public function studentPerprogramFilter($id) { $program_id = $id; $program = Program::with('courses')->find($program_id); $programs = Program::where('project_id', '=', Auth::user()->curr_project_id)->where('location_id', '=', Auth::user()->location_id)->get(); $menu = 'report'; return View::make('reports.studentperprogram', compact('programs', 'program', 'menu')); }
public function destroy($id) { $program = Program::with('courses')->find($id); if ($program->courses->count() > 0) { Session::flash('message', 'Tidak dapat menutup program! Program ini pernah berjalan'); } else { Program::destroy($id); Session::flash('message', 'Sukses menutup program!'); return Redirect::route('programs.index'); } }
/** * 获取节目单HTML字符串 * * @param string $keyword * @return string */ private function getProgramsArchiveHtml($keyword = '') { // query program list, and sort by date $programs = Program::with('participants')->enabled()->orderBy('date', 'desc')->get(); // search if ($keyword) { $keywords = array_filter(explode(' ', $keyword)); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $participantIds = Participant::searched($keyword)->lists('id'); $programIds = ProgramParticipant::whereIn('participant_id', $participantIds)->lists('program_id')->flip()->toArray(); foreach ($programs as $i => $program) { if (false === strpos(strtolower($program->topic), $keyword) and empty($programIds[$program->id])) { unset($programs[$i]); } } } } // collect $list = []; foreach ($programs as $program) { $list[$program->dates->year][$program->dates->month][] = $program; } // render page return (string) View::make('program.index.archive')->with('list', $list); }