protected function action_addToProspectList() { global $beanList; require_once 'modules/Relationships/Relationship.php'; require_once 'modules/ProspectLists/ProspectList.php'; $prospectList = new ProspectList(); $prospectList->retrieve($_REQUEST['prospect_id']); $module = new $beanList[$this->bean->report_module](); $key = Relationship::retrieve_by_modules($this->bean->report_module, 'ProspectLists', $GLOBALS['db']); if (!empty($key)) { $sql = $this->bean->build_report_query(); $result = $this->bean->db->query($sql); $beans = array(); while ($row = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { if (isset($row[$module->table_name . '_id'])) { $beans[] = $row[$module->table_name . '_id']; } } if (!empty($beans)) { foreach ($prospectList->field_defs as $field => $def) { if ($def['type'] == 'link' && !empty($def['relationship']) && $def['relationship'] == $key) { $prospectList->load_relationship($field); $prospectList->{$field}->add($beans); } } } } die; }
public function checkAccess($thisReport) { require_once 'modules/ProspectLists/ProspectList.php'; $newProspectList = new ProspectList(); // fill with results: $newProspectList->load_relationships(); $linkedFields = $newProspectList->get_linked_fields(); $foundModule = false; foreach ($linkedFields as $linkedField => $linkedFieldData) { if ($newProspectList->{$linkedField}->_relationship->rhs_module == $thisReport->report_module) { $foundModule = true; } } return $foundModule ? true : false; }
public static function createProspectList($id = '', $aParams = array()) { $time = mt_rand(); $oProspectList = new ProspectList(); $oProspectList->name = 'ProspectList' . $time; if (!empty($id)) { $oProspectList->id = $id; } if (!empty($aParams)) { foreach ($aParams as $key => $val) { $oProspectList->{$key} = $val; } } $oProspectList->save(); self::$_aCreatedProspectLists[] = $oProspectList; self::$_aCreatedProspectListsIds[] = $oProspectList->id; return $oProspectList; }
$ss->assign("SAVE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE", $mod_strings['LBL_CONFIRM_SEND_SAVE']); $javascript = new javascript(); $javascript->setFormName('wizform'); $javascript->setSugarBean($mrkt_focus); $javascript->addAllFields(''); echo $javascript->getScript(); /**************************** Final Step UI DIV *******************/ //Grab the prospect list of type default $default_pl_focus = ' '; $campaign_focus->load_relationship('prospectlists'); $prospectlists = $campaign_focus->prospectlists->get(); $pl_count = 0; $pl_lists = 0; if (!empty($prospectlists)) { foreach ($prospectlists as $prospect_id) { $pl_focus = new ProspectList(); $pl_focus->retrieve($prospect_id); if ($pl_focus->list_type == 'default' || $pl_focus->list_type == 'seed') { $default_pl_focus = $pl_focus; // get count of all attached target types $pl_count = $default_pl_focus->get_entry_count(); } $pl_lists = $pl_lists + 1; } } //if count is 0, then hide inputs and and print warning message if ($pl_count == 0) { if ($pl_lists == 0) { //print no target list warning $ss->assign("WARNING_MESSAGE", $mod_strings['LBL_NO_TARGETS_WARNING']); } else {
function process_subscriptions_from_request($campaign_name) { global $mod_strings; $pl_list = array(); //process default target list $create_new = true; $pl_subs = new ProspectList($campaign_name); if (!empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_list_id'])) { //if subscription list is specified then attach $pl_subs->retrieve($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_list_id']); //check to see name matches the bean, if not, then the user has chosen to create new bean if ($pl_subs->name == $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_name']) { $pl_list[] = $pl_subs; $create_new = false; } } //create new bio if one was not retrieved succesfully if ($create_new) { //use default name if one has not been specified $name = $campaign_name . " " . $mod_strings['LBL_SUBSCRIPTION_LIST']; if (isset($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_name'])) { $name = $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_subscription_name']; } //if subscription list is not specified then create and attach default one $pl_subs->name = $name; $pl_subs->list_type = 'default'; $pl_subs->assigned_user_id = $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; $pl_subs->save(); $pl_list[] = $pl_subs; } //process exempt target list $create_new = true; $pl_un_subs = new ProspectList(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_list_id'])) { //if unsubscription list is specified then attach $pl_un_subs->retrieve($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_list_id']); //check to see name matches the