public function Render($data)
     $posts = array();
     foreach ($data as $key => $each) {
         $v = new Views();
         $v->accept_nsfw = Profile::acceptNSFW($this->session->user->id);
         $v->original_id = $each->original_id;
         $v->reblog_count = $each->reblog_count;
         $v->is_reblogged = $each->is_reblogged;
         $v->current_user = $this->session->user->login;
         $v->user = $each->user;
         $v->title = $each->title;
         $v->name = $each->name;
         $v->when = $each->when ? $each->when : $each->date;
         $v->content = $each->content;
         $v->via = $each->via;
         $v->comments = $each->comments;
         $v->replies = $each->replies;
         $v->rating = $each->rating;
         $v->my_rating = $each->my_rating;
         $v->post_id = $each->id;
         $v->avatar = $each->avatar;
         $v->categories = $each->categories;
         $v->is_favorite = $each->is_favorite;
         $v->is_reblogged = $each->is_reblogged;
         $v->its_mine = $each->user_id == $this->session->user->id ? true : false;
         $v->user_points = $each->user_points;
         $v->promoted = (bool) $each->promoted;
         if (!empty($each->original_id)) {
             //Se o post for um reblog, então o conteúdo dele deve ser o do reblogado, mostrando as ações
             $originalPost = Posts::from_user(false, $v->original_id);
             $originalPost = reset($originalPost);
             $v->content = $originalPost->content;
             $v->title = $originalPost->title;
             $v->reblogged_from = $originalPost->user;
             $v->reblog_avatar = $originalPost->avatar;
             $v->reblog_points = $originalPost->user_points;
             $v->original_date = $originalPost->date;
             $v->comments = $originalPost->comments;
             $v->replies = $originalPost->replies;
             $v->is_favorite = $originalPost->is_favorite;
             $v->categories = $originalPost->categories;
             $v->rating = $originalPost->rating;
             $v->id = $v->post_id;
             $v->post_id = $originalPost->id;
         $content = $v->render("post_body.phtml");
         $posts[] = $content;
     return $posts;
 public function Export()
     Phalanx::loadClasses('Profile', 'Badges');
     $profile = Profile::get_profile($this->session->user->login, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);
     $profile->badges = Badges::from_user($this->sessio->user->id, false);
     $t = new Template("export");
     $t->show_login_bar = true;
     $userPosts = Posts::exportFromUser($this->session->user->id);
     $postsImages = array();
     $avatarImages = array();
     $posts = array();
     foreach ($userPosts as $key => $each) {
         $html = str_get_html($each->content);
          * Em alguns casos o objeto não está sendo criado, gerando um fatal error.
          * Conteúdo vazio? Estranho, ainda não sei o que está rolando.
          * Isso aqui resolve.
          * */
         if (is_object($html)) {
             $images = $html->find('img');
             foreach ($images as &$image) {
                 if (stripos($image, HOST)) {
                     $postsImages[] = basename($image->src);
                     $image->src = "./images/posts/" . basename($image->src);
             $each->content = $html;
         $avatarImages[] = $each->avatar;
         $v = new Views();
         $v->accept_nsfw = Profile::acceptNSFW($this->session->user->id);
         $v->current_user = $this->session->user->login;
         $v->user = $each->user;
         $v->name = $each->name;
         $v->when = $each->date;
         $v->title = $each->title;
         $v->content = $each->content;
         $v->comments = $each->comments;
         $v->comments_array = $each->comments_array;
         $v->replies = $each->replies;
         $v->post_id = $each->id;
         $v->original_id = $each->original_id;
         $v->is_reblogged = $each->is_reblogged;
         $v->avatar = $each->avatar;
         $v->rating = $each->rating;
         $v->my_rating = $each->my_rating;
         $v->categories = $each->categories;
         $v->its_mine = $profile_data->id == $this->session->user->id ? true : false;
         $v->is_favorite = $each->is_favorite;
         $v->user_points = $each->user_points;
         foreach ($each->comments_array as $eachComment) {
             $avatarImages[] = $eachComment->user->avatar;
             foreach ($eachComment->replies as $eachReply) {
