Exemple #1
 function getOrCreateThumbnail($orig_path, $file_no, $refresh_url, $small = 0, $medium = 0, $large = 0, $frontUpload = 0)
     if ($frontUpload) {
         $returnFrontMessage = '';
     $onlyThumbnailInfo = 0;
     if ($small == 0 && $medium == 0 && $large == 0) {
         $onlyThumbnailInfo = 1;
     $path = PhocaGalleryHelper::getPathSet();
     $orig_path_server = str_replace(DS, '/', $path['orig_abs'] . '/');
     $file['name'] = PhocaGalleryHelper::getTitleFromFilenameWithExt($file_no);
     $file['path_with_name'] = str_replace(DS, '/', JPath::clean($orig_path . DS . $file_no));
     $file['path_with_name_relative'] = $path['orig_rel_ds'] . str_replace($orig_path_server, '', $file['path_with_name']);
     $file['path_with_name_relative_no'] = str_replace($orig_path_server, '', $file['path_with_name']);
     $file['path_without_name'] = str_replace(DS, '/', JPath::clean($orig_path . DS));
     $file['path_without_name_relative'] = $path['orig_rel_ds'] . str_replace($orig_path_server, '', $file['path_without_name']);
     $file['path_without_name_relative_no'] = str_replace($orig_path_server, '', $file['path_without_name']);
     $file['path_without_name_thumbs'] = $file['path_without_name'] . 'thumbs';
     $file['path_without_name_no'] = str_replace($file['name'], '', $file['path_with_name']);
     $file['path_without_name_thumbs_no'] = str_replace($file['name'], '', $file['path_with_name'] . 'thumbs');
     $ext = strtolower(JFile::getExt($file['name']));
     switch ($ext) {
         case 'jpg':
         case 'png':
         case 'gif':
         case 'jpeg':
             //Get File thumbnails name
             $thumbnail_file_s = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($file_no, 'small');
             $file['thumb_name_s_no_abs'] = $thumbnail_file_s['abs'];
             $file['thumb_name_s_no_rel'] = $thumbnail_file_s['rel'];
             //$file['thumb_name_s_no']= str_replace($file['name'], 'thumbs/' . $file['thumb_name_s'], $file_no);
             $thumbnail_file_m = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($file_no, 'medium');
             $file['thumb_name_m_no_abs'] = $thumbnail_file_m['abs'];
             $file['thumb_name_m_no_rel'] = $thumbnail_file_m['rel'];
             //$file['thumb_name_m_no']= str_replace($file['name'], 'thumbs/' . $file['thumb_name_m'], $file_no);
             $thumbnail_file_l = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($file_no, 'large');
             $file['thumb_name_l_no_abs'] = $thumbnail_file_l['abs'];
             $file['thumb_name_l_no_rel'] = $thumbnail_file_l['rel'];
             //$file['thumb_name_l_no']= str_replace($file['name'], 'thumbs/' . $file['thumb_name_l'], $file_no);
             // Don't create thumbnails from watermarks...
             $dontCreateThumb = PhocaGalleryHelper::dontCreateThumb($file['name']);
             if ($dontCreateThumb == 1) {
                 $onlyThumbnailInfo = 1;
                 // WE USE $onlyThumbnailInfo FOR NOT CREATE A THUMBNAIL CLAUSE
             // We want only information from the pictures OR
             if ($onlyThumbnailInfo == 0) {
                 //Create thumbnail folder if not exists
                 $creatingFolder = "ErrorCreatingFolder";
                 $creatingFolder = PhocaGalleryHelper::createFolderThumbnail($file['path_without_name_no'], $file['path_without_name_thumbs_no'] . '/');
                 $thumbInfo = $file_no;
                 switch ($creatingFolder) {
                     case 'Success':
                         //case 'ThumbnailExists':
                     //case 'ThumbnailExists':
                     case 'DisabledThumbCreation':
                         //case 'OnlyInformation':
                         // BACKEND OR FRONTEND
                         if ($frontUpload != 1) {
                             PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url, $creatingFolder, $frontUpload);
                         } else {
                             $returnFrontMessage = $creatingFolder;
                 // Folder must exist
                 if (JFolder::exists($file['path_without_name_thumbs_no'])) {
                     //There are a lot of photos, please create thumbnails
                     //Small thumbnail
                     if ($small == 1) {
                         $creatingS = PhocaGalleryHelper::createFileThumbnail($file['path_with_name'], $file['thumb_name_s_no_abs'], 'small', $frontUpload);
                     } else {
                         $creatingS = 'ThumbnailExists';
                         // in case we only need medium or large, because of if clause bellow
                     //Medium thumbnail
                     if ($medium == 1) {
                         $creatingM = PhocaGalleryHelper::createFileThumbnail($file['path_with_name'], $file['thumb_name_m_no_abs'], 'medium', $frontUpload);
                     } else {
                         $creatingM = 'ThumbnailExists';
                         // in case we only need small or large, because of if clause bellow
                     //Large thumbnail
                     if ($large == 1) {
                         $creatingL = PhocaGalleryHelper::createFileThumbnail($file['path_with_name'], $file['thumb_name_l_no_abs'], 'large', $frontUpload);
                     } else {
                         $creatingL = 'ThumbnailExists';
                         // in case we only need small or medium, because of if clause bellow
                     // Error messages for all 3 thumbnails (if the message contains error string, we got error
                     // Other strings can be:
                     // - ThumbnailExists  - do not display error message nor success page
                     // - OnlyInformation - do not display error message nor success page
                     // - DisabledThumbCreation - do not display error message nor success page
                     $creatingSError = false;
                     $creatingMError = false;
                     $creatingLError = false;
                     $creatingSError = preg_match("/Error/i", $creatingS);
