Exemple #1
        $updateLikeR = $sql->execute($updateLikeQ, array($upc));
    } else {
        if (!isset($update)) {
            //Update all like coded items to $upc
            $likeQuery = $sql->prepare("UPDATE products SET normal_price = ?,department = ?,tax = ?,scale=?,foodstamp=?,inUse=?, modified = ?,\n            pricemethod=?,groupprice=?,quantity=?,local=?\n                  WHERE upc IN (SELECT u.upc FROM upcLike AS u WHERE u.likeCode = ?)");
            $likeResult = $sql->execute($likeQuery, array($price, $dept, $tax, $Scale, $FS, $inUse, $modDate, $price_method, $vol_price, $vol_qtty, $local, $likeCode));
            //INSERTED HERE TO INSERT UPDATE INTO prodUpdate for likecoded items.
            $selectQ = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM upcLike WHERE likecode = ?");
            //echo $selectQ;
            $selectR = $sql->execute($selectQ, array($likeCode));
            $prodUpdate = new ProdUpdateModel($sql);
            while ($selectW = $sql->fetch_array($selectR)) {
                $upcL = $selectW['upc'];
                if ($upcL != $upc) {
                    $p_model = new ProductsModel($sql);
            $delQ = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM upcLike WHERE upc = ?");
            $delR = $sql->execute($delQ, array($upc));
            $updateLikeQ = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO upcLike VALUES(?,?)");
            $updateLikeR = $sql->execute($updateLikeQ, array($upc, $likeCode));
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><td align=right><b>UPC</b></td><td><font color='red'>" . $row[0] . "</font><input type=hidden value='{$row['0']}' name=upc></td>";
Exemple #2
     } else {
         $lc = substr($upc, 2);
         $unsaleQ = $sql->prepare("UPDATE products AS p LEFT JOIN upcLike as u on p.upc=u.upc\n                    LEFT JOIN batchList as b ON b.upc=concat('LC',convert(u.likeCode,char))\n                    set p.discounttype=0,special_price=0,start_date=0,end_date=0 \n                    WHERE u.likeCode=? and b.batchID=?");
         if ($FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS == "MSSQL") {
             $unsaleQ = $sql->prepare("update products set discounttype=0,special_price=0,start_date=0,end_date=0\n                    from products as p, batches as b, upcLike as u\n                    where u.likeCode=? and u.upc=p.upc and b.startdate=p.start_date and b.enddate=p.end_date\n                    and b.batchID=?");
         $unsaleR = $sql->execute($unsaleQ, array($lc, $id));
         $prep = $sql->prepare('SELECT upc FROM upcLike WHERE likeCode=?');
         $all = $sql->execute($prep, array($lc));
         while ($row = $sql->fetch_row($all)) {
             $model = new ProductsModel($sql);
             $update = new ProdUpdateModel($sql);
     $delQ = $sql->prepare("delete from batchList where batchID=? and upc=?");
     $delR = $sql->execute($delQ, array($id, $upc));
     $delQ = $sql->prepare("delete from batchBarcodes where upc=? and batchID=?");
     $delR = $sql->execute($delQ, array($upc, $id));
     $audited = $_GET['audited'];
     if ($audited == "1") {
         \COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\AuditLib::batchNotification($id, $upc, \COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\AuditLib::BATCH_DELETE, substr($upc, 0, 2) == 'LC' ? true : false);
     $out .= showBatchDisplay($id);
 case 'refilter':
     $owner = $_GET['owner'];
Exemple #3
   Log deletes to prodUpdate
   Delete corresponding records from other tables
 public function delete()
     $update = new ProdUpdateModel($this->connection);
     $try = parent::delete();
     if ($try) {
         if ($this->connection->tableExists('prodExtra')) {
             $extra = new ProdExtraModel($this->connection);
         $user = new ProductUserModel($this->connection);
     return $try;
Exemple #4
 function ajax_response()
     global $FANNIE_OP_DB;
     $dbc = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_OP_DB);
     switch (FormLib::get_form_value('ajax')) {
         case 'save':
             $upc = FormLib::get_form_value('upc');
             $store_id = FormLib::get('store_id');
             $upc = BarcodeLib::padUPC($upc);
             $values = array();
             $model = new ProductsModel($dbc);
             $brand = FormLib::get('brand');
             if ($brand !== '') {
             $desc = FormLib::get_form_value('desc');
             if ($desc !== '') {
             $dept = FormLib::get_form_value('dept');
             if ($dept !== '') {
             $price = rtrim(FormLib::get_form_value('price'), ' ');
             if ($price !== '') {
             $cost = rtrim(FormLib::get_form_value('cost'), ' ');
             if ($cost !== '') {
             $tax = FormLib::get_form_value('tax');
             if ($tax !== '') {
