Exemple #1
 public function process()
     if (!$this->response instanceof ActionResponse) {
     $products = $this->response->get('products');
     $parents = $variations = array();
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         if ($product['parentID']) {
             $parents[$product['parentID']] = true;
             $variations[$key] = $product;
     if (!$parents) {
     $loadedParents = array();
     foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getRecordSetArray('Product', select(in(f('Product.ID'), array_keys($parents))), array('Manufacturer', 'DefaultImage' => 'ProductImage', 'Category')) as $parent) {
         $loadedParents[$parent['ID']] = $parent;
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         if ($product['parentID']) {
             $parent = $loadedParents[$product['parentID']];
             foreach ($parent as $field => $value) {
                 if (empty($product[$field])) {
                     $product[$field] = $parent[$field];
             foreach (array('price_USD', 'price_CAD', 'formattedPrice', 'formattedListPrice') as $field) {
                 if (isset($parent[$field])) {
                     $product[$field] = $parent[$field];
             $products[$key] = $product;
     foreach ($variations as $key => $variation) {
         $vars = array();
         foreach ($variation['variationTypes'] as $type) {
             $vars[] = $type['name_lang'];
         if ($vars) {
             $products[$key]['name_lang'] .= ' (' . implode(' / ', $vars) . ')';
     $this->response->set('products', $products);
 public static function getSetlist($companyId)
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = 't.delete_flag=0 and t.dpid=' . $companyId;
     $criteria->order = ' t.lid asc ';
     $models = ProductSet::model()->findAll($criteria);
     //return CHtml::listData($models, 'lid', 'category_name','pid');
     //$options = array();
     $options = array(yii::t('app', '--请选择分类--'));
     if ($models) {
         foreach ($models as $model) {
             $options[$model->lid] = $model->set_name;
     return $options;
Exemple #3
 private function getBestsellerData($sql, $order = 'DESC')
     $q = $this->getQuery($sql);
     $f = $q->getFilter();
     $f->setOrder(new ARExpressionHandle('cnt'), $order);
     $f->setGrouping(new ARExpressionHandle('OrderedItem.productID'));
     $f->mergeCondition(new EqualsCond(new ARFieldHandle('CustomerOrder', 'isFinalized'), 1));
     $q->joinTable('CustomerOrder', 'OrderedItem', 'ID', 'customerOrderID');
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($this->values as $product) {
         $ids[$product['productID']] = $product['cnt'];
     // fetch product details
     $fields = array_flip(array('sku', 'name', 'cnt'));
     $products = ActiveRecordModel::getRecordSetArray('Product', new ARSelectFilter(new INCond(new ARFieldHandle('Product', 'ID'), array_keys($ids))), array('Parent'));
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $product['cnt'] = $ids[$product['ID']];
         if (empty($product['name'])) {
             if (!empty($product['parentID'])) {
                 $parent = Product::getInstanceByID($product['parentID'], true);
                 $product['name'] = $parent->getValueByLang('name');
             } else {
                 $product['name'] = '';
         if (isset($product['variationValues'])) {
             $product['name'] .= ' (' . implode(' / ', $product['variationValues']) . ')';
         // array_merge to put all array values in the same order
         $ids[$product['ID']] = array_merge($fields, array_intersect_key($product, $fields));
     $this->values = $ids;
 public function __construct(CustomerOrder $order, Currency $currency)
     $this->order = $order;
     // billing address
     if ($address = $order->billingAddress->get()) {
         $fields = array('firstName', 'lastName', 'companyName', 'phone', 'city', 'postalCode', 'countryID' => 'country');
         foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
             $addressField = is_numeric($key) ? $field : $key;
         $this->address->set($address->address1->get() . ' ' . $address->address2->get());
     // shipping address
     $address = $order->shippingAddress->get();
     if (!$address) {
         $address = $order->billingAddress->get();
     if ($address) {
         foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
             $addressField = is_numeric($key) ? $field : $key;
             $field = 'shipping' . ucfirst($field);
         $this->shippingAddress->set($address->address1->get() . ' ' . $address->address2->get());
     // amount
     $this->amount->set(round($order->getDueAmount(), 2));
     // transaction identification
     if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
     // customer identification
     if ($order->user->get()) {
     // order details
     // load variation data
     $variations = new ProductSet();
     foreach ($order->getShoppingCartItems() as $item) {
         if ($item->product->get() && $item->product->get()->parent->get()) {
     if ($variations->size()) {
