
$system = new \Phastlight\System();
$timer = $system->import("timer");
$count = 0;
$intervalId = $timer->setInterval(function ($word) use(&$count, &$intervalId, $timer) {
    if ($count <= 3) {
        echo $count . ":" . $word . "\n";
    } else {
}, 1000, "world");

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
$system = new \Phastlight\System();
$console = $system->import("console");
$http = $system->import("http");
$http->createServer(function ($req, $res) {
    $res->writeHead(200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
    $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
    $response = Response::create("<h1>Hello World</h1>");
})->listen(1337, '');
$console->log('Server running at');

$system = new \Phastlight\System();
$console = $system->import("console");
$process = $system->import("process");
$count = 0;
$sum = 0;
$system->method("sumFromOneToOneHundred", function () use($system, &$count, &$sum) {
    $console = $system->import("console");
    //use the console module
    if ($count <= 100000) {
        $sum += $count;
        $process = $system->import("process");
        //use the process module
        $process->nextTick(array($system, "sumFromOneToOneHundred"));
    } else {
        $console->log("Sum is {$sum}");
$console->log("Start Computing Sum From 1 to 100000...");

$system = new \Phastlight\System();
$net = $system->import("net");
$client = $net->connect(array('host' => '', 'port' => 6379));
$client->on('connect', function () use(&$client) {
    print "connected to redis server, sending key value over...\n";
    $crlf = "\r\n";
    $client->write("SET mykey myvalue234{$crlf}");
    //we can set the value of a key in one simple command over tcp
    $client->write("GET mykey{$crlf}");
    //we can set the value of a key in one simple command over tcp
$client->on('data', function ($data) use(&$client) {

$system = new \Phastlight\System();
$cpu_info = $system->import("os")->getCPUInfo();
$num_of_cpus = count($cpu_info);
print $num_of_cpus . "\n";

$system = new \Phastlight\System();
$cluster = $system->import("cluster");
$cluster->fork(function ($worker) {
    echo "This is worker " . $worker->getProcess()->getPid() . "\n";
    $worker->on("close", function ($signal) use(&$worker) {
        echo "Worker " . $worker->getProcess()->getPid() . " is closed now with signal: {$signal}\n";
    for (;;) {
}, 5);
$workers = $cluster->getAllWorkers();
foreach ($workers as $pid => $woker) {
    print "forked worker with pid: " . $pid . "\n";