bean, if not, then the user has chosen to create new bean if ($pl_un_subs->name == $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_name']) { $pl_list[] = $pl_un_subs; $create_new = false; } } //create new bean if one was not retrieved succesfully if ($create_new) { //use default name if one has not been specified $name = $campaign_name . " " . $mod_strings['LBL_UNSUBSCRIPTION_LIST']; if (isset($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_name'])) { $name = $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_unsubscription_name']; } //if unsubscription list is not specified then create and attach default one $pl_un_subs->name = $name; $pl_un_subs->list_type = 'exempt'; $pl_un_subs->assigned_user_id = $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; $pl_un_subs->save(); $pl_list[] = $pl_un_subs; } //process test target list $pl_test = new ProspectList(); $create_new = true; if (!empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_list_id'])) { //if test list is specified then attach $pl_test->retrieve($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_list_id']); //check to see name matches the bean, if not, then the user has chosen to create new bean if ($pl_test->name == $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_name']) { $pl_list[] = $pl_test; $create_new = false; } } //create new bio if one was not retrieved succesfully if ($create_new) { //use default name if one has not been specified $name = $campaign_name . " " . $mod_strings['LBL_TEST_LIST']; if (isset($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_name'])) { $name = $_REQUEST['wiz_step3_test_name']; } //if test list is not specified then create and attach default one $pl_test->name = $name; $pl_test->list_type = 'test'; $pl_test->assigned_user_id = $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; $pl_test->save(); $pl_list[] = $pl_test; } return $pl_list; }
global $current_user; global $mod_strings; //if no prospect lists are attached, then lets create a subscription and unsubscription //default prospect lists as these are required for newsletters. //create subscription list $subs = new ProspectList(); $subs->name = $focus->name . ' ' . $mod_strings['LBL_SUBSCRIPTION_LIST']; $subs->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $subs->list_type = "default"; $subs->save(); $focus->prospectlists->add($subs->id); //create unsubscription list $unsubs = new ProspectList(); $unsubs->name = $focus->name . ' ' . $mod_strings['LBL_UNSUBSCRIPTION_LIST']; $unsubs->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $unsubs->list_type = "exempt"; $unsubs->save(); $focus->prospectlists->add($unsubs->id); //create unsubscription list $test_subs = new ProspectList(); $test_subs->name = $focus->name . ' ' . $mod_strings['LBL_TEST_LIST']; $test_subs->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $test_subs->list_type = "test"; $test_subs->save(); $focus->prospectlists->add($test_subs->id); } //save new relationships $focus->save(); } //finish newsletter processing handleRedirect($focus->id, 'Campaigns');
function unsubscribe($campaign, $focus) { $relationship = strtolower($focus->getObjectName()).'s'; //--grab all the list for this campaign id $pl_qry ="select id, list_type from prospect_lists where id in (select prospect_list_id from prospect_list_campaigns "; $pl_qry .= "where campaign_id = '$campaign') and deleted = 0 "; $pl_qry_result = $focus->db->query($pl_qry); //build the array with list information $pl_arr = array(); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util, about to run query: ".$pl_qry); while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($pl_qry_result)){$pl_arr[] = $row;} //retrieve lists that this user belongs to $curr_pl_qry ="select prospect_list_id, related_id from prospect_lists_prospects "; $curr_pl_qry .="where related_id = '$focus->id' and deleted = 0 "; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util, unsubscribe function about to run query: ".