Exemple #1
 public function __call($method, $args)
     if (!self::$_object) {
         self::$_object = \Core\Event::trigger('lib_phpfox_cdn');
     if (is_object(self::$_object)) {
         return call_user_func_array([self::$_object, $method], $args);
Exemple #2
  * Displays an image on the site based on params passed
  * @param array $aParams Holds an ARRAY of params about the image
  * @return string Returns the HTML <image> or the full path to the image based on the params passed with the 1st argument
 public function display($aParams, $bIsLoop = false)
     static $aImages = array();
     // Create hash for cache
     $sHash = md5(serialize($aParams));
     // Return cached image
     if (isset($aImages[$sHash])) {
         return $aImages[$sHash];
     $bIsServer = !empty($aParams['server_id']) ? true : false;
     $isObject = false;
     if ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('image_helper_display_start')) {
         if (isset($mReturnPlugin)) {
             return $mReturnPlugin;
     if (isset($aParams['theme'])) {
         if (substr($aParams['theme'], 0, 5) == 'ajax/') {
             $type = str_replace(['ajax/', '.gif'], '', $aParams['theme']);
             // $image = '<span class="_ajax_image_' . $type . '"></span>';
             $image = '';
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'large':
                     $image = '<i class="fa fa-spin fa-circle-o-notch _ajax_image_' . $type . '"></i>';
             return $image;
         $sSrc = Phpfox_Template::instance()->getStyle('image', $aParams['theme']);
         return '<img src="' . $sSrc . '">';
     if (isset($aParams['max_height']) && !is_numeric($aParams['max_height'])) {
         $aParams['max_height'] = Phpfox::getParam($aParams['max_height']);
     if (isset($aParams['max_width']) && !is_numeric($aParams['max_width'])) {
         $aParams['max_width'] = Phpfox::getParam($aParams['max_width']);
     // Check if this is a users profile image
     $bIsOnline = false;
     $sSuffix = '';
     if (isset($aParams['user'])) {
         if (isset($aParams['user_suffix'])) {
             $sSuffix = $aParams['user_suffix'];
         // Create the local params
         $aParams['server_id'] = isset($aParams['user']['user_' . $sSuffix . 'server_id']) ? $aParams['user']['user_' . $sSuffix . 'server_id'] : (isset($aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'server_id']) ? $aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'server_id'] : '');
         $aParams['file'] = $aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'user_image'];
         $aParams['path'] = 'core.url_user';
         if (isset($aParams['user']['' . $sSuffix . 'is_user_page'])) {
             $aParams['path'] = 'pages.url_image';
             $aParams['suffix'] = '_120';
         $aParams['title'] = $bIsOnline ? Phpfox::getPhrase('core.full_name_is_online', array('full_name' => Phpfox::getLib('parse.output')->shorten($aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'full_name'], Phpfox::getParam('user.maximum_length_for_full_name')))) : Phpfox::getLib('parse.output')->shorten($aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'full_name'], Phpfox::getParam('user.maximum_length_for_full_name'));
         // Create the users link
         if (!empty($aParams['user']['profile_page_id']) && !empty($aParams['user']['page_id'])) {
             if (empty($aParams['user']['user_name'])) {
                 $sLink = Phpfox_Url::instance()->makeUrl('pages', $aParams['user']['page_id']);
         } else {
             $sLink = Phpfox_Url::instance()->makeUrl('profile', $aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'user_name']);
         if (Phpfox::getParam('user.prevent_profile_photo_cache') && isset($aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'user_id']) && $aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'user_id'] == Phpfox::getUserId()) {
             $aParams['time_stamp'] = true;
