public function load() { if (isset($_GET['_gn_']) && !$this->player->isSpy) { require_once MODEL_PATH . "profile.php"; $mprof = new ProfileModel(); $mprof->resetGNewsFlag($this->player->playerId); } parent::load(); $this->heroCount = $this->data['hero_in_village_id'] == $this->data['selected_village_id'] ? 1 : 0; $t_arr = explode("|", $this->data['troops_num']); foreach ($t_arr as $t_str) { $t2_arr = explode(":", $t_str); $t2_arr = explode(",", $t2_arr[1]); foreach ($t2_arr as $t2_str) { $tnum = explode(" ", $t2_str); $tid = explode(" ", $t2_str); list($tid, $tnum) = $tid; if ($tid == 99 || $tnum == 0) { continue; } if ($tnum == 0 - 1) { $this->heroCount++; continue; } if (isset($this->troops[$tid])) { $this->troops[$tid] += $tnum; } else { $this->troops[$tid] = $tnum; } } } ksort($this->troops, SORT_NUMERIC); }
public function changeProfile($id) { if (!empty($_POST)) { $instance = new ProfileModel(); $instance->update($id, ['first_name' => $_POST['first_name'], 'last_name' => $_POST['last_name'], 'cpostal' => $_POST['cpostal'], 'adress' => $_POST['adress'], 'departement' => $_POST['departement'], 'region' => $_POST['region'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'country' => $_POST['country'], 'birthday' => $_POST['birthday']]); } }
public function load() { parent::load(); if (!$this->globalModel->isGameOver()) { exit(0); } else { $m = new ProfileModel(); $this->playerData = $m->getWinnerPlayer(); $m->dispose(); } }
public function authAction() { $model = new PageModel(); if (isPost()) { $email = post('email'); $password = md5(post('password')); $user = $model->getUserByEP($email, $password); if ($user->id) { $modelProfile = new ProfileModel(); $updateString = "`looking` = 0"; $recId = $modelProfile->checkDiscoverRecord($user->id); if (!empty($recId->id)) { $modelProfile->updateDiscoverRecord($recId->id, $updateString); } if (post("remember-me") == 1) { $cookie_live_time = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; setMyCookie('user', $user->id, time() + $cookie_live_time); } setSession('user', $user->id, false); redirect(url($user->id)); } else { $error = "error"; setSession('login_error', "invalid"); // redirect(url()); setMyCookie('login_error', "You have input the incorrect username and password, try again", time() + 5); redirect(url('page', 'index')); } } }
public function indexAction() { header('content-type: application/json'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST'); $valid = true; $errors = []; $username = trim(ucwords(strtolower(htmlentities($_POST['username'])))); $password = hash('sha256', strrev(ProfileModel::getTimestamp($this->pdo, $username)) . htmlentities($_POST['password']) . '\\Rand0msalT/'); if (!isset($username) || empty($username)) { $errors['username'] = '******'; $valid = false; } elseif (SigninModel::checkUsername($this->pdo, $username) !== $username) { $errors['username'] = '******'existe pas</span>'; $valid = false; } elseif (!isset($password) || empty($password)) { $errors['password'] = '******'; $valid = false; } elseif (SigninModel::getPassword($this->pdo, $username) !== $password) { $errors['password'] = '******'; $valid = false; } $errors['valid'] = $valid; if ($valid) { if (isset($_POST['remember'])) { CookieController::create($this->pdo, $username, $password); } AuthModel::authUser($this->pdo, $username, $password); } echo json_encode($errors); }
public function usersearch($data = Null) { $inputs = Input::get(); $groupmemberid = groupmemberModel::where('group_id', $data)->get()->lists('user_id'); $groupmemberuserid = ProfileModel::whereNotIn('user.ID', $groupmemberid)->lists('ID'); $searcheduser = Input::get('usersearch'); $groupmemberuseridlist = ProfileModel::select('profilepicture', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'ID')->where('username', 'like', '%' . $searcheduser . '%')->whereIn('user.ID', $groupmemberuserid)->Orwhere('firstname', 'like', '%' . $searcheduser . '%')->whereIn('user.ID', $groupmemberuserid)->where('user.status', 1)->get(); return View::make('user/view/registermember')->with('group_id', $data)->with('searcheduser', $searcheduser)->with('savegroupmembers', $groupmemberuseridlist); }
public function deleteAction() { if (isset($_SESSION['auth'])) { ProfileModel::deleteUser($this->pdo, $_SESSION['auth']['username']); header('Location: /logout'); exit; } else { header('Location: /login'); exit; } }
public function indexAction() { if (isset($_SESSION['auth']) && $_SESSION['auth']['permissions'] === 'superadmin') { header('content-type: application/json'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET'); echo json_encode(ProfileModel::showLastUsers($this->pdo)); } else { header('Location: /'); exit; } }
/** * import * * @access public * @return void */ public function import() { $shows = ShowModel::getAllShows(); if (count($shows) == 0) { throw new \Exception("Failed to retrieve all the shows from Spinitron. Check your settings."); } foreach ($shows as $show) { $this->createShow($show); } $profiles = ProfileModel::getAllDJProfiles(); if (count($profiles) == 0) { throw new \Exception("Failed to retrieve all the DJ profiles from Spinitron. Check your settings."); } foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $this->createProfile($profile); } }
public function setLoseAction() { $response['error'] = 0; if (isPost()) { $post = allPost(); $model = new ProfileModel(); if ($post['mid']) { $match = $model->getMatchByID($post['mid']); if ($match->blocked && !($match->pwin == "1" && $match->uwin == "2") && !($match->pwin == "2" && $match->uwin == "1")) { if (Request::getParam('user')->id == $match->uid) { $data['uwin'] = '2'; if ($match->pwin == "1") { $data['status'] = 2; $winner = $match->pid; $loser = $match->uid; } } elseif (Request::getParam('user')->id == $match->pid) { $data['pwin'] = '2'; if ($match->uwin == "1") { $data['status'] = 2; $winner = $match->uid; $loser = $match->pid; } } if ($data && $model->updateMatchWL($post['mid'], $data)) { if ($winner && $loser) { if ($winner == Request::getParam('user')->id) { $userW = Request::getParam('user'); $userL = $model->getUserByID($loser); } else { $userW = $model->getUserByID($winner); $userL = Request::getParam('user'); } $countGamesW = $userW->wins + $userW->losses + 1; $countGamesL = $userL->wins + $userL->losses + 1; $eloW = elo($userW->elo, $userL->elo, $countGamesW, 1); $eloL = elo($userL->elo, $userW->elo, $countGamesL, 0); $model->updateWLStat($winner, $loser, $eloW, $eloL); } } else { $response['error'] = Lang::translate("MATCH_DB_ERROR"); } } else { $response['error'] = Lang::translate("MATCH_ENDED"); } } } else { $response['error'] = Lang::translate("MATCH_EMPTY_DATA"); } echo json_encode($response); exit; }
