Exemple #1
 public static function &getInstance()
     if (empty(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
 public function __construct()
      * If no title is set, create a generic title based off of the view's name.
     if (empty($this->view->title)) {
         $title = ucwords($this->front->getView());
         Pixelpost_Plugin::executeFilter('filter_title', $title);
         $this->view->title = $title;
Exemple #3
 * Initialize Page
$front = Model_Front::getInstance();
 * Initialize Timezone
if (!empty($config->timezone)) {
$config->current_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
 * Initialize Plugin Hooks
 * Helper Functions
 * Turn register globals off.
 * @return null Will return null if register_globals PHP directive was disabled
function unregister_globals()
    if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS'])) {
        die('GLOBALS overwrite attempt detected');
 public function __destruct()
      * Run the default site-wide filters
      * Make a copy of the options we are going to filter, 
      * to make sure that the filters only change the view, not the actual config.
     $site_name = $this->config->site_name;
     $site_description = $this->config->site_description;
     Pixelpost_Plugin::executeFilter('filter_site_name', $site_name);
     Pixelpost_Plugin::executeFilter('filter_site_description', $site_description);
     $this->view->site_name = $site_name;
     $this->view->site_description = $site_description;
      * Load the view, either from the controller view, or from the template's view file
      * @todo this complex if statement should be moved to a method, or some place out of the way.
     if ($viewPath = $this->viewLoader()) {
         $this->content = $this->view->fetch($viewPath);
     } else {
          * No matching View exists, display a 404 error.
          * @todo Use a Ultralite specific Exception class
         throw new Pixelpost_Exception('File Not Found', 404);
     if (!is_null($this->content)) {
         $this->view->content = $this->content;
          * If no layout is specified, only show the view file
          * Otherwise load the view inside the layout.
         if (empty($this->layout)) {
             $result =& $this->content;
         } else {
             $result = $this->view->fetch(THMPATH . '/' . $this->config->theme . '/' . $this->layout);
 public function rssAction()
      * If this method is being auto-run by index(), 
      * we don't need to run it here.
     if ($this->feed_type == 'rss') {
      * Transmit the RSS feed using the XML content type
     @header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
      * Initialize the feed array
     $this->feed = array();
      * Feed Header Information
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['title'] = $this->config->site_name;
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['link'] = $this->config->url;
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['description'] = $this->config->site_description;
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['language'] = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($this->config->locale));
     if (isset($this->config->copyright)) {
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['copyright'] = $this->config->copyright;
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['pubDate'] = date(DATE_RSS, time());
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['generator'] = "Ultralite";
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:link'][0] = null;
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:link']['0_attr'] = array('rel' => 'self', 'type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'href' => $this->config->url . 'feed');
      * Feed Pagination - Next:
     if ($this->config->feed_pagination && Pixelpost_Uri::$page > 1) {
         // Add the current page to the rel=self link:
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:link']['0_attr']['href'] .= '/page/' . Pixelpost_Uri::$page;
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:link'][1] = null;
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:link']['1_attr'] = array('rel' => 'previous', 'href' => $this->config->url . 'feed');
         if (Pixelpost_Uri::$page - 1 != 1) {
             $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:link']['1_attr']['href'] .= '/page/' . (Pixelpost_Uri::$page - 1);
      * Feed Pagination - Previous:
     if ($this->config->feed_pagination && Pixelpost_Uri::$page < Pixelpost_Uri::$total_pages) {
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:link'][2] = null;
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:link']['2_attr'] = array('rel' => 'next', 'href' => $this->config->url . 'feed/page/' . (Pixelpost_Uri::$page + 1));
      * Include the feed icon, if it exists:
     if (file_exists(THMPATH . "/{$this->config->theme}/images/feed_icon.png")) {
         // $image = getimagesize(THMPATH."/{$this->config->theme}/images/feed_icon.png");
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['image']['title'] = $this->config->site_name;
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['image']['link'] = $this->config->url;
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['image']['url'] = "{$this->config->url}content/themes/{$this->config->theme}/images/feed_icon.png";
         // $this->feed['rss']['channel']['image']['width']  = $image[0];
         // $this->feed['rss']['channel']['image']['height'] = $image[1];
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['atom:icon'] = "{$this->config->url}content/themes/{$this->config->theme}/images/feed_icon.png";
      * Allow any plugins to add/remove tags from the <channel> section of the RSS feed:
     Pixelpost_Plugin::executeAction('hook_rss_channel', $this->feed['rss']['channel']);
      * Feed Items
     $this->feed['rss']['channel']['item'] = array();
     foreach ($this->posts as $id => $post) {
         $this->feed['rss']['channel']['item'][$id] = array('title' => $post->title, 'link' => $post->permalink, 'description' => "<p><a href=\"{$post->permalink}\"><img src=\"{$post->uri}\" alt=\"{$post->title}\" width=\"{$post->width}\" height=\"{$post->height}\" /></a></p>{$post->description}", 'pubDate' => date(DATE_RSS, strtotime($post->published)), 'guid' => $post->permalink);
          * Allow any plugins to add/remove tags from each of the <item> tags in the RSS feed:
         Pixelpost_Plugin::executeAction('hook_rss_item', $this->feed['rss']['channel']['item'][$id], $post);
      * Feed Attributes and Namespaces
     $this->feed['rss_attr'] = array('version' => '2.0', 'xmlns:dc' => 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', 'xmlns:atom' => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom');
      * Allow any plugins to add/remove tags from the entire this->feed array:
     Pixelpost_Plugin::executeAction('hook_rss_feed', $this->feed);
      * Sent the Values out to the view
     $this->view->feed = $this->feed;
     $this->view->posts = $this->posts;