$curr_pl_qry ); $curr_pl_qry_result = $focus->db->query($curr_pl_qry); //build the array with current user list information $curr_pl_arr = array(); while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($curr_pl_qry_result)){$curr_pl_arr[] = $row;} //check to see if user is already there in prospect list $already_here = 'false'; $exempt_id = ''; foreach($curr_pl_arr as $user_list){ foreach($pl_arr as $v){ //if list is exempt list if($v['list_type'] == 'exempt'){ //save the exempt list id for later use $exempt_id = $v['id']; //check to see if user is already in this exempt list if(in_array($v['id'], $user_list)){ $already_here = 'true'; } break 2; } } } //unsubscribe subscripted newsletter foreach($pl_arr as $subscription_list){ //create a new instance of the prospect list $exempt_list = new ProspectList(); $exempt_list->retrieve($subscription_list['id']); $exempt_list->load_relationship($relationship); //if list type is default, then delete the relationship //if list type is exempt, then add the relationship to unsubscription list if($subscription_list['list_type'] == 'exempt') { $exempt_list->$relationship->add($focus->id); }elseif($subscription_list['list_type'] == 'default' || $subscription_list['list_type'] == 'test'){ //if list type is default or test, then delete the relationship //$exempt_list->$relationship->delete($subscription_list['id'],$focus->id); } } if($already_here =='true'){ //do nothing, user is already exempted }else{ //user is not exempted yet , so add to unsubscription list $exempt_result = $exempt_list->retrieve($exempt_id); if($exempt_result == null) {//error happened while retrieving this list return; } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util, loading relationship: ".$relationship); $exempt_list->load_relationship($relationship); $exempt_list->$relationship->add($focus->id); } }
********************************************************************************/ require_once 'XTemplate/xtpl.php'; require_once 'data/Tracker.php'; require_once 'modules/ProspectLists/ProspectList.php'; require_once 'modules/ProspectLists/Forms.php'; global $timedate; global $app_strings; global $app_list_strings; global $mod_strings; global $current_user; global $sugar_version, $sugar_config; // Unimplemented until jscalendar language files are fixed // global $current_language; // global $default_language; // global $cal_codes; $focus = new ProspectList(); if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) { $focus->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); } global $theme; $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/"; $image_path = $theme_path . "images/"; require_once $theme_path . 'layout_utils.php'; $GLOBALS['log']->info("Prospect List Edit View"); echo "\n<p>\n"; echo get_module_title($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_ID'], $mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'] . ": " . $focus->name, true); echo "\n</p>\n"; $xtpl = new XTemplate('modules/ProspectLists/EditView.html'); $xtpl->assign("MOD", $mod_strings); $xtpl->assign("APP", $app_strings); $json = getJSONobj();
public function testbean_implements() { $prospectList = new ProspectList(); $this->assertEquals(false, $prospectList->bean_implements('')); //test with blank value $this->assertEquals(false, $prospectList->bean_implements('test')); //test with invalid value $this->assertEquals(true, $prospectList->bean_implements('ACL')); //test with valid value }
function createTargeList($listname, $campaign_id = '') { global $current_user, $db; $results = $this->getSelectionResults(array()); if (count($results > 0)) { require_once 'modules/ProspectLists/ProspectList.php'; $newProspectList = new ProspectList(); $newProspectList->name = $listname; $newProspectList->list_type = 'default'; $newProspectList->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $newProspectList->save(); // add to campaign if ($campaign_id != '') { require_once 'modules/Campaigns/Campaign.php'; $thisCampaign = new Campaign(); $thisCampaign->retrieve($campaign_id); $thisCampaign->load_relationships(); $campaignLinkedFields = $thisCampaign->get_linked_fields(); foreach ($campaignLinkedFields as $linkedField => $linkedFieldData) { if ($thisCampaign->{$linkedField}->_relationship->rhs_module == 'ProspectList') { $thisCampaign->{$linkedField}->add($newProspectList->id); } } } // fill with results: $newProspectList->load_relationships(); $linkedFields = $newProspectList->get_linked_fields(); foreach ($linkedFields as $linkedField => $linkedFieldData) { if ($newProspectList->{$linkedField}->_relationship->rhs_module == $this->report_module) { foreach ($results as $thisRecord) { $newProspectList->{$linkedField}->add($thisRecord['sugarRecordId']); } } elseif ($newProspectList->{$linkedField}->_relationship->rhs_module == 'Campaigns' and $campaign_id != '') { $newProspectList->{$linkedField}->add($campaign_id); } } } }