public function laravel_register() { $username = Input::get('username'); $email = Input::get('email'); $pass = Input::get('password'); $password = Hash::make(Input::get('password')); $dateofbirth = Input::get('dateofbirth'); $data = Input::except(array('_token', 'client_login')); // $validator = Validator::make($data,$rule); $validator = Validator::make($data, ProfileModel::$webrule); $lantyp = Session::get('language'); $data['password'] = $password; if ($validator->fails()) { //return $validator->messages(); if ($validator->messages()->first('terms') != "") { $terms = "Accept terms"; } else { $terms = ""; } $languageDetails = languageModel::select($lantyp, 'ctrlCaptionId')->whereIn('value_en', [$validator->messages()->first('username'), $validator->messages()->first('email'), $validator->messages()->first('password'), $validator->messages()->first('dateofbirth'), $terms])->get()->toArray(); foreach ($languageDetails as $key => $val) { if (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enterusername', 'alert_alreadyuser'])) { $er_data['username'] = "******" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } elseif (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enteremail', 'alert_validemail', 'alertr_emailalready'])) { $er_data['email'] = "<span id='" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } elseif (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enterpassword', 'alert_minpass5'])) { $er_data['password'] = "******" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } elseif (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enterdob'])) { $er_data['dateofbirth'] = "<span id='" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } else { if (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enterterms'])) { $er_data['terms'] = "<span id='" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } } } //return $er_data; return View::make('user/register/userregister')->with('er_data', $er_data)->with('old_value', $data); } else { unset($data['terms']); $lantyp = Session::get('language'); $data['timezone'] = "EST"; $data['status'] = 1; $userregister = ProfileModel::create($data); Mail::send([], array('pass' => $pass, 'email' => $email, 'username' => $username), function ($message) use($pass, $email, $username) { //$user = MailTemplate::find(1); //$mail_body = $user->MailContent; //$mail_body = str_replace("{password}", Session::get('sess_string'), $mail_body); /* $mail_body = "Dear {username},<br><br>Your DingDatt Registration successfully completed.Your Login details are<br><br>Username: {username}<br>Password: {password} <br><br> Thank You, <br><br>Regards,<br>DingDatt"; $mail_body = str_replace("{password}", $pass, $mail_body); $mail_body = str_replace("{username}", $username, $mail_body); */ $mail_body = '<style>.thank{text-align:center; width:100%;} .but_color{color:#ffffff;} .cont_name{width:100px;} .cont_value{width:500px;} </style> <body style="font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin:0px auto; padding:0px;"> <div style="margin:0px auto;background:#e5e5e5;float:left; width:98%; height:30px;margin:0px 1%; border-bottom:#005377 1px solid;vertical-align: text-middle;"> <a href="' . URL() . '"><img src="' . URL::to('assets/images/logo.png') . '" style="margin-top:3px; line-height:20px;" /></a> </div> <div style="background:#ffffff;float:left;padding:10px 20px;margin:1px 1%;" > <div class="thank" style="font-size:16px;color: #078AC2;font-weight:bold;float:left;width:100%;margin-top:10px;text-align:left;">Dear ' . $username . '</div> <div style="font-size:12px; color: #000000; float:left;padding:10px 2px;width:100%;margin:15px;">Your DingDatt Registration successfully completed.Your Login details are<br><br>Username: '******'<br>Password: '******' </div> <div style="margin:10px;"><a href="' . URL() . '"><img src="' . URL::to('assets/inner/images/vist_dingdatt.png') . '" width="120" height="30" /></a> </div> </div> <div style="font-size:12px; margin-top:10px;color: #5b5b5b;/* background:#e5e5e5;*/width:95%;vertical-align: text-middle;height:30px;margin:0% 1%;padding:0px 15px; border-top:#005377 1px solid; border-bottom:5px solid background:#e5e5e5;line-height:25px; "> </body>'; $message->setBody($mail_body, 'text/html'); $message->to($email); $message->subject('DingDatt Registration'); }); $labelname = ['txt_userdetaile_save_msg']; $languageDetails = languageModel::select($lantyp)->whereIn('ctrlCaptionId', $labelname)->get()->toArray(); return View::make('user/register/userregister')->with('Message', $languageDetails[0][$lantyp]); //return Redirect::to('userregister')->with('Message', ); // return Redirect::to('userregister')->with('Message', $languageDetails[0][$lantyp]); } }
public function indexAction() { header('content-type: application/json'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST'); $valid = true; $errors = []; $username = trim(ucwords(strtolower(htmlentities($_POST['username'])))); $first_name = trim(ucwords(strtolower(htmlentities($_POST['first-name'])))); $last_name = trim(ucwords(strtolower(htmlentities($_POST['last-name'])))); $mail = trim(htmlentities(strtolower($_POST['mail']))); $password = trim(htmlentities($_POST['password'])); $password2 = trim(htmlentities($_POST['password2'])); $old_username = $_SESSION['auth']['username']; $id = ProfileModel::getID($this->pdo, $old_username); $timestamp = ProfileModel::getTimestamp($this->pdo, $old_username); if (!isset($username) || empty($username)) { $errors['username'] = '******'; $valid = false; } elseif (strlen($username) < 6) { $errors['username'] = '******'; $valid = false; } elseif (strlen($username) > 24) { $errors['username'] = '******'; $valid = false; } if (!isset($first_name) || empty($first_name)) { $errors['firstName'] = '<span class="errors">Non saisi</span>'; $valid = false; } elseif (strlen($first_name) < 2) { $errors['firstName'] = '<span class="errors">2 caractères min</span>'; $valid = false; } elseif (strlen($first_name) > 32) { $errors['firstName'] = '<span class="errors">32 caractères max</span>'; $valid = false; } if (!isset($last_name) || empty($last_name)) { $errors['lastName'] = '<span class="errors">Non saisi</span>'; $valid = false; } elseif (strlen($last_name) < 2) { $errors['lastName'] = '<span class="errors">2 caractères min</span>'; $valid = false; } elseif (strlen($last_name) > 32) { $errors['lastName'] = '<span class="errors">32 caractères max</span>'; $valid = false; } if (!isset($mail) || empty($mail)) { $errors['mail'] = '<span class="errors">Non saisi</span>'; $valid = false; } elseif (!filter_var($mail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $errors['mail'] = '<span class="errors">Format incorrect</span>'; $valid = false; } if (!isset($password) || empty($password)) { $password = SigninModel::getPassword($this->pdo, $old_username); $hash = $password; $empty_pass = true; } elseif (strlen($password) < 8) { $errors['password'] = '******'; $valid = false; } else { $hash = hash('sha256', strrev($timestamp) . $password . '\\Rand0msalT/'); } if (!isset($password2) || empty($password2)) { if (isset($empty_pass)) { $password2 = $password; } else { $errors['password2'] = '<span class="errors">Non saisi</span>'; $valid = false; } } elseif ($password2 !== $password) { $errors['password2'] = '<span class="errors">Non identiques</span>'; $valid = false; } $errors['valid'] = $valid; if ($valid) { ProfileModel::editUser($this->pdo, $id, $old_username, $username, $first_name, $last_name, $mail, $hash); // Update session variables unset($_SESSION); session_destroy(); setcookie('auth', '', time() - 3600, '/', null, null, true); session_start(); AuthModel::authUser($this->pdo, $username, $hash); } echo json_encode($errors); }