     foreach ($order->getShoppingCartItems() as $item) {
         $product = $item->getProduct();
         $variations = array();
         foreach ($product->getRegisteredVariations() as $variation) {
             $variations[] = $variation->getValueByLang('name');
         $ri = RecurringItem::getInstanceByOrderedItem($item);
         if ($ri && $ri->isExistingRecord()) {
         } else {
             $ri = null;
         $this->addLineItem($product->getName() . ($variations ? ' (' . implode(' / ', $variations) . ')' : ''), $item->getPrice(false), $item->count->get(), $product->sku->get(), $ri);
     if ($discount = $order->getFixedDiscountAmount()) {
         $this->addLineItem(CustomerOrder::getApplication()->translate('_discount'), $discount * -1, 1, 'discount');
     foreach ($order->getShipments() as $shipment) {
         if ($rate = $shipment->getSelectedRate()) {
             $rate = $rate->toArray();
             $name = empty($rate['ShippingService']['name_lang']) ? $rate['serviceName'] : $rate['ShippingService']['name_lang'];
             $this->addLineItem($name, $shipment->getShippingTotalBeforeTax(), 1, 'shipping');
     if ($taxes = $order->getTaxBreakdown()) {
         foreach ($taxes as $id => $amount) {
             $tax = Tax::getInstanceById($id, true);
             $this->addLineItem($tax->getValueByLang('name', null), $amount, 1, 'tax');
Exemple #5
 protected function processDataArray($productArray, $displayedColumns)
     // load price data
     ProductPrice::loadPricesForRecordSetArray($productArray, false);
     // load child products
     //		if (isset($displayedColumns['Product.parentID']))
     ProductSpecification::loadSpecificationForRecordSetArray($productArray, true);
     foreach ($productArray as &$product) {
         if (!empty($product['children'])) {
             foreach ($product['children'] as &$child) {
                 if (!empty($product['attributes'])) {
                     $child['attributes'] = $product['attributes'];
                 if (!empty($product['Manufacturer'])) {
                     $child['Manufacturer'] = $product['Manufacturer'];
                 foreach (array('definedPrices', 'definedListPrices', 'price_USD', 'price_CAD', 'listPrice_USD', 'listPrice_CAD') as $key) {
                     if (!empty($product[$key])) {
                         $child[$key] = $product[$key];
                 foreach ($child as $key => $value) {
                     if (empty($value) && !empty($product[$key])) {
                         $child[$key] = $product[$key];
                 $variation = null;
                 if (!empty($child['variationValues'])) {
                     $variation = array_shift($child['variationValues']);
                 $name = $child['name'];
                 $child['URL'] = $product['URL'];
                 $child['name_lang'] = $name . ' ' . $child['sku'];
                 $child['xParent'] = $child['Parent'];
                 $child['URL'] = $this->router->createFullUrl(createProductUrl(array('product' => $child), $this->application));
                 $child['Parent'] = $child['xParent'];
                 $child['name'] = $name;
                 if ($variation) {
                     $child['name'] .= ' (' . $variation . ')';
                     $child['name_lang'] = $child['name'];
                 $child['id'] = $child['ID'];
             $product['URL'] = $this->router->createFullUrl(createProductUrl(array('product' => $product), $this->application));
             if (empty($product['ProductImage']['ID'])) {
                 if (!empty($product['children'][0]['ProductImage'])) {
                     $product['ProductImage'] = $product['children'][0]['ProductImage'];
                     $product['DefaultImage'] = $product['children'][0]['DefaultImage'];
         $product['id'] = $product['ID'];
     $defCurrency = $this->application->getDefaultCurrencyCode();
     foreach ($productArray as &$product) {
         foreach ($this->getUserGroups() as $groupID => $groupName) {
             if (isset($product['priceRules'][$defCurrency][1][$groupID])) {
                 $product['GroupPrice'][$groupID] = $product['priceRules'][$defCurrency][1][$groupID];
     return $productArray;
 protected function processDataArray($productArray, $displayedColumns)
     // load specification data
     foreach ($displayedColumns as $column => $type) {
         list($class, $field) = explode('.', $column, 2);
         if ('specField' == $class) {
             ProductSpecification::loadSpecificationForRecordSetArray($productArray, true);
     // load price data
     ProductPrice::loadPricesForRecordSetArray($productArray, false);
     // load child products
     if (isset($displayedColumns['Product.parentID'])) {
     $defCurrency = $this->application->getDefaultCurrencyCode();
     foreach ($productArray as &$product) {
         foreach ($this->getUserGroups() as $groupID => $groupName) {
             if (isset($product['priceRules'][$defCurrency][1][$groupID])) {
                 $product['GroupPrice'][$groupID] = $product['priceRules'][$defCurrency][1][$groupID];