function execute($format = 'TABLE', $parameter_values = array()) { global $sugar_config, $current_user, $current_language; global $beanList, $beanFiles; $beanName = $beanList[$this->mainmodule]; $beanFile = $beanFiles[$beanName]; if (!empty($beanName) && !empty($beanFile)) { require_once $beanFile; $seed = new $beanName(); $filters = $this->get_filters(); $sql_where = array(); foreach ($filters as $filter) { $sql_where[] = $filter->create_where_clause($parameter_values); } $orders = $this->get_orders(); $sql_order = array(); foreach ($orders as $order) { $sql_order[] = $order->create_order_clause($parameter_values); } if ($this->filtertype == "AND") { $sql_join = " and "; } else { if ($this->filtertype == "OR") { $sql_join = " or "; } else { $sql_join = " and "; } } if (!empty($sql_join) && !empty($sql_where)) { $where_clause = "(" . join($sql_join, $sql_where) . ")"; } if (!empty($sql_order)) { $order_clause = join(", ", $sql_order); } if (!empty($this->customwhere1)) { $where_clause = $this->customwhere1 . " " . $where_clause; } if (!empty($this->customwhere2)) { $where_clause = $where_clause . " " . $this->customwhere1; } $rows = $seed->get_full_list($order_clause, $where_clause); if (empty($rows)) { $rows = array(); } $this->report_output .= "Found " . count($rows) . " rows<br/>"; if ($format == "TABLE" || $format == "HTML" || $format == "SIMPLEHTML" || $format == "CSV") { $list_data = array(); $list_fields = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $row_data = $row->get_list_view_data(); $row_data_mapped = array(); foreach (array_keys($row_data) as $key) { $row_data_mapped[strtoupper($this->mainmodule) . "_" . $key] = $row_data[$key]; } $list_data[] = new ListingRow($row_data_mapped); if (empty($list_fields)) { foreach (array_keys($row_data) as $key) { $list_fields[] = $key; } } } if ($format == "HTML" || $format == "TABLE") { if ($this->list_template == "default") { require_once 'include/ListView/ListViewSmarty.php'; if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->mainmodule . '/metadata/listviewdefs.php')) { require_once 'custom/modules/' . $this->mainmodule . '/metadata/listviewdefs.php'; } else { require_once 'modules/' . $this->mainmodule . '/metadata/listviewdefs.php'; } $lv = new ListViewSmarty(); $displayColumns = array(); foreach ($listViewDefs[$this->mainmodule] as $col => $params) { if (!empty($params['default']) && $params['default']) { $displayColumns[$col] = $params; } } $lv->displayColumns = $displayColumns; $lv->setup($seed, 'include/ListView/ListViewGeneric.tpl', $where_clause, $params); ob_start(); echo $lv->display(); } else { require_once 'include/ListView/ListView.php'; $lv = new ListView(); if ($_REQUEST["is_scheduler"] = "true") { $lv->setDisplayHeaderAndFooter(false); } $lv->initNewXTemplate('modules/ZuckerListingTemplate/lists/' . $this->list_template, return_module_language($current_language, $this->mainmodule)); $lv->xTemplateAssign("SITE_URL", $sugar_config["site_url"]); ob_start(); $lv->processListViewTwo($list_data, "rows", "ROW"); } if ($format == "HTML") { $date = date("ymd_His"); $this->report_result_type = "FILE"; $this->report_result_name = $date . "_" . $this->name . ".html"; $this->report_result_name = strtolower(join("_", explode(" ", $this->report_result_name))); $this->report_result = $this->archive_dir . "/" . $this->report_result_name; $f = fopen($this->report_result, "w"); $c = file_get_contents("modules/ZuckerListingTemplate/lists/header.html"); $c = str_replace("{SITE_URL}", $sugar_config["site_url"], $c); $c = str_replace("{THEME_URL}", $sugar_config["site_url"] . "/themes/" . $theme, $c); fwrite($f, $c); fwrite($f, ob_get_clean()); fwrite($f, file_get_contents("modules/ZuckerListingTemplate/lists/footer.html")); fclose($f); } else { $this->report_result_type = "INLINE"; $this->report_result = ob_get_clean(); } } else { if ($format == "SIMPLEHTML") { $date = date("ymd_His"); $this->report_result_type = "FILE"; $this->report_result_name = $date . "_" . $this->name . ".html"; $this->report_result_name = strtolower(join("_", explode(" ", $this->report_result_name))); $this->report_result = $this->archive_dir . "/" . $this->report_result_name; $f = fopen($this->report_result, "w"); fwrite($f, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD html 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"); fwrite($f, "<html><body><table border=\"1\">"); if ($this->include_header && !empty($list_fields)) { fwrite($f, "\n<tr>"); foreach ($list_fields as $col_name) { fwrite($f, "<th>" . $col_name . "</th>"); } fwrite($f, "</tr>"); } foreach ($list_data as $list_row) { fwrite($f, "\n<tr>"); foreach (array_keys($list_row->list_view_data) as $col_name) { $field = $list_row->list_view_data[$col_name]; if (empty($field)) { fwrite($f, "<td> </td>"); } else { fwrite($f, "<td>" . $this->format_value_for_html($field) . "</td>"); } } fwrite($f, "</tr>"); } fwrite($f, "\n</table></body></html>"); fclose($f); } else { if ($format == "CSV") { $date = date("ymd_His"); $this->report_result_type = "FILE"; $this->report_result_name = $date . "_" . $this->name . ".csv"; $this->report_result_name = strtolower(join("_", explode(" ", $this->report_result_name))); $this->report_result = $this->archive_dir . "/" . $this->report_result_name; $f = fopen($this->report_result, "w"); if ($this->include_header && count($list_data) > 0) { $row = $list_data[0]; foreach (array_keys($row->list_view_data) as $col_name) { fwrite($f, $col_name); fwrite($f, $this->col_delim); } fwrite($f, $this->row_delim); } foreach ($list_data as $list_row) { foreach (array_keys($list_row->list_view_data) as $col_name) { $field = $list_row->list_view_data[$col_name]; $pieces = explode("\n", $field); $cleaned_pieces = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { $cleaned_pieces[] = trim($piece); } fwrite($f, join(" ", $cleaned_pieces)); if ($i != count($list_row->list_view_data) - 1) { fwrite($f, $this->col_delim); } } fwrite($f, $this->row_delim); } fclose($f); } } } } else { if ($format == "PROSPECTLIST") { require_once "modules/ProspectLists/ProspectList.php"; $pl = new ProspectList(); $pl->name = empty($_REQUEST["prospect_list_name"]) ? $this->name : $_REQUEST["prospect_list_name"]; $pl->save(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row->object_name == "Contact") { $pl->set_relationship('prospect_lists_prospects', array("related_type" => "Contacts", "related_id" => $row->id, 'prospect_list_id' => $pl->id)); } else { if ($row->object_name == "Lead") { $pl->set_relationship('prospect_lists_prospects', array("related_type" => "Leads", "related_id" => $row->id, 'prospect_list_id' => $pl->id)); } else { if ($row->object_name == "Prospect") { $pl->set_relationship('prospect_lists_prospects', array("related_type" => "Prospects", "related_id" => $row->id, 'prospect_list_id' => $pl->id)); } } } } $this->report_result = "index.php?module=ProspectLists&action=DetailView&record=" . $pl->id; $this->report_result_type = "FORWARD"; } } $result = true; } return $result; }
* requirements. * * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004-2006 SugarCRM, Inc.; * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ********************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************* * Description: TODO: To be written. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. ********************************************************************************/ require_once 'modules/ProspectLists/ProspectList.php'; $focus = new ProspectList(); $focus->retrieve($_POST['record']); if (!empty($_POST['assigned_user_id']) && $focus->assigned_user_id != $_POST['assigned_user_id'] && $_POST['assigned_user_id'] != $current_user->id) { $check_notify = TRUE; } else { $check_notify = FALSE; } foreach ($focus->column_fields as $field) { if (isset($_POST[$field])) { $value = $_POST[$field]; $focus->{$field} = $value; } } foreach ($focus->additional_column_fields as $field) { if (isset($_POST[$field])) { $value = $_POST[$field];
function createTargeList($listname, $campaign_id = '') { global $current_user, $db; $results = $this->getSelectionResults(array()); if (count($results > 0)) { require_once 'modules/ProspectLists/ProspectList.php'; $newProspectList = new ProspectList(); $newProspectList->name = $listname; $newProspectList->list_type = 'default'; $newProspectList->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); /* $sugarQuery = new SugarQuery(); $sugarQuery->select('id'); $sugarQuery->from(BeanFactory::getBean('Accounts')); $sugarQuery->where()->equals('name',$newProspectList->name); $id_prospect = $sugarQuery->execute(); $id_prospect = $id_prospect[0]; */ $sql = "SELECT id, name from prospect_lists where deleted = '0' and name = '" . $newProspectList->name . "' limit 1"; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($db->getRowCount($result) > 0) { if ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $newProspectList->id = $row['id']; } } if ($newProspectList->save()) { /* Força update do campo da base de dados com o sql do relatório */ $sql = 'UPDATE prospect_lists SET sql_query = "' . str_replace('"', "'", $_SESSION['kreport_sql']) . '" where id = "' . $newProspectList->id . '"'; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($result) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Atualizou prospect list sql"); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Falha ao atualizar prospect list sql"); } /* Fim */ } // add to campaign if ($campaign_id != '') { require_once 'modules/Campaigns/Campaign.php'; $thisCampaign = new Campaign(); $thisCampaign->retrieve($campaign_id); $thisCampaign->load_relationships(); $campaignLinkedFields = $thisCampaign->get_linked_fields(); foreach ($campaignLinkedFields as $linkedField => $linkedFieldData) { if ($thisCampaign->{$linkedField}->_relationship->rhs_module == 'ProspectList') { $thisCampaign->{$linkedField}->add($newProspectList->id); } } } // fill with results: $newProspectList->load_relationships(); $linkedFields = $newProspectList->get_linked_fields(); foreach ($linkedFields as $linkedField => $linkedFieldData) { if ($newProspectList->{$linkedField}->_relationship->rhs_module == $this->report_module) { foreach ($results as $thisRecord) { $newProspectList->{$linkedField}->add($thisRecord['sugarRecordId']); } } elseif ($newProspectList->{$linkedField}->_relationship->rhs_module == 'Campaigns' and $campaign_id != '') { $newProspectList->{$linkedField}->add($campaign_id); } } } }
function create_target_summary($focus) { global $mod_strings, $app_strings, $app_list_strings; $colorclass = ''; $camp_type = $focus->campaign_type; //create schedule table $pltbl = ''; //set the title based on campaign type $target_title = $mod_strings['LBL_TARGET_LISTS']; if ($camp_type == 'NewsLetter') { $target_title = $mod_strings['LBL_NAVIGATION_MENU_SUBSCRIPTIONS']; } $focus->load_relationship('prospectlists'); $pl_lists = $focus->prospectlists->get(); $pl_tbl = "<p><table align='center' class='list view' width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1'>"; $pl_tbl .= "<tr class='detail view'><td colspan='4'><h4> " . $target_title . " </h4></td></tr>"; $pl_tbl .= "<tr class='listViewHRS1'><td width='50%' scope='col'><b>" . $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_NAME'] . "</b></td><td width='30%' scope='col'><b>" . $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_TYPE'] . "</b></td>"; $pl_tbl .= "<td width='15%' scope='col'><b>" . $mod_strings['LBL_TOTAL_ENTRIES'] . "</b></td><td width='5%' scope='col'> </td></tr>"; if (count($pl_lists) > 0) { $pl_focus = new ProspectList(); foreach ($pl_lists as $pl_id) { if ($colorclass == "class='evenListRowS1'") { $colorclass = "class='oddListRowS1'"; } else { $colorclass = "class='evenListRowS1'"; } $pl_focus->retrieve($pl_id); //set the list type if this is a newsletter $type = $pl_focus->list_type; if ($camp_type == 'NewsLetter') { if ($pl_focus->list_type == 'default' || $pl_focus->list_type == 'seed') { $type = $mod_strings['LBL_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_NAME']; } if ($pl_focus->list_type == 'exempt') { $type = $mod_strings['LBL_UNSUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_NAME']; } if ($pl_focus->list_type == 'test') { $type = $mod_strings['LBL_TEST_TYPE_NAME']; } } else { $type = $app_list_strings['prospect_list_type_dom'][$pl_focus->list_type]; } if (isset($pl_focus->id) && !empty($pl_focus->id)) { $pl_tbl .= "<tr {$colorclass}>"; $pl_tbl .= "<td scope='row' width='50%'><a href='index.php?action=DetailView&module=ProspectLists&return_module=Campaigns&return_action=WizardHome&return_id=" . $focus->id . "&record=" . $pl_focus->id . "'>"; $pl_tbl .= $pl_focus->name . "</a></td>"; $pl_tbl .= "<td scope='row' width='30%'>{$type}</td>"; $pl_tbl .= "<td scope='row' width='15%'>" . $pl_focus->get_entry_count() . "</td>"; $pl_tbl .= "<td scope='row' width='5%' align='right'><a href='index.php?action=EditView&module=ProspectLists&return_module=Campaigns&return_action=WizardHome&return_id=" . $focus->id . "&record=" . $pl_focus->id . "'>"; $pl_tbl .= SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('edit_inline', 'border=0', null, null, ".gif", $mod_strings['LBL_EDIT_INLINE']) . "</a> "; $pl_tbl .= "<a href='index.php?action=DetailView&module=ProspectLists&return_module=Campaigns&return_action=WizardHome&return_id=" . $focus->id . "&record=" . $pl_focus->id . "'>"; $pl_tbl .= SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('view_inline', 'border=0', null, null, ".gif", $mod_strings['LBL_VIEW_INLINE']) . "</a></td>"; } } } else { $pl_tbl .= "<tr><td class='{$colorclass}' scope='row' colspan='2'>" . $mod_strings['LBL_NONE'] . "</td></tr>"; } $pl_tbl .= "</table></p>"; return $pl_tbl; }
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. ********************************************************************************/ $focus = new ProspectList(); $focus->retrieve($_POST['record']); if (!empty($_POST['assigned_user_id']) && $focus->assigned_user_id != $_POST['assigned_user_id'] && $_POST['assigned_user_id'] != $current_user->id) { $check_notify = TRUE; } else { $check_notify = FALSE; } require_once 'include/formbase.php'; $focus = populateFromPost('', $focus); $focus->save($check_notify); $return_id = $focus->id; //Bug 33675 Duplicate target list if (!empty($_REQUEST['duplicateId'])) { $copyFromProspectList = new ProspectList(); $copyFromProspectList->retrieve($_REQUEST['duplicateId']); $relations = $copyFromProspectList->retrieve_relationships('prospect_lists_prospects', array('prospect_list_id' => $_REQUEST['duplicateId']), 'related_id, related_type'); if (count($relations) > 0) { foreach ($relations as $rel) { $rel['prospect_list_id'] = $return_id; $focus->set_relationship('prospect_lists_prospects', $rel, true); } } $focus->save(); } if (isset($_POST['return_module']) && $_POST['return_module'] != "") { $return_module = $_POST['return_module']; } else { $return_module = "ProspectLists"; }