function run($db, $type) { $test = new \Test(); // setup /////////////////////////////////// $author = new \AuthorModel(); $news = new \NewsModel(); $profile = new \ProfileModel(); $tag = new \TagModel(); $ac = $author::resolveConfiguration(); $author_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $ac['primary'] : '_id'; $nc = $news::resolveConfiguration(); $news_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $nc['primary'] : '_id'; $tc = $tag::resolveConfiguration(); $tag_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $tc['primary'] : '_id'; $authorIDs = $author->find()->getAll('_id'); $all = $news->find(); $newsIDs = $all->getAll('_id'); $profileIDs = $profile->find()->getAll('_id'); $tagIDs = $tag->find()->getAll('_id'); // add another relation $news->load(array('title = ?', 'CSS3 Showcase')); $news->author = $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $authorIDs[0])); $news->save(); $news->reset(); $author->reset(); // has-filter on belongs-to relation /////////////////////////////////// $result = $author->has('news', array('title like ?', '%Image%'))->afind(); $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['name'] == 'Johnny English', $type . ': has filter on many-to-one field'); $test->expect(count($result[0]['news']) == 2 && $result[0]['news'][0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $result[0]['news'][1]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase', $type . ': has filter does not prune relation set'); $result = $news->has('author', array('name = ?', 'Johnny English'))->afind(); $test->expect(count($result) == 2 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $result[1]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase', $type . ': has filter on one-to-many field'); // add another profile $profile->message = 'Beam me up, Scotty!'; $profile->author = $authorIDs[2]; $profile->save(); $profile->reset(); $result = $author->has('profile', array('message LIKE ?', '%Scotty%'))->afind(); $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['name'] == 'James T. Kirk' && $result[0]['profile']['message'] == 'Beam me up, Scotty!', $type . ': has filter on one-to-one field'); $result = $profile->has('author', array('name LIKE ?', '%Kirk%'))->afind(); $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['message'] == 'Beam me up, Scotty!' && $result[0]['author']['name'] == 'James T. Kirk', $type . ': has filter on one-to-one field, inverse'); // add mm tags $news->load(array('title = ?', 'Responsive Images')); $news->tags2 = array($tagIDs[0], $tagIDs[1]); $news->save(); $news->load(array('title = ?', 'CSS3 Showcase')); $news->tags2 = array($tagIDs[1], $tagIDs[2]); $news->save(); $news->reset(); $result = $news->has('tags2', array('title like ?', '%Design%'))->find(); $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images', $type . ': has filter on many-to-many field'); $result = $news->has('tags2', array('title = ?', 'Responsive'))->find(); $test->expect(count($result) == 2 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $result[1]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase', $type . ': has filter on many-to-many field, additional test'); $result = $tag->has('news', array('title = ?', 'Responsive Images'))->find(); $test->expect(count($result) == 2 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $result[1]['title'] == 'Responsive', $type . ': has filter on many-to-many field, inverse'); // add another tag $news->load(array('title = ?', 'Touchable Interfaces')); $news->tags2 = array($tagIDs[1]); $news->save(); $news->reset(); $tag->has('news', array('text LIKE ? and title LIKE ?', '%Lorem%', '%Interface%')); $result = $tag->find(); $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive', $type . ': has filter with multiple conditions'); $news->has('tags2', array('title = ? OR title = ?', 'Usability', 'Web Design')); $result = $news->afind(array('text = ?', 'Lorem Ipsun')); $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images', $type . ': find with condition and has filter'); $news->load(array('title = ?', 'Responsive Images')); $news->author = $authorIDs[1]; $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->has('tags2', array('title = ? OR title = ?', 'Usability', 'Web Design')); $news->has('author', array('name = ?', 'Ridley Scott')); $result = $news->afind(); $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images', $type . ': find with multiple has filters on different relations'); // add another news to author 2 $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $newsIDs[2])); $news->author = $authorIDs[1]; $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->has('author', array('name = ?', 'Ridley Scott')); $news->load(); $res = array(); while (!$news->dry()) { $res[] = $news->title; $news->next(); } $test->expect(count($res) == 2 && $res[0] == 'Responsive Images' && $res[1] == 'Touchable Interfaces', $type . ': has filter in load context'); $news->reset(); $news->fields(array('title')); $news->load(); $test->expect(!empty($news->title) && empty($news->author) && empty($news->text) && empty($news->tags) && empty($news->tags2), $type . ': use a whitelist to restrict fields'); unset($news); $news = new \NewsModel(); $news->fields(array('title', 'tags', 'tags2', 'author'), true); $news->load(); $test->expect(empty($news->title) && empty($news->author) && !empty($news->text) && empty($news->tags) && empty($news->tags2), $type . ': use a blacklist to restrict fields'); unset($news); $news = new \NewsModel(); $news->fields(array('tags.title')); $news->load(); $test->expect(!empty($news->tags[0]->title) && empty($news->tags[0]->news), $type . ': set restricted fields to related mappers'); $news->filter('tags2', null, array('order' => 'title ASC')); $news->load(array('title = ?', 'Responsive Images')); $test->expect($news->tags2[0]->title == 'Responsive' && $news->tags2[1]->title == 'Web Design', $type . ': filter with sorting of related records'); // get all tags sorted by their usage in news articles $tag->reset(); $tag->countRel('news'); $result = $tag->find(null, array('order' => 'count_news DESC, title'))->castAll(0); $test->expect($result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive' && $result[0]['count_news'] == 3 && $result[1]['title'] == 'Usability' && $result[1]['count_news'] == 1 && $result[2]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $result[2]['count_news'] == 1, $type . ': count and sort on many-to-many relation'); // get all authors sorted by the amount of news they have written $author->reset(); $author->countRel('news'); $result = $author->find(null, array('order' => 'count_news DESC'))->castAll(0); $test->expect($result[0]['name'] == 'Ridley Scott' && $result[0]['count_news'] == 2 && $result[1]['name'] == 'Johnny English' && $result[1]['count_news'] == 1 && $result[2]['name'] == 'James T. Kirk' && $result[2]['count_news'] == null, $type . ': count and sort on one-to-many relation'); $tag->reset(); $tag->countRel('news'); $result = $tag->find(null, array('order' => 'count_news DESC, title DESC', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 1))->castAll(0); $test->expect($result[0]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $result[0]['count_news'] == 1, $type . ': apply limit and offset on aggregated collection'); $author->reset(); $author->countRel('news'); $author->has('news', array('text like ?', '%Lorem%')); $result = $author->find()->castAll(0); $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['name'] == 'Ridley Scott' && $result[0]['count_news'] == 2, $type . ': has-filter and 1:M relation counter'); $author->reset(); $id = $author->load()->next()->_id; $tag->reset(); $tag->countRel('news'); $tag->has('news', array('author = ?', $id)); $result = $tag->find(null, array('order' => 'count_news desc'))->castAll(0); $test->expect(count($result) == 2 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive' && $result[0]['count_news'] == 3 && $result[1]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $result[1]['count_news'] == 1, $type . ': has-filter and M:M relation counter'); /////////////////////////////////// return $test->results(); }
