Exemple #1
//This is a test case script for testing the functionality.
include 'BestBuyProcessor/BB_MinPriceCalculator.php';
include 'Product.php';
// We actually provide array of prices to _comparePricesForLeast() from E-commerce APIs.
//There will be separate code to group all prices into a single array from different API providers
$MinPriceObj = new BB_MinPriceCalculator();
$prices = array(5, 2, 3, 1, 6, 7);
$min = $MinPriceObj->_compareForLeast($prices);
echo $min;
//This is for product class functions test.
$product = new Product();
$disc = 5;
echo $product->setDiscOnMinPurchase($disc);
echo $product->getDiscOnMinPurchase();
// _hasCashBack function test..Currently this is failing but will correct soon.
$cashback = 8;
echo $product->setCashback($cashback);
echo $product->_hasCashback();
//Array of colours of product test
$array_of_color = array(5, 2, 1);
$arry = $product->getColor();
foreach ($arry as $colr) {