public function render($view, $vars = array()) { $views_path = PLUGINS_ROOT . DS . 'ckeditor' . DS . 'views' . DS . 'filter'; if (defined('CMS_BACKEND')) { $views_path .= DS . 'admin'; if (!empty($this->layout)) { // We assign our Views as content already rendered $this->assignToLayout('content_for_layout', new View($views_path . DS . $view, $vars)); // and render the backend layout as usual return new View('../layouts/' . $this->layout, $this->layout_vars); } else { return new View($views_path . DS . $view, $vars); } } else { $views_path .= DS . 'public'; return parent::render($views_path . DS . $view, $vars); } }
public function render($view, $vars = array()) { $vars = array_merge($this->get_default_view_vars(), $vars); /* We only render views for this plugin. So add the prefix of the view folder to every view file. */ return parent::render(self::VIEW_FOLDER . $view, $vars); }