/** * Upgrades a Version 23 version of the Yioop! database to a Version 24 version * @param object $db datasource to use to upgrade */ function upgradeDatabaseVersion24(&$db) { /** Get base class for profile_model.php*/ require_once BASE_DIR . "/models/model.php"; /** For ProfileModel::createDatabaseTables method */ require_once BASE_DIR . "/models/profile_model.php"; $db->execute("DELETE FROM VERSION WHERE ID < 23"); $db->execute("UPDATE VERSION SET ID=24 WHERE ID=23"); $profile_model = new ProfileModel(DB_NAME, false); $profile_model->db = $db; $dbinfo = array("DBMS" => DBMS, "DB_HOST" => DB_HOST, "DB_USER" => DB_USER, "DB_PASSWORD" => DB_PASSWORD, "DB_NAME" => DB_NAME); $profile_model->initializeSql($db, $dbinfo); foreach ($profile_model->create_statements as $object_name => $statement) { if (stristr($object_name, "_INDEX")) { if (!$db->execute($statement)) { echo $statement . " ERROR!"; exit; } } else { if (!$db->execute("ALTER TABLE {$object_name} RENAME TO " . $object_name . "_OLD")) { echo "RENAME {$object_name} ERROR!"; exit; } if (!$db->execute($statement)) { echo $statement . " ERROR!"; exit; } DatasourceManager::copyTable($object_name . "_OLD", $db, $object_name, $db); $db->execute("DROP TABLE " . $object_name . "_OLD"); } } }
public function load() { parent::load(); $this->isAdmin = $this->data['player_type'] == PLAYERTYPE_ADMIN; $uid = isset($_GET['uid']) && 0 < intval($_GET['uid']) ? intval($_GET['uid']) : $this->player->playerId; if ($this->isAdmin && isset($_GET['spy']) && 0 < $uid && $uid != $this->player->playerId) { $gameStatus = $this->player->gameStatus; $previd = $this->player->playerId; $this->player = new Player(); $this->player->playerId = $uid; $this->player->prevPlayerId = $previd; $this->player->isAgent = FALSE; $this->player->isSpy = TRUE; $this->player->gameStatus = $gameStatus; $this->player->save(); $this->redirect("village1.php"); } else { $this->selectedTabIndex = 0; $this->fullView = FALSE; $m = new ProfileModel(); if ($uid != $this->player->playerId) { $this->profileData = $m->getPlayerDataById($uid); $this->villagesCount = sizeof(explode(",", $this->profileData['villages_id'])); $this->villages = $m->getVillagesSummary($this->profileData['villages_id']); if ($this->profileData == NULL) { $m->dispose(); $this->redirect("village1.php"); } } else { $this->profileData = $this->data; $this->protectiontime = $m->getPlayerDataById($uid); $this->profileData['id'] = $uid; $this->fullView = !$this->player->isAgent; $this->selectedTabIndex = !$this->player->isAgent && isset($_GET['t']) && is_numeric($_GET['t']) && 0 <= intval($_GET['t']) && intval($_GET['t']) <= 4 ? intval($_GET['t']) : 0; if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 4 && $this->data['player_type'] == PLAYERTYPE_TATAR) { $this->selectedTabIndex = 0; } $agentForPlayers = trim($this->profileData['agent_for_players']) == "" ? array() : explode(",", $this->profileData['agent_for_players']); foreach ($agentForPlayers as $agent) { $agentName = explode(" ", $agent); $agentId = explode(" ", $agent); list($agentId, $agentName) = $agentId; $this->agentForPlayers[$agentId] = $agentName; } $myAgentPlayers = trim($this->profileData['my_agent_players']) == "" ? array() : explode(",", $this->profileData['my_agent_players']); foreach ($myAgentPlayers as $agent) { $agentName = explode(" ", $agent); $agentId = explode(" ", $agent); list($agentId, $agentName) = $agentId; $this->myAgentPlayers[$agentId] = $agentName; } $this->profileData['rank'] = $m->getPlayerRank($uid, $this->profileData['total_people_count'] * 10 + $this->profileData['villages_count']); if ($this->isPost()) { if ($this->fullView && isset($_POST['e'])) { switch ($_POST['e']) { case 1: if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) { $exe = explode(".", $_FILES['avatar']['name']); $EXT = end($exe); $array = array("GIF", "SWF", "BMP", "TIFF", "JPG", "PNG", "JEPG"); if (in_array(strtoupper($EXT), $array)) { $i = time(); $avatar = $i . "." . $EXT; $test = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], ROOT_PATH . "avatar/" . $avatar); if ($test) { if ($_POST['oldavatar'] != "") { @unlink(@$_POST['oldavatar']); } } else { $avatar = $_POST['oldavatar']; } } else { $avatar = $_POST['oldavatar']; } } else { $avatar = $_POST['oldavatar']; } $avatar = empty($avatar) ? "/assets/default/img/q/l6.jpg" : "/avatar/" . $avatar; $_y_ = isset($_POST['jahr']) && 1930 <= intval($_POST['jahr']) && intval($_POST['jahr']) <= 2005 ? intval($_POST['jahr']) : ""; $_m_ = isset($_POST['monat']) && 1 <= intval($_POST['monat']) && intval($_POST['monat']) <= 12 ? intval($_POST['monat']) : ""; $_d_ = isset($_POST['tag']) && 1 <= intval($_POST['tag']) && intval($_POST['tag']) <= 31 ? intval($_POST['tag']) : ""; $newData = array("gender" => 0 <= intval($_POST['mw']) && intval($_POST['mw']) <= 2 ? intval($_POST['mw']) : 0, "house_name" => isset($_POST['ort']) ? $_POST['ort'] : "", "village_name" => isset($_POST['dname']) ? $_POST['dname'] : "", "avatar" => htmlspecialchars($avatar), "description1" => isset($_POST['be1']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['be1']) : "", "description2" => isset($_POST['be2']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['be2']) : "", "birthData" => $_y_ . "-" . $_m_ . "-" . $_d_, "villages" => $this->data['villages_data']); $m->editPlayerProfile($this->player->playerId, $newData); $m->dispose(); $this->redirect("profile.php"); return; case 2: if (isset($_POST['pw1'], $_POST['pw2']) && isset($_POST['pw3']) && $_POST['pw2'] == $_POST['pw3'] && 4 <= strlen($_POST['pw2']) && strtolower($this->profileData['pwd']) == strtolower(md5($_POST['pw1']))) { $m->changePlayerPassword($this->player->playerId, md5($_POST['pw2'])); } if (isset($_POST['email_alt'], $_POST['email_neu']) && strtolower($this->profileData['email']) == strtolower($_POST['email_alt']) && preg_match("/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+\$/", $_POST['email_neu'])) { $m->changePlayerEmail($this->player->playerId, $_POST['email_neu']); } break; case 3: if (isset($_POST['v1']) && trim($_POST['v1']) != "" && sizeof($this->myAgentPlayers) < 2) { $aid = $m->getPlayerIdByName($_POST['v1']); if (0 < intval($aid) && $aid != $this->player->playerId && !isset($this->myAgentPlayers[$aid])) { $_agentsFor = $m->getPlayerAgentForById(intval($aid)); if (1 < sizeof(explode(",", $_agentsFor))) { $this->errorText = profile_setagent_err_msg; } else { $this->myAgentPlayers[$aid] = $_POST['v1']; $m->setMyAgents($this->player->playerId, $this->data['name'], $this->myAgentPlayers, $aid); } } } break; case 4: if (isset($_POST['del']) && $_POST['del'] == 1 && strtolower($this->profileData['pwd']) == strtolower(md5($_POST['del_pw'])) && !$this->isPlayerInDeletionProgress() && !$this->isGameTransientStopped() && !$this->isGameOver()) { $this->queueModel->addTask(new QueueTask(QS_ACCOUNT_DELETE, $this->player->playerId, 259200)); } } } } else { if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 3) { if (isset($_GET['aid']) && 0 < intval($_GET['aid'])) { $aid = intval($_GET['aid']); if (isset($this->myAgentPlayers[$aid])) { unset($this->myAgentPlayers[$aid]); $m->removeMyAgents($this->player->playerId, $this->myAgentPlayers, $aid); } } else { if (isset($_GET['afid']) && 0 < intval($_GET['afid'])) { $aid = intval($_GET['afid']); if (isset($this->agentForPlayers[$aid])) { unset($this->agentForPlayers[$aid]); $m->removeAgentsFor($this->player->playerId, $this->agentForPlayers, $aid); } } } } else { if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 4 && isset($_GET['qid']) && 0 < intval($_GET['qid'])) { $this->queueModel->cancelTask($this->player->playerId, intval($_GET['qid'])); } } } if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 0) { $this->villagesCount = sizeof(explode(",", $this->profileData['villages_id'])); $this->villages = $m->getVillagesSummary($this->profileData['villages_id']); } else { if ($this->selectedTabIndex == 1) { $birth_date = $this->profileData['birth_date']; if (!$birth_date) { $birth_date = "0-0-0"; } $day = explode("-", $birth_date); $month = explode("-", $birth_date); $year = explode("-", $birth_date); list($year, $month, $day) = $year; $this->birthDate = array("year" => $year, "month" => $month, "day" => $day); } } $m->dispose(); } } }
