function save_product($Product)
     global $Shopp;
     $db = DB::get();
     if (!current_user_can(SHOPP_USERLEVEL)) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
     // Save workflow setting
     $base = $Shopp->Settings->get('base_operations');
     $taxrate = 0;
     if ($base['vat']) {
         $taxrate = $Shopp->Cart->taxrate();
     if (!$_POST['options']) {
         $Product->options = array();
     } else {
         $_POST['options'] = stripslashes_deep($_POST['options']);
     if (empty($Product->slug)) {
         $Product->slug = sanitize_title_with_dashes($_POST['name']);
     // Check for an existing product slug
     $exclude_product = !empty($Product->id) ? "AND id != {$Product->id}" : "";
     $existing = $db->query("SELECT slug FROM {$Product->_table} WHERE slug='{$Product->slug}' {$exclude_product} LIMIT 1");
     if ($existing) {
         $suffix = 2;
         while ($existing) {
             $altslug = substr($Product->slug, 0, 200 - (strlen($suffix) + 1)) . "-{$suffix}";
             $existing = $db->query("SELECT slug FROM {$Product->_table} WHERE slug='{$altslug}' {$exclude_product} LIMIT 1");
         $Product->slug = $altslug;
     if (isset($_POST['content'])) {
         $_POST['description'] = $_POST['content'];
     $Product->updates($_POST, array('categories'));
     $Product->save_tags(explode(",", $_POST['taglist']));
     if (!empty($_POST['price']) && is_array($_POST['price'])) {
         // Delete prices that were marked for removal
         if (!empty($_POST['deletePrices'])) {
             $deletes = array();
             if (strpos($_POST['deletePrices'], ",")) {
                 $deletes = explode(',', $_POST['deletePrices']);
             } else {
                 $deletes = array($_POST['deletePrices']);
             foreach ($deletes as $option) {
                 $Price = new Price($option);
         // Save prices that there are updates for
         foreach ($_POST['price'] as $i => $option) {
             if (empty($option['id'])) {
                 $Price = new Price();
                 $option['product'] = $Product->id;
             } else {
                 $Price = new Price($option['id']);
             $option['sortorder'] = array_search($i, $_POST['sortorder']) + 1;
             // Remove VAT amount to save in DB
             if ($base['vat'] && $option['tax'] == "on") {
                 $option['price'] = number_format(floatnum($option['price']) / (1 + $taxrate), 2);
                 $option['saleprice'] = number_format(floatnum($option['saleprice']) / (1 + $taxrate), 2);
             if (!empty($option['download'])) {
             if (!empty($option['downloadpath'])) {
                 $basepath = trailingslashit($Shopp->Settings->get('products_path'));
                 $download = $basepath . ltrim($option['downloadpath'], "/");
                 if (file_exists($download)) {
                     $File = new Asset();
                     $File->parent = 0;
                     $File->context = "price";
                     $File->datatype = "download";
                     $File->name = basename($download);
                     $File->value = substr(dirname($download), strlen($basepath));
                     $File->size = filesize($download);
                     $File->properties = array("mimetype" => file_mimetype($download, $File->name));
     // No variation options at all, delete all variation-pricelines
     if (empty($Product->options) && !empty($Product->prices) && is_array($Product->prices)) {
         foreach ($Product->prices as $priceline) {
             // Skip if not tied to variation options
             if ($priceline->optionkey == 0) {
             $Price = new Price($priceline->id);
     if (!empty($_POST['details']) || !empty($_POST['deletedSpecs'])) {
         $deletes = array();
         if (!empty($_POST['deletedSpecs'])) {
             if (strpos($_POST['deletedSpecs'], ",")) {
                 $deletes = explode(',', $_POST['deletedSpecs']);
             } else {
                 $deletes = array($_POST['deletedSpecs']);
             foreach ($deletes as $option) {
                 $Spec = new Spec($option);
         if (is_array($_POST['details'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['details'] as $i => $spec) {
                 if (in_array($spec['id'], $deletes)) {
                 if (isset($spec['new'])) {
                     $Spec = new Spec();
                     $spec['id'] = '';
                     $spec['product'] = $Product->id;
                 } else {
                     $Spec = new Spec($spec['id']);
                 $spec['sortorder'] = array_search($i, $_POST['details-sortorder']) + 1;
                 if (preg_match('/^.*?(\\d+[\\.\\,\\d]*).*$/', $spec['content'])) {
                     $Spec->numeral = preg_replace('/^.*?(\\d+[\\.\\,\\d]*).*$/', '$1', $spec['content']);
     if (!empty($_POST['deleteImages'])) {
         $deletes = array();
         if (strpos($_POST['deleteImages'], ",")) {
             $deletes = explode(',', $_POST['deleteImages']);
         } else {
             $deletes = array($_POST['deleteImages']);
     if (!empty($_POST['images']) && is_array($_POST['images'])) {
         if (!empty($_POST['imagedetails'])) {
     do_action_ref_array('shopp_product_saved', array(&$Product));
     return true;
Exemple #2
	 * Handles saving updates from the product editor
	 * Saves all product related information which includes core product data
	 * and supporting elements such as images, digital downloads, tags,
	 * assigned categories, specs and pricing variations.
	 * @return void
	function save_product ($Product) {
		$db = DB::get();
		$Settings = &EcartSettings();

		if ( !(is_ecart_userlevel() || current_user_can('ecart_products')) )
			wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));