                 $avatarImages[] = $eachReply->user->avatar;
         if (!empty($each->original_id)) {
             //Se o post for um reblog, então o conteúdo dele deve ser o do reblogado, mostrando as ações
             $originalPost = Posts::from_user(false, $v->original_id);
             $originalPost = reset($originalPost);
             $v->content = $originalPost->content;
             $v->title = $originalPost->title;
             $v->reblogged_from = $originalPost->user;
             $v->reblog_avatar = $originalPost->avatar;
             $v->reblog_points = $originalPost->user_points;
             $v->original_date = $originalPost->date;
             $v->comments = $originalPost->comments;
             $v->replies = $originalPost->replies;
             $v->is_favorite = $originalPost->is_favorite;
             $v->categories = $originalPost->categories;
             $v->rating = $originalPost->rating;
             $v->id = $v->post_id;
             $v->post_id = $originalPost->id;
         $content = $v->render("export/post_body.phtml");
         $posts[] = $content;
     $v = new Views($t);
     $v->data = $profile;
     $v->data->timeline = $posts;
     $profile_html_data = ob_get_contents();
     if (!is_dir(TMP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'export')) {
         mkdir(TMP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'export', 0755, true);
     $dirname = TMP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'export' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->session->user->login . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     if (!is_dir($dirname)) {
         mkdir($dirname, 0755, true);
     $filename = "perfil-{$this->session->user->login}.html";
     file_put_contents($dirname . $filename, $profile_html_data);
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     if ($zip->open("{$dirname}", ZipArchive::CREATE) === TRUE) {
         foreach (glob(TEMPLATE_DIR . '/export/css/*') as $file) {
             $zip->addFile($file, "/css/" . basename($file));
         foreach (glob(TEMPLATE_DIR . '/export/js/*') as $file) {
             $zip->addFile($file, "/js/" . basename($file));
         foreach (glob(TEMPLATE_DIR . '/export/fonts/Engschrift/*') as $file) {
             $zip->addFile($file, "/fonts/Engschrift/" . basename($file));
         foreach (glob(TEMPLATE_DIR . '/export/images/*.*') as $file) {
             $zip->addFile($file, "/images/" . basename($file));
         foreach (glob(TEMPLATE_DIR . '/export/images/socialnetworks/*') as $file) {
             $zip->addFile($file, "/images/socialnetworks/" . basename($file));
         foreach (glob(TEMPLATE_DIR . '/export/images/images/*') as $file) {
             $zip->addFile($file, "/images/images/" . basename($file));
         foreach ($avatarImages as $avatar) {
             $zip->addFile(AVATAR_UPLOAD_DIR . "/big/{$avatar}", "/images/avatar/big/{$avatar}");
             $zip->addFile(AVATAR_UPLOAD_DIR . "/small/{$avatar}", "/images/avatar/small/{$avatar}");
             $zip->addFile(AVATAR_UPLOAD_DIR . "/square/{$avatar}", "/images/avatar/square/{$avatar}");
         foreach ($postsImages as $image) {
             $zip->addFile(POST_IMAGES_UPLOAD_DIR . "/{$image}", "/images/posts/{$image}");
         foreach (glob(ROOT . PROJECT_DIR . '/media/images/badges/*') as $file) {
             $zip->addFile($file, "/images/badges/" . basename($file));
         $zip->addFile("{$dirname}{$filename}", "/{$filename}");
     header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename={$this->session->user->login}.zip");
     header("Content-type: application/zip");
     $t = new Template("export", "thankyou.phtml");
     $v = new Views($t);
     $c = new Cookies();
     $c->setExpire(strtotime("+15 days"));
     $c->data_exported = 1;
 public function DisplayOldPosts()
     $profile_data = Profile::get_profile($this->post->profile, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     $profile = $this->post->profile;
     if (property_exists($this->session->times_reloaded, "profile_{$profile}")) {
         $this->session->times_reloaded->{"profile_{$profile}"} += 1;
     } else {
         $this->session->times_reloaded->{"profile_{$profile}"} = 1;
     $p = Posts::from_user($profile_data->id, false, $this->post->min_id, $this->post->max_id);
     $posts = array();
     foreach ($p as $key => $each) {
         $v = new Views();
         $v->accept_nsfw = Profile::acceptNSFW($this->session->user->id);