public static function getAllDJProfiles() { $response = json_encode(ProfileModel::getAllDJProfiles()); echo $response; die; }
public static function start() { // Include model incFile('modules/profile/system/Model.php'); incFile('../mail/class.phpmailer.php'); // Connect to DB $model = new ProfileModel(); if (getSession('user')) { $id = getSession('user'); } else { $id = getCookie('user'); setSession('user', $id, false); } // $id = (getSession('user')) ? getSession('user') : getCookie('user') ; if ($id) { $uData = array(); // Update user $uData['controller'] = CONTROLLER; $uData['action'] = ACTION; $uData['dateLast'] = time(); $model->updateUserByID($uData, $id); // Get data user Request::setParam('user', $model->getUserByID($id)); // Count new message Request::setParam('countMsg', $model->countMsg($id)); // Count new message Request::setParam('countRequests', $model->countRequests($id)); // Count challenges Request::setParam('countChallenges', $model->countChallengesList($id)); } else { $gip = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); // Null Request::setParam('user', null); // Guest Request::setParam('guest', $model->getGuestByIP($gip)); // Role Request::setRole('guest'); /* // Language if (CONTROLLER == 'page' && ACTION == 'lang') { if (Request::getUri(0) == 'ru' OR Request::getUri(0) == 'en') setMyCookie('lang', Request::getUri(0), time() + 365 * 86400); } $lang = getCookie('lang'); if ($lang == 'ru' OR $lang == 'en') Lang::setLanguage($lang); else Lang::setLanguage(); */ if (Request::getParam('guest')->id) { $gData['count'] = Request::getParam('guest')->count + 1; $gData['time'] = time(); $model->update('guests', $gData, "`id` = '" . Request::getParam('guest')->id . "' LIMIT 1"); } else { $gData['ip'] = $gip; $gData['browser'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $gData['referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $gData['count'] = 1; $gData['time'] = time(); $model->insert('guests', $gData); } } // Count users online Request::setParam('countUsersOnline', $model->countUsersOnline()); // Count guests online Request::setParam('countGuestsOnline', $model->countGuestsOnline()); }
<?php require_once "models/ProfileModel.php"; @session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['email'])) { $pm = new ProfileModel(); $picture = $pm->getPicture($_SESSION['email']); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); echo $picture; }
public function inviteall_follower() { $follower_ids = Input::get("follower_list"); $contest_id = Input::get("contest_id"); $follower_ids = explode(',', $follower_ids); $followercount = count($follower_ids); $curdate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $contest_det = contestModel::where("ID", $contest_id)->first(); if (Auth::user()->firstname != '') { $inviter = Auth::user()->firstname . " " . Auth::user()->lastname; } else { $inviter = Auth::user()->username; } if ($contest_det['contesttype'] == "p") { $contesttype = "Photo"; } else { if ($contest_det['contesttype'] == "v") { $contesttype = "Video"; } else { if ($contest_det['contesttype'] == "t") { $contesttype = "Topic"; } } } $contestname = $contest_det['contest_name']; if ($followercount > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $followercount; $i++) { $invited = invitefollowerforcontestModel::where('follower_id', $follower_ids[$i])->where('contest_id', $contest_id)->count(); if ($invited == 0) { $input_details['follower_id'] = $follower_ids[$i]; $input_details['contest_id'] = $contest_id; $input_details['invitedate'] = $curdate; invitefollowerforcontestModel::create($input_details); $invited_member = privateusercontestModel::where("contest_id", $contest_id)->where('user_id', $follower_ids[$i])->count(); if ($contest_det['visibility'] == "p" && $invited_member == 0) { $privat_user['user_id'] = $follower_ids[$i]; $privat_user['contest_id'] = $contest_id; $privat_user['requesteddate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $privat_user['status'] = 1; privateusercontestModel::create($privat_user); } if ($invited_member == 0) { $user = ProfileModel::where('ID', $followerid)->first(); if ($user['firstname'] != '') { $name = $user['firstname'] . ' ' . $user['lastname']; } else { $name = $user['username']; } $email = $user['email']; $this->invitefollowerforcontestmail($name, $email, $inviter, $contesttype, $contestname, $contest_id); } } } return 1; } else { return 0; } }
} ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="tab-body-2" class="tab-body"> <form id="editprofile" name="edit_profile_update" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="{{ URL::to('/adduser') }}" method="post" class="form_mid"> @if(isset($Message)) <p class="alert" style="color:green;padding:5px;text-align:center;font-size:13px">{{ $Message }}</p> @endif <?php $user_id = Auth::user()->ID; $profileData = ProfileModel::where('ID', $user_id)->first(); $interestList = InterestCategoryModel::lists('Interest_name', 'Interest_id'); $userInterest = InterestCategoryModel::lists('Interest_name', 'Interest_id'); //$userInterest=userinterestModel::where('user_id',$user_id)->lists('interest_id'); $timezoneList = timezoneDBModel::lists('timezonename', 'timezonevalue'); if (Session::has('er_data')) { $er_data = Session::get('er_data'); } if (Session::has('old_data')) { $old_data = Session::get('old_data'); } ?> <div class="loginform loginbox mar1"> <legend class="radius"><div class="leg_head"><span id="txt_logininfo">Login Info</span></div>
/** * getShowDJs * * @param \WP_Post $post * @static * @access private * @return void */ private static function getShowDJs(\WP_Post $post) { $djs = array(); $showDJs = unserialize(self::getMetaData($post->ID, '_wpspin_show_djs')); foreach ($showDJs as $dj) { $djs[] = ProfileModel::getDJInfo($dj['UserID']); } return $djs; }
<?php $pageLocalModel = new ProfileModel(); $stamina = 0; $uid = Request::getParam('user')->id; $pageLocalModel->checkStamina($uid); $stamina = $pageLocalModel->getStamina($uid); $staminaMax = $pageLocalModel->getStaminaMax($uid); $staminaPercent = $stamina * 100 / $staminaMax; $staminaPercent = $staminaPercent < 0 ? 0 : $staminaPercent; ?> <a href="{URL:/main}"><div class="logo"></div></a> <?php if (Request::getParam('user')->id) { echo '<div class="profile_bar">'; echo '<div class="nav_profile">'; echo '<img class="avatar" src="' . getAvatar(Request::getParam('user')->id) . '" alt="Avatar" />'; echo '<div class="nav_profile_name"><a href="' . url(Request::getParam('user')->id) . '">' . Request::getParam('user')->nickname . '</a></div>'; echo '<div class="stamina-bar"><div class="full" style="width:' . $staminaPercent . '%"></div></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<ul class="nav_personal">'; echo '<li class="friends-icon"><a href="' . url('friends') . '" title="{L:FRIENDS}">' . (Request::getParam('countRequests') > 0 ? '(+' . Request::getParam('countRequests') . ')' : '') . '</a></li>'; echo '<li class="mail-icon"><a href="' . url('mail') . '" title="{L:MAIL}">' . (Request::getParam('countMsg') > 0 ? '(+' . Request::getParam('countMsg') . ')' : '') . '</a></li>'; echo '<li class="settings-icon"><a href="' . url('settings') . '" title="{L:SETTINGS}"></a></li>'; echo '<li class="exit-icon"><a href="' . url('profile', 'exit') . '" title="{L:EXIT}"></a></li>'; echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="nav_menu">'; if (Request::getRole() == 'moder' or Request::getRole() == 'admin') { echo '<a class="admin-panel" href="{URL:admin}">{L:ADMIN_PANEL}</a>';
