members.member_id = exp_weblog_titles.author_id ";
     if ($cat_id != 'none' and $cat_id != "") {
         $sql .= "INNER JOIN exp_category_posts ON exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = exp_category_posts.entry_id\n\t\t\t\t\t INNER JOIN exp_categories ON exp_category_posts.cat_id = exp_categories.cat_id ";
     $sql .= "WHERE exp_weblog_titles.entry_id IN (";
     foreach ($query->result as $row) {
         $sql .= $row['entry_id'] . ',';
     $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ') ' . $end;
     $query = $DB->query($sql);
     // load the site's templates
     $templates = array();
     $tquery = $DB->query("SELECT exp_template_groups.group_name, exp_templates.template_name, exp_templates.template_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM exp_template_groups, exp_templates\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE exp_template_groups.group_id = exp_templates.group_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND exp_templates.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "'");
     if ($tquery->num_rows > 0) {
         foreach ($tquery->result as $row) {
             $templates[$row['template_id']] = $row['group_name'] . '/' . $row['template_name'];
     // Loop through the main query result and write each table row
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($query->result as $row) {
         $style = $i % 2 ? 'tableCellOne' : 'tableCellTwo';
         $tr = $DSP->tr();
         // Entry ID number
         $tr .= $DSP->table_qcell($style, $row['entry_id']);
         // Weblog entry title (view entry)
         $tr .= $DSP->table_qcell($style, $DSP->anchor(BASE . AMP . 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=edit_entry' . AMP . 'weblog_id=' . $row['weblog_id'] . AMP . 'entry_id=' . $row['entry_id'], '<b>' . $row['title'] . '</b>'));
         // Edit entry
         $show_link = TRUE;
         if ($row['live_look_template'] != 0 && isset($templates[$row['live_look_template']])) {
             $qm = $PREFS->ini('force_query_string') == 'y' ? '' : '?';
             $view_link = $DSP->anchor($FNS->fetch_site_index() . $qm . 'URL=' . $FNS->create_url($templates[$row['live_look_template']] . '/' . $row['entry_id']), $LANG->line('live_look'), '', TRUE);
         } else {
             if ($row['author_id'] != $SESS->userdata('member_id') && !$DSP->allowed_group('can_edit_other_entries')) {
                 $show_link = FALSE;
             $view_url = BASE . AMP . 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=view_entry' . AMP . 'weblog_id=' . $row['weblog_id'] . AMP . 'entry_id=' . $row['entry_id'];
             $view_link = $show_link == FALSE ? '--' : $DSP->anchor($view_url, $LANG->line('view'));
         $tr .= $DSP->table_qcell($style, $view_link);
         // Comment count
         $show_link = TRUE;
         if ($row['author_id'] == $SESS->userdata('member_id')) {
             if (!$DSP->allowed_group('can_edit_own_comments') and !$DSP->allowed_group('can_delete_own_comments') and !$DSP->allowed_group('can_moderate_comments')) {
                 $show_link = FALSE;
         } else {
             if (!$DSP->allowed_group('can_edit_all_comments') and !$DSP->allowed_group('can_delete_all_comments') and !$DSP->allowed_group('can_moderate_comments')) {
                 $show_link = FALSE;
         if (isset($this->installed_modules['comment'])) {
             //  Comment Link
             if ($show_link !== FALSE) {
                 $res = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_comments WHERE entry_id = '" . $row['entry_id'] . "'");
                 $view_url = BASE . AMP . 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=view_comments' . AMP . 'weblog_id=' . $row['weblog_id'] . AMP . 'entry_id=' . $row['entry_id'];
             $view_link = $show_link == FALSE ? $DSP->qdiv('lightLinks', '--') : $DSP->qspan('lightLinks', '(' . $res->row['count'] . ')') . NBS . $DSP->anchor($view_url, $LANG->line('view'));
             $tr .= $DSP->table_qcell($style, $view_link);
         if (isset($this->installed_modules['trackback'])) {
             // Trackback Link
             if ($show_link !== FALSE) {
                 $res = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_trackbacks WHERE entry_id = '" . $row['entry_id'] . "'");
                 $view_url = BASE . AMP . 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=view_trackbacks' . AMP . 'weblog_id=' . $row['weblog_id'] . AMP . 'entry_id=' . $row['entry_id'];
             $view_link = $show_link == FALSE ? $DSP->qdiv('lightLinks', '--') : $DSP->qspan('lightLinks', '(' . $res->row['count'] . ')') . NBS . $DSP->anchor($view_url, $LANG->line('view'));
             $tr .= $DSP->table_qcell($style, $view_link);
         // Username
         $name = $row['screen_name'] != '' ? $row['screen_name'] : $row['username'];
         $name = $DSP->anchor('mailto:' . $row['email'], $name, 'title="Send an email to ' . $name . '"');
         $tr .= $DSP->table_qcell($style, $DSP->qdiv('smallLinks', $name));
         // Date
         $date_fmt = $SESS->userdata['time_format'] != '' ? $SESS->userdata['time_format'] : $PREFS->ini('time_format');
         if ($date_fmt == 'us') {
             $datestr = '%m/%d/%y %h:%i %a';
         } else {
             $datestr = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i';
         if ($PREFS->ini('honor_entry_dst') == 'y') {
             if ($row['dst_enabled'] == 'n' and $SESS->userdata('daylight_savings') == 'y') {
                 if ($row['entry_date'] != '') {
                     $row['entry_date'] -= 3600;
             } elseif ($row['dst_enabled'] == 'y' and $SESS->userdata('daylight_savings') == 'n') {
                 if ($row['entry_date'] != '') {
                     $row['entry_date'] += 3600;
         // -------------------------------------------
         // 'edit_entries_decode_date' hook.