         if (Phpfox::getCookie('recache_image') && isset($aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'user_id']) && $aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'user_id'] == Phpfox::getUserId()) {
             $aParams['time_stamp'] = true;
         if (substr($aParams['file'], 0, 1) == '{') {
             $isObject = true;
             $aParams['org_file'] = $aParams['file'];
     if (empty($aParams['file'])) {
         if (isset($aParams['return_url']) && $aParams['return_url']) {
         	return '';
         $iWidth = 80;
         $iHeight = 70;
         if (isset($aParams['path']) && ($aParams['path'] == 'core.url_user' || $aParams['path'] == 'pages.url_image')) {
             static $aGenders = null;
             if ($aGenders === null) {
                 $aGenders = array();
                 foreach ((array) Phpfox::getParam('core.global_genders') as $iKey => $aGender) {
                     if (isset($aGender[3])) {
                         $aGenders[$iKey] = $aGender[3];
             $sGender = '';
             if (isset($aParams['user']) && isset($aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'gender'])) {
                 if (isset($aGenders[$aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'gender']])) {
                     $sGender = $aGenders[$aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'gender']] . '_';
             $sImageSuffix = '';
             if (!empty($aParams['suffix'])) {
                 $aParams['suffix'] = str_replace('_square', '', $aParams['suffix']);
                 $iHeight = ltrim($aParams['suffix'], '_');
                 $iWidth = ltrim($aParams['suffix'], '_');
                 if ((int) $iWidth >= 200) {
                     // $sSrc .= '_noimage';
                 } else {
                     $sImageSuffix = $aParams['suffix'];
             // $sSrc = Phpfox_Template::instance()->getStyle('image', 'noimage/' . $sGender . 'profile' . $sImageSuffix . '.png');
             $sImageSize = $sImageSuffix;
             // if (isset($aParams['user'])) {
             $name = isset($aParams['user']) ? $aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'full_name'] : (isset($aParams['title']) ? $aParams['title'] : '');
             if (function_exists('iconv')) {
                 setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8');
                 $name = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $name);
             $parts = explode(' ', $name);
             $first = '';
             $last = '';
             if (strlen($name) > 2) {
                 $first = $name[0];
                 $last = $name[1];
                 if (isset($parts[1])) {
                     $last = $parts[1][0];
             if (isset($aParams['max_width'])) {
                 $sImageSize = '_' . $aParams['max_width'];
             $ele = 'a';
             if (isset($aParams['no_link']) || !isset($sLink) || isset($aParams['user']) && isset($aParams['user'][$sSuffix . 'no_link'])) {
                 $ele = 'span';
             $image = '<' . $ele . '' . ($ele == 'a' ? ' href="' . $sLink . '"' : '') . ' class="no_image_user _size_' . $sImageSize . ' _gender_' . $sGender . ' _first_' . strtolower($first . $last) . '"><span>' . $first . $last . '</span></' . $ele . '>';
             return $image;
             // }
         } else {
             $ele = 'span';
             $sImageSize = '';
             if (isset($aParams['suffix'])) {
                 $sImageSize = $aParams['suffix'];
             if (isset($aParams['max_width'])) {
                 $sImageSize = $aParams['max_width'];
             $image = '<' . $ele . ' class="no_image_item i_size_' . $sImageSize . '"><span></span></' . $ele . '>';
             return $image;
         $bIsValid = false;
     if (isset($aParams['no_link']) && $aParams['no_link']) {
     $aParams['file'] = preg_replace('/%[^s]/', '%%', $aParams['file']);
     $sSrc = Phpfox::getParam($aParams['path']) . sprintf($aParams['file'], isset($aParams['suffix']) ? $aParams['suffix'] : '');