function run($db, $type) { $test = new \Test(); // clear existing data \AuthorModel::setdown(); \TagModel::setdown(); \NewsModel::setdown(); \ProfileModel::setdown(); // setup models \AuthorModel::setup(); \TagModel::setup(); \NewsModel::setup(); \ProfileModel::setup(); // setup Author /////////////////////////////////// $author_id = array(); $author = new \AuthorModel(); $ac = $author::resolveConfiguration(); $author_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $ac['primary'] : '_id'; $author->name = 'Johnny English'; $author->save(); $author_id[] = $author->_id; $author->reset(); $author->name = 'Ridley Scott'; $author->save(); $author_id[] = $author->_id; $author->reset(); $author->name = 'James T. Kirk'; $author->save(); $author_id[] = $author->_id; $author->reset(); $allauthors = $author->find()->castAll(); $allauthors = $this->getResult($allauthors); $test->expect(json_encode($allauthors) == '[{"name":"Johnny English"},{"name":"Ridley Scott"},{"name":"James T. Kirk"}]', $type . ': all AuthorModel items created'); // setup Tags /////////////////////////////////// $tag_id = array(); $tag = new \TagModel(); $tc = $tag::resolveConfiguration(); $tag_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $tc['primary'] : '_id'; $tag->title = 'Web Design'; $tag->save(); $tag_id[] = $tag->_id; $tag->reset(); $tag->title = 'Responsive'; $tag->save(); $tag_id[] = $tag->_id; $tag->reset(); $tag->title = 'Usability'; $tag->save(); $tag_id[] = $tag->_id; $tag->reset(); $allTags = $this->getResult($tag->find()); $test->expect(json_encode($allTags) == '[{"title":"Web Design"},{"title":"Responsive"},{"title":"Usability"}]', $type . ': all TagModel items created'); // setup News /////////////////////////////////// $news_id = array(); $news = new \NewsModel(); $nc = $news::resolveConfiguration(); $news_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $nc['primary'] : '_id'; $news->title = 'Responsive Images'; $news->text = 'Lorem Ipsun'; $news->save(); $news_id[] = $news->_id; $news->reset(); $news->title = 'CSS3 Showcase'; $news->text = 'News Text 2'; $news->save(); $news_id[] = $news->_id; $news->reset(); $news->title = 'Touchable Interfaces'; $news->text = 'Lorem Foo'; $news->save(); $news_id[] = $news->_id; $news->reset(); $allnews = $this->getResult($news->find(null, array('order' => 'title'))); $test->expect(count($allnews) == 3 && $allnews[0]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase' && $allnews[1]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $allnews[2]['title'] == 'Touchable Interfaces', $type . ': all NewsModel items created'); // belongs-to author relation /////////////////////////////////// $author->load(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $news->author = $author; $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $test->expect($news->author->name == 'Johnny English', $type . ': belongs-to-one: author relation created'); $news->author = NULL; $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $test->expect(empty($news->author), $type . ': belongs-to-one: author relation released'); $news->author = $author->_id; $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $test->expect($news->author->name == 'Johnny English', $type . ': belongs-to-one: relation created by raw id'); // belongs-to-many tag relation /////////////////////////////////// $tag1 = new \TagModel(); $tag1->load(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[0])); $tag2 = new \TagModel(); $tag2->load(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[1])); $news->tags = array($tag1, $tag2); $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $test->expect($news->tags[0]->title == 'Web Design' && $news->tags[1]->title == 'Responsive', $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations created with array of mapper objects'); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1])); $news->tags = array($tag_id[1], $tag_id[2]); $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1])); $test->expect(count($news->tags) == 2 && $news->tags[0]->title == 'Responsive' && $news->tags[1]->title == 'Usability', $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations created with array of IDs'); $news->tags = null; $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1])); $test->expect(empty($news->tags), $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations released'); $tag->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1])); $news->tags = $tag->load(array($tag_pk . ' != ?', $tag_id[0])); $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1])); $test->expect($news->tags[0]->title == 'Responsive' && $news->tags[1]->title == 'Usability', $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations created with hydrated mapper'); $news->reset(); $tag->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[2])); $news->tags = $tag_id[0] . ';' . $tag_id[2]; $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[2])); $test->expect($news->tags[0]->title == 'Web Design' && $news->tags[1]->title == 'Usability', $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations created with split-able string'); $test->expect(is_object($news->tags) && $news->tags instanceof \DB\CortexCollection, $type . ': belongs-to-many: result is collection'); // has-one relation /////////////////////////////////// $profile = new ProfileModel(); $pc = $profile::resolveConfiguration(); $profile_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $pc['primary'] : '_id'; $profile->message = 'Hello World'; $profile->author = $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[0])); $profile->save(); $profile_id = $profile->_id; $profile->reset(); $author->reset(); $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[0])); $profile->load(array($profile_pk . ' = ?', $profile_id)); $test->expect($author->profile->message == 'Hello World' && $profile->author->name == "Johnny English", $type . ': has-one: relation assigned'); $profile->reset(); $profile->message = 'I\'m feeling lucky'; $profile->image = 'lolcat.jpg'; $author->reset(); $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[1])); $author->profile = $profile; $author->save(); $profile->reset(); $author->reset(); $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[1])); $test->expect($author->profile->message == 'I\'m feeling lucky', $type . ': has-one: inverse relation'); // has-many relation /////////////////////////////////// $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[0])); $result = $this->getResult($author->news); $test->expect($result[0]['title'] == "Responsive Images" && $result[0]['tags'][0]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $result[0]['tags'][1]['title'] == 'Responsive', $type . ': has-many inverse relation'); // many to many relation /////////////////////////////////// $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $news->tags2 = array($tag_id[0], $tag_id[1]); $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $test->expect($news->tags2[0]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $news->tags2[1]['title'] == 'Responsive', $type . ': many-to-many relation created'); $test->expect(is_object($news->tags2) && $news->tags2 instanceof \DB\CortexCollection, $type . ': many-to-many: result is collection'); $tag3 = $tag->load(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[2])); $news->tags2[] = $tag3; $news->save(); $a = count($news->tags2); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $test->expect(count($news->tags2) == 3 && $a == 3, $type . ': many-to-many relation added implicitly'); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $news->tags2 = NULL; $news->save(); $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $test->expect(is_null($news->tags2), $type . ': many-to-many relation released'); $news->reset(); $news->title = 'Can it run Crysis?'; $news->text = 'XOXO'; $news->tags2 = array($tag_id[0]); $news->save(); $news_id[] = $news->_id; $news->reset(); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[3])); $a = count($news->tags2); $tag1 = $tag->find(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[0])); $b = count($tag1[0]->news); $c = $tag1[0]->news[0]->title == 'Can it run Crysis?'; $news->erase(); $tag1 = $tag->find(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[0])); $d = count($tag1[0]->news); $test->expect($a == 1 && $b == 1 && $c && $d == 0, $type . ': many-to-many relation cleaned by erase cascade'); $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0])); $all = $news->find(); $test->expect($all[1]->tags2 === NULL && $all[2]->author === NULL, $type . ': empty relations are NULL'); $arr = $news->cast(); $test->expect(is_array($arr['tags']), $type . ': collection becomes array in casted model'); if ($type == 'mongo') { $test->expect(is_string($arr['_id']), $type . ': id becomes string in casted model'); } /////////////////////////////////// return $test->results(); }
function loadInitialData() { $res = new xajaxResponse(); $regionSelect = "<select disabled=\"disabled\"><option>Select Value ...</option></select>\n"; $apcodeSelect = "<select disabled=\"disabled\"><option>Select Value ...</option></select>\n"; //if no default Profile is set in the SESSION we only need to load the Countrys if (!isset($_SESSION['defaultProfile'])) { $depSelect = getCountrySelect("dep_country", "Select Value ..."); $res->addAssign("dep_country", "innerHTML", $depSelect); $res->addAssign("dep_region", "innerHTML", $regionSelect); $res->addAssign("dep_apcode", "innerHTML", $apcodeSelect); } else { // Load the airport information from the profile and set all // relevant selects of the departure airport to that values $pm = new ProfileModel(); try { $airportInfos = $pm->getAirportInfoByEmail($_SESSION['defaultProfile']); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == 6) { $res2 = new xajaxResponse(); $res2->addAssign("contentView", "innerHTML", $e->getMessage()); return $res2; } } unset($pm); $depCountrySelect = getCountrySelect("dep_country", $airportInfos[0]['country']); $depRegionSelect = getRegionSelect("dep_region", $airportInfos[0]['ccode'], $airportInfos[0]['region']); $depApCodeSelect = getApCodeSelect("dep_apcode", $airportInfos[0]['ccode'], $airportInfos[0]['region'], $airportInfos[0]['iatacode']); $res->addAssign("dep_country", "innerHTML", $depCountrySelect); $res->addAssign("dep_region", "innerHTML", $depRegionSelect); $res->addAssign("dep_apcode", "innerHTML", $depApCodeSelect); } $arvSelect = getCountrySelect("arv_country"); $res->addAssign("arv_country", "innerHTML", $arvSelect); $res->addAssign("arv_region", "innerHTML", $regionSelect); $res->addAssign("arv_apcode", "innerHTML", $apcodeSelect); //$res->addAssign("contentView","innerHTML",""); return $res; }
private function listRecentStatuses($user) { $profile = new ProfileModel($this->registry, $user); $profile->toTags('p_'); $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag('referer', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''); // post status / public message box if ($this->registry->getObject('authenticate')->isLoggedIn() == true) { if (isset($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0) { $this->addStatus($user); } $loggedInUser = $this->registry->getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->getUserID(); if ($loggedInUser == $user) { $this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('status_update', 'profile_status_update.php'); } else { require_once 'relation.php'; $relationships = new RelationsGet($this->registry); $connections = $relationships->getNetwork($user, false); if (in_array($loggedInUser, $connections)) { $this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('status_update', 'profile_status_post.php'); } else { $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag('status_update', ''); } } } else { $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag('status_update', ''); } $this->registry->getObject('template')->buildFromTemplate('header.php', 'profile_status_list.php', 'footer.php'); $updates = array(); $ids = array(); $status_ids = array(); $sql = "SELECT t.type_reference, t.type_name, s.*,pa.username as poster_user, as poster_name, i.image, v.video_id, l.URL, l.description FROM status_types t, profile p, profile pa, statuses s LEFT JOIN statuses_images i ON LEFT JOIN statuses_videos v ON LEFT JOIN statuses_links l ON WHERE t.ID=s.type AND p.user_id=s.profile AND pa.user_id=s.poster AND p.user_id=" . $user . " ORDER BY s.ID DESC LIMIT 20"; $this->registry->getObject('db')->executeQuery($sql); if ($this->registry->getObject('db')->numRows() > 0) { while ($row = $this->registry->getObject('db')->getRows()) { $updates[] = $row; $ids[$row['ID']] = $row; $status_ids[] = $row['ID']; } } require_once 'streamController.php'; $stream = new StreamController($this->registry, false); $stream->commentary($status_ids); $cache = $this->registry->getObject('db')->cacheData($updates); $this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->addTag('updates', array('DATA', $cache)); foreach ($ids as $id => $data) { $this->registry->getObject('template')->addTemplateBit('update-' . $id, 'profile_update_' . $data['type_reference'] . '.php', $data); } //var_dump($this->registry->getObject('template')->getPage()->getTags()); //var_dump($cache); }
/** * Vendor login * *@return redirect */ function postLogin() { $rules = array('email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|min:2'); $email = Input::get('email'); $password = Input::get('password'); $validator = Validator::make(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password], $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $vendorExists = ProfileModel::vendorExists($email, $password); if ($vendorExists) { Session::put('vendor_id', $vendorExists); return Redirect::to('/profile'); } else { return Redirect::to('/')->with('e_msg', 'Login credentials are incorrect.'); } } return Redirect::to('/')->with('e_msg', 'Something went wrong with the login!')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); }