         $v->current_user = $this->session->user->login;
         $v->user = $each->user;
         $v->name = $each->name;
         $v->when = $each->date;
         $v->title = $each->title;
         $v->content = $each->content;
         $v->comments = $each->comments;
         $v->post_id = $each->id;
         $v->original_id = $each->original_id;
         $v->is_reblogged = $each->is_reblogged;
         $v->avatar = $each->avatar;
         $v->rating = $each->rating;
         $v->my_rating = $each->my_rating;
         $v->categories = $each->categories;
         $v->its_mine = $profile_data->id == $this->session->user->id ? true : false;
         $v->is_favorite = $each->is_favorite;
         $v->user_points = $each->user_points;
         if (!empty($each->original_id)) {
             //Se o post for um reblog, então o conteúdo dele deve ser o do reblogado, mostrando as ações
             $originalPost = Posts::from_user(false, $v->original_id);
             $originalPost = reset($originalPost);
             $v->content = $originalPost->content;
             $v->title = $originalPost->title;
             $v->reblogged_from = $originalPost->user;
             $v->reblog_avatar = $originalPost->avatar;
             $v->reblog_points = $originalPost->user_points;
             $v->original_date = $originalPost->date;
             $v->rating->reblog_count = $originalPost->rating->reblog_count;
             $v->comments = $originalPost->comments;
             $v->replies = $originalPost->replies;
             $v->is_favorite = $originalPost->is_favorite;
             $v->categories = $originalPost->categories;
             $v->rating = $originalPost->rating;
             $v->id = $v->post_id;
             $v->post_id = $originalPost->id;
         $content = $v->render("post_body.phtml");
         $posts[] = $content;
     header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
     foreach ($posts as $postHTML) {
         echo $postHTML;
Exemple #4
 public static function build_from_list($uid, $list_id, stdClass $config)
     $friends_ids = Friendship::get_friend_array($uid);
     $friends_ids = implode(', ', $friends_ids);
     $where = "";
     if (property_exists($config, 'min')) {
         $where .= " AND < '{$config->min}'";
     if (property_exists($config, 'max')) {
         $where .= " AND < '{$config->max}'";
     Phalanx::loadClasses('Lists', 'SocialNetwork', 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'twitteroauth', 'Instagram', 'PostCategory', 'Favorites', 'Profile');
     $list = Lists::from_user($uid, $list_id);
     $categories = array();
     foreach ($list->categories as $category) {
         $categories[] = $category->id;
     if (sizeof($categories) > 0) {
         Phalanx::loadClasses('Posts', 'PostComments');
         $categories_ids = implode("', '", $categories);
         $custom_tl = array();
         $m = Model::Factory('posts p', false, 0);
         $m->fields('DISTINCT 	AS id', 'p.original_posts_id	AS original_id', 'p.user_id 		AS user_id', 'p.content 		AS content', ' 		AS date', 'p.title		AS title', 'p.promoted		AS promoted', ' 		AS name', 'u.login		AS user', 'ud.avatar 		AS avatar', 'p.like_count		AS likes', 'p.dislike_count	AS dislikes', 'p.comment_count	AS comments', 'p.reblog_count		AS reblogs', 'p.reply_count		AS replies');
         $m->innerJoin('user u', ' = p.user_id');
         $m->innerJoin('user_data ud', 'ud.user_id = p.user_id');
         $m->innerJoin('posts_has_category phc', ' = phc.posts_id');
         $m->where("p.user_id IN({$friends_ids})  AND phc.category_id IN ('{$categories_ids}') {$where} AND u.banned IS NULL AND  p.status=1 AND > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)");
         #	$m->group("p.original_posts_id");
         $m->order(' DESC');
         $skynerd_posts = $m->all();
         foreach ($skynerd_posts as $each) {
             $o = new stdClass();
             $o->date = Date::RelativeTime($each->date);
             $o->id = $each->id;
             $o->user = $each->user;
             $o->name = $each->name;
             $o->title = $each->title;
             $o->avatar = $each->avatar;
             $o->user_id = $each->user_id;
             $o->rating = new stdClass();
             $o->rating->megaboga = $each->likes;
             $o->rating->whatever = $each->dislikes;
             $o->my_rating = Posts::userRating($uid, $each->id);
             $o->content = trim($each->content);
             $o->comments = $v->comments;
             $o->replies = $v->replies;