} } } else { //this is not a newlsetter campaign, so fill in target list table //create array for javascript, this will help to display the option text, not the value $dom_txt = ' '; foreach ($app_list_strings['prospect_list_type_dom'] as $key => $val) { $dom_txt .= "if(trgt_type_text =='{$key}'){trgt_type_text='{$val}';}"; } $ss->assign("PL_DOM_STMT", $dom_txt); $trgt_count = 0; $trgt_html = ' '; if (count($prospect_lists) > 0) { foreach ($prospect_lists as $pl_id) { //retrieve prospect list $pl = new ProspectList(); $pl_focus = $pl->retrieve($pl_id); $trgt_html .= "<div id='existing_trgt" . $trgt_count . "'> <table class='tabDetailViewDL2' width='100%'>"; $trgt_html .= "<td width='25%'> <input id='existing_target_name" . $trgt_count . "' type='hidden' type='text' size='60' maxlength='255' name='existing_target_name" . $trgt_count . "' value='" . $pl_focus->name . "' >" . $pl_focus->name . "</td>"; $trgt_html .= "<td width='25%'><input type='hidden' size='60' maxlength='255' name='existing_tracker_list_type" . $trgt_count . "' id='existing_tracker_list_type" . $trgt_count . "' value='" . $pl_focus->list_type . "' >" . $app_list_strings['prospect_list_type_dom'][$pl_focus->list_type]; $trgt_html .= "<input type='hidden' name='added_target_id" . $trgt_count . "' id='added_target_id" . $trgt_count . "' value='" . $pl_focus->id . "' ></td>"; $trgt_html .= "<td><a href='#' onclick=\"javascript:remove_existing_target('existing_trgt" . $trgt_count . "','" . $pl_focus->id . "'); \" > "; $trgt_html .= "<img src='" . SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL("delete_inline.gif") . "' border='0' alt='rem' align='absmiddle' border='0' height='12' width='12'>" . $mod_strings['LBL_REMOVE'] . "</a></td></tr></table></div>"; $trgt_count = $trgt_count + 1; } $trgt_html .= "<div id='no_targets'></div>"; } else { $trgt_html .= "<div id='no_targets'><table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr class='evenListRowS1'><td>" . $mod_strings['LBL_NONE'] . "</td></tr></table></div>"; } $ss->assign('EXISTING_TARGETS', $trgt_html); }
* * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************* * Description: TODO: To be written. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. ********************************************************************************/ $focus = new ProspectList(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['record'])) { sugar_die("A record number must be specified to delete the prospect list."); } $focus->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); if (!$focus->ACLAccess('Delete')) { ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); sugar_cleanup(true); } $focus->mark_deleted($_REQUEST['record']); header("Location: index.php?module=" . $_REQUEST['return_module'] . "&action=" . $_REQUEST['return_action'] . "&record=" . $_REQUEST['return_id']);
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM". ********************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************* * Description: TODO: To be written. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. ********************************************************************************/ global $mod_strings; $focus = new ProspectList(); $focus->retrieve($_POST['record']); if (isset($_POST['isDuplicate']) && $_POST['isDuplicate'] == true) { $focus->id = ''; $focus->name = $mod_strings['LBL_COPY_PREFIX'] . ' ' . $focus->name; $focus->save(); $return_id = $focus->id; //duplicate the linked items. $query = "select * from prospect_lists_prospects where prospect_list_id = '" . $_POST['record'] . "'"; $result = $focus->db->query($query); if ($result != null) { while (($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) != null) { $iquery = "INSERT INTO prospect_lists_prospects (id,prospect_list_id, related_id, related_type,date_modified) "; $iquery .= "VALUES (" . "'" . create_guid() . "'," . "'" . $focus->id . "'," . "'" . $row['related_id'] . "'," . "'" . $row['related_type'] . "'," . "'" . TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb() . "')"; $focus->db->query($iquery); //save the record.