		$Settings->saveform(); // Save workflow setting

		$base = $Settings->get('base_operations');
		$taxrate = 0;
		if ($base['vat']) $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(null,true,$Product);

		if (empty($_POST['options'])) $Product->options = array();
		else $_POST['options'] = stripslashes_deep($_POST['options']);

		if (empty($Product->slug)) $Product->slug = sanitize_title_with_dashes($_POST['name']);

		// Check for an existing product slug
		$exclude_product = !empty($Product->id)?"AND id != $Product->id":"";
		$existing = $db->query("SELECT slug FROM $Product->_table WHERE slug='$Product->slug' $exclude_product LIMIT 1");
		if ($existing) {
			$suffix = 2;
			while($existing) {
				$altslug = substr($Product->slug, 0, 200-(strlen($suffix)+1)). "-".$suffix++;
				$existing = $db->query("SELECT slug FROM $Product->_table WHERE slug='$altslug' $exclude_product LIMIT 1");
			$Product->slug = $altslug;

		if ($_POST['status'] == "publish") {
			$publishfields = array('month' => '','date' => '','year' => '','hour'=>'','minute'=>'','meridiem'=>'');
			$publishdate = join('',array_merge($publishfields,$_POST['publish']));
			if (!empty($publishdate)) {
				if ($_POST['publish']['meridiem'] == "PM" && $_POST['publish']['hour'] < 12)
					$_POST['publish']['hour'] += 12;
				$_POST['publish'] = mktime($_POST['publish']['hour'],$_POST['publish']['minute'],0,$_POST['publish']['month'],$_POST['publish']['date'],$_POST['publish']['year']);
			} else {
				// Auto set the publish date if not set (or more accurately, if set to an irrelevant timestamp)
				if ($Product->publish <= 86400) $Product->publish = time();
		} else {
			$Product->publish = 0;

		if (isset($_POST['content'])) $_POST['description'] = $_POST['content'];



		if (!empty($_POST['price']) && is_array($_POST['price'])) {

			// Delete prices that were marked for removal
			if (!empty($_POST['deletePrices'])) {
				$deletes = array();
				if (strpos($_POST['deletePrices'],","))	$deletes = explode(',',$_POST['deletePrices']);
				else $deletes = array($_POST['deletePrices']);

				foreach($deletes as $option) {
					$Price = new Price($option);

			// Save prices that there are updates for
			foreach($_POST['price'] as $i => $option) {
				if (empty($option['id'])) {
					$Price = new Price();
					$option['product'] = $Product->id;
				} else $Price = new Price($option['id']);
				$option['sortorder'] = array_search($i,$_POST['sortorder'])+1;

				// Remove VAT amount to save in DB
				if ($base['vat'] && isset($option['tax']) && $option['tax'] == "on") {
					$option['price'] = (floatvalue($option['price'])/(1+$taxrate));
					$option['saleprice'] = (floatvalue($option['saleprice'])/(1+$taxrate));
				$option['shipfee'] = floatvalue($option['shipfee']);

				$option['weight'] = floatvalue($option['weight']);
				if (isset($options['dimensions']) && is_array($options['dimensions']))
					foreach ($option['dimensions'] as &$dimension)
						$dimension = floatvalue($dimension);


				if (!empty($option['download'])) $Price->attach_download($option['download']);

				if (!empty($option['downloadpath'])) { // Attach file specified by URI/path
					if (!empty($Price->download->id) || (empty($Price->download) && $Price->load_download())) {
						$File = $Price->download;
					} else $File = new ProductDownload();

					$stored = false;
					$tmpfile = sanitize_path($option['downloadpath']);

					$File->storage = false;
					$Engine = $File->_engine(); // Set engine from storage settings

					$File->parent = $Price->id;
					$File->context = "price";
					$File->type = "download";
					$File->name = !empty($option['downloadfile'])?$option['downloadfile']:basename($tmpfile);
					$File->filename = $File->name;

					if ($File->found($tmpfile)) {
						$File->uri = $tmpfile;
						$stored = true;
					} else $stored = $File->store($tmpfile,'file');

					if ($stored) {

				} // END attach file by path/uri

		// No variation options at all, delete all variation-pricelines
		if (!empty($Product->prices) && is_array($Product->prices)
				&& (empty($_POST['options']['v']) || empty($_POST['options']['a']))) {
			foreach ($Product->prices as $priceline) {
				// Skip if not tied to variation options
				if ($priceline->optionkey == 0) continue;
				if ((empty($_POST['options']['v']) && $priceline->context == "variation")
					|| (empty($_POST['options']['a']) && $priceline->context == "addon")) {
						$Price = new Price($priceline->id);

