" /></a>
								</div> <!-- **bx-pager - Ends** -->	
							</div> <!-- **recent-gallery-container - Ends** -->
							<div class="dt-sc-margin30"></div>
							<!-- **pagination - Starts** -->  
							<div class="pagination">
        $getpage = $val->validasi($_GET['page'], 'sql');
        $jmldata = $tablevid->numRowBy(id_album, $idalb);
        $jmlhalaman = $p->jumlahHalaman($jmldata, $batas);
        $linkHalaman = $p->navHalaman($getpage, $jmlhalaman, $website_url, "video/{$title}", "page", "1");
        echo "{$linkHalaman}";
							</div> <!-- **pagination - Ends** -->
							<div class="dt-sc-margin50"></div>
            </div> <!-- **container - Ends** -->
        </div> <!-- **Main - Ends** -->
    } else {
        header('location:' . $website_url . '/404.php');
Exemple #2
    include_once "po-content/{$folder}/header.php";

	Main Content Template
	<div id="carousel-example-generic" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">

		<!-- Indicators -->
		<ol class="carousel-indicators">
    $tableslider = new PoTable('post');
    $data = $tableslider->numRowBy(headline, 'Y', active, 'Y');
    for ($x = 1; $x < $data; $x++) {
			<li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="<?php 
        echo $x - 1;
" <?php 
        if ($x == 1) {
        $table2 = new PoTable('category');
        $total2 = $table2->numRow();
        $table3 = new PoTable('tag');
        $total3 = $table3->numRow();
        $table4 = new PoTable('media');
        $total4 = $table4->numRow();
        $table5 = new PoTable('pages');
        $total5 = $table5->numRow();
        $table6 = new PoTable('component');
        $total6 = $table6->numRow();
        $table7 = new PoTable('users');
        $total7 = $table7->numRow();
        $table8 = new PoTable('comment');
        $total8 = $table8->numRowBy(status, 'N');
        $table9 = new PoTable('contact');
        $total9 = $table9->numRowBy(status, 'N');
        $total10 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM post,users WHERE users.id_user = post.editor AND users.level = '3' AND post.active = 'N'");
        $total10 = mysql_num_rows($total10);
        include "po-component/po-home/traffic.php";
        $visitorc = $currentStat3 + $currentStat4 + $currentStat5 + $currentStat6;
        $hitsc = $sql_hits3 + $sql_hits4 + $sql_hits5 + $sql_hits6;
	<div class="content-header">
		<div class="header-section">
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-md-4 col-lg-6 hidden-xs hidden-sm">
        echo $langhome1;
        echo $langhome2;
            echo $gallery->title;
                            </div> <!-- **portfolio-detail - Ends** -->
					</div> <!-- **portfolio-container - Ends** -->
                	<!-- **pagination - Starts** -->  
                    <div class="pagination">
        $getpage = $val->validasi($_GET['page'], 'sql');
        $jmldata = $tablegal->numRowBy(id_album, $idalb);
        $jmlhalaman = $p->jumlahHalaman($jmldata, $batas);
        $linkHalaman = $p->navHalaman($getpage, $jmlhalaman, $website_url, "gallery/{$title}", "page", "1");
        echo "{$linkHalaman}";
                    </div> <!-- **pagination - Ends** -->
                	<div class="dt-sc-margin50"></div>
            </div> <!-- **container - Ends** -->
        </div> <!-- **Main - Ends** -->
    } else {
        header('location:' . $website_url . '/404.php');
Exemple #5
									<a href="#" class="widget-image-container animation-hatch">
                $filename = "../po-content/po-upload/user-{$_SESSION['iduser']}.jpg";
                if (file_exists("{$filename}")) {
                    echo "<img src='../po-content/po-upload/user-{$_SESSION['iduser']}.jpg' class='widget-image img-circle' alt='avatar' width='30' height='30' />";
                } else {
                    echo "<img src='../po-content/po-upload/user-editor.jpg' class='widget-image img-circle' alt='avatar' width='30' height='30' />";
									<div class="row text-center animation-fadeIn">
										<div class="col-xs-6">
                $tableposts = new PoTable("post");
                $numposts = $tableposts->numRowBy(editor, $currentUser->id_user);
                echo $numposts;
										<div class="col-xs-6">
                echo $currentUser->id_user;
												<small>User Id</small>
Exemple #6

include_once 'po-library/po-database.php';
include_once 'po-library/po-function.php';
$val = new Povalidasi();
if (!$_SESSION['submit']) {
} else {
    if (empty($_POST['email_address'])) {
    } else {
        $tablecari = new PoTable('subscribe');
        $currentCari = $tablecari->numRowBy(email, $_POST['email_address']);
        if ($currentCari > 0) {
        } else {
            $email = $val->validasi($_POST['email_address'], 'xss');
            $table = new PoTable('subscribe');
            $table->save(array('email' => $email));
            echo "<script language='javascript'>\r\n                window.alert('Succesfully Email Subscribe')\r\n                window.location.href='./';\r\n            </script>";
			<!-- **Full-width-section - Starts** -->   
			<div style="background-position: 50% 56px; padding: 50px 0px 10px;" class="parallax full-width-section product-presentation-bg">
            	<div class="container">
					<!-- **hr-title - Starts** -->
                	<div class="hr-title dt-sc-hr-invisible-small">
                        <h2>Event PHP Indonesia</h2>
                        <!-- **title-sep - Starts** -->
                        <div class="title-sep">
                        </div> <!-- **title-sep - Ends** -->
                    </div> <!-- **hr-title - Ends** -->
				    <div class="dt-sc-margin25"></div>
    $tableevent = new PoTable('event');
    $events = $tableevent->findAllLimitBy(start, active, "Y", "DESC", "3");
    $countevents = $tableevent->numRowBy(active, 'Y');
    if ($countevents > 0) {
        $nov = 1;
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            $startevt = $event->start;
            $startevt = explode(' ', $startevt);
            $startshr = substr($startevt[0], 8, 2);
            $startbshr = substr(getBulan(substr($startevt[0], 5, 2)), 0, 3);
            $endevt = $event->end;
            $endevt = explode(' ', $endevt);
            if ($nov == '1') {
                    <div class="column dt-sc-one-third first">