Exemple #1
	 * Loads specified relational data associated with the product
	 * @since 1.1
	 * @param array $options List of data to load (prices, images, categories, tags, specs)
	 * @param array $products List of products to load data for
	 * @return void
	function load_data ($options=false,&$products=false) {
		global $Ecart;
		$db =& DB::get();

		// Load object schemas on request

		$catalogtable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Catalog::$table);

		$Dataset = array();
		if (in_array('prices',$options)) {
			$this->prices = array();
			$promotable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Promotion::$table);
			$discounttable = DatabaseObject::tablename(Discount::$table);
			$assettable = DatabaseObject::tablename(ProductDownload::$table);

			$Dataset['prices'] = new Price();
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['promos'] = "MAX(promo.status)";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['promotions'] = "group_concat(promo.name)";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['percentoff'] = "SUM(IF (promo.type='Percentage Off',promo.discount,0))";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['amountoff'] = "SUM(IF (promo.type='Amount Off',promo.discount,0))";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['freeshipping'] = "SUM(IF (promo.type='Free Shipping',1,0))";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['buyqty'] = "IF (promo.type='Buy X Get Y Free',promo.buyqty,0)";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['getqty'] = "IF (promo.type='Buy X Get Y Free',promo.getqty,0)";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['download'] = "download.id";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['filename'] = "download.name";
			$Dataset['prices']->_datatypes['filedata'] = "download.value";

		if (in_array('images',$options)) {
			$this->images = array();
			$Dataset['images'] = new ProductImage();

		if (in_array('categories',$options)) {
			$this->categories = array();
			$Dataset['categories'] = new Category();

		if (in_array('specs',$options)) {
			$this->specs = array();
			$Dataset['specs'] = new Spec();

		if (in_array('tags',$options)) {
			$this->tags = array();
			$Dataset['tags'] = new Tag();

		// Determine the maximum columns to allocate
		$maxcols = 0;
		foreach ($Dataset as $set) {
			$cols = count($set->_datatypes);
			if ($cols > $maxcols) $maxcols = $cols;

		// Prepare product list depending on single product or entire list
		$ids = array();
		if (isset($products) && is_array($products)) {
			foreach ($products as $product) $ids[] = $product->id;
		} else $ids[0] = $this->id;

		// Skip if there are no product ids
		if (empty($ids) || empty($ids[0])) return false;

		// Build the mega-query
		foreach ($Dataset as $rtype => $set) {

			// Allocate generic columns for record data
			$columns = array(); $i = 0;
			foreach ($set->_datatypes as $key => $datatype)
				$columns[] = ((strpos($datatype,'.')!==false)?"$datatype":"{$set->_table}.$key")." AS c".($i++);
			for ($i = $i; $i < $maxcols; $i++)
				$columns[] = "'' AS c$i";

			$cols = join(',',$columns);

			// Build object-specific selects and UNION them
			$where = "";
			if (isset($query)) $query .= " UNION ";
			else $query = "";
			switch($rtype) {
				case "prices":
					foreach ($ids as $id) $where .= ((!empty($where))?" OR ":"")."$set->_table.product=$id";
					$query .= "(SELECT '$set->_table' as dataset,$set->_table.product AS product,'$rtype' AS rtype,'' AS alphaorder,$set->_table.sortorder AS sortorder,$cols FROM $set->_table
								LEFT JOIN $assettable AS download ON $set->_table.id=download.parent AND download.context='price' AND download.type='download'
								LEFT JOIN $discounttable AS discount ON discount.product=$set->_table.product AND discount.price=$set->_table.id
								LEFT JOIN $promotable AS promo ON promo.id=discount.promo AND
								(promo.status='enabled' AND ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts)=1 AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends)=1)
								OR (".time()." > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts) AND ".time()." < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends))
								OR (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts)=1 AND ".time()." < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends))
								OR (".time()." > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starts) AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ends)=1) ))
								WHERE $where GROUP BY $set->_table.id)";
				case "images":
					$ordering = $Ecart->Settings->get('product_image_order');
					if (empty($ordering)) $ordering = "ASC";
					$orderby = $Ecart->Settings->get('product_image_orderby');

					$sortorder = "0";
					if ($orderby == "sortorder" || $orderby == "created") {
						if ($orderby == "created") $orderby = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created)";
						switch ($ordering) {
							case "DESC": $sortorder = "$orderby*-1"; break;
							case "RAND": $sortorder = "RAND()"; break;
							default: $sortorder = "$orderby";

					$alphaorder = "''";
					if ($orderby == "name") {
						switch ($ordering) {
							case "DESC": $alphaorder = "$orderby"; break;
							case "RAND": $alphaorder = "RAND()"; break;
							default: $alphaorder = "$orderby";