		if (!empty($_POST['details']) || !empty($_POST['deletedSpecs'])) {
			$deletes = array();
			if (!empty($_POST['deletedSpecs'])) {
				if (strpos($_POST['deletedSpecs'],","))	$deletes = explode(',',$_POST['deletedSpecs']);
				else $deletes = array($_POST['deletedSpecs']);
				foreach($deletes as $option) {
					$Spec = new Spec($option);

			if (is_array($_POST['details'])) {
				foreach ($_POST['details'] as $i => $spec) {
					if (in_array($spec['id'],$deletes)) continue;
					if (isset($spec['new'])) {
						$Spec = new Spec();
						$spec['id'] = '';
						$spec['parent'] = $Product->id;
					} else $Spec = new Spec($spec['id']);
					$spec['sortorder'] = array_search($i,$_POST['details-sortorder'])+1;


		if (!empty($_POST['deleteImages'])) {
			$deletes = array();
			if (strpos($_POST['deleteImages'],","))	$deletes = explode(',',$_POST['deleteImages']);
			else $deletes = array($_POST['deleteImages']);

		if (!empty($_POST['images']) && is_array($_POST['images'])) {
			if (!empty($_POST['imagedetails']))


		return true;
Exemple #3
	function duplicate () {
		$db =& DB::get();

		$this->id = '';
		$this->name = $this->name.' '.__('copy','Ecart');
		$this->slug = sanitize_title_with_dashes($this->name);

		// Check for an existing product slug
		$existing = $db->query("SELECT slug FROM $this->_table WHERE slug='$this->slug' LIMIT 1");
		if ($existing) {
			$suffix = 2;
			while($existing) {
				$altslug = substr($this->slug, 0, 200-(strlen($suffix)+1)). "-$suffix";
				$existing = $db->query("SELECT slug FROM $this->_table WHERE slug='$altslug' LIMIT 1");
			$this->slug = $altslug;
		$this->created = '';
		$this->modified = '';


		// Copy prices
		foreach ($this->prices as $price) {
			$Price = new Price();
			$Price->product = $this->id;

		// Copy sepcs
		foreach ($this->specs as $spec) {
			$Spec = new Spec();
			$Spec->parent = $this->id;

		// Copy categories
		$categories = array();
		foreach ($this->categories as $category) $categories[] = $category->id;
		$this->categories = array();

		// Copy tags
		$taglist = array();
		foreach ($this->tags as $tag) $taglist[] = $tag->name;
		$this->tags = array();

		// Copy product images
		foreach ($this->images as $ProductImage) {
			$Image = new ProductImage();
			$Image->parent = $this->id;

 function duplicate()
     $db =& DB::get();
     $this->load_data(array('prices', 'specs', 'categories', 'tags', 'images', 'taxes' => 'false'));
     $this->id = '';
     $this->name = $this->name . ' ' . __('copy', 'Shopp');
     $this->slug = sanitize_title_with_dashes($this->name);
     // Check for an existing product slug
     $existing = $db->query("SELECT slug FROM {$this->_table} WHERE slug='{$this->slug}' LIMIT 1");
     if ($existing) {
         $suffix = 2;
         while ($existing) {
             $altslug = substr($this->slug, 0, 200 - (strlen($suffix) + 1)) . "-{$suffix}";
             $existing = $db->query("SELECT slug FROM {$this->_table} WHERE slug='{$altslug}' LIMIT 1");
         $this->slug = $altslug;
     $this->created = '';
     $this->modified = '';
     // Copy prices
     foreach ($this->prices as $price) {
         $Price = new Price();
         $Price->updates($price, array('id', 'product', 'created', 'modified'));
         $Price->product = $this->id;
     // Copy sepcs
     foreach ($this->specs as $spec) {
         $Spec = new Spec();
         $Spec->updates($spec, array('id', 'product', 'created', 'modified'));
         $Spec->product = $this->id;
     // Copy categories
     $categories = array();
     foreach ($this->categories as $category) {
         $categories[] = $category->id;
     $this->categories = array();
     // Copy tags
     $taglist = array();
     foreach ($this->tags as $tag) {
         $taglist[] = $tag->name;
     $this->tags = array();
     // // Copy product images
     $template = new Asset();
     $columns = array();
     $values = array();
     foreach ($template->_datatypes as $name => $type) {
         $colname = $name;
         $columns[$colname] = $name;
         if ($name == "id") {
             $name = "''";
         if ($name == "parent") {
             $name = "'{$this->id}'";
         if ($name == "created" || $name == "modified") {
             $name = "now()";
         $values[$colname] = $name;
     $sets = array('image', 'small', 'thumbnail');
     $images = array();
     foreach ($sets as $set) {
         foreach ($this->imagesets[$set] as $image) {
             if (isset($images[$image->src])) {
                 $values['src'] = $images[$image->src];
             $id = $db->query("INSERT {$template->_table} (" . join(',', $columns) . ") SELECT " . join(",", $values) . " FROM {$template->_table} WHERE id={$image->id}");
             if ($set == "image") {
                 $images[$image->id] = $id;
                 $db->query("UPDATE {$template->_table} SET src={$id} WHERE id={$id} LIMIT 1");