echo $warnPrefix . 'Line ' . $args[0] . " is invalid. Incorrect column count.\n"; break; case PROCESS_WARN_EMPTYPATH: echo $warnPrefix . 'Line ' . $args[0] . " is invalid. The path must be at least one character long.\n"; break; case PROCESS_WARN_WRITEFAIL: echo $warnPrefix . "Failed to write '" . $args[0] . (isset($args[1]) ? "' for '" . $args[1] : '') . "'.\n"; break; } } $processor->setSizeGroups($sizeGroups); $processor->setModifiedGroups($modifiedGroups); $processor->setEventCallback('EventHandler'); $ret = $processor->run(); $processor->dumpProfiles(); if ($ret != PROCESS_OK && $processor->getVerboseLevel() > PROCESS_VERBOSE_QUIET) { $details = $processor->getFailDetails(); switch ($ret) { case PROCESS_FAIL_OPEN_FILELIST: echo "FAIL: The <filelist> could not be opened.\n"; break; case PROCESS_FAIL_INVALID_REPORTDIR: echo "FAIL: The <reportdir> already exists and is not a directory.\n"; break; case PROCESS_FAIL_INVALID_HEADER: echo "FAIL: The header line in the <filelist> is invalid:\n" . $details['line'] . "\n"; break; case PROCESS_FAIL_REPORTDIR_PARENT: echo "FAIL: The parent directory of <reportdir> does not exist.\n"; break; case PROCESS_FAIL_REPORTDIR_MKDIR:
case '-su': $processor->setSuffix($shifted = array_shift($cliargs)); default: $processor->setReportDir($cliarg); $processor->setFileList(array_shift($cliargs)); $cliargs = array(); } // If we shifted and found nothing, output an error. if (is_null($shifted)) { echo "Missing value after argument {$cliarg}\n" . $syntax; exit(1); } } // Make sure the <reportdir> was set. if (is_null($processor->getReportDir())) { if ($processor->getVerboseLevel() != PROCESS_VERBOSE_QUIET) { echo "<reportdir> argument is missing\n" . $syntax; } exit(1); } // Read the file list from STDIN if it was not specified. if (is_null($processor->getFileList())) { $processor->setFileList('php://stdin'); } elseif (!is_file($processor->getFileList())) { if ($processor->getVerboseLevel() != PROCESS_VERBOSE_QUIET) { echo "The <filelist> '" . $processor->getFileList() . "' does not exist or is not a file.\n"; } exit(1); } // Set the timezone. if (!(function_exists("date_default_timezone_set") ? @date_default_timezone_set($args['timezone']) : @putenv("TZ=" . $args['timezone']))) {