     $sDirSrc = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), PHPFOX_DIR, $sSrc);
     if (isset($aParams['server_id']) && $aParams['server_id']) {
         $newPath = Phpfox_Cdn::instance()->getUrl($sSrc);
         if (!empty($newPath)) {
             $sSrc = $newPath;
     if (!file_exists($sDirSrc)) {
         $aParams['file'] = '';
     // Windows slash fix
     $sSrc = str_replace("\\", '/', $sSrc);
     $sSrc = str_replace("\"", '\'', $sSrc);
     if (isset($aParams['return_url']) && $aParams['return_url']) {
         return $sSrc . (isset($aParams['time_stamp']) ? '?t=' . uniqid() : '');
     if (isset($aParams['title'])) {
         $aParams['title'] = Phpfox::getLib('parse.output')->clean(html_entity_decode($aParams['title'], null, 'UTF-8'));
     $sImage = '';
     $sAlt = '';
     if (isset($aParams['alt_phrase'])) {
         $sAlt = html_entity_decode(Phpfox::getPhrase($aParams['alt_phrase']), null, 'UTF-8');
     if (isset($aParams['class']) && $aParams['class'] == 'js_hover_title') {
         $aParams['title'] = Phpfox::getLib('parse.output')->shorten($aParams['title'], 100, '...');
     if (isset($sLink)) {
         $sImage .= '<a href="' . $sLink;
         if (isset($aParams['thickbox']) && isset($aParams['time_stamp'])) {
             $sImage .= '?t=' . uniqid();
         $sImage .= '"';
         if (isset($aParams['title'])) {
             $sImage .= ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($aParams['title']) . '"';
         if (isset($aParams['thickbox'])) {
             $sImage .= ' class="thickbox"';
         if (isset($aParams['target'])) {
             $sImage .= ' target="' . $aParams['target'] . '"';
         $sImage .= '>';
     $bDefer = true;
     $sImage .= '<img';
     if ($bDefer == true) {
         if ($isObject) {
             $object = json_decode($aParams['org_file'], true);
             $sSrc = array_values($object)[0];
             $sImage .= ' data-object="' . array_keys($object)[0] . '" ';
             // ob_clean(); d($sSrc); exit;
         $size = isset($aParams['suffix']) ? $aParams['suffix'] : '';
         if (isset($aParams['max_width'])) {
             $size = $aParams['max_width'];
         $aParams['class'] = ' _image_' . $size . ' ' . ($isObject ? 'image_object' : 'image_deferred') . ' ' . (isset($aParams['class']) ? ' ' . $aParams['class'] : '');
         $sImage .= ' data-src="' . $sSrc . (isset($aParams['time_stamp']) ? '?t=' . uniqid() : '') . '" src="" ';
     } else {
         $sImage .= ' src="' . $sSrc . (isset($aParams['time_stamp']) ? '?t=' . uniqid() : '') . '" ';
     if (isset($aParams['title'])) {
         $sImage .= ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($aParams['title']) . '" ';
     } else {
         $sImage .= ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($sAlt) . '" ';
     if (isset($aParams['js_hover_title'])) {
         $sImage .= ' class="js_hover_title" ';
     if (isset($aParams['force_max'])) {
         $iHeight = $aParams['max_height'];
         $iWidth = $aParams['max_width'];
     if (!empty($iHeight)) {
         $sImage .= 'height="' . $iHeight . '" ';
     if (!empty($iWidth)) {
         $sImage .= 'width="' . $iWidth . '" ';
     unset($aParams['server_id'], $aParams['force_max'], $aParams['org_file'], $aParams['src'], $aParams['max_height'], $aParams['max_width'], $aParams['href'], $aParams['user_name'], $aParams['file'], $aParams['suffix'], $aParams['path'], $aParams['thickbox'], $aParams['no_default'], $aParams['full_name'], $aParams['user_id'], $aParams['time_stamp'], $aParams['user'], $aParams['title'], $aParams['theme'], $aParams['default'], $aParams['user_suffix'], $aParams['target'], $aParams['alt']);
     foreach ($aParams as $sKey => $sValue) {
         $sImage .= ' ' . $sKey . '="' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $sValue) . '" ';
     $sImage .= '/>' . (isset($sLink) ? '</a>' : '');
     $aImages[$sHash] = $sImage;
     return $sImage;