					foreach ($ids as $id) $where .= ((!empty($where))?" OR ":"")."parent=$id";
					$where = "($where) AND context='product' AND type='image'";
					$query .= "(SELECT '$set->_table' as dataset,parent AS product,'$rtype' AS rtype,$alphaorder AS alphaorder,$sortorder AS sortorder,$cols FROM $set->_table WHERE $where ORDER BY $orderby)";
				case "specs":
					foreach ($ids as $id) $where .= ((!empty($where))?" OR ":"")."parent=$id AND context='product' AND type='spec'";
					$query .= "(SELECT '$set->_table' as dataset,parent AS product,'$rtype' AS rtype,'' AS alphaorder,sortorder AS sortorder,$cols FROM $set->_table WHERE $where)";
				case "categories":
					foreach ($ids as $id) $where .= ((!empty($where))?" OR ":"")."catalog.product=$id";
					$where = "($where) AND catalog.type='category'";
					$query .= "(SELECT '$set->_table' as dataset,catalog.product AS product,'$rtype' AS rtype,$set->_table.name AS alphaorder,0 AS sortorder,$cols FROM $catalogtable AS catalog LEFT JOIN $set->_table ON catalog.parent=$set->_table.id AND catalog.type='category' WHERE $where)";
				case "tags":
					foreach ($ids as $id) $where .= ((!empty($where))?" OR ":"")."catalog.product=$id";
					$where = "($where) AND catalog.type='tag'";
					$query .= "(SELECT '$set->_table' as dataset,catalog.product AS product,'$rtype' AS rtype,$set->_table.name AS alphaorder,0 AS sortorder,$cols FROM $catalogtable AS catalog LEFT JOIN $set->_table ON catalog.parent=$set->_table.id AND type='tag' WHERE $where)";

		// Add order by columns
		$query .= " ORDER BY sortorder";
		// die($query);

		// Execute the query
		$data = $db->query($query,AS_ARRAY);

		// Process the results into specific product object data in a product set

		foreach ($data as $row) {
			if (is_array($products) && isset($products[$row->product]))
				$target = $products[$row->product];
			else $target = $this;

			$record = new stdClass(); $i = 0; $name = "";
			foreach ($Dataset[$row->rtype]->_datatypes AS $key => $datatype) {
				$column = 'c'.$i++;
				$record->{$key} = '';
				if ($key == "name") $name = $row->{$column};
				if (!empty($row->{$column})) {
					if (preg_match("/^[sibNaO](?:\:.+?\{.*\}$|\:.+;$|;$)/",$row->{$column}))
						$row->{$column} = unserialize($row->{$column});
					$record->{$key} = $row->{$column};

			if ($row->rtype == "images") {
				$image = new ProductImage();
				$name = $image->filename;
				$record = $image;

				// Reset the product's loaded images if the image was already
				// loaded from another context (like Category::load_products())
				if (isset($target->{$row->rtype}[0]) && $target->{$row->rtype}[0]->id == $image->id)
					$target->{$row->rtype} = array();

			$target->{$row->rtype}[] = $record;
			if (!empty($name)) {
				if (isset($target->{$row->rtype.'key'}[$name]))
					$target->{$row->rtype.'key'}[$name] = array($target->{$row->rtype.'key'}[$name],$record);
				else $target->{$row->rtype.'key'}[$name] = $record;

		if (is_array($products)) {
			foreach ($products as $product) if (!empty($product->prices)) $product->pricing();
		} else {
			if (!empty($this->prices)) $this->pricing($options);

	} // end load_data()
Exemple #2
	 * Interface processor for the product editor
	 * @return void
	function editor () {
		global $Ecart,$ProductImages;

		$db = DB::get();

		if ( !(is_ecart_userlevel() || current_user_can('ecart_products')) )
			wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));

		if (empty($Ecart->Product)) {
			$Product = new Product();
			$Product->status = "publish";
		} else $Product = $Ecart->Product;

		// $Product->load_data(array('images'));
		// echo "<pre>"; print_r($Product->imagesets); echo "</pre>";

		$Product->slug = apply_filters('editable_slug',$Product->slug);
		$permalink = trailingslashit(ecarturl());


		$Price = new Price();
		$priceTypes = array(
			array('value'=>'Shipped','label'=>__('Tangible Product','Ecart')),
			array('value'=>'Download','label'=>__('Digital Download','Ecart')),

		$workflows = array(
			"continue" => __('Continue Editing','Ecart'),
			"close" => __('Products Manager','Ecart'),
			"new" => __('New Product','Ecart'),
			"next" => __('Edit Next','Ecart'),
			"previous" => __('Edit Previous','Ecart')

		$taglist = array();
		foreach ($Product->tags as $tag) $taglist[] = $tag->name;

		if ($Product->id) {

			$ProductImage = new ProductImage();
			$results = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $ProductImage->_table WHERE context='product' AND parent=$Product->id AND type='image' ORDER BY sortorder",AS_ARRAY);

			$ProductImages = array();
			foreach ((array)$results as $i => $image) {
				$image->value = unserialize($image->value);
				$ProductImages[$i] = new ProductImage();

				// Load any cropped image cache
				$cropped = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $ProductImage->_table WHERE context='image' AND type='image' AND parent='$image->id' AND '2'=SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(name,'_',4),'_',-1)",AS_ARRAY);
				foreach ((array)$cropped as $c => $cache) {
					$cache->value = unserialize($cache->value);
					$CachedImage = new ProductImage();
					$ProductImages[$i]->cropped[$c] = $CachedImage;


		$shiprates = $this->Settings->get('shipping_rates');
		if (!empty($shiprates)) ksort($shiprates);

		$uploader = $Ecart->Settings->get('uploader_pref');
		if (!$uploader) $uploader = 'flash';

		$process = (!empty($Product->id)?$Product->id:'new');
		$_POST['action'] = add_query_arg(array_merge($_GET,array('page'=>$this->Admin->pagename('products'))),admin_url('admin.php'));