********************************************************************************/ global $timedate; global $current_user; $campaign = new Campaign(); $campaign->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); $query = "SELECT prospect_list_id as id FROM prospect_list_campaigns WHERE campaign_id='{$campaign->id}' AND deleted=0"; $fromName = $_REQUEST['from_name']; $fromEmail = $_REQUEST['from_address']; $date_start = $_REQUEST['date_start']; $time_start = $_REQUEST['time_start']; $template_id = $_REQUEST['email_template']; $dateval = $timedate->merge_date_time($date_start, $time_start); $listresult = $campaign->db->query($query); while ($list = $campaign->db->fetchByAssoc($listresult)) { $prospect_list = $list['id']; $focus = new ProspectList(); $focus->retrieve($prospect_list); $query = "SELECT prospect_id,contact_id,lead_id FROM prospect_lists_prospects WHERE prospect_list_id='{$focus->id}' AND deleted=0"; $result = $focus->db->query($query); while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $prospect_id = $row['prospect_id']; $contact_id = $row['contact_id']; $lead_id = $row['lead_id']; if ($prospect_id != '') { $moduleName = "Prospects"; $moduleID = $row['prospect_id']; } if ($contact_id != '') { $moduleName = "Contacts"; $moduleID = $row['contact_id']; }
public function action_add_to_list() { $ids = $_POST['subpanel_id']; $event_id = $_POST['return_id']; $type = $_POST['pop_up_type']; if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = array($ids); } //Target lists. Can incliude contacts, leads and targets as part of the target list if ($type = 'target_list') { foreach ($ids as $list) { $event = new FP_events(); $event->retrieve($event_id); $event->load_relationship('fp_events_prospects_1'); $event->load_relationship('fp_events_contacts'); $event->load_relationship('fp_events_leads_1'); $target_list = new ProspectList(); $target_list->retrieve($list); $target_list->load_relationship('prospects'); $target_list->load_relationship('contacts'); $target_list->load_relationship('leads'); //add prospects/targets foreach ($target_list->prospects->getBeans() as $contact) { $contact_id_list = $event->fp_events_prospects_1->get(); if (!in_array($contact->id, $contact_id_list)) { //check if its already related $event->fp_events_prospects_1->add($contact->id); } } //add contacts foreach ($target_list->contacts->getBeans() as $contact) { $contact_id_list = $event->fp_events_contacts->get(); if (!in_array($contact->id, $contact_id_list)) { $event->fp_events_contacts->add($contact->id); } } //add leads foreach ($target_list->leads->getBeans() as $contact) { $contact_id_list = $event->fp_events_leads_1->get(); if (!in_array($contact->id, $contact_id_list)) { $event->fp_events_leads_1->add($contact->id); } } } } //Targets if ($type = 'targets') { foreach ($ids as $target) { $event = new FP_events(); $event->retrieve($event_id); $event->load_relationship('fp_events_prospects_1'); $contact_id_list = $event->fp_events_prospects_1->get(); //get array of currently linked targets if (!in_array($target, $contact_id_list)) { //check if its already in the array $event->fp_events_prospects_1->add($target); //if not add relationship } } } //leads if ($type = 'leads') { foreach ($ids as $lead) { $event = new FP_events(); $event->retrieve($event_id); $event->load_relationship('fp_events_leads_1'); $contact_id_list = $event->fp_events_leads_1->get(); //get array of currently linked leads if (!in_array($lead, $contact_id_list)) { //check if its already in the array $event->fp_events_leads_1->add($lead); //if not add relationship } } } //contacts if ($type = 'contacts') { foreach ($ids as $contact) { $event = new FP_events(); $event->retrieve($event_id); $event->load_relationship('fp_events_contacts'); $contact_id_list = $event->fp_events_contacts->get(); //get array of currently linked contacts if (!in_array($contact, $contact_id_list)) { $event->fp_events_contacts->add($contact); } } } die; }
function track_campaign_prospects($focus) { global $mod_strings; //load target list relationships $focus->load_relationship('prospectlists'); $target_lists = $focus->prospectlists->get(); $prospect_lists = array(); //retrieve the default target list if it exists foreach ($target_lists as $list) { //create subscription list $p_list = new ProspectList(); $p_list->retrieve($list); if ($p_list->list_type == 'default') { $prospect_lists[] = $p_list; } } //list does not exist, send back error message if (count($prospect_lists) == 0) { return $mod_strings['LBL_DEFAULT_LIST_NOT_FOUND']; } //iterate through each Prospect list and make sure entries exist. $entry_count = 0; foreach ($prospect_lists as $default_target_list) { $entry_count = $entry_count + $default_target_list->get_entry_count(); } //if no entries exist, then return error message. if ($entry_count == 0) { return $mod_strings['LBL_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRIES_NOT_FOUND']; } //iterate through each member of list and enter campaign log foreach ($prospect_lists as $default_target_list) { //process targets/prospects $rel_bean = new Prospect(); create_campaign_log_entry($focus->id, $default_target_list, 'prospects', $rel_bean); //process users $rel_bean = new User(); create_campaign_log_entry($focus->id, $default_target_list, 'users', $rel_bean); //process contacts $rel_bean = new Contact(); create_campaign_log_entry($focus->id, $default_target_list, 'contacts', $rel_bean); //process leads $rel_bean = new Lead(); create_campaign_log_entry($focus->id, $default_target_list, 'leads', $rel_bean); //process accounts $rel_bean = new Account(); create_campaign_log_entry($focus->id, $default_target_list, 'accounts', $rel_bean); } //return success message return $mod_strings['LBL_DEFAULT_LIST_ENTRIES_WERE_PROCESSED']; }