         //  - Change how the date is formatted in the edit entries list
         if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_decode_date') === TRUE) {
             $tr .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_decode_date', $row['entry_date']);
         } else {
             $tr .= $DSP->td($style) . $DSP->qdiv('smallNoWrap', $LOC->decode_date($datestr, $row['entry_date'], TRUE)) . $DSP->td_c();
         // -------------------------------------------
         // Weblog
         $tr .= $DSP->table_qcell($style, isset($w_array[$row['weblog_id']]) ? $DSP->qdiv('smallNoWrap', $w_array[$row['weblog_id']]) : '');
         // Status
         $tr .= $DSP->td($style);
         $status_name = ($row['status'] == 'open' or $row['status'] == 'closed') ? $LANG->line($row['status']) : $row['status'];
         if (isset($c_array[$row['weblog_id'] . '_' . $row['status']]) and $c_array[$row['weblog_id'] . '_' . $row['status']] != '') {
             $color = $c_array[$row['weblog_id'] . '_' . $row['status']];
             $prefix = (is_array($colors) and !array_key_exists(strtolower($color), $colors)) ? '#' : '';
             $tr .= "<div style='color:" . $prefix . $color . ";'>" . $status_name . '</div>';
         } else {
             if ($row['status'] == 'open') {
                 $tr .= "<div style='color:#009933;'>" . $status_name . '</div>';
             } elseif ($row['status'] == 'closed') {
                 $tr .= "<div style='color:#990000;'>" . $status_name . '</div>';
             } else {
                 $tr .= $status_name;
         $tr .= $DSP->td_c();
         // -------------------------------------------
         // 'edit_entries_additional_celldata' hook.
         //  - Add another cell to display?
         if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_additional_celldata') === TRUE) {
             $tr .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_additional_celldata', $row);
         // -------------------------------------------
         // Delete checkbox
         $tr .= $DSP->table_qcell($style, $DSP->input_checkbox('toggle[]', $row['entry_id'], '', ' id="delete_box_' . $row['entry_id'] . '"'));
         $tr .= $DSP->tr_c();
         // -------------------------------------------
         // 'edit_entries_modify_tablerow' hook.
         //  - Allows modifying or rewrite of entry row in Edit section.
         if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_modify_tablerow') === TRUE) {
             $r .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_modify_tablerow', $tr);
             if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
         } else {
             $r .= $tr;
         // -------------------------------------------
     // End foreach
     $r .= $DSP->table_c();
     $r .= $DSP->table('', '0', '', '100%');
     $r .= $DSP->tr() . $DSP->td();
     // Pass the relevant data to the paginate class
     $r .= $DSP->div('crumblinks') . $DSP->pager($pageurl, $total_count, $perpage, $rownum, 'rownum') . $DSP->div_c() . $DSP->td_c() . $DSP->td('defaultRight');
     $r .= $DSP->input_hidden('pageurl', base64_encode($pageurl));
     // Delete button
     $r .= $DSP->div('itemWrapper');
     $r .= $DSP->input_submit($LANG->line('submit'));
     if ($action == '') {
         $r .= NBS . $DSP->input_select_header('action') . $DSP->input_select_option('edit', $LANG->line('edit_selected')) . $DSP->input_select_option('delete', $LANG->line('delete_selected')) . $DSP->input_select_option('edit', '------') . $DSP->input_select_option('add_categories', $LANG->line('add_categories')) . $DSP->input_select_option('remove_categories', $LANG->line('remove_categories'));
         // -------------------------------------------
         // 'edit_entries_extra_actions' hook.
         //  - Add more options to the actions form at the bottom of the Edit screen
         if ($EXT->active_hook('edit_entries_extra_actions') === TRUE) {
             $r .= $EXT->call_extension('edit_entries_extra_actions');
         // -------------------------------------------
         $r .= $DSP->input_select_footer();
     } else {
         $r .= $action;
     $r .= $DSP->div_c();
     $r .= $DSP->td_c() . $DSP->tr_c() . $DSP->table_c();
     $r .= $DSP->form_close();
     // Set output data
     return $r;