  * Delete a scheduled conference.
  * @param $args array first parameter is the ID of the scheduled conference to delete
 function deleteSchedConf($args)
     $schedConfDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SchedConfDAO');
     if (isset($args) && !empty($args) && !empty($args[0])) {
         $schedConfId = $args[0];
         $schedConf =& $schedConfDao->getSchedConf($schedConfId);
         // Look up the scheduled conference path before we delete the scheduled conference.
         $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager();
         $schedConfFilesPath = $publicFileManager->getSchedConfFilesPath($schedConfId);
         if ($schedConfDao->deleteSchedConfById($schedConfId)) {
             // Delete scheduled conference file tree
             // FIXME move this somewhere better.
             $fileManager = new FileManager();
             $schedConfPath = Config::getVar('files', 'files_dir') . '/conferences/' . $schedConf->getConferenceId() . '/schedConfs/' . $schedConfId;
     Request::redirect(null, null, null, 'schedConfs');
  * Delete a journal.
  * @param $args array first parameter is the ID of the journal to delete
  * @param $request object
 function deleteJournal($args, &$request)
     $journalDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('JournalDAO');
     if (isset($args) && !empty($args) && !empty($args[0])) {
         $journalId = $args[0];
         if ($journalDao->deleteJournalById($journalId)) {
             // Delete journal file tree
             // FIXME move this somewhere better.
             $fileManager = new FileManager();
             $journalPath = Config::getVar('files', 'files_dir') . '/journals/' . $journalId;
             $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager();
     $request->redirect(null, null, 'journals');
  * Delete a conference.
  * @param $args array first parameter is the ID of the conference to delete
 function deleteConference($args, &$request)
     $conferenceDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ConferenceDAO');
     if (isset($args) && !empty($args) && !empty($args[0])) {
         $conferenceId = $args[0];
         if ($conferenceDao->deleteConferenceById($conferenceId)) {
             // Delete conference file tree
             // FIXME move this somewhere better.
             $fileManager = new FileManager();
             $conferencePath = Config::getVar('files', 'files_dir') . '/conferences/' . $conferenceId;
             $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager();
     $request->redirect(null, null, null, 'conferences');
  * Delete a journal.
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
  * @return JSONMessage JSON object
 function deleteContext($args, $request)
     // Identify the journal Id.
     $journalId = $request->getUserVar('rowId');
     $journalDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('JournalDAO');
     $journal = $journalDao->getById($journalId);
     if ($journal) {
         // Delete journal file tree
         // FIXME move this somewhere better.
         $fileManager = new FileManager($journalId);
         $journalPath = Config::getVar('files', 'files_dir') . '/journals/' . $journalId;
         $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager();
         return DAO::getDataChangedEvent($journalId);
     return new JSONMessage(false);
  * Delete a press.
  * @param $args array first parameter is the ID of the press to delete
 function deletePress($args)
     $pressDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('PressDAO');
     if (isset($args) && !empty($args) && !empty($args[0])) {
         $pressId = $args[0];
         if ($pressDao->deletePressById($pressId)) {
             // Delete press file tree
             // FIXME move this somewhere better.
             $fileManager = new FileManager();
             $pressPath = Config::getVar('files', 'files_dir') . '/presses/' . $pressId;
             $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager();
     Request::redirect(null, null, 'presses');
  * Delete a press.
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
  * @return string Serialized JSON object
 function deleteContext($args, $request)
     // Identify the current context.
     $context = $request->getContext();
     // Identify the press Id.
     $pressId = $request->getUserVar('rowId');
     $pressDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PressDAO');
     $press = $pressDao->getById($pressId);
     if ($pressId) {
         // Add publication formats tombstones for all press published monographs.
         $publicationFormatTombstoneMgr = new PublicationFormatTombstoneManager();
         // Delete press file tree
         // FIXME move this somewhere better.
         $pressFileManager = new ContextFileManager($pressId);
         $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager();
         // If user is deleting the same press where he is...
         if ($context && $context->getId() == $pressId) {
             // return a redirect js event to index handler.
             $dispatcher = $request->getDispatcher();
             $url = $dispatcher->url($request, ROUTE_PAGE, null, 'index');
             return $request->redirectUrlJson($url);
         return DAO::getDataChangedEvent($pressId);
     return new JSONMessage();
  * Delete a conference.
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
  * @return string Serialized JSON object
 function deleteContext($args, &$request)
     // Identify the current context.
     $context =& $request->getContext();
     // Identify the conference Id.
     $conferenceId = $request->getUserVar('rowId');
     $conferenceDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('ConferenceDAO');
     $conference =& $conferenceDao->getById($conferenceId);
     if ($conference) {
         // Delete conference file tree
         // FIXME move this somewhere better.
         $fileManager = new FileManager($conferenceId);
         $conferencePath = Config::getVar('files', 'files_dir') . '/conferences/' . $conferenceId;
         $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager();
         return DAO::getDataChangedEvent($conferenceId);
     $json = new JSONMessage(false);
     return $json->getString();