             $fsx = FormLib::get_form_value('fs');
             if ($fsx !== '') {
             $disc = FormLib::get_form_value('disc');
             if ($disc !== '') {
             $wgt = FormLib::get_form_value('wgt');
             if ($wgt !== '') {
             $loc = FormLib::get_form_value('local');
             if ($loc !== '') {
             $supplier = FormLib::get_form_value('supplier');
               Normalize free-form supplier text
               Look up corresponding vendor ID
             $vendorID = '';
             $vendors = new VendorsModel($dbc);
             foreach ($vendors->find() as $obj) {
                 $vendorID = $obj->vendorID();
             if ($vendorID !== '') {
             $chkP = $dbc->prepare('SELECT upc FROM prodExtra WHERE upc=?');
             $chkR = $dbc->execute($chkP, array($upc));
             if ($dbc->num_rows($chkR) > 0) {
                 $extraP = $dbc->prepare_statement('UPDATE prodExtra SET manufacturer=?, distributor=? WHERE upc=?');
                 $dbc->exec_statement($extraP, array($brand, $supplier, $upc));
             } else {
                 $extraP = $dbc->prepare('INSERT INTO prodExtra
                             (upc, variable_pricing, margin, manufacturer, distributor)
                             (?, 0, 0, ?, ?)');
                 $dbc->execute($extraP, array($upc, $brand, $supplier));
             if ($vendorID !== '') {
                 $item = new VendorItemsModel($dbc);
                 $item->createIfMissing($upc, $vendorID);
                 $item->updateCostByUPC($upc, $cost, $vendorID);
         case 'deleteCheck':
             $upc = FormLib::get_form_value('upc');
             $upc = BarcodeLib::padUPC($upc);
             $encoded_desc = FormLib::get_form_value('desc');
             $desc = base64_decode($encoded_desc);
             $fetchP = $dbc->prepare_statement("select normal_price,\n                special_price,t.description,\n                case when foodstamp = 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end as fs,\n                case when scale = 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end as s\n                from products as p left join taxrates as t\n                on p.tax = t.id\n                where upc=? and p.description=?");
             $fetchR = $dbc->exec_statement($fetchP, array($upc, $desc));
             $fetchW = $dbc->fetch_array($fetchR);
             $ret = "Delete item {$upc} - {$desc}?\n";
             $ret .= "Normal price: " . rtrim($fetchW[0]) . "\n";
             $ret .= "Sale price: " . rtrim($fetchW[1]) . "\n";
             $ret .= "Tax: " . rtrim($fetchW[2]) . "\n";
             $ret .= "Foodstamp: " . rtrim($fetchW[3]) . "\n";
             $ret .= "Scale: " . rtrim($fetchW[4]) . "\n";
             $json = array('alertBox' => $ret, 'upc' => ltrim($upc, '0'), 'enc_desc' => $encoded_desc);
             echo json_encode($json);
         case 'doDelete':
             $upc = FormLib::get_form_value('upc');
             $upc = BarcodeLib::padUPC($upc);
             $desc = base64_decode(FormLib::get_form_value('desc'));
             $update = new ProdUpdateModel($dbc);
             $model = new ProductsModel($dbc);
             $model = new ProductUserModel($dbc);
             $model = new ScaleItemsModel($dbc);
             $delP = $dbc->prepare_statement("delete from prodExtra where upc=?");
             $delXR = $dbc->exec_statement($delP, array($upc));
             $delP = $dbc->prepare_statement("DELETE FROM upcLike WHERE upc=?");
             $delR = $dbc->exec_statement($delP, array($upc));
             echo 'Unknown Action';
Exemple #5
 public function run()
     $sql = FannieDB::get($this->config->get('OP_DB'));
     $chk_vital = array();
     $chk_opt = array();
     /* change prices
     if (strstr($this->config->get('SERVER_DBMS'), "MYSQL")) {
         $chk_vital[] = $sql->query("UPDATE products AS p LEFT JOIN\n                batchList AS l ON l.upc=p.upc LEFT JOIN\n                batches AS b ON b.batchID=l.batchID\n                SET p.normal_price = l.salePrice\n                WHERE l.batchID=b.batchID AND l.upc=p.upc\n                AND l.upc NOT LIKE 'LC%'\n                AND b.discounttype = 0\n                AND " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . " = 0");
     } else {
         $chk_vital[] = $sql->query("UPDATE products SET\n                normal_price = l.salePrice\n                FROM products AS p, batches AS b, batchList AS l\n                WHERE l.batchID=b.batchID AND l.upc=p.upc\n                AND l.upc NOT LIKE 'LC%'\n                AND b.discounttype = 0\n                AND " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . " = 0");
     /* likecoded items differentiated
           for char concatenation