                     $creatingMError = preg_match("/Error/i", $creatingM);
                     $creatingLError = preg_match("/Error/i", $creatingL);
                     // BACKEND OR FRONTEND
                     if ($frontUpload != 1) {
                         // There is an error while creating thumbnail in m or in s or in l
                         if ($creatingSError || $creatingMError || $creatingLError) {
                             if ($creatingSError) {
                                 $creatingError = $creatingS;
                             if ($creatingMError) {
                                 $creatingError = $creatingM;
                             if ($creatingLError) {
                                 $creatingError = $creatingL;
                                 // if all or two errors appear, we only display the last error message
                             // because the errors in this case is the same
                             PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url, $creatingError);
                         } else {
                             if ($creatingS == 'Success' && $creatingM == 'Success' && $creatingL == 'Success') {
                                 PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url);
                             } else {
                                 if ($creatingS == 'Success' && $creatingM == 'Success' && $creatingL == 'ThumbnailExists') {
                                     PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($creatingS == 'Success' && $creatingM == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingL == 'ThumbnailExists') {
                                         PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($creatingS == 'Success' && $creatingM == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingL == 'Success') {
                                             PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($creatingS == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingM == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingL == 'Success') {
                                                 PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($creatingS == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingM == 'Success' && $creatingL == 'Success') {
                                                     PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url);
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($creatingS == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingM == 'Success' && $creatingL == 'ThumbnailExists') {
                                                         PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage($file['name'], $thumbInfo, $refresh_url);
                     } else {
                         // There is an error while creating thumbnail in m or in s or in l
                         if ($creatingSError || $creatingMError || $creatingLError) {
                             if ($creatingSError) {
                                 $creatingError = $creatingS;
                             if ($creatingMError) {
                                 $creatingError = $creatingM;
                             if ($creatingLError) {
                                 $creatingError = $creatingL;
                                 // if all or two errors appear, we only display the last error message
                             // because the errors in this case is the same
                             $returnFrontMessage = $creatingError;
                         } else {
                             if ($creatingS == 'Success' && $creatingM == 'Success' && $creatingL == 'Success') {
                                 $returnFrontMessage = 'Success';
                             } else {
                                 if ($creatingS == 'Success' && $creatingM == 'Success' && $creatingL == 'ThumbnailExists') {
                                     $returnFrontMessage = 'Success';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($creatingS == 'Success' && $creatingM == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingL == 'ThumbnailExists') {
                                         $returnFrontMessage = 'Success';
                                     } else {
                                         if ($creatingS == 'Success' && $creatingM == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingL == 'Success') {
                                             $returnFrontMessage = 'Success';
                                         } else {
                                             if ($creatingS == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingM == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingL == 'Success') {
                                                 $returnFrontMessage = 'Success';
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($creatingS == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingM == 'Success' && $creatingL == 'Success') {
                                                     $returnFrontMessage = 'Success';
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($creatingS == 'ThumbnailExists' && $creatingM == 'Success' && $creatingL == 'ThumbnailExists') {
                                                         $returnFrontMessage = 'Success';
                     if ($frontUpload == 1) {
                         return $returnFrontMessage;
                     // Old Error handling (not for all thumbs)
                     //Refresh the site after creating thumbnails - we can do e.g. 100 thumbanails
                     /*	switch ($creating)
                     				case 'Success':
                     					PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage( $file['name'], $refresh_url);
                     				case 'ThumbnailExists':
                     				case 'DisabledThumbCreation':
                     				case 'OnlyInformation':
                     					PhocaGalleryHelper::getProcessPage( $file['name'], $refresh_url, $creating);
     return $file;