function uplink_hook_sendsms($smsc, $sms_sender, $sms_footer, $sms_to, $sms_msg, $uid = '', $gpid = 0, $smslog_id = 0, $sms_type = 'text', $unicode = 0) { // global $plugin_config; // global all variables needed, eg: varibles from config.php // ... // ... // return true or false // return $ok; global $plugin_config; _log("enter smsc:" . $smsc . " smslog_id:" . $smslog_id . " uid:" . $uid . " to:" . $sms_to, 3, "uplink_hook_sendsms"); // override plugin gateway configuration by smsc configuration $plugin_config = gateway_apply_smsc_config($smsc, $plugin_config); $sms_sender = stripslashes($sms_sender); if ($plugin_config['uplink']['module_sender']) { $sms_sender = $plugin_config['uplink']['module_sender']; } $sms_footer = $sms_footer ? $sms_footer : stripslashes($sms_footer); $sms_msg = stripslashes($sms_msg) . $sms_footer; $ok = false; if ($sms_to && $sms_msg) { $unicode = trim($unicode) ? 1 : 0; $nofooter = $plugin_config['uplink']['try_disable_footer'] ? 1 : 0; $ws = new Playsms\Webservices(); $ws->url = $plugin_config['uplink']['master'] . '/index.php?app=ws'; $ws->username = $plugin_config['uplink']['username']; $ws->token = $plugin_config['uplink']['token']; $ws->to = $sms_to; $ws->from = $sms_sender; $ws->msg = $sms_msg; $ws->unicode = $unicode; $ws->nofooter = $nofooter; $ws->sendSms(); // _log('url:'.$ws->getWebservicesUrl(), 3, 'uplink sendsms'); if ($ws->getStatus()) { $response = $ws->getData(); $db_query = "\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO " . _DB_PREF_ . "_gatewayUplink (up_local_smslog_id,up_remote_smslog_id,up_status,up_remote_queue_code,up_dst)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$smslog_id}','" . $response->smslog_id . "','0','" . $response->queue . "','{$sms_to}')"; if ($up_id = @dba_insert_id($db_query)) { $ok = true; } _log('sendsms success. smslog_id:' . $smslog_id . ' remote_smslog_id:' . $response->smslog_id . ' remote_queue:' . $response->queue, 3, 'uplink sendsms'); } else { _log('sendsms failed. error:' . $ws->getError() . ' error_string:' . $ws->getErrorString(), 3, 'uplink sendsms'); } } if ($ok && ($response->smslog_id || $response->queue)) { $p_status = 0; } else { $p_status = 2; } dlr($smslog_id, $uid, $p_status); return $ok; }
<?php include '../src/Playsms/Webservices.php'; error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); $ws = new Playsms\Webservices(); $ws->url = ''; $ws->username = '******'; $ws->password = '******'; echo "\ngetToken\n"; $ws->getToken(); print_r($ws->getData()); echo "\n"; if ($ws->getStatus()) { $ws->token = $ws->getData()->token; echo "Credit\n\n"; $ws->getCredit(); if ($ws->getStatus()) { $credit = $ws->getData()->credit; echo "Remaining credit for user " . $ws->username . ": " . $credit . "\n"; } else { echo "Unable to check user credit\n"; } } else { echo "Error code: " . $ws->getError() . "\n"; echo "Error string: " . $ws->getErrorString() . "\n"; } echo "\n";
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $ws = new Playsms\Webservices(); // if you want to test with other username // go to and register for username/password // its a demo website, sms will not be sent to mobiles $ws->url = ''; $ws->username = '******'; $ws->password = '******'; // get token from username and password $ws->getToken(); if (!$ws->getStatus()) { echo "Error code: " . $ws->getError() . "\n"; echo "Error string: " . $ws->getErrorString() . "\n"; exit; } echo "Token: " . $ws->getData()->token . "\n"; // get user's credit $ws->token = $ws->getData()->token; $ws->getCredit(); $credit = $ws->getStatus ? $ws->getData()->credit : 0; echo "User credit: " . $credit . "\n";
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $ws = new Playsms\Webservices(); include 'config.php'; // if you want to test with other username // go to and register for username/password // its a demo website, sms will not be sent to mobiles $ws->url = $config['webservices_url']; $ws->username = $config['webservices_username']; $ws->token = $config['webservices_token']; // get user's credit just to test authentication $ws->getCredit(); $credit = $ws->getStatus() ? $ws->getData()->credit : 'ERR'; if ($credit == 'ERR') { header('Location: error_auth.html'); exit; } if ($credit <= 0) { header('Location: error_fund.html'); exit; }