     if (strstr($this->config->get('SERVER_DBMS'), "MYSQL")) {
         $chk_vital[] = $sql->query("UPDATE products AS p LEFT JOIN\n                upcLike AS v ON v.upc=p.upc LEFT JOIN\n                batchList AS l ON l.upc=concat('LC',convert(v.likeCode,char))\n                LEFT JOIN batches AS b ON b.batchID = l.batchID\n                SET p.normal_price = l.salePrice\n                WHERE l.upc LIKE 'LC%'\n                AND b.discounttype = 0\n                AND " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . " = 0");
     } else {
         $chk_vital[] = $sql->query("UPDATE products SET normal_price = l.salePrice\n                FROM products AS p LEFT JOIN\n                upcLike AS v ON v.upc=p.upc LEFT JOIN\n                batchList AS l ON l.upc='LC'+convert(varchar,v.likecode)\n                LEFT JOIN batches AS b ON b.batchID = l.batchID\n                WHERE l.upc LIKE 'LC%'\n                AND b.discounttype = 0\n                AND " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . " = 0");
     $success = true;
     foreach ($chk_vital as $chk) {
         if ($chk === false) {
             $success = false;
     if ($success) {
         $this->cronMsg("Price change batches run successfully");
     } else {
         $this->cronMsg("Error running price change batches");
     // log updates to prodUpdate table
     $success = true;
     $likeP = $sql->prepare('SELECT upc FROM upcLike WHERE likeCode=?');
     $batchQ = 'SELECT upc FROM batchList as l LEFT JOIN batches AS b
             ON l.batchID=b.batchID WHERE b.discounttype=0
             AND ' . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . ' = 0';
     $batchR = $sql->query($batchQ);
     $prodUpdate = new ProdUpdateModel($sql);
     while ($batchW = $sql->fetch_row($batchR)) {
         $upcs = array();
         $upc = $batchW['upc'];
         // unpack likecodes to UPCs
         if (substr($upc, 0, 2) == 'LC') {
             $likeR = $sql->execute($likeP, array(substr($upc, 2)));
             while ($likeW = $sql->fetch_row($likeR)) {
                 $upcs[] = $likeW['upc'];
         } else {
             $upcs[] = $upc;
         foreach ($upcs as $item) {
             $logged = $prodUpdate->logUpdate(ProdUpdateModel::UPDATE_PC_BATCH, 1001);
             if (!$logged) {
                 $success = false;
     if ($success) {
         $this->cronMsg("Changes logged in prodUpdate");
     } else {
         $this->cronMsg("Error logging changes");
   Scan prodUpdate from dept changes and log them
   in prodDepartmentHistory
   @param $dbc [SQLManager] db connection
   @param $offset [optional int] start scanning from this prodUpdateID
 private function scanDeptChanges($dbc, $offset = 0)
     $prodUpdateQ = 'SELECT prodUpdateID FROM prodUpdate ';
     $args = array();
     if ($offset > 0) {
         $prodUpdateQ .= ' WHERE prodUpdateID > ? ';
         $args[] = $offset;
     $prodUpdateQ .= ' ORDER BY upc, modified';
     $prodUpdateP = $dbc->prepare($prodUpdateQ);
     $prodUpdateR = $dbc->execute($prodUpdateP, $args);
     $chkP = $dbc->prepare("SELECT modified,dept_ID FROM\n            prodDepartmentHistory WHERE upc=?\n            ORDER BY modified DESC");
     $upc = null;
     $prevDept = null;
     $update = new ProdUpdateModel($dbc);
     $history = new ProdDepartmentHistoryModel($dbc);
         See scanPriceChanges()
     while ($prodUpdateW = $dbc->fetch_row($prodUpdateR)) {
         if ($upc === null || $upc != $update->upc()) {
             $upc = $update->upc();
             $prevDept = null;
             $chkR = $dbc->execute($chkP, array($upc));
             if ($dbc->num_rows($chkR) > 0) {
                 $chkW = $dbc->fetch_row($chkR);
                 $prevDept = $chkW['dept_ID'];
         if ($prevDept != $update->dept()) {
             $this->cronMsg('Add dept change #' . $update->prodUpdateID(), FannieLogger::INFO);
         $prevDept = $update->dept();
Exemple #7
$batchQ = 'SELECT upc FROM batchList as l LEFT JOIN batches AS b
        ON l.batchID=b.batchID WHERE b.discounttype=0
        AND ' . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . ' = 0';
$batchR = $sql->query($batchQ);
$prodUpdate = new ProdUpdateModel($sql);
while ($batchW = $sql->fetch_row($batchR)) {
    $upcs = array();
    $upc = $batchW['upc'];
    // unpack likecodes to UPCs
    if (substr($upc, 0, 2) == 'LC') {
        $likeR = $sql->execute($likeP, array(substr($upc, 2)));
        while ($likeW = $sql->fetch_row($likeR)) {
            $upcs[] = $likeW['upc'];
    } else {
        $upcs[] = $upc;
    foreach ($upcs as $item) {
        $logged = $prodUpdate->logUpdate(ProdUpdateModel::UPDATE_PC_BATCH, 1001);
        if (!$logged) {
            $success = false;
if ($success) {
    echo cron_msg("Changes logged in prodUpdate");
} else {
    echo cron_msg("Error logging changes");