     return $productArray;
 public function actionPrintKitchen()
     $orderId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('orderId', 0);
     $companyId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('companyId');
     $typeId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('typeId');
     $callId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('callId');
     Until::validOperate($companyId, $this);
     $db = Yii::app()->db;
     $ret = array();
     $transaction = $db->beginTransaction();
     try {
         $order = Order::model()->with('company')->find('t.lid=:id and t.dpid=:dpid', array(':id' => $orderId, ':dpid' => $companyId));
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->condition = 't.status in ("1","2","3") and t.dpid=' . $order->dpid . ' and t.site_id=' . $order->site_id . ' and t.is_temp=' . $order->is_temp;
         $criteria->order = ' t.lid desc ';
         $siteNo = SiteNo::model()->find($criteria);
         if ($siteNo->is_temp == '0') {
             $site = Site::model()->with('siteType')->find('t.lid=:lid and t.dpid=:dpid', array(':lid' => $order->site_id, ':dpid' => $order->dpid));
             $site->status = '2';
         } else {
             $site = new Site();
         $orderProducts = OrderProduct::model()->with('product')->findAll('t.order_id=:id and t.dpid=:dpid and t.delete_flag=0', array(':id' => $orderId, ':dpid' => $companyId));
         $order->order_status = '2';
         $order->callno = $callId;
         $siteNo->status = '2';
         $jobids = array();
         foreach ($orderProducts as $orderProduct) {
             $reprint = false;
             if ($orderProduct->is_print == '0') {
                 //echo $orderProduct->is_print; exit;
                 $tempprintret = Helper::printKitchen($order, $orderProduct, $site, $siteNo, $reprint);
                 //echo $tempprintret;exit;
                 array_push($jobids, $tempprintret['jobid'] . "_" . $orderProduct->lid);
                 $orderProduct->product_order_status = '1';
                 if ($orderProduct->set_id != "0000000000") {
                     $productset = ProductSet::model()->find('t.lid=:id and t.dpid=:dpid', array(':id' => $orderProduct->set_id, ':dpid' => $companyId));
                     if (!empty($productset)) {
                 $product = Product::model()->find('t.lid=:id and t.dpid=:dpid', array(':id' => $orderProduct->product_id, ':dpid' => $companyId));
                 if (!empty($product)) {
                 //                                $product=  Product::model()->find('t.lid=:id and t.dpid=:dpid' , array(':id'=>$orderProduct->product_id,':dpid'=>$companyId));
                 //                                $product->order_number++;
                 //                                $product->save();
         $store = Store::instance('wymenu');
         $store->set("kitchenjobs_" . $companyId . "_" . $orderId, json_encode($jobids), 0, 300);
         $ret = array('status' => true, 'allnum' => count($jobids), 'msg' => yii::t('app', '打印任务正常发布'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //如果操作失败, 数据回滚
         $ret = array('status' => false, 'allnum' => count($jobids), 'msg' => yii::t('app', '打印任务发布异常'));
     $this->renderPartial('printresultlist', array('orderId' => $orderId, 'ret' => $ret, 'typeId' => $typeId, 'callId' => $callId));
       $se=new Sequence("printer_job_id");
       $jobid = $se->nextval();
           "company_id"=>  $this->companyId,
       $store = Store::instance('wymenu');
       var_dump($clientId, json_encode($test_print_data));
 public function actionIndex()
     $companyId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('companyId', '0');
     $typeId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('typeId', '0');
     $siteTypes = SiteClass::getTypes($this->companyId);
     if (empty($siteTypes)) {
         $typeId = 'tempsite';
     if ($typeId != 'tempsite') {
         $typeKeys = array_keys($siteTypes);
         $typeId = array_search($typeId, $typeKeys) ? $typeId : $typeKeys[0];
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = 't.delete_flag=0 and t.dpid=' . $companyId;
     $criteria->order = ' pid,lid ';
     $categories = ProductCategory::model()->findAll($criteria);
     //                var_dump($categories);exit;
     $criteriaps = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteriaps->condition = 't.delete_flag=0 and t.dpid=' . $companyId;
     $criteriaps->with = "productsetdetail";
     $criteriaps->order = ' t.lid asc ';
     $productSets = ProductSet::model()->findAll($criteriaps);
     $setprice = array();
     foreach ($productSets as $productSet) {
         $sqlsetsum = "select sum(price * number) as tprice from nb_product_set_detail where dpid=" . $companyId . " and set_id=" . $productSet->lid . " and is_select=1 and delete_flag=0";
         $nowval = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sqlsetsum)->queryScalar();
         $setprice[$productSet->lid] = empty($nowval) ? "0.00" : $nowval;
     $criteriap = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteriap->condition = 'delete_flag=0 and t.dpid=' . $companyId;