public function userdelete() { $userid = $_GET['userid']; /// Comment delete ////////// $cmtcnt = commentModel::select('id')->where('userid', $userid)->get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($cmtcnt); $i++) { $replycnt = replycommentModel::where('comment_id', $cmtcnt[$i]['id'])->get()->count(); if ($replycnt) { replycommentModel::where('comment_id', $cmtcnt[$i]['id'])->delete(); } } /// REply comt delete ///// $replycmtcnt = replycommentModel::where('user_id', $userid)->get()->count(); if ($replycmtcnt) { replycommentModel::where('user_id', $userid)->delete(); } /// Contest delete///// $contestcnt = contestModel::select('ID')->where('createdby', $userid)->get(); for ($k = 0; $k < count($contestcnt); $k++) { $conpartdet = contestparticipantModel::select('ID')->where('contest_id', $contestcnt[$k]['ID'])->get(); for ($p = 0; $p < count($conpartdet); $p++) { $cmtcnt = commentModel::where('contest_participant_id', $conpartdet[$p]['ID'])->delete(); votingModel::where('contest_participant_id', $conpartdet[$p]['ID'])->delete(); } $contestintrdlet = contestinterestModel::where('contest_id', $contestcnt[$k]['ID'])->delete(); invitefollowerforcontestModel::where('contest_id', $contestcnt[$k]['ID'])->delete(); invitegroupforcontestModel::where('contest_id', $contestcnt[$k]['ID'])->delete(); leaderboardModel::where('contest_id', $contestcnt[$k]['ID'])->delete(); privateusercontestModel::where('contest_id', $contestcnt[$k]['ID'])->delete(); contestModel::where('createdby', $userid)->delete(); contestparticipantModel::where('contest_id', $contestcnt[$k]['ID'])->delete(); } ///Contestparticipant delete /////////// $contestparticipant = contestparticipantModel::where('user_id', $userid)->get(); for ($p = 0; $p < count($contestparticipant); $p++) { $cmtcnt = commentModel::where('contest_participant_id', $contestparticipant[$p]['ID'])->delete(); votingModel::where('contest_participant_id', $contestparticipant[$p]['ID'])->delete(); } ///////////////Group ////////////////// $group = groupModel::select('ID')->where('createdby', $userid)->get(); if (count($group) > 0) { groupmemberModel::where('group_id', $group[0]['ID'])->delete(); invitegroupforcontestModel::where('group_id', $group[0]['ID'])->delete(); invitememberforgroupModel::where('group_id', $group[0]['ID'])->delete(); } contestparticipantModel::where('user_id', $userid)->delete(); followModel::where('userid', $userid)->delete(); followModel::where('followerid', $userid)->delete(); userinterestModel::where('user_id', $userid)->delete(); votingModel::where('user_id', $userid)->delete(); invitememberforgroupModel::where('user_id', $userid)->delete(); groupmemberModel::where('user_id', $userid)->delete(); ProfileModel::where('ID', $userid)->delete(); $er_data['message'] = 'User details deleted successfully'; return Redirect::to('user')->with('er_data', $er_data); }
<?php $model = new ProfileModel(); ?> <style scoped> .start-battle-button button{ display: inline-block; border: none; background: #a1192a; color: #cecaca; padding: 15px 30px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; font-size: 16px; font-family: Novecentosanswide-Bold, sans-serif; margin: 10px 0 0 0; } .neve{ font-family: Novecentosanswide-Bold, sans-serif; } .start-battle-button button:hover{ background: #e63a19; } .start-battle-button{ text-align: center; } .ladder-top{ margin:0 0 25px 0; } </style>
public function profileupdate($data = Null) { //$data = Auth::user()->ID; $editid = $data; $GeneralData = Input::except(array('_token', 'status', 'pagename', 'profilepicture', 'profileimgedithidden', 'interest', 'update_profile')); $newimg = Input::file('profilepicture'); if ($newimg != '') { $destinationPath = 'public/assets/upload/profile'; $filename = Input::file('profilepicture')->getClientOriginalName(); $Image = str_random(8) . '_' . $filename; $GeneralData['profilepicture'] = $Image; $uploadSuccess = Input::file('profilepicture')->move($destinationPath, $Image); } $interest = Input::get('interest'); $interest_length = sizeof(Input::get('interest')); if ($interest_length > 0) { userinterestModel::whereNotIn('interest_id', $interest)->where('user_id', '=', $data)->delete(); for ($i = 0; $i < $interest_length; $i++) { $interes['user_id'] = $data; $interes['interest_id'] = $interest[$i]; $userInterest = userinterestModel::where('user_id', $data)->where('interest_id', $interest[$i])->lists('interest_id'); if (count($userInterest) < 1) { userinterestModel::create($interes); } unset($interes); } } else { userinterestModel::where('user_id', '=', $data)->delete(); } $cur_date = date('Y-m-d'); $updaterules = array('username' => 'required|unique:user,username,' . $data, 'password' => 'confirmed|min:5', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:user,email,' . $data, 'dateofbirth' => 'required', 'timezone' => 'required|min:2'); $validation = Validator::make($GeneralData, $updaterules); $newpassword = Input::get('password'); if ($newpassword != "") { $GeneralData['password'] = Hash::make(Input::get('password')); } else { unset($GeneralData["password"]); } unset($GeneralData["password_confirmation"]); $updatedata = $GeneralData; $lantyp = Session::get('language'); if ($lantyp == "") { $lantyp = "value_en"; } if (!isset($updatedata['maritalstatus'])) { $updatedata['maritalstatus'] = 0; } if ($validation->passes()) { $affectedRows = ProfileModel::where('ID', $data)->update($updatedata); $lantyp = Session::get('language'); $labelname = ['txt_user_update_msg']; $languageDetails = languageModel::select($lantyp)->whereIn('ctrlCaptionId', $labelname)->get()->toArray(); $user_id = $data; $profileData = ProfileModel::where('ID', $user_id)->first(); $interestList = InterestCategoryModel::lists('Interest_name', 'Interest_id'); $userInterest = userinterestModel::where('user_id', $user_id)->lists('interest_id'); $er_data['Message'] = "<span id='txt_user_update_msg'>" . $languageDetails[0][$lantyp] . "</span>"; return Redirect::to('/edit_profile/' . $data)->with('er_data', $er_data)->with('user_id', $user_id); } else { $languageDetails = languageModel::select($lantyp, 'ctrlCaptionId')->whereIn('value_en', [$validation->messages()->first('username'), $validation->messages()->first('password'), $validation->messages()->first('email'), $validation->messages()->first('dateofbirth'), $validation->messages()->first('timezone')])->get()->toArray(); foreach ($languageDetails as $key => $val) { if (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enterusername', 'alert_alreadyuser'])) { $er_data['username'] = "******" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } elseif (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enterpassword', 'alert_minpass5', 'alert_passconfnotmatch'])) { $er_data['password'] = "******" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } elseif (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enteremail', 'alert_validemail', 'alertr_emailalready'])) { $er_data['email'] = "<span id='" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } elseif (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['alert_enterdob'])) { $er_data['dateofbirth'] = "<span id='" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>" . $val[$lantyp] . "</span>"; } elseif (in_array($val['ctrlCaptionId'], ['txt_timezone_required'])) { $er_data['timezone'] = "<span id='" . $val['ctrlCaptionId'] . "'>Timezone is required</span>"; } } return Redirect::to('/edit_profile/' . $data)->with('er_data', $er_data)->with('old_data', $updatedata); } }
</style> <div class="discover-page-wrapper"> <h1>{L:DISCOVER_WELCOME}</h1> <h2>{L:DISCOVER_ABOUT}</h2> <div class="user-list"> <?php $userID = Request::getParam('user')->id; while ($list = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->list)) { $lastLooking = ceil((time() - $list["last_looking"]) / 60); $lastAvailable = ceil((time() - $list["dateLast"]) / 60); if ($lastLooking > 60 && $list["looking"] == 1) { $model = new ProfileModel(); $model->updateDiscoverRecord($list["id"], "`looking`=0"); } else { $model = new ProfileModel(); $matchCount = $model->checkMatchExist($userID, $list["uid"]); $text = $list["looking"] == 1 ? Lang::translate('DISCOVER_LOOKING_TEXT') . " {$list['amount']}\$ " . $lastLooking . Lang::translate('DISCOVER_MINUTES_AGO') : Lang::translate('DISCOVER_LAST_ONLINE') . $lastAvailable . Lang::translate('DISCOVER_MINUTES_AGO'); ?> <div class="player-info"> <div class="profile-img"> <a href="/<?php echo $list["uid"]; ?> "> <img src="/app/public/images/img/avatar.jpg" alt="Player photo"> </a> </div> <p class="margin-bottom-zero"> <a href="/<?php