* If you did use by now the content API for shopping,
 * migrating should be quite easy, most of the services follow a similar pattern
 * As a first step you need to authorize for the ProductsUp API.
 * Your client id and secret are provided at http://platform.productsup.com/
 * With them you can create a new client object:
$client = new Productsup\Client();
$client->id = 1234;
$client->secret = 'simsalabim';
 * This client needs to be passed to all services you create:
$siteService = new \Productsup\Service\Sites($client);
 * To import products, you need a project (group of sites) and a site for the products.
 * Once you have a ProductsUp account you also got already one project, you can find its id in the platform.
 * If you want to create a new project, please @see /examples/Service/Projects.php
 * To create a new site it id mandatory to reference the project you want to create the site for:
$project = new \Productsup\Platform\Project();
$project->id = 9697;
 * Creating the new site works like this:
 * for more information about the possible actions of sites @see /examples/Service/Sites.php
 * alternatively you could reference the site by its id in the tag object you insert
// $tag->site_id = $site->id;
$tag = $tagService->insert($tag);
echo 'your new inserted tag:' . PHP_EOL;
 * once you added a tag, sites may get also referenced by it,
 * you can now use a tag object as alternative for the id:
 * note: keys and values are only allowed to contain a-z and 0-9 as characters
$tag = new \Productsup\Platform\Tag();
$tag->key = 'myidentifier';
$tag->value = '321';
$sitesService = new \Productsup\Service\Sites($Client);
$sites = $sitesService->get($tag);
echo 'result for getting a site via its tag:' . PHP_EOL;
 * if you do have a site_id and want to know which tags are assigned to it, you can query for them like this:
$tagService = new \Productsup\Service\Tags($Client);
$tags = $tagService->get();
echo 'tags assigned to the test-site:' . PHP_EOL;
 * if you want to change an existing tag, you can simply update it:
$tagService = new \Productsup\Service\Tags($Client);
$Project->id = 9659;
$SiteList = $Sites->get();
echo 'Getting a site list for a certain project' . PHP_EOL;
 * to insert one project, you need a reference to the project
 * you can also create a new one:
// creating the project
$projectObject = new \Productsup\Platform\Project();
$projectObject->name = 'example project ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$Projects = new \Productsup\Service\Projects($Client);
$newProject = $Projects->insert($projectObject);
// create the service and reference the project
$SitesService = new \Productsup\Service\Sites($Client);
$siteObject = new \Productsup\Platform\Site();
$siteObject->title = 'new example site';
 * if you want to reference the project from now on with your identifier,
 * you can create a reference while inserting:
 * note: references have to be unique,
 * if you try to add a reference that already exists you will receive an conflict exception
$reference = new \Productsup\Platform\Site\Reference();
// perform the actual insert