$form = $entry->addChild('Form'); $form->addAttribute('level','exact'); */ // CREATE INSERT IN DB $currentPlace = new Place(); $currentPlace->title = $streetName; $currentPlace->content = $streetHisto; $currentPlace->origin = $origin; $currentPlace->filesourceTitle = $fileTitle; $currentPlace->licence = $licence; // YakCat $cat = array("GEOLOCALISATION#RUE", "GEOLOCALISATION"); $currentPlace->setYakCat($cat); $currentPlace->zone = 1; $locationQuery = $streetName . ',Paris, France'; $res = $currentPlace->saveToMongoDB($locationQuery, $debug, $updateFlag); foreach ($res as $k => $v) { if (isset($v)) { $results[$k] += $v; } } $results['parse']++; } } $results['row']++; $row++; } fclose($handle); } //$res = $ontolgyXML->asXML($outputFile); $currentPlace->prettyLog($results);
function linkToPlace($locationQuery, $debug) { $newPlace = new Place(); $resPlace = array('duplicate' => 0, 'insert' => 0, 'locErr' => 0, 'update' => 0, 'callGMAP' => 0, "error" => 0, 'record' => array()); // we try first on the name of the place if (!empty($this->placeName)) { $theString2Search = $this->placeName; } elseif (!empty($this->address)) { // but if no place name, we try the address $theString2Search = $this->address; } $result = $newPlace->getDuplicated($theString2Search, $this->zone); if (empty($doublon)) { if (!empty($result['location'])) { // we set the location without calling gmap $this->location = $result['location']; } $this->placeid = $result['_id']; $this->status = 1; // here it must be 1 because of the query $this->print = 1; $this->address = $result['title']; } else { print "{$this->title} : Place doesn't exist in db (creation).<br>"; $newPlace->title = $this->placeName; $newPlace->origin = $this->origin; $newPlace->filesourceTitle = $this->filesourceTitle; $newPlace->licence = $this->licence; $cat = array("GEOLOCALISATION", "GEOLOCALISATION#YAKDICO"); $newPlace->setYakCat($cat); $newPlace->zone = $this->zone; $resPlace = $newPlace->saveToMongoDB($locationQuery, $debug); if (!empty($resPlace['error'])) { echo $resPlace['error']; echo '<br><b>BATCH FAILLED</b><br>Place creation failed'; exit; } $theNewPlace = $resPlace['record']; $this->placeid = $theNewPlace['_id']; $this->location = $theNewPlace['location']; $this->address = $theNewPlace['formatted_address']; $this->status = $theNewPlace['status']; // if gmap did not work we have a status 10 if ($this->status != 1) { $this->print = 0; } else { $this->print = 1; } } return $resPlace; }
$currentPlace->setYakCat(array("CULTURE#MEDIATHEQUE")); } elseif (stristr($data[1], "Planétarium")) { //echo "Planétarium : $data[1] <br/>"; $currentPlace->setYakCat(array('CULTURE#PLANETARIUM')); $currentPlace->yakTagChildren(); } elseif (stristr($data[1], "Aquarium")) { //echo "Aquarium : $data[1] <br/>"; $currentPlace->setYakCat(array('CULTURE#AQUARIUM')); $currentPlace->yakTagChildren(); } else { //echo "autres (musée) : $data[1] <br/>"; $currentPlace->setYakCat(array('CULTURE#MUSEE')); } $locationQuery = $query = $currentPlace->title . ' ' . $currentPlace->address["street"] . ' ' . $currentPlace->address["zipcode"] . ' ' . $currentPlace->address["city"] . ', ' . $currentPlace->address["country"]; print '<hr><b>' . $currentPlace->title . '</b><br>'; switch ($currentPlace->saveToMongoDB($locationQuery, $debug, true, true)) { case '1': $insert++; $locError++; break; case '2': print "updated <br>"; $update++; break; case '3': print "doublon <br>"; $doublon++; break; default: print "insert (1 call to gmap)<br>"; $insert++;
$jardin = json_decode($jardinJSON[0], 1); $currentPlace = new Place(); $currentPlace->title = $jardin['name']; echo $jardin['name'] . "<br>"; $currentPlace->filesourceTitle = $fileTitle; $currentPlace->location->lat = $jardin['lat']; $currentPlace->location->lng = $jardin['lng']; $currentPlace->licence = $licence; $currentPlace->origin = $origin; $currentPlace->address->street = $jardin['address']; $currentPlace->address->state = "Paris"; $currentPlace->address->area = "Ile-de-France"; $currentPlace->address->zip = $jardin['zipcode']; $currentPlace->address->city = "Paris"; $currentPlace->address->country = "France"; $currentPlace->contact->opening = "http://parcsetjardins.equipement.paris.fr/tousleshoraires"; $currentPlace->setTagOutdoor(); $cat = array("#GEOLOCALISATION", "GEOLOCALISATION#YAKDICO", "LOISIR", "LOISIR#ESPACEVERT"); $currentPlace->setYakCat($cat); $currentPlace->setZone("PARIS"); $res = $currentPlace->saveToMongoDB('', $debug, $updateFlag); foreach ($res as $k => $v) { if (isset($v)) { $results[$k] += $v; } } $results['parse']++; $results['row']++; $row++; } $currentPlace->prettyLog($results);
if ($data[2] == "Organisme d'Arts plastiques") { $cat[] = "CULTURE#EXPOSITION"; } else { if (preg_match("/archives/i", $data[20])) { $cat[] = "EDUCATION#ARCHIVE"; } } } } } } } } $currentPlace->setYakCat($cat); echo '<br><b>OK, lets insert:</b>' . $title; $res = $currentPlace->saveToMongoDB($queryGMAP, $debug, $updateFlag); foreach ($res as $k => $v) { if (isset($v)) { $results[$k] += $v; } } $results['parse']++; } $results['row']++; $row++; } fclose($handle); } $currentPlace->prettyLog($results); ?> </body>
$currentPlace->licence = $licence; $currentPlace->formatted_address = $Org_Commune . ", France,"; $currentPlace->setLocation($latitude, $longitude); $currentPlace->status = 1; $currentPlace->zone = 15; $currentPlace->address->city = $Org_Commune; $currentPlace->address->area = "Bretagne"; $currentPlace->address->country = "France"; $currentPlace->address->zip = $Org_Commune_cp; $currentPlace->setYakCat($cat); $currentPlace->outGoingLink = $Site_Internet; $currentPlace->access = 2; $currentPlace->contact->web = $Site_Internet; $currentPlace->user = 0; $currentPlace->filesourceId = '50e42ac09bab884612000000'; $newPlace = $currentPlace->saveToMongoDB('', 1, $updateFlag); //info except info->eventDate since it needs arrays and conditions echo '<br><b>PLACE:</b> <br>'; var_dump($newPlace); $datpar = $Date[3]['annee'] . "-" . $Date[3]['mois'] . "-" . $Date[3]['jour']; //print_r($info); //print_r($eventDate); $info->status = 1; $info->title = $Titre; if ($Corps_Debut != "" || $Corps_Descriptif != "" || $Corps_Finorps != "") { $info->content = $Corps_Debut . " " . $Corps_Descriptif . " " . $Corps_Fin; } $info->heat = 80; $info->location->lat = $latitude; $info->location->lng = $longitude; $info->originLink = $originLink;