             $o->categories = PostCategory::from_post($each->id);
             $o->is_reblogged = Posts::userHasReblogged($each->id, $uid);
             $o->is_favorite = Favorites::is_favorite($uid, $each->id);
             $o->user_points = Profile::experience($v->user_id);
             $o->promoted = (bool) $each->promoted;
             if (!empty($o->original_id)) {
                 //Se o post for um reblog, então o conteúdo dele deve ser o do reblogado, mostrando as ações
                 $originalPost = Posts::from_user(false, $o->original_id);
                 $originalPost = reset($originalPost);
                 $o->content = $originalPost->content;
                 $o->title = $originalPost->title;
                 $o->reblogged_from = $originalPost->user;
                 $o->original_date = $originalPost->date;
                 $o->rating->reblog_count = $originalPost->rating->reblog_count;
                 $o->is_reblogged = Posts::userHasReblogged($originalPost->id, $uid);
             $custom_tl[] = $o;
     return $custom_tl;
 public function DisplayPost()
     if ($this->get->username == 'wordpressagent') {
     Phalanx::loadClasses('Profile', 'Friendship', 'Posts');
     $profile_data = Profile::get_profile($this->get->username, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     if ($profile_data->banned == 1) {
     if ($profile_data->active == 0) {
     $friendship_status = Friendship::get_status($this->session->user->id, $profile_data->id);
     $this->views->data->friendship_status = $friendship_status;
     $this->views->data = $profile_data;
     $p = Posts::from_user($profile_data->id, $this->get->post_id);
     if (!$p) {
     $p = reset($p);
     $can_be_displayed = true;
     #Verifica se o post é privado.
     if ($p->privacy == 1) {
         if (!$this->session->user->id) {
         if ($this->session->user->id == $p->user_id) {
             $can_be_displayed = true;
         } else {
             $can_be_displayed = Friendship::get_status($this->session->user->id, $p->user_id);
     if (!$can_be_displayed) {
     $v = new Views();
     $v->title = $p->title;
     $v->user = $p->user;
     $v->name = $p->name;
     $v->content = $p->content;
     $v->comments = $p->comments;
     $v->comments_array = PostComments::get($this->get->post_id);
     $v->replies = $p->replies;
     $v->post_id = $p->id;
     $v->original_id = $p->original_id;
     $v->avatar = $p->avatar;
     $v->rating = $p->rating;
     $v->promoted = (bool) $p->promoted;
     $v->accept_nsfw = Profile::acceptNSFW($this->session->user->id);
     $v->when = $p->date;
     $v->my_rating = $p->my_rating;
     $v->current_user = $this->session->user->login;
     $v->categories = PostCategory::from_post($p->id);
     $v->its_mine = $profile_data->id == $this->session->user->id ? true : false;
     $v->is_favorite = $p->is_favorite;
     $v->user_points = $p->user_points;
     if (!empty($p->original_id)) {
         //Se o post for um reblog, então o conteúdo dele deve ser o do reblogado, mostrando as ações
         $originalPost = Posts::from_user(false, $p->original_id);
         $originalPost = reset($originalPost);
         $v->content = $originalPost->content;
         $v->title = $originalPost->title;
         $v->reblogged_from = $originalPost->user;
         $v->reblog_avatar = $originalPost->avatar;
         $v->reblog_points = $originalPost->user_points;
         $v->original_date = $originalPost->date;
         $v->rating = $originalPost->rating;
         $v->comments = $originalPost->comments;
         $v->replies = $originalPost->replies;
         $v->is_favorite = $originalPost->is_favorite;
         $v->categories = PostCategory::from_post($p->original_id);
         $v->comments_array = PostComments::get($p->original_id);
         $v->id = $p->id;
         $v->post_id = $originalPost->id;
     $content = $v->render("post_body.phtml");
     $template = new Template("default");
     $template->og = new stdClass();
     $template->og->title = $v->user . ': ' . $v->title;
     $template->og->description = $p->content;
     $template->og->type = FACEBOOK_APPNAMESPACE . ':article_';
     $template->og->img = MEDIA_DIR . 'images/avatar/big/' . $p->avatar;
     if (!$this->isLoggedIn) {
         $template->show_login_bar = true;
     $this->views = new Views($template);
     $this->views->data = $profile_data;
     $this->views->data->friendship_status = $friendship_status;
     $this->views->data->post = $content;