     // and is_show=1
     $criteriap->order = ' t.category_id asc,t.lid asc ';
     $products = Product::model()->findAll($criteriap);
     $productidnameArr = array();
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $productidnameArr[$product->lid] = $product->product_name;
     $this->render('indexall', array('siteTypes' => $siteTypes, 'typeId' => $typeId, "categories" => $categories, "productSets" => $productSets, 'setprice' => $setprice, "products" => $products, "pn" => $productidnameArr));
 public function items()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $ids = explode(',', $request->get('item_ids'));
     $items = array();
     $set = new ProductSet();
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $item = ActiveRecordModel::getInstanceByID('OrderedItem', $id, OrderedItem::LOAD_DATA);
         if ($image = $item->getProduct()->defaultImage->get()) {
         $items[] = $item->toArray();
     $response = new ActionResponse('items', $items);
     // load product options and variations
     //  pp(array_keys(ProductOption::loadOptionsForProductSet($set)));
     $response->set('allOptions', ProductOption::loadOptionsForProductSet($set));
     $response->set('variations', $set->getVariationData($this->application));
     return $response;
 public function actionDetailIndex()
     $pwlid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('lid');
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->with = array('product');
     $criteria->order = 't.group_no';
     //$criteria->with = 'printer';
     $criteria->condition = 't.dpid=' . $this->companyId . ' and t.set_id=' . $pwlid . ' and t.delete_flag=0 and product.delete_flag=0';
     $criteria2 = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria2->condition = 't.dpid=' . $this->companyId . ' and t.lid=' . $pwlid . ' and t.delete_flag=0';
     $pages = new CPagination(ProductSetDetail::model()->count($criteria));
     //	    $pages->setPageSize(1);
     $models = ProductSetDetail::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $psmodel = ProductSet::model()->find($criteria2);
     // var_dump($psmodel);exit;
     $this->render('detailindex', array('models' => $models, 'psmodel' => $psmodel, 'pages' => $pages));
 public function actionIndex()
     //$sc = Yii::app()->request->getPost('csinquery');
     $typeId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('typeId');
     $categoryId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('cid', "");
     $fromId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('from', 'sidebar');
     $csinquery = Yii::app()->request->getPost('csinquery', "");
     if ($typeId == 'product') {
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->with = array('company', 'category');
         $criteria->condition = 't.delete_flag=0 and t.dpid=' . $this->companyId;
         if (!empty($categoryId)) {
             $criteria->condition .= ' and t.category_id = ' . $categoryId;
         if (!empty($csinquery)) {
             $criteria->condition .= ' and t.simple_code like "%' . strtoupper($csinquery) . '%"';
         $pages = new CPagination(Product::model()->count($criteria));
         //	    $pages->setPageSize(1);
         $models = Product::model()->findAll($criteria);
         $categories = $this->getCategories();
         $this->render('index', array('models' => $models, 'pages' => $pages, 'categories' => $categories, 'categoryId' => $categoryId, 'typeId' => $typeId));
     } else {
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->condition = 't.delete_flag=0 and t.dpid=' . $this->companyId;
         $pages = new CPagination(ProductSet::model()->count($criteria));
         $models = ProductSet::model()->findAll($criteria);
         $this->render('index', array('models' => $models, 'pages' => $pages, 'typeId' => $typeId));
     //$db = Yii::app()->db;
                         $sql = "SELECT 0 as isset,lid,dpid,product_name as name,simple_code as cs,main_picture as pic , status from nb_product where delete_flag=0 and is_show=1 and dpid=".$this->companyId
                                 . " union ".
                                 "SELECT 1 as isset,lid,dpid,set_name as name,simple_code as cs,main_picture as pic ,status from nb_product_set where delete_flag=0 and dpid=".$this->companyId
                         $sql = "SELECT 0 as isset,lid,dpid,product_name as name,simple_code as cs,main_picture as pic , status from nb_product where delete_flag=0 and is_show=1 and dpid=".$this->companyId." and simple_code like '%".$sc."%'"
                                 . " union ".
                                 "SELECT 1 as isset,lid,dpid,set_name as name,simple_code as cs,main_picture as pic ,status from nb_product_set where delete_flag=0 and dpid=".$this->companyId." and simple_code like '%".$sc."%'"
                     //$command->bindValue(":table" , $this->table);
                     $models= $command->queryAll();
                     $criteria = new CDbCriteria;
     		$pages = new CPagination(count($models));
     		//	    $pages->setPageSize(1);