public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setExtClassInfo("Ext.form.DateField", "datefield"); $validProps = array("altFormats", "autoCreate", "disabledDates", "disabledDatesText", "disabledDays", "disabledDaysText", "format", "invalidText", "maxText", "maxValue", "minText", "minValue", "triggerClass"); $this->addValidConfigProperties($validProps); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setExtClassInfo("Ext.form.ComboBox", "combo"); $validProps = array("allQuery", "autoCreate", "displayField", "editable", "forceSelection", "handleHeight", "hiddenName", "lazyInit", "lazyRender", "listAlign", "listClass", "listWidth", "loadingText", "maxHeight", "minChars", "minListWidth", "mode", "pageSize", "queryDelay", "queryParam", "resizable", "selectOnFocus", "selectedClass", "shadow", "store", "title", "tpl", "transform", "triggerAction", "triggerClass", "typeAhead", "typeAheadDelay", "valueField", "valueNotFoundText", "itemSelector", "multiSelect", "overClass", "simpleSelect", "singleSelect"); $this->addValidConfigProperties($validProps); }
public function getJavascript($lazy = false, $varName = null) { return parent::getJavascript(false, $varName); }
/** * Helper function to create a TriggerField. Useful for quick adding it to a ComponentCollection * * @param string $name The field's HTML name attribute. * @param string $label The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') * @param string $id The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id). * @return PhpExt_Form_TriggerField */ public static function createTriggerField($name, $label = null, $id = null) { $c = new PhpExt_Form_TriggerField(); $c->setName($name); if ($label !== null) { $c->setFieldLabel($label); } if ($id !== null) { $c->setId($id); } return $c; }