Exemple #1
    $conditions = NULL;
    $conditions[] = "iffree=1";
} elseif (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'all') {
    setvar("Page", 'all');
    $conditions = NULL;
if (isset($_GET['category'])) {
    if ($_GET['category'] != 0) {
        setvar("parent_id", $_GET['category']);
        $conditions[] = "Product.category_id=" . $_GET['category'];
$conditions[] = "Product.status=1 ";
if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
    if ($_GET['p'] == 'pg-search' && trim($_GET['search']) != '') {
        $conditions[] = "Product.name like '%" . trim($_GET['search']) . "%'";
$joins = null;
if ($device_id != '') {
    $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $tb_prefix . 'productdevices d ON d.product_id=Product.id';
    //$conditions[] = "d.device_id='" . $device_id . "' ";
$amount = $product->findCount(null, $conditions, "Product.id");
$page->displaypg = 5;
$result = $product->findAll("DISTINCT Product.cache_companyname AS companyname,Product.*", $joins, $conditions, "Product.ifcommend desc,Product.id desc", $page->firstcount, $page->displaypg);
$result = $product->formatResultWap($result);
setvar("Items", $result);
setvar("ByPages", $page->getPagenav());
Exemple #2

 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2075 $
require "../libraries/common.inc.php";
require "room.share.php";
uses("trade", "product");
$product = new Products();
$trade = new Trades();
$trade_controller = new Trade();
$trade_type_names = $trade_controller->getTradeTypes();
$conditions = "member_id = " . $the_memberid;
$amount = $pdb->GetArray("select Trade.type_id as TradeTypeId,count(Trade.id) as CountTrade from " . $trade->getTable(true) . " where " . $conditions . " group by Trade.type_id");
if (is_array($amount)) {
    $stats = array();
    foreach ($amount as $val) {
        $stats[$val['TradeTypeId']] = array("Amount" => $val['CountTrade'], "name" => $trade_type_names[$val['TradeTypeId']]);
setvar("UserTradeStat", $stats);
setvar("ProductAmount", $product->findCount(null, $conditions, "Product.id"));
Exemple #3
$producttype = new Producttypes();
$attachment = new Attachment('pic');
$conditions[] = "member_id = " . $the_memberid;
setvar("Countries", $countries = cache_read("country"));
setvar("ProductSorts", $_PB_CACHE['productsort']);
setvar("ProductTypes", $producttype->findAll('id,name', null, $conditions, "id DESC"));
setvar("Productcategories", $productcategory->getTypeOptions());
$tpl_file = "product";
if (!$company->Validate($companyinfo)) {
    flash("pls_complete_company_info", "company.php", 0);
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['data']['product'])) {
        $now_product_amount = $product->findCount(null, "created>" . $today_start . " AND member_id=" . $the_memberid);
        $check_product_update = $g['product_check'];
        if ($check_product_update == 0) {
            $product->params['data']['product']['status'] = 1;
        } else {
            $product->params['data']['product']['status'] = 0;
            $message_info = 'msg_wait_check';
        if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
            $id = intval($_POST['id']);
        if (!empty($_FILES['pic']['name'])) {
            $attach_id = empty($id) ? "product-" . $the_memberid . "-" . ($product->getMaxId() + 1) : "product-" . $the_memberid . "-" . $id;
            $attachment->rename_file = $attach_id;
            $product->params['data']['product']['picture'] = $attachment->file_full_url;
Exemple #4
        if ($_GET['industryid']) {
            $conditions[] = "Product.industry_id =" . $_GET['industryid'];
        if ($_GET['provinceid']) {
            $conditions[] = "c.province_code_id =" . $_GET['provinceid'];
        if ($_GET['FromDate'] && $_GET['FromDate'] != "None" && $_GET['ToDate'] && $_GET['ToDate'] != "None") {
            $condition = "Product.created BETWEEN ";
            $condition .= Times::dateConvert($_GET['FromDate']);
            $condition .= " AND ";
            $condition .= Times::dateConvert($_GET['ToDate']);
            $conditions[] = $condition;
$amount = $product->findCount($joins, $conditions, "Product.id");
$joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {$tb_prefix}companies c ON c.id=Product.company_id";
$fields = "Product.id,Product.company_id AS CompanyID,c.id AS CID,c.name AS companyname,Product.name AS ProductName,Product.status AS ProductStatus,Product.created,Product.if_commend as Ifcommend, Product.state as ProductState,Product.picture as ProductPicture ";
$result = $product->findAll($fields, $joins, $conditions, "Product.id DESC", $page->firstcount, $page->displaypg);
if (!empty($result)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
        $result[$i]['pubdate'] = df($result[$i]['created']);
        if (!empty($result[$i]['picture'])) {
            $result[$i]['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($result[$i]['ProductPicture'], "../", "small");
setvar("Items", $result);
setvar("ByPages", $page->pagenav);
Exemple #5
$product = new Products();
$producttype = new Producttypes();
$attachment = new Attachment('pic');
$conditions[] = "member_id = " . $_SESSION['MemberID'];
setvar("ProductSorts", $_PB_CACHE['productsort']);
setvar("ProductTypes", $producttype->findAll('id,name', null, $conditions, "id DESC"));
setvar("Productcategories", $productcategory->getTypeOptions());
$tpl_file = "product";
if (empty($companyinfo)) {
    flash("pls_complete_company_info", "company.php", 0);
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['data']['product'])) {
        $now_product_amount = $product->findCount(null, "created>" . $today_start . " AND member_id=" . $_SESSION['MemberID']);
        $check_product_update = $g['product_check'];
        if ($check_product_update == 0) {
            $product->params['data']['product']['status'] = 1;
        } else {
            $product->params['data']['product']['status'] = 0;
            $message_info = 'msg_wait_check';
        if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
            $id = intval($_POST['id']);
        if (!empty($_FILES['pic']['name'])) {
            $attach_id = empty($id) ? "product-" . $_SESSION['MemberID'] . "-" . ($product->getMaxId() + 1) : "product-" . $_SESSION['MemberID'] . "-" . $id;
            $attachment->rename_file = $attach_id;
            $product->params['data']['product']['picture'] = $attachment->file_full_url;