  * Create the function to output the contents of our Dashboard Widget.
 public function printDashboardWidget()
     $goToSettings = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl(), __('Settings', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN));
     $goToEmailLog = sprintf('%s', _x('Email Log', 'The log of Emails that have been delivered', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN));
     if ($this->options->isMailLoggingEnabled()) {
         $goToEmailLog = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', PostmanUtils::getEmailLogPageUrl(), $goToEmailLog);
     apply_filters('print_postman_status', null);
     printf('<p>%s | %s</p>', $goToEmailLog, $goToSettings);
  * This is the general message that Postman requires configuration, to warn users who think
  * the plugin is ready-to-go as soon as it is activated.
  * This message only goes away once
  * the plugin is configured.
 public function display_configuration_required_warning()
     $this->logger->debug('Displaying configuration required warning');
     $message = sprintf(__('WordPress is still handling email delivery, <em>not</em> Postman.', 'postman-smtp'));
     $message .= ' ';
     /* translators: where %s is the URL to the Postman Setup page */
     $message .= sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Configure</a> the plugin.', 'postman-smtp'), PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl());
     $this->messageHandler->printMessage($message, PostmanMessageHandler::WARNING_CLASS);
  * Add "Settings" link to the plugin action page
  * @param unknown $links        	
  * @return multitype:
 public function postmanModifyLinksOnPluginsListPage($links)
     // only administrators should be able to trigger this
     if (PostmanUtils::isAdmin()) {
         $mylinks = array(sprintf('<a href="%s" class="postman_settings">%s</a>', PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl(), _x('Settings', 'The configuration page of the plugin', 'postman-smtp')));
         return array_merge($mylinks, $links);
 public function outputTestEmailWizardContent()
     print '<div class="wrap">';
     $this->outputChildPageHeader(__('Send a Test Email', 'postman-smtp'));
     printf('<form id="postman_test_email_wizard" method="post" action="%s">', PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl());
     // Step 1
     printf('<h5>%s</h5>', __('Specify the Recipient', 'postman-smtp'));
     print '<fieldset>';
     printf('<legend>%s</legend>', __('Who is this message going to?', 'postman-smtp'));
     printf('<p>%s', __('This utility allows you to send an email message for testing.', 'postman-smtp'));
     print ' ';
     /* translators: where %d is an amount of time, in seconds */
     printf('%s</p>', sprintf(_n('If there is a problem, Postman will give up after %d second.', 'If there is a problem, Postman will give up after %d seconds.', $this->options->getReadTimeout(), 'postman-smtp'), $this->options->getReadTimeout()));
     printf('<label for="postman_test_options[test_email]">%s</label>', _x('Recipient Email Address', 'Configuration Input Field', 'postman-smtp'));
     print $this->adminController->test_email_callback();
     print '</fieldset>';
     // Step 2
     printf('<h5>%s</h5>', __('Send The Message', 'postman-smtp'));
     print '<fieldset>';
     print '<legend>';
     print __('Sending the message:', 'postman-smtp');
     printf(' <span id="postman_test_message_status">%s</span>', _x('In Outbox', 'Email Test Status', 'postman-smtp'));
     print '</legend>';
     print '<section>';
     printf('<p><label>%s</label></p>', _x('Status', 'Was sending this email successful or not?', 'postman-smtp'));
     print '<textarea id="postman_test_message_error_message" readonly="readonly" cols="65" rows="4"></textarea>';
     print '</section>';
     print '</fieldset>';
     // Step 3
     printf('<h5>%s</h5>', __('Session Transcript', 'postman-smtp'));
     print '<fieldset>';
     printf('<legend>%s</legend>', __('Examine the SMTP Session Transcript if you need to.', 'postman-smtp'));
     printf('<p>%s</p>', __('This is the conversation between Postman and your SMTP server. It can be useful for diagnosing problems. <b>DO NOT</b> post it on-line, it may contain your account password.', 'postman-smtp'));
     print '<section>';
     printf('<p><label for="postman_test_message_transcript">%s</label></p>', __('SMTP Session Transcript', 'postman-smtp'));
     print '<textarea readonly="readonly" id="postman_test_message_transcript" cols="65" rows="8"></textarea>';
     print '</section>';
     print '</fieldset>';
     print '</form>';
     print '</div>';
Exemple #5
  * This is the general message that Postman requires configuration, to warn users who think
  * the plugin is ready-to-go as soon as it is activated.
  * This message only goes away once the plugin is configured.
 public function display_configuration_required_warning()
     if (PostmanUtils::isAdmin()) {
         if ($this->logger->isDebug()) {
             $this->logger->debug('Displaying configuration required warning');
         $message = sprintf(PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->getReadyMessage());
         $goToSettings = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl(), __('Settings', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN));
         $goToEmailLog = sprintf('%s', _x('Email Log', 'The log of Emails that have been delivered', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN));
         if (PostmanOptions::getInstance()->isMailLoggingEnabled()) {
             $goToEmailLog = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', PostmanUtils::getEmailLogPageUrl(), $goToEmailLog);
         $message .= sprintf(' %s | %s', $goToEmailLog, $goToSettings);
         $this->messageHandler->printMessage($message, PostmanMessageHandler::WARNING_CLASS);
  * Add "Settings" link to the plugin action page
  * @param unknown $links        	
  * @return multitype:
 public function postmanModifyLinksOnPluginsListPage($links)
     // only administrators should be able to trigger this
     if (PostmanUtils::isAdmin()) {
         $mylinks = array(sprintf('<a href="%s" class="postman_settings">%s</a>', PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl(), __('Settings', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN)));
         return array_merge($mylinks, $links);
  * Print the human-readable plugin state
 public function print_postman_status()
     if (!PostmanPreRequisitesCheck::isReady()) {
         printf('<p><span style="color:red">%s</span></p>', __('Error: Postman is missing a required PHP library.', 'postman-smtp'));
     } else {
         if ($this->wpMailBinder->isUnboundDueToException()) {
             printf('<p><span style="color:red">%s</span></p>', __('Postman: wp_mail has been declared by another plugin or theme, so you won\'t be able to use Postman until the conflict is resolved.', 'postman-smtp'));
         } else {
             if ($this->options->getRunMode() != PostmanOptions::RUN_MODE_PRODUCTION) {
                 printf('<p><span style="background-color:yellow">%s</span></p>', __('Postman is in <em>non-Production</em> mode and is dumping all emails.', 'postman-smtp'));
             } else {
                 if (PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->isPostmanReadyToSendEmail($this->options, $this->authorizationToken)) {
                     printf('<p class="wp-menu-image dashicons-before dashicons-email"> %s </p>', sprintf(_n('<span style="color:green">Postman is configured</span> and has delivered <span style="color:green">%d</span> email.', '<span style="color:green">Postman is configured</span> and has delivered <span style="color:green">%d</span> emails.', PostmanStats::getInstance()->getSuccessfulDeliveries(), 'postman-smtp'), PostmanStats::getInstance()->getSuccessfulDeliveries()));
                     $currentTransport = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->getCurrentTransport();
                     $deliveryDetails = $currentTransport->getDeliveryDetails($this->options);
                     printf('<p>%s</p>', $deliveryDetails);
                 } else {
                     printf('<p><span>%s %s</span></p>', __('Postman is <em>not</em> handling email delivery.', 'postman-smtp'), sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Configure</a> the plugin.', 'postman-smtp'), PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl()));
  * @param unknown $title        	
  * @param string $slug        	
 public static function outputChildPageHeader($title, $slug = '')
     printf('<h2>%s</h2>', sprintf(__('%s Setup', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Postman SMTP', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN)));
     printf('<div id="postman-main-menu" class="welcome-panel %s">', $slug);
     print '<div class="welcome-panel-content">';
     print '<div class="welcome-panel-column-container">';
     print '<div class="welcome-panel-column welcome-panel-last">';
     printf('<h4>%s</h4>', $title);
     print '</div>';
     printf('<p id="back_to_main_menu">%s <a id="back_to_menu_link" href="%s">%s</a></p>', self::BACK_ARROW_SYMBOL, PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl(), _x('Back To Main Menu', 'Return to main menu link', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN));
